Don’t Read The Bill, Just Sign It


Don't read it, sign it!

You wouldn’t just sign anything without reading it first, right? Would you still sign the document even if you didn’t understand it?

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the emergency relief bill intended to help Americans in financial straits during the outbreak, passed the House on Saturday. But it’s not ready for the Senate. Republicans like Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) are concerned that they have not had a chance to read the bill in its entirety, and they are doubly concerned by the new “substantial changes” made to the legislation Sunday night. The congressman shared his concerns about the lack of transparency.

We’ve been down this road before. The rush to get something done now by our legislators often means stuff gets passed that is unrelated to the purpose of the legislation.

When I see Nazi Piglosi with all smiles saying we have a bill that will provide relief for American families, I cringe. There’s something in the bill that shouldn’t be there. Why else do the democrats want it passed before reading it. Anyone remember how Obamacare was passed?

I was right, the bill did have a loophole around the Hyde amendment to allow the government to use taxpayer monies for abortions. Think about this, a bill to save lives from a virus, but allows the slaughter of babies. Nazi Piglosi is a ghoul.

Still, the entire bill is being massaged with new language and no one knows what’s in the bill. They, Congress, is going to pass the bill anyway. Congress is signing our futures away. We keep hearing the phrase, “Out of abundance of caution”, you would think these elected buffoons would use caution to craft a bill that would address the needs over the pork.

The status quo in Congress is to pass legislation, and then read it later. Sort of like, shoot first and ask questions later. The subject is already dead. Is anyone held accountable? Nope, because most likely, they’ll be reelected again, and the process starts all over again.

What’s worse are when democrat State governors act like useless children unwilling to serve their people. They want the Federal government to do all the work, so they can sit back and criticize the President. Absolving themselves from any responsibility.

Fredo’s big brother, Crazy Eyes Cuomo, objected when President Trump said the States need to step up and not rely totally on the Federal government to meet their needs. During a conference call with governors to review response actions to the Wuhan virus epidemic, the President told the governors:

“Respirators, ventilators, and all of the equipment, try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

This wasn’t good enough for New York Governor Crazy Eyes Andrew Cuomo. He tweeted: “President Trump: Deploy the Army Corps of Engineers to build temporary medical facilities, so that when hospitals are overwhelmed, we can move people into the temporary facilities.
It’s only a matter of time before our state’s ICU beds fill up. The federal gov’t must act.”

President Trump tweeted: Just had a very good tele-conference with Nation’s Governors. Went very well. Cuomo of New York has to “do more”

Fredo’s brother went nonlinear and tweeted: “I have to do more? No! YOU have to do something! You’re supposed to be the President.”

Either Crazy Eyes Cuomo doesn’t know about the U.S. Constitution and the powers of States vs the power of the President, or Cuomo is abrogating his own responsibility as governor and trying to blame the federal government for the inability of his own administration.

It’s the Governor’s responsibility to manage their own State’s needs. How the Army Corp. of Engineers is going to help build ICU beds isn’t a Federal problem, it’s the States responsibility to build what’s necessary. New York has one of the highest State Taxes in the country. There is no evidence that New York won’t be able to manage on its own with some federal assistance. Crazy Eyes Cuomo hates President Trump. Cuomo is part of the #Resist bowel movement of leftist fascists that constantly blame the President for New York’s problems. It’s no wonder why people and businesses are leaving New York for more tax friendly States.

The democRats and the fake news media were hoping and praying for a recession. They might get what they wished for. However, it will not be the fault of President Trump. It will be the fault of the fake news media that is causing a panic. It will be the fault of the democrats that have spread misinformation about the Trump administration’s efforts to get ahead of the virus from spreading. Lets not forget how past Presidents handled deadly viruses.

The reason why the number of deaths due to the coronavirus is low in the United States is because of the decisions of President Trump. Start with the very beginning of the Trump administration. Incentives to bring American companies back to the States. Removing the dependency on China for critical medications and rare earth materials. Putting together a task force to coordinate with industry and medical professionals. Providing timely information to reassure the public. All that can be done is being done.

China is spreading a propaganda message that the virus came from America, and not China. We all know the virus came from China, and I believe it was either deliberately or accidentally released from a biolab in Wuhan. The misinformation propaganda has the American fake news media agreeing with their Communist Chinese master.

The media was calling the coronavirus, the “Wuhan Virus”, then all of a sudden, the media says it’s racist to call it the Wuhan Virus. Isn’t that a coinkydink. Whose side is the fake new media on? Not on our side. They’ve getting their marching order from Communist China. The fake news media is censoring stories. Agreeing with the Communist Chinese propaganda. Even Fox News is now terminating their best talent for  speaking the truth.

Think about this. There are three States with Wuhan virus hot spots. Washington State, Kalifornia, and New York. What’s the common denominator? They all are run by hard left socialist democrats. They have a huge homeless problem. People are allowed to sleep on the streets. People are allowed to defecate in the streets and do drugs. It’s a perfect petri dish for fast acceleration of several deadly viruses.

Why isn’t the fake news media covering that?



Our weather for today was mostly sunny. Now that the evening hours are here, the clouds have moved in and it’s been drizzling. It’s still muggy with humidity at 81%. Temperatures were in the upper 70’s and are now in the low 70’s. The cloud cover will keep the island warm, but the down side the ISS won’t be visible tonight. It’s scheduled to pass over the island at 7:30PM HST.


Kēia Ka Lā ʻUmi Kūmāono, Malaki


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