For Your Own Good We Are Doing This


It seems the democratic philosophy of reading the bills after they’re passed, lives on in our mis-representative government. But this isn’t over, they’ve already made up their minds to pass this anyway, they just want to get their language straight.

Cesspool and septic tanks owners would be charged a new fee to pay for water quality monitoring, under a bill moving through the state Legislature that’s part of Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s “New Day” plan.

House Bill 903 assesses an unspecified “reasonable” fee on owners of individual wastewater systems that would go into a new water pollution control account to pay for Department of Health staff to monitor discharges and enforce permits and management plans. Individual wastewater systems are defined as cesspools, septic tanks, aerobic treatment units and any collection systems not connected to a sewer.

With no scientific evidence to back up the States claim that septic tanks and cesspools are causing damage to coral reefs, the State has sided with communists environmental groups in punishing those not hooked up to sewer systems.  The state approved the use of cesspools and septic tanks. The county approved the development of large subdivisions with very small lot sizes to have cesspools and septic tanks. The county did not install a public sewer system for large subdivisions.  This is all about revenue generation by a socialist government.

“Individual wastewater systems, such as cesspools and septic systems, pollute the public’s surface waters and groundwater, and pose a threat to public health and safety,” said Health Director Loretta Fuddy in testimony. “Since individual wastewater systems are not connected to a sewer system, owners of individual wastewater systems do not pay the substantial fees charged to those who are served by sewers that treat and mitigate wastewater pollution.”

This is just another wealth redistribution scheme by socialist politicians to generate new income for the State.  It would be virtually impossible to install sewer systems for every lot owner on an island that is primarily made up of volcanic rock.  We don’t even have public water systems; we have rain water catchment systems.  Will the State start to charge catchment owners with a rain fee?

Not that there are subdivisions that have cesspools that are along oceanfront property that could be contributing to a pollution problem.  Hotels and resort areas that are along oceanfront locations are already required to use either septic or sewer systems. That homeowner lots should be address separately.   Other lot owners, like me, are 5 miles away from the ocean and at a 500ft elevation; my cesspool is hardly draining either into the ocean, or into the ground water.  The Hawaiian Islands are made up of volcanic rock, which is very porous.  Farms use pesticides and fertilizers, is the State going to add an agriculture tax to farmers?  Food is already expensive here on these Islands.  So I wouldn’t trust the State with its current socialist government from trying to invent an environmental crisis just to add another tax to property owners.

Hawai’i council members have adopted the Mayor Bloomberg approach, “we’re doing this for your own good”.  Just like the plastic bag ban that was rammed down the people’s throat by Hawai’i council idiots Pete Hoffman and Brenda Ford, this is a done deal. Your only hope to stop this abuse of government is to demonstrate like what was done on the PLDC fiasco, and vote these clowns out of office.

No sooner than they proposed this idiotic law, they flushed it.  After Hawai’i Island residents raised a stink about it.  But what’s worse is that some didn’t even read the bill:

State Sen. Gil Kahele, D-Hilo, who had originally voted for the bill, said he asked committee leadership to reconsider after he learned there was more to the bill than first thought. He said he received a couple of emails about the bill, and he also talked to Kenoi.

“I took a closer look at the bill. The part about cesspools and septic tanks was kind of buried in the bill,” Kahele said. “Bills come across our desk quickly and sometimes we miss things.”

Really?!?  You miss things?!? Apparently Ol’Gil isn’t up for the job!  What the hell are we paying you for if you’re not up to doing your job?  As I mentioned, the environmentalist haven’t given this up.

Sen. Russell Ruderman, D-Puna, said he also received emails. An environmentalist, Ruderman had voted for the bill, and he said he still thinks it’s a good idea “in my heart.”

“Ninety-nine percent of the emails I received were in opposition. It would have been a dilemma for me, but I would have had to vote with my constituents,” Ruderman said. “I hope it comes back up next year in a way that soothes people’s fears.”

That statement should tell you everything you need to know.  They are going to bring this back up, hide it in some new law, and then feign ignorance.  This is the way of democrats; they are all socialists, communists and crooks.  All they want is to squeeze more money from the people.  Then they’ll all give themselves a huge raise with all that money they robbed from the people.

The bill’s author, Gov. Neil “Crusty the Clown” Abercrombie, was a part of his “New Day” plan.  More like New Nightmare, New Taxes, plan.  All Hawaii Island House members voted for the bill before it was sent to the Senate. In addition to Ruderman and Kahele, Sen. Josh Green, D-Kona, voted in favor of the bill in committees.  These idiots are only looking out for themselves at our expense.

C.S. Lewis said it best; these people are moral busybodies whose plan is to inflict more pain and suffering on the tax payers just so they can sleep at night knowing they saved the environment.  That haven’t saved anything, but they are just dreaming up new ways to rob people of their hard earned money.  Now they are making an unsubstantiated claim that cesspools and septic tanks are harming the coral reefs.  Where is the proof?  There is none!  They made it up to generate a new tax increase!

So desperate these corrupt politicians are that they will come up with another plan to try and steal your money.  In today’s Tribune Herald newspaper, there is a story about the county using aerial photos to see if people are building unpermitted structures on their property.  In effect, spying on the residents!  You are already guilty of doing something wrong in the eyes of the government!

This liberal logic is the same thinking that Barry the Bullshitter has been encouraging.  DHS already considers military veterans, Catholics, Christians, and anyone else they deem a threat to their regime.  This Cass Sunstein approach of nudging, more like shoving, the people into corrals by making life a little more difficult, just so the government can get its way.  If the government doesn’t like something, then the government starts taking away liberties.  The government does this to cause pain to the people.  They call it social engineering and it is expensive!

This is the logic of the left.  They mistrust everyone, and therefore they will look for new ways to steal your money.



What’s For Dinner?

crap sandwich