The First 100 Days

Fake News White House Correspondence dinner takes place in Washington D.C. and President Donald J. Trump is celebrating with the American people over the stuffy, out of touch leftist media.  Our friends over at the Socialist Mop made a video about the dishonest media.

“Tonight a large group of Hollyweird actors and Washington media are consoling themselves in a ballroom.”

The first 100 days includes 28 legislative signings, Judge Neil Gorsuch appointed and confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, disastrous Obama regulations repealed, EPA regulations curbed, illegal immigrants and violent gangs deported. Sanctuary cities to lose federal grants.  Tax laws to be simplified, and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare is underway.  Not to shabby for the first 1oo days.

I am impressed and amazed.  I did not think this would be possible. Still, the leftist are rioting and preventing free speech. This is the result of eight years of Obama fascism. Democrats are supporting the destruction of the United States.  President Trump is working for the Men and Women of America.  Eight years of leftist fascism is over and a new era of prosperity has begun.






Fox News Goes Fascist Left

Fox News Joins The #FakeNewsMedia



America’s Paramountcy Returns

Swift, Decisive, and Presidential.  These are the words that come to mind when I measure the attack on Syria in response to their genocidal chemical attacks on civilians.  It has put America’s prominence back in the world order.  This is good for the stability of the world.  It has put rogue nations like Syria, North Korea, Iran and Russia on notice that we will no longer sit back an allow violations of the Geneva Convention to continue unchallenged.

The damage caused to the United States by Barack “Barry the Bullshitter” Obama is almost irreparable.  The world apology tour, the reckless pullout of Iraq, the rise of ISIS, the genocide of Christians, Jews, Kurds, and Yazidi’s by muslim savages.  It’s one thing for these savages to butcher each other, it’s another for an idiot mulatto bullshit artist to call them a JV team and ignore the threat of worldwide terrorism.  The mass migration of military age men invading into Europe posing as refugees.  A clear and present danger ignored by leftist liberal idiots. Even the Syrian people want to remain in their own country and they told off the leftist Fake News media.

All those Obama empty “Red Line” threats and the subsequent hand wringing.  The arrogance and ignorance of Obama and the democrats, have never benefited this country.  I’ve never seen such racism, class envy and hatred for America, than what Obama demonstrated.  That evil transformed to the National Mood.  There was no national pride, no sense of patriotism, no love of country.

If you do not fight evil, then you are for evil.  The left embraces evil, and Obama is a person of the left.  The worse president in the history of this country.  The only reason why he was elected was because he was black, and if you didn’t reelect this loser, then you were called a racist.  The left shamed anyone not bending knee to Obama as a bigot.  The media propped up Obama as some kind of god-like entity.  A super cool man of the people, but in reality a destructive narcissus fool.  How many Americans fell for the guilt complex?

Now that President Trump is in office, I’m seeing a return to American pride.  However, it’s not without the resistance by the evil left.  They are bitter and desperate to cling onto their racism, bigotry, and hatred.  Just like Obama claimed about fly-over America clinging onto their guns, religion and xenophobia.  While the evil left are dedicated by their deeds and by their actions.  Obama’s disparaging remarks of Middle Class America as xenophobes is completely inline with how the evil left thinks.

The problem with the right is that many don’t fight back.  It’s not within their nature. However, this President does fight back, and he fights with the same veracity as the left.  That has brought the ire of both democrats and republicans.  With a dogging media that cares more about publishing Fake News over the journalistic integrity.  They think the American public is that stupid, but I believe the American public is tired of the lies and deceit. The left, of course, laps up all the lies like a bowl of Cheerios in sour milk.  It’s why they are so angry all the time.

President Trump said he would put America First.  So far, he’s kept to his word.  The President has been unraveling the damage Obama and the democrats have done to this great country.  The media has been pushing scandal after fake scandal : Russian Collusion, White Supremacy, Misogyny, and Tax Evasion.  Nothing has stuck, because it was all lies, and the American public is finally seeing through all the lies.

Without American strength, the world has no moral anchor. Without a moral anchor, then evil will thrive.  America has been the source of the greatest opportunities for the world.  Following the Judeo-Christian values in a ethical sense has been the embedded in the United States Constitution.  The concepts of a creator’s given rights to Life, Liberty and Freedom.  Of limited government and individual empowerment.  The right to redress grievances, justice and charity.  No where else do these concepts exist except in the United States.  It is why people from all over the world come here for freedom.  Evil will abuse these freedoms and corrupt them.  Vigilance to refresh the tree of freedom from the bonds of evil.  It is good that the 8 years of idle isolation has ended.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday.  It is the Easter Season.  The beginning of the Ho’olaule’a Merrie Monarch Festival.  A renewal of all things under God, Family and Country.  A tradition to be passed down and shared with Aloha.  I will pray for this President’s success, the success of our people, and peace in the world.  Amene.






Mommy’s Little Fascist

The Snowflakes are dancing in the streets. Beating up the people they meet. Destroying corporations and capitalism jobs. All because the snowflakes say they are oppressed.  If only they lived in either a islamic or communist country, then they would really know what oppression is about.  Mommy has to cover up their face so they can’t be identified.  They do that because they are cowards.

Take for example the hate group that calls themselves Black Lives Matter.  This racist group of fascists are based on a lie, but they are being funded by leftist guilt based fools.  Rachael Dolezal and Shawn King, two white people pretending to be blacks, and leftist idiots are believing this nonsense.  It’s like these gender confused pansy men and women that identify as another gender.  I guess there is something wrong with their plumbing, but the plumbing problem is between their ears.

They have a Resist movement, like a constipated bowel movement, all the shit stopped up in the brain is making them look and talk like crap. It gets really old listening to them stomp their feet, hold their breath, and act like spoiled brats that got their safety blankets and pacifiers taken away.  They don’t want a time-out.  They don’t want to grow up.  Of course not, because Obama said they don’t cease to be children till they reach 26 years of age. They never grow up.  They will become wards of the state.


The Militant Snowflake





Stopping The Climate Hoax


You don’t have to be a scientist to see that global warming is not real.  The seas haven’t risen.  The temperatures have not risen.  There is no mass starvation.  Yet, there is the liberal left still carrying on with the same old hysteria: Al Gore claimed that NYC Manhattan would be under water by 2015.  Bill Nye, the fascist guy, said climate deniers should be jailed.  The leftist fake news media still cites the false poll that 97% of all scientists agree that global warming is real. Democrats still believe that a life giving gas, carbon dioxide is a pollutant.  The Sierra Club says science is not up to debate.  You can just look out the window and see the weather.

Here in Hawai’i, the scientists that get their funding from the government to study this hoax, are worried they have to update their resume’ and find a real job.  The global warming gravy train is over.  Plus the planet’s climate history has periods of extreme warm and cold, long before have appears on the planet.  Then again, the “science” they say is settled. Upon the preponderance of the evidence.  Evidence that doesn’t exist, I might add.  All the predictive computer models have been contradictory to the satellite data .  These fake scientists know it is a scare tactic to promote a socialist government control over industry.  Plus to keep the global warming gravy train from running out of government funding.  They’re Fake Scientists because none of them are actual Climatologists.

We already have clean energy.  The environmental mistakes of the pasts cannot, and should not be a barometer for the future of fossil fuel energy.  What other countries do to provide electric power to their energy infrastructure we cannot control. We cannot either set by example, or as what the left wants, to damage our economy to atone to Mother Nature.  Rubbish!  That’s not science.  Remember these are the same brainiacs’ that believe there are a Heinz 57 of different genders.  That’s what they call science.

Anyone can become a climate scientist now.  Just like Bill Nye the fascist guy, you need a box of Cracker Jacks and a prize. You can also download and printout your own diploma and become an expert in any field of study, and you can make up your own facts.  Al Gore did when he became the self-proclaimed spokesperson for climate science.  Gore produced a SciFi movie called “An Inconvenient Truth” and it immediately became a hit with leftist audiences.  Of course, there were many inaccuracies, outrageous falsehoods, and dire predictions in the movie.  Of those dire predictions: The Arctic Ice Caps Are Melting and the Polar Bears are Dying. Today there is more Arctic ice and the polar bear population has increased.  To the weak minded leftist, science is now a religion and their high priestess is Al Gore.

That was 10 years ago when Chicken Little Gore made that fictional science.  So what does Al Gore do today?  He doubles down with a new SciFi movie.  Here’s the dooms day trailer:


Al Gore’s Science Fiction Sequel

According to predictions made by Al Gore in 2006 – when ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was released – planet earth should have reached “the point of no return” related to global warming last year.  Storms haven’t gotten worse. Sea flooding never happen, and planet temperatures are unchanged.  What hasn’t changed is Al Gore’s creepy sexual desires.  Remember he was accused of sexually harassing a Masseuse to ‘Release His 2nd Chakra‘.  What-evah that is supposed to be?

At least we have an adult now as the United States President who doesn’t believe in this global warming rubbish.  President Trump signed an executive order for energy independence.

Of course, Hawai’i’s leftist misrepresentatives are predicting gloom and doom.  NOAA, which has been infected with leftist non-scientists can no longer be considered a viable source for accurate science data.  NOAA has consistently altered factual climate records to present a false alarm that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant and not plant fertilizer.  You can see more leftist outrage at this link here.

Could you imagine if corrupt Hillary Clinton won the Presidency?  We’d all be living our energy needs like the poor in Africa. Burning animal dung for energy.  The leftist world leaders will not allow the poor nations to have clean coal technology.  In their warped mind, they believe it is better to let the poor suffer without the trappings of electricity.  That way they can perpetuate their guilt complex by shaming others into giving up their freedoms to atone for the sins of technology and economic success.

Meanwhile, hollyweird hypocrites like Leonardo di Stupido, corrupt politicians like Al Gore and bleeding heart billionaires like Richard Branson can jet set around the world with their carbon spewing Gulfstream jets wondering what the little people are doing.