A Liberal Education

Kula Kumu, it means teachers school.  There’s a new movie coming out called “Waiting for Superman“.  It involves and outlines what is wrong with the Education System in America.  Why are schools failing our children?  Are bad teachers being kept in the system, because they are protected.  And if you are a good teacher, why are you not recognized for your success?

Nothing against teachers as a whole organization, but you must admit, you people have a problem.  Your Unions are destroying your future and your children’s future.  Your neighbors children, your relatives children, are all at risk of not having the skills to enter the world.  The skills to make them successful.  The knowledge to innovate, communicate, and to provide.

For anyone, that has children in the school system, please watch this, and learn.

BG – John Nolte

Again, this is not against Teacher, but the Unions that keep Bad Teachers in the system.  The Unions are destroying your credibility to be Professional Educators.  Your education, in your field of expertise, is being challenged.   Your dedication, to the success of your career, is being chiseled away.  You pay into a system that has you locked into future  of entitlement.  No self reliance.

No Relevance either.  Vouchers, Home Schooling, and Private Learning Institutions are cleaning your chalk board.  Your Unions are sucking at your wallet and what are you getting for it?  The promise of a pension and health care for life?  Are you  looking at the funnel?  The funnel of dwindling support?

BG – Kyle Olsen

There is Teaching, and there is Indoctrination

What’s For Dinner?

Teach A Person To Fish

It’s Easier to Fix a Child, Than A Broken Adult


The Last Best Hope

Some people continue to question whether Obama is a Socialist.  Maybe even a Communist.  If you really want to know if Obama is a Marxist, then ask a communist what they think.

H/T New Zeal




What’s for Dinner?

Rack of Lamb with Asparagus and Garlic Mashed Potato’s



Teachers Unions

The Product Result


Getting your money’s worth?


H/T Michele Malkin




What’s For Dinner?

A Good Idea, To Look Home

Defying the Laws of Political Gravity

The election of Tea Party Unknowns is extremely interesting.  Alas, Refreshing.  Long Overdue.  Leaderless, and Spontaneous.  A mass of “We The People” has risen.  We see the erosion of American Exceptionalism.  We see the future of out of control government spending, as would anyone that lives within a budget could see.  We see the forces within government that would print money recklessly, and throw it at causes that make no sense.  If by sense, political cronyism.  Greasing the palms of the Public Unions.

AFL-CIO Boss on Obamacare:

‘We Drove it Down the Republican’s Throat’

Actually, you drove it down the American People’s Throat.  Everybody in America will be strapped with the debt of paying for everyone else’s health care, like it or not.  Except for the Unions.

The union carve-out is perhaps the most egregious example of special-interest pandering, but doubtless other side deals are being cut as well.

Richard (Dick) Trumka

The Face of the Union Mafia

Kneecapping America.  That’s the Union Way.  That’s the Union Label.

Proud of yourself, are you?


The attempt to define the Tea Party, and to identify the leader of the Tea Party, is a puzzle for political pundits on both sides.  The Tea Party goes against the rules of the establishment.  We are told by the Republican Gurus that certain candidates are “Unelectable”, “Kookie”, and will lose.  We are told to “Hold your Nose and Vote for the Republican In Name Only“, because they, The RINO, has a better chance on winning the elections, than the unknown candidate.  Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer, could not be more WRONG!

I’d rather lose by fighting to win, rather than being told who to vote for.  Opinions are like anuses, everybody’s got one.  So now, instead of flatulenting in the wind, and supporting a pretension, empty and inflated, hand picked by the intellectuals, candidates that would not, does not, support our values.  We’re going off the reservation and making our own decisions.  And we will defend our choice, to the bitter end.

Even the deliberate and open Racism of the NAACP, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, would charge the N-Word of Racism against the Tea Party.  See for yourself the face of the Tea Party, or at least, Freedom loving people.

Tea Party critics, on both sides, don’t seem to get what’s happening in America during this election cycle.  It’s a wave never seen before in American Politics.  History is playing out before our eyes, and it’s important that History is written, accurately, and Remembered!

Where else in political history has a person like Sarah Palin, endorsed so many Tea Party Candidates, and WON!

Allen West

The Voice of Freedom

Voices are being heard.  People are speaking out.  People are standing up.  People are gathering.  The Armies of Freedom are sharpening their vision.  The goal is simple.  Limited Government, Reduced Spending.

This is Who the Tea Party ARE


What’s for Dinner?

Phat Thai


Tax Cuts

The Obama case for raising taxes on the rich, is an attack against the American economy.  All sectors of the economy will be effected by this effort by Obama to punish success.  However, where Unions are involved, the Obama deems them “Too Big To Fail”.  Take the automotive industry, the General Motors bailout.  The people that benefited from that colossal act of stupidity were the Unions.  The people that were screwed by the Obama, were the stock holders.  So, if you had General Motors in your 401K, your IRA, and a individual stock holder, you lost money.  The Obama stole it from you.  Unions are in lock step with the Obama and they want your money.  Particularly, Public Unions are some of the most greediest of all Unions.

The Obama and Democrats argument is that the Rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes.  However, looking at the Congressional Budget Office data on entire incomes Americans that pay taxes including Federal, Social, and Corporate; the picture begins to open to tax reality.

The main findings: The overall effective federal tax rate (the ratio of federal taxes to household income) was 20.7 percent in 2006, with the highest quintile of American households paying 25.8 percent of their income in federal taxes.

Because higher-income groups earn a disproportionate share of pretax income and because tax rates rise with income, higher-income groups also pay a disproportionate share of federal taxes. In 2006, the top quintile of households earned 55.7 percent of pretax income and paid 69.3 percent of federal taxes, while the top 1 percent of households earned 18.8 percent of income and paid 28.3 percent of taxes.

Several times in United States History there have been efforts to lower taxes on All Americans, Personal and Corporate, while reducing Government Spending.  The result has been spectacular economic growth for both personal income and corporate income, and increased tax revenues to the government.  The opposite was true when taxes were raised: reducing job growth, personal income, reduced personal and corporate spending, resulting in declining tax revenues.

So when Obama brings in his Economic Czars, those in Academia that have never held a job, never started a business, never ran a corporation, school us on how the economy works, disaster soon follows.  The Tenure of Academia is insulated from the real world of business.  It operates on Economic Theory, not Economic Reality.

Back To School

This is Obama’s problem, he is also from Academia.  He has surrounded himself with Academia advisers, Czars, all from the school of theory, but with no real world application.  Not one of Obama’s advisers are real business owners, not one are experienced in how business works.  Instead, the Obama would treat business, success, and profit, as evil.  Along with the current crop of Socialist Marxist Democrats in Congress that tag along with Obama’s plan to change the Capitalist economic model that has served this country well since its inception, into a form of a European economic model.  One only has to ask, hows that working out for Greece?

Obama claims that  these are not new ideas, and they are not.  They are proven ideas that have worked.  Time and time again.  It worked under Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagen, and George Bush.  In fact, fiscal responsibility of lower taxes, less government and less regulation, brought times of great prosperity.  But the Obama doesn’t get that.

Obama would encourage Class Warfare.  The Obama, who has never held a Job in the private sector, an academia in theory, but never in practice, will never learn, reality.  Obama’s out going economic adviser Christina Romer claims we didn’t spend and tax enough.

Clueless In Academia

Obama’s solution is to throw more taxpayer money at the problem.

Eventually, you run out of Taxpayer money.

Then what?

Obama would advocate more stimulus money, but not tax relief.  Reduce government spending?  Not in Obama’s vocabulary.  Obama talks about fiscal responsibility, but Obama doesn’t have a clue how the economy works.  There is theory, and there is practice, Obama has no Czars with practical experience.  Arrogance and Ignorance is Obama’s knowledge base.  Know it all’s, that couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag.

If anyone ever takes a course in economics 101 in Bezerkley, CA, make sure to steer away from Christina Romer’s classroom.  How can Romer claim to be a Professor of Economics, when she dosen’t have a clue how the economy works?  Cash for Clunkers, there’s a bit of genius for ya!

What’s for Dinner?

Creole Catfish

Haven’t made this for awhile.  Nice Naw’lins Flavors!

Elect Ramsay Wharton: Hawai’i Congressional District 2

Ramsey Puanani Wharton

2nd Congressional District


Hawai’i needs better representation in Congress.  Ramsey Wharton is the right person for the job.  Hawai’i needs an independent voice that will not follow lockstep with the Executive Branch.  Hawai’i needs a Representative that will follow the Constitution and fight for sound economic policies.   With Ramsey Wharton in the 2nd Congressional District, along with Charles Djou in the 1st District, the people of Hawai’i will have the right voices in Congress to better represent the needs of Hawai’i.

For far too long, the liberal democrats have placed Hawai’i on a dangerous economic path by supporting Obamacare, Cap and Tax, Failing Schools, and an Over-Reaching Government Regulations.  Under the current Representative of Mazie Hirono, the people of Hawai’i have been ignored.  Under Hirono mismanagement, Hawai’i finds itself in danger of rising taxes, rising food prices, rising unemployment, and rising energy costs.  Hirono has followed and voted for the Marxist-Socialist Obama administration policies without question.  The decisions Hirono has made puts the People of Hawai’i in danger of not being able to afford their own homes, to get jobs, to afford to put gas in their cars, and get adequate health care.

The lackluster achievements by both Mazie Hirono, and Neil Abercronmbie, now candidate for Hawai’i Governor, has done little to benefit the people of Hawai’i.  Even now, Hirono, wants to raise your taxes by eliminating part the Bush Tax Cuts.  She says only for the wealthy.  By wealthy, anyone making over $250,000 a year.  Many small business owners will be at economic jeopardy.  Hirono claims Obama already made tax cuts, but where are they?  What has Hirono brought to Hawai’i?  How about higher unemployment:

The Hawai’i Unemployment rate is higher now than it has ever been.  Hirono was elected Hawai’i 2nd Congressional District in 2006.  Look at where the Unemployment rate is today.  Hirono’s achievements include driving business out of Hawai’i.  Hirono nods with approval when Obama says under his plan for a Cap and Tax, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket.  Along with energy cost, unemployment will skyrocket, because employers will not be able to afford to hire.  Yet, there’s Hirono voting for higher unemployment.

Hawai’i unemployment rate is going up.  Thanks to the terrible policies of  Obama, and Hirono’s support for the destruction of the American economy.  Now, Healthcare costs in Hawai’i are going to rise.  We already have a shortage of Doctors throughout the islands.  That’s only going to get worst.  This is a ripple effect of bad government by Mazie Hirono and her liberal policies.

These wealthy people that Hirono wants to Punish with higher taxes, they create jobs.

Supporting Soft Tyranny

Mazie Hirono didn’t even have the courtesy to hold Townhall Meetings with her Constituents during the Health Care debates.  No, she voted for Obamacare, and what a mess that’s turning out to be.  She also supports Cap and Tax.  That will place more regulations on people of Hawai’i.  Hirono supports the over-reaching government regulations that will tell you what kind of car you can buy, how big your house can be, what food you can have.

What can you expect by allowing more Government Malfeasance by Mazie Hirono and her liberal counterparts?  How about rising poverty rates.

One in seven Americans is living in poverty, the highest number in the half-century that the government has kept such statistics, the Census Bureau announced Thursday.

The cost of living in Paradise is already too high.  What have Hirono and Abercrombie done to provide economic relief for the people of Hawai’i?  NOTHING!  What has Hirono done to reduce run away government spending.  NOTHING!  In fact, Hirono has voted to increase spending more of your tax dollars.  The Poverty Rate in Hawai’i has gone up, not down, under Hirono’s mis-leadership.  What kind of Representation is this?

Hawai’i deserves better.

Hawai’i needs better leadership.

Hawai’i needs sensible government.

Hawai’i – Enough is Enough

Support Ramsey Puanani Wharton

What’s For Dinner?

Spinach Tortellini with Alfredo Sauce

Confusing, Isn’t It

The Palin Factor

Establishment Candidates Out


Christine O’Donnell won the Delaware State primary.  Endorsed by the Tea Party, Jim DeMint, and Sarah Palin.  The reaction by the establishment within the Republican party was disgraceful.  They openly attacked O’Donnell over trivial issues, whereas, Mike Castle, the establishment candidate, voted with democrats.  Castle, an establishment Republican (RINO), also went along with other democrats to impeach George Bush.  Mike Castle is not an Moderate Republican.  He is a:

RINO – Republican In Name Only

The Tea Party movement is putting America in the Right Direction.  The Republican GOP Establishment Party, disgraced themselves by refusing to back the better candidate.  Why?

State and national Republicans have made no secret of the fact that O’Donnell’s questionable personal finances and public misstatements — she once said she carried two out of the state’s three counties in her 2008 race against Biden but she didn’t — made her close to unelectable.

Character issues?  Yeah, so?  What Politician hasn’t done the same thing?  Resume’ Embellishment?  When have you’ve heard of any Politician not embellishing their own resume’?  We have a solid conservative in O’Donnell.

Mike Castle voted for Cap and Tax.  Mike Castle voted against conservative values.  Mike Castle has character issues. So, what’s the difference?  The difference is, one that will vote with the flow, the other is one that will vote Conservative.

Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow

[Sarah Palin]

National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), has refused to back O’Donnell.  Yet, they would support Castle.  Where’s the sense in that?  This is the problem within the Republican party.  Too many establishment, entrenched, make believe conservatives, that continue to vote for unpopular and expensive legislation.

Gateway Pundit

Shame, because I will not grace my donations to the NRSC.

This reminds me of the New York 23 race when Newt Gingrich endorsed Dede Scozzafava.  It also reminds me when Gingrich scolded us on not being more moderate, else we would continue to wander in the political wilderness.  Gingrich could not be more wrong.  Forgotten Values.  Forgotten Principals.


Congratulations to Christine O’Donnell on winning the Delaware Primary!

We know you’ll make a Great Senator!

You are on your way, and we will support you!

NRSC Changes mind, decides to support O’Donnell

This should have been a No Brainer from the Beginning.


What Do We Do Now?


Passive Terrorism

Passive Terrorism

Threats, and more deception, by Imam Rauf.  In an interview with ABC’s Christiane Amanpour, a make believe reporter-ette with a strong bias towards terrorists, interviewed for the program “This Week“, Imam Rauf, a terrorist, and Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s latest economic Court Jester.  Putting Goolsbee, a Seinfeld wannabe, in charge of the economic advisory, is, in itself, a joke.  But the interview with the terrorist Imam Rauf, is what caught my attention.

AMANPOUR: Tell me about your plans for the Islamic center.

Are you going to keep it at Park 51, where you proposed?

RAUF: The decisions that I will make — that we will make — will be predicated on what is best for everybody.

AMANPOUR: How do you decide that?

RAUF: That’s been very difficult and very challenging, because, unfortunately, the — the discourse has been, to a certain extent, hijacked by the radicals.

The radicals on both sides, the radicals in the United States and the radicals in the Muslim world, feed off each other. And to a certain extent, the attention that they’ve been able to get by the media has even aggravated the problem.

Radicals in the United States?  By radicals, you mean the People who do not want to be Subjugated by Sharia Law?  By radicals, you mean the people committing act of violence in the name of your religion?  By Radicals, you mean people who would burn the Quran, and people that would burn the American Flag?  By Radicals, you mean people that would commit acts of violence, property destruction, murder, in the name of Islam?

AMANPOUR: 71 percent of New Yorkers say it should be moved. What is your main reason for not wanting to move it?

RAUF: My major concern with moving it is that the headline in the Muslim world will be Islam is under attack in America, this will strengthen the radicals in the Muslim world, help their recruitment, this will put our people — our soldiers, our troops, our embassies, our citizens — under attack in the Muslim world and we have expanded and given and fueled terrorism.

Well, they are your people, and they’ll use any excuse to riot.   Because you know they have no real knowledge of what’s going on in America.  Most of your people cannot read, cannot get information, except through sources other than work-of-mouth.  Where print and media exists, the bias will be particularly anti-American.  This is your “Muslim World“, Imam Rauf.  What message are you delivering to, “Your World“, Rauf?


You are also a Muslim.  What message are you delivering to your people?  You talk about the perception in the Muslim World, but you do not defend the American view.  Your message is to divide the American people on emotional levels, for or against.  The end result is going to be the same; assimilation into Sharia Law, now or later, your choice.

I Chose NOT!

RAUF: I have never made a threat. I’ve never made a threat, never expressed a threat, never — I’ve never — I would never threaten violence ever, because I am a man of peace, dedicated to peace.

We have two audiences. We have the American audience and we have the Muslim audience. And this issue has riveted the attention of the whole Muslim world. And whatever we do and whatever say and how we move and the discourse about it is being watched very, very closely. And if we make the wrong move, it will only expand and strengthen the voice of the radicals and the extremists.

Choose your allegiance carefully, Rauf.  We are Americans.  Religion is an individual decision, not a collective decision.  In your world, the individual is compelled to bow before Islam.  Just like Obama has done.  You want America to BOW before Islam?

That Is Not Gonna Happen.

AMANPOUR: Sarah Palin made a — a famous Tweet saying please reconsider, the feelings are too raw.

What did you think about that?

RAUF: I felt it disingenuous, to a certain extent. The fact of the matter is, A, this has been used for political purposes. And there’s growing Islamophobia in this country.

How else would you describe the fact that mosques around the country are now being attacked? We are Americans, too. As — we are — we are treated and talked about today as if — as if American Mus — and Muslims are not Americans.

We are Americans. We — we — we are — we are doctors. We are investment bankers. We are taxi drivers. We are store keepers. We are lawyers. We are — we are part of the fabric of America.

And the way that America today treats its Muslims is being watched by over a billion Muslims worldwide. And the battleground today, Christiane, is not between Islam and the West. The battleground has been moderates of all faith traditions in all the countries of the world against the radicals of all faith traditions in all parts of the world.

If there was any demonstration of being Disingenuous, it is you, Imam Rauf.  You deliberately caused a religious uproar in America, and around the world.  Your attempt to demonize America, into capitulating to your religion that captures both political and social values, and goes against what the Constitution of the United States stands for.

You would twist our laws and call it Sharia compliant.  Foolish, Stupid, and Deliberately Confrontational.  You obviously have no idea what our Constitution means.  You, either, do not understand the United States Constitution, or you are deliberately using it, to undermine, redefine, and change the meaning of Our Constitution, into your perverted view of Sharia Law.

Worried about the Muslim world?

What about the American World?

Yes, there is an American World.  Why do people, like yourself, want to find Freedom, here, in America?  Why do people around the world, want to come to this nation, you call Radicals,  Bigots, Racists, Homophobes, and Islamophobes?  Why do you want to be here, in America?  Wouldn’t you be better off in Saudi Arabia?

This is stealth terrorism by Imam Rauf.  This is the extortion of American Freedoms.  Capitulate to Islam, or else.  That’s the message to America by the Terrorist, Imam Rauf.

Yes, Imam Rauf is a Terrorist.  A Stealth, Passive Terrorist.   He’s using Fear, Uncertainly and Doubt, to manipulate the American People, the Politically Correct Crowd, and his Radical Islamic Muslim Terrorists, to Hate America.  A terrorist, like Rauf, doesn’t need to wear a bomb vest.  He can just use Anxiety, as an Allie, to force his will upon others.  This is the way of Sharia Law.

Go ahead Rauf, build your trophy to Islam at Ground Zero.  Make sure you rub it in our faces.  Continue to call us radicals.  Keep threatening us with Radical consequences.  Veiled, passive, threats.

Islam proselytizes through intimidation, threats, and violence

What’s For Dinner?

Not Falafel

911 Memorial – 2010

Nine years later, the pain still lingers.  The attacks upon America by Muslim Terrorists remains a hole in the Heart of America, just like that hole in New York City, Ground Zero.  The Pentagon in Arlington Virgina and the Crash Site in Shanksville Pennsylvania, are all places of Hollowed Ground.  The lives that were lost on that day should be remembered as victims, murdered at the hands of Islamic Muslim Terrorists.

There are those that would have us forget, move on, plan a day of service.  Those people, who would have you forget the greatest act of Terrorism against the United States, dishonor the memories of the those who died on that day.  Those people, who would diminish the terrible events that occurred on that day, are wrong.

What’s worst, is that these Islamic Muslim Terrorists want to plant a Mosque at the steps of Ground Zero.  These Islamic Muslim Terrorists want to set up Sharia Law within the United States.  Sharia Law, is a violent, sick, disgusting attribute of the Islamic way of life.  The purpose is to bring fear into people’s lives.

The Ground Zero Mosque, proposed by Imam Rauf is just poking his finger in the eye of the United States.  Throughout history, Islamic history, has been to build a Mosque in places of their conquests.  This is exactly what Imam Rauf wants to do.  He wants to build a monument to honor the Islamic Muslim Terrorists that killed 3,000 people on American soil.  Imam Rauf has gone as far to say that, if we do not build the Mosque, then there will be more Islamic Muslim Terrorist Unrest around the world, and it will Target the United States.

Rauf said moving it now would create the perception that “Islam is under attack” in America and would strengthen the ability of radicals to attract recruits.

That’s the twist.  Blame America.  You Americans are Fanatics.  This is the Islamic Muslim Terrorists Method Of Operation.  Intimidate their victims.  Cast fear upon the victims.  Turn the argument around to make the Islamic Muslim Terrorists, as the victims.  This is Provocation, pure and simple.

“We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims,” said Imam Fiesal Abdul Rauf, speaking at the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Center during a question and answer session dedicated to what sponsors say was a dialogue to improve relations between America and the Muslim world.

“You may remember that the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations,” said Rauf, who called himself a spokesman for Islam.

This is Factually and Historically False.  It was the Sadam Hussein who diverted aid away from his own people.  But this is what Islamic Muslim Terrorists do, they LIE.  It’s in the culture of Islamic Muslim Terrorists to lie to their victims, to lie to protect themselves, to lie to defeat their enemies.  Islamic Muslim Terrorists enemies are anyone non-Islamic.  Is it also a fact that Islamic Muslim Terrorists are responsible for more Muslim deaths than any other group.



However, Muslims would tell you differently.  They say they are peace loving people.  As this PSA shows.

Do they reject Hamas, Hezbollah as Islamic Muslim Terrorists?  Do they reject the acts of murder by Islamic Muslim Terrorists?  Do they reject the acts of terror committed by Islamic Muslim Terrorists in America and around the world?  Or do they say they do, but put a caveat next to next to it?  Yes, we reject terrorism, BUT

People within our own government, and the politically correct crowd, that would condemn any criticism of Muslims, pounce on any disparage said against Muslims.  Yet, Muslims have a problem.  A small minority have acknowledged their problem, but the majority have either chosen to ignore the problem, or make excuses for the problems of Islamic Muslim Terrorism.  Take a closer look at Islamic values as Imam Rauf touts.

This Islamic Muslim Terrorist, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, comes to this country, calls Americans blood thirsty, calls Americans responsible for the attacks on 911, and insults our way of life by insisting on putting a Victory Mosque at the feet of Ground Zero.  A building that was damaged by one of the Airplanes that was flown into the World Trade Center, by Islamic Muslim Terrorists, Imam Rauf wants to make it a trophy of Islamic Muslim Conquests.  These Terrorists have infiltrated into America and they are planning to destroy our way of life.

Listen to Imam Rauf in his own words.

Listen to how he twists and distorts the truth.  Listen to his propaganda.  He openly promotes Islamic Muslim Terrorism by making excuses to the actions of his people.  He blames America for all the problems of Islamic Muslim Terrorists.  Make no doubt, this Imam is planning the subjugation of America with Sharia Law.


The Religion of Death left its mark in Shanksville Pennsylvania, in Arlington Virginia, and in New York City, and now these Islamic Muslim Terrorists want to place a Victory Mosque at the steps of Ground Zero.  This is the beginning of a new attack on America.  Make no mistake about it.  Veiled threats by this Imam to either build the mosque, or else face more Islamic Muslim Terrorism.  That’s what he said.

Now listen to Obama and make your own conclusions.  Are Americans suspicious of  Muslims?  We damn sure are, and with good reason.  We Americans will be blamed for the Actions of Islamic Muslim Terrorists.

I remember the Attacks against the United States.

I remember who attacked us.

I will never FORGET.

God Bless The United States of America

The Forgotten Man

What’s for Breakfast?
