Welcome 2018

The prognosticator’s of the future were, as usual, WRONG! It’s swells my heart to see the lefts reaction of those gnashing their teeth, holding their breath, and getting angry over the success of America. The sweet taste of success and winning.

The Future’s So Bright, I Gatta Wear Shades

The end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 holds so much promise and fortune. We have a President that actually keeps his promises. How often does that happen? Maybe we should hold all of our elected officials to this standard.

Good Grief! All the predictions of a Stock Market Crash, World War 3, and All Hell Breaking Loose, were for naught. The people are being served by a non-politician that did not have to serve. He was already rich and famous. Plus the family are more stable than many other families of the rich and famous. What standards do Americans live up to nowadays? I live to my Judaeo-Christian values that I was taught growing up. They never grow old.

Happy New Year






Christmas Eve 2017


It’s been a long time since I can remember when Christmas was celebrated in the traditional ways. I love being reminded of my childhood when we would listen to radio following NORAD tracking of Santa, and watching the Christmas specials on television. Back then, we were not bombarded with leftist propaganda and anti-Christian hatred. This country was founded on the principles of the Judeo-Christian ethics and values.  It is with a swelled heart that I welcome these American values back.

The Meaning Of Christmas

Saying Merry Christmas was almost banned in America. It was considered politically incorrect and not inclusive. Even called offensive to others, but that was never true. Christmas was always about charity and peace. Inclusiveness and celebration. It was secular in government but religious freedom for the individual. The left has always accused the government crossing the line of church and state, but that was also never true. It was a campaign of destroying the Judeo-Christian values that established this country for over 240 years.  It was a campaign to exclude and belittle people of faith by leftist haters. These modern day Grinch’s are now exposed for who they are.

This year, the First Family is taking calls from children as they watch Santa cross the world. NORAD started the tradition when NORAD Tracks Santa.  It’s an annual Christmas-themed entertainment program, which has existed since 1955, produced under the auspices of the North American Aerospace Defense Command. This year, President Trump and First Lady Melania takes calls from children from around the country, looking for Santa. How much more connected to the people can you get? Wonderful!

A return to the traditional values that America has grown up with. A value of giving and real “Honest To Goodness” hope. Not that illusion of false hope and the rhetoric of hate, envy and inequality, that never existed in this country as proclaimed by the left. It’s no wonder  why people from all over the world try to immigrate to this country. We offer more than hope, we deliver opportunity and freedom. The result is happiness. You cannot get any more American than that. Lucky We Live Hawaii, in America.


Mele Kalikimaka a Hau’oli Makahiki Hou

It means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, in the Hawaiian language (‘Olelo). 

Support Our Military Families






Jerusalem Israel’s Capitol


“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” ― Golda Meir

Long over due and historically correct. It is about time that a United States President kept that promise. The farcical United Nations [united in hate] have voted against the United States for the last time. The United Nations with arab nations of violence and hate. The muslim savages that destroy, murder and enslave people. Their culture of rape and hate is a cancer upon the earth. Islam is not peace.

The Arabs have never wanted peace, and the Arab conflict is even within themselves. The muslim violence has been constant since this cult came into existence in the 7th century. The muslims want only one thing, a worldwide islamic caliphate. One that practices slavery and a return to religious intolerance against others.

Pope Francis Wednesday defended the “status quo” of Jerusalem, hours ahead of an announcement by US President Donald Trump in which officials said he will recognize the disputed city as Israel’s capital.  As a Catholic, I am astonished and ashamed by this pope that continues to push the faithful out of the Church. His socialist leanings and acceptance of anti-Catholic values, acceptance of islamic evil, and calling for the status quo of the violence in the Jewish capital. It is truly a disgrace.

President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the relocation of the United States embassy to Jerusalem is the right thing to do. After 40 years of past Presidents calling for, but cowardly efforts to follow through, were never met. This should have been done eons ago. The fear of angering muslim savages into more violence doesn’t make sense. They are already violent. What difference will it make after all this time? Muslims are still going to kill people for any reason they want. Do not capitulate to evil.

The so called “Two State System” is nothing more than a carrot in front of the donkey. It keeps the west hoping and the east buying time for more violence. Muslims and leftist, always say there are legitimate grievances, but no one knows what those grievances are, or if they even exist! It’s all islamic bullshit.

In America, the terror group that calls themselves the “Council on Islamic – American Relations” (CAIR), has no desire to want peace with the people they call ‘infidels‘. Their murderous cult of hatred even kills their own. For the left, that is an excuse to justify the violence committed against innocents. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, if you do not follow the cult rule, you can be murdered in the name of their shit eating insect god “mo-ham-mad”.

I despise evil. I will speak out against evil. I don’t care if it is politically incorrect. The left that wants to keep the status quo in place.  The status quo into the New Year is keeping what hasn’t been working in place. If there is an effort to stop hatred, then it has to start somewhere. Jerusalem is where it began and where this will end. No more kowtowing before racist terror groups like CAIR and Southern Poverty Law Center. What do muslim’s do? Murder, destroy, riot. Just as the left does around the world. Pure Evil.

So the United Nations of Evil votes against the United States. Yet they demand our money to prop up their fascist regimes. It’s about time they were put on notice. It’s time to withhold our money they use to make their leaders wealthy and their people poor. There needs to be some ‘Tough Love’ to change the status quo. I believe we have a real leader that will make that happen. It’s About time!






Mele Kalikimaka

Christmas has arrived early with President Trump’s signing of Tax Relief. The markets are soaring and companies are spending. Imagine that! A President that actually keeps his promises. Ever since January, the economy has been growing in anticipation of great things happening. It started with the rollback of the hussein regulations. From the EPA, to State Department, the purge of the hussein regime has brought a renewed positive outlook of the future.

The left continues to predict doom and gloom. For the last eight years under the hussein regime, the left had been embolden with a sense of inevitability. That all came crashing down after the election. Since then, the amount of hostility by the left has grown to hysterical levels. The violence and willful racism by the left is horrifying. The Fake News Media has fueled the animus with openly bias and false reporting with no accountability. Journalism malfeasance has never been so bad as it is now.  All because of the hatred for this President.

However, the results are speaking for themselves. During the election, Hillary promised to put a lot of people out of business, and Trump promised to bring back a lot of businesses. President Trump has delivered on his promises. Indeed, Hillary would have also kept her promised by destroying jobs and businesses. All part of hussein’s scheme of Hope and Change for America. As I always said, if you must transform America from her fundamental values, then you don’t love your country. Remember that hussein, Hillary and the democrats, all believed that America was not exceptional.

I believe the American people had had enough of both parties empty promises and rhetoric. So what if our President is crude, gruff, and not politically polished. He’s getting the job done.

We are blessed with by the Snow Goddess Poli’ahu visit to Mauna Kea. A real sign of a positive future and prosperity. We received two feet of snow on the summits of the mountains. Like the economy, more signs of a prosperous new year to come.  The future’s so bright, I gatta wear shades.

Mele Kalikimaka a Hau’oli Makahiki Hou