State Of Denial


Aloha kākou. Hawai’i is the 50th state, and the last State to enter the union. We’re the only state with a remaining with mask mandate. Except the elected State officials have apparently exempted themselves from their own mandates. Additionally, keiki o ka ‘āina [children] must wear obedience face diapers in schools where they’re suffocating in their own CO2. The Marxist democrats say it’s to keep Hawai’i safe. Apparently, children of Hawai’i are dangerous if they’re not wearing obedience face diapers.

Governor David Ige decreed that for another month must pass before he’s willing to lift the indoor obedience face diaper mandate. Now you know that goal post is going to move once again. Everyone asked, “Wait! Didn’t we witness Ige, Green, Kahele and others, not wearing a masks with Honolulu mayor Blangiardi at the Chinatown Hawaii Pacific Bank Private Party last week?! The only time these hypocrites put on their obedience face diapers is when they see a camera pointed at them. Notice the event servers must wear masks. While the corps d’elite can openly violate their own rules. Mahalo to Hawaii Free Speech News Network for posting this wikiō .

Just remember that elections have consequences. As the great Tammy Bruce summarized, “You married me knowing full well who I am. So don’t act so surprised when I keep punching you in the face. You got what you asked for.” We have elections coming up in November and now is a good time to ask questions and get to know the candidates. So far, nobody running for governorship has caught my attention. Neither republican nor democrat seem to be cognizant of the needs of Hawai’i. Those already in office are just posturing themselves for reelection and feeding themselves from the public trough.

Today, the Mayor of the County of Hawai’i Island, Mitch Roth announced the end to all Hawaii County emergency rules related to Covid. The ending of Hawaii County’s Thirteenth Supplementary Emergency Proclamations, means there will no longer be a limit on gathering sizes for both indoor and outdoor facilities and venues. But there’s a catch. Hawai’i residents must still wear Governor David Ige’s obedience face diapers mandate, Safe [scam] Travels requirements and testing and vaccination requirements for county and state employees. What difference did this make? Here’s a little bit of your liberties returned back to you. You’re welcome. Now kiss my ring.

Oh but ironies of ironies. Governor David Ige posted a National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) series of seminars. It’s an educational series of seminars to protect consumers how to protect themselves from  scams online and otherwise. The seminars are sponsored by the IRS, USPS, and Homeland Security to provide tips on how to avoid scams. I hope people remember Ige’s words of wisdom about scams. When we’re still being mandated to wear masks and get jabs. Scam [safe] Hawai’i has been the best example of government tyranny. Now the State has workshops to prevent scams. Oh the irony. Welcome to the Aloha State of Denial. 



Mostly sunny and warm with lite breezes. Tradewinds are from the east at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got NO precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is borderline at 40.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, 2022


Heroes and Zeros


Aloha Lāpule. God bless the man that leads his people into battle against evil. God damn the man that abandons his people behind to evil. During this time in history when leadership is perilously needed, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr  Zelenskyy is a gleaming example of encouragement. Unlike Canada’s pretty bo[i] Justin Trudeau who ran away from truckers that move goods and services around the country. Trudeau was too afraid to talk to his own people. Instead, Trudeau stole his people’s money, seized their property, threatened their families, and jailed patriots like a despotic dictator.

Jim Crow Joe Brandon topped Trudeau’s cowardliness by abandoning 9,000+ Americans in Afghanistan to murderous Taliban terrorists. Leaving behind 80 billion dollars of state of the art military equipment to the enemy. Some of that war technology will be chopped up and sold to the Chinese and Russians to be used against us and others. The Afghan president fled his country with billions of United States taxpayer monies as evil terror moved into the country. This has only embolden our enemies.

Fake News ABC’s Stephanopoulos confronts Senator Cotton multiple times to condemn President Donald Trump’s “rhetoric” supposedly praising Putin. Senator Cotton ignored the question, calling Putin “a ruthless dictator who launched a war of aggression.” To which, Stephanopoulos tried to ask again the question: “Why can’t you condemn Donald Trump for those comments?” The Leftist Fake News Media lives Rent Free in Trump’s head. Georgie Porgie Stephanopoulous desperately struggles to make Brandon’s Blunders about Trump when Trump isn’t even in office. This is typical of the Leftist Pravda [American] Media propaganda. They need to deflect the fault from their guy in power and blame President Trump that kept the peace. To Senator Cotton’s credit he didn’t take Clinton’s apparatchiks bait. 

The United Nations is united by despots, tyrants, communists, and the worse of all evil. So why do we still support this rubbish? Does anyone believe the United Nations will unite to stop the war? Not likely. The regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon is the world’s Keystone Cops. Bumbling Brandon’s crackhead intelligence experts thought it would be smart to share U.S. intelligence with Beijing in an effort to convince Xi Jinping to join American-led efforts to thwart a military attack on Ukraine. Instead, the Communist Chinese shared the intelligence information with Putin. Apparently, Brandon’s misguided belief that sharing intelligence with Beijing will benefit U.S. National Security strategy.

In a fit of insanity, stores are taking Russian Vodka off the shelves. Which doesn’t make any sense because the vodka is already paid for, but what’s even more insane is that we’re buying Russian Oil.

Russian vodka, lemon twist, shaken, not stirred. My favorite Martini.



Mostly sunny with lite breezes. Tradewinds are from the east at 8 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 56%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got another 1/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is okay at 38.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāhiku, 2022


Hawaii’s Doctor Fauci


Aloha kākou. Hate Crime in Honolulu, Hawai’i? This is a about Lt. Governor Josh Green, Hawaii’s Medical Fraudster and Fhony Fauci 2.0 garden gnome. Many don’t know that Lt. Gov Green has also suggested medical segregation against the unvaccinated and he supports mask mandates and vaccines for children in schools. Hawaii’s Lt. Governor Joshing Green is accusing anti-mask mandate protestors of being anti-Semites. Green says if you disagree with his authority then you’re a racist. It’s a typical leftist tactic by a Marxist democrats to silence opposition by accusing everyone that disagrees with them a bigot. Do what you’re told you bigots and don’t question [mah] authority, says Josh Green. I’m a big shot doctor. Green appears on the local news wearing dirty hospital scrubs to look the part of a real doctor. But he only plays one on the local news. Who does this remind you of?

“Like the old joke goes, Barry the Bullshitter Obummer isn’t a doctor, but Barry likes to play a doctor on TV giving Americans a discomforting glimpse of life under ObamaCare, with government leaders and bureaucrats dispensing medical opinions that are better left to doctors, medical professionals, and patients, and not to politicians pretending to be doctors.

As with all leftists, when they’re backed into a corner by people protesting illegal draconian mandates, they run to the Fake News Media to cry, wail, and moan that people are threatening their authority. Josh Green appeared on the Beavis and Butthead show, aka MSLSD, to make himself a victim of anti-Semitism. It’s do as I say and not as I do.

Does this sound familiar? It should to everyone, because it’s part of the lefts playbook. Someone wrote on a poster “JEW” that was posted on a pole outside of Green’s apartment complex. How do we know that Green didn’t write “Jew” that on the poster? There’s got to be video surveillance in the area. Should be easy to prove either way. Regardless, there has never been any threats against Green or his family. This is the first time anyone has heard of this. However, Green is very fond of threatening the unvaccinated by threatening to deny them healthcare. Green has openly said on several occasions that the unvaccinated will be segregated from getting hospital care. It’s medical apartheid by any other name, and it’s discrimination. It is a violation of basic human civil rights and against the law.

Hawaii Free Speech News Network has been posting videos that show Green’s lack of medical science knowledge and ignorance of Covid. Green appeared on MSNBC and was asked what the solution was to dealing with Hawaii’s overwhelmed hospitals from the delta variant. First of all, I follow the news and I haven’t been aware of a hospital ICU bed shortages any different than past flu seasons. Plus, we’re not getting the full story from the Hawaii’s Dept. of Health and the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion. We only get numbers of cases, numbers of hospitalized, and no other relevant information. There’s no age, comorbidity relation, gender, and if the person got covid after being admitted to the hospital. Were people sick because of Covid or just tested positive after another unrelated condition? Did they get hit by a bus and test positive after getting to the hospital? Did patients have a compromised immune system, a heart problem, an existing condition that was being put off that became worse? They won’t tell us that information. Everything is only COVID and nothing else matters. Get your Fauci Ouchy and shut up.

Green uses Fhony Faucy’s ghoulish reasoning to getting children vaccinated, ages 5-11, and younger, was a very important part of ending the pandemic. But children are the least vulnerable to Covid infections. Green continues to claim that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated just like Joe Biden claimed will be the winter of death. He also warned that the unvaccinated would succumb to Covid and they would have to be isolated from the public. Which does not follow the science of Covid spread. When we know that people getting the vaccines are getting the virus and getting sick. This is Green’s power trip to bolster his political chances to become another Covid dictator governor like Ige.

During a campaign for Governor swing at a Bank of Hawai’i on O’ahu, Hawaii Free Speech News caught up with Joshing Green wearing his dirty scrubs costume and tried to ask him some questions. Green responded by running away into the bank. Green’s minions started pouring out of the bank to provide cover for the quack doctor. What does this say about a candidate for governor that doesn’t want to answer questions about his policies? Governor Ige keeps moving the Covid goal posts as to when the mask mandates will end. Green isn’t willing to end the Covid mandates either. Instead, Green has indicated he’s going to ratchet up the mandates with more mandates. Vaccines requirements and vaccine passports to get jobs, hotel lodging, interisland transportation, entry into bars and restaurants, and the list of Covid restrictions will go on forever. This isn’t about science, it’s about control over the people. It’s government Medical Fascism.

But this isn’t just Joshing Green fascist mandates, it’s also our Congressional Misrepresentatives that are pushing Marxist fascism to impose draconian restrictions on our lives. Kai Kahele, Hawaiʻi’s 2nd Congressional District misrepresentative, wants to create internment camps in Hawai’i to quarantine anyone traveling to the State and anyone that tested for Covid. You don’t get a choice of Aloha in Hawai’i. Kahele wants mandatory vaccinations for children as young as newborns. You’re born and and instead of getting slap on the ass, they give you a jab of Fauci’s Experiential Coof Juice.

I copied this section out of the YouTube description of Hawaii Free Speech News Network video. Be sure to follow the link to Kahele’s congressional website where he uses scare tactics to impose a heavy handed government restrictions on our liberties:

“After Kai Kahele left his “Running for Governor” private party at Hau Tree, Kaimana Beach Hotel, he was met outside the lobby of the hotel by some protesters who asked him why he wanted to impose his unusually strict mask mandate plan on school children (Step 3 of his “10 steps to a safe Hawai’i)…. We believe that Kahele’s ridiculous “10 steps to a safe Oahu” plan was given to Kahele from his deep state controllers in order to make Josh Green appear to be the only reasonable candidate for Governor. In order to avoid the questions from protesters, Kahele went over to his family in the valet area to retrieve two of his daughters, lifted them up and shielded his face with his little girls from the cameras onsite. He took them back into the hotel and took the elevator to escape the questions. The protesters could not believe Kahele would do something so cowardly but it worked on his part. We’ve decided not to give the mainstream corporate fake news fuel to spin what actually happened so next time Kai. The democrats are known to pull stunts like this such as when Antifa and BLM put the women in the front when they are getting in fights with the opposing group in order to make them look bad for “attacking a woman.” Kai used his family as a shield when asked about his mask mandate plan. Well played Kahele; cowardly, but well played. It’s also important to note that Kahele invited a number of people to his private dining room at Hau Tree where he partied and lounged and he never wore a mask accept for when he left the room to go through the lobby. Just like Josh Green last September, Kahele wants to impose a strict authoritarian indoor N95 mask mandate on us and our children in school but not for himself especially when he parties with friends on a vacation getaway. Note: Abrien Aguirre, the covid whistleblower, was also there taking pictures and calling out Kai but unfortunately we can’t use that footage because Kai was hiding behind his daughters so hopefully next time where we can ask him the hard questions in a setting where he can’t hide behind his family.”

Note that Kahele is neither a doctor, nor a scientist, and he has no medical expertise to make such claims. His 10 point plan to make Hawai’i safe is nothing more than a Marxist take over of the medical system in Hawai’i. It’s a government take over of our lives, restrict our liberties, and create a secure a prison state on these islands. Kahele wants to become governor and he’s still a first year freshman in Congress with no political experience, but he wants to rule our lives as governor. Kahele is not even qualified to represent Hawaii’s second congressional district, let alone elected as dog catcher.

Two weeks to flatten the curve turn into two years of never ending lockdowns and mandates. The cure has become worse than the virus. Those in power have rejected all science behind Covid. When you see countries like Sweden that had no vaccine and mask mandates incur the least amount of hospitalizations and death, you wonder why? Sweden followed medical science. They isolated the most vulnerable and allowed the healthy to gain herd immunity as the virus passed through the country. Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis observed that, consulted with virologist scientists. DeSantis ignored the CDC, NIH and Fhony Fauci. The result was fewer deaths and hospitalizations in Florida. DeSantis employed alternate drug therapies besides providing the Fauci Coof Juice to those wanted it. In short, allowing the people to make their own medical decisions with their doctors. Today, the far left Marxists will not acknowledge that common sense approach to Covid has worked to keep people safe and alive. The left still calls DeSantis grandma killer. Which is ironic when Marxist democrat states has had the greatest number of deaths and hospitalizations. It proves that Fear Sells over Common Sense Security. The heavy hand of government tyranny kills more than it saves.

GOP Chair Birthing Person, Ronna Romney McDaniel says: “Joe Biden won the election, and I’m not going to talk about anything else other than 2022!” The establishment RINO Never-Trumper party has abandoned America First policies and now supports the Marxist democrats.

If we are to take back our county and a return to normalcy, then we need to get involved and vet these candidates vying for political office. Hawai’i Free Speech News Network is doing that work of asking the hard questions. Notice how Green and Kahele scurry away like cockroaches when exposed to the light?

Protect the vulnerable, but don’t punish the healthy. Allow people to decide if they want to get the jab and wear the mask. Stop with the misinformation and hiding the truth. Hawai’i doesn’t need or want a Fhony Fauci 2.0 as governor.



Mostly sunny and breezy. We’re supposed to be in our rainy season, but we’ve had little rain since January. Tradewinds are from the east at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 70s. Humidity is at 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is okay at 38.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāono, 2022


Blunders Built Better


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. I’m praying for the people of the Ukraine. Also those Peace Protesters in Russia that are against war with Ukraine. These brave people will be fighting for their country and freedoms. Peace Protests in Russia are being putdown hard by the communist regime of Putin’s communist puppets. Remember how the Marxist democrats raked President Trump over the coals for preventing us from getting into wars. It’s obvious that the war mongering neolibs and neocons wanted more wars. I hope John Bolton is happy.

Remember this gem? Blunders Built Better is a preferred and far more accurate description of the regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon. A series of blunders and miscalculations by Brandon and the Marxist democrats have put this country on the precipice of World War III. But it’s not their fault. It was President Trump’s fault. That’s what the Fake News Media pundits keep telling us. The Fake News Media and the Fascist Marxist democrats led by Nazi Piglosi, impeached President Trump over a perfect phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. With the help of a fat pig traitor Alexander Vindman that betrayed his country. This proved that the Deep State corruption was determined to get us back into war, and now we’re closer to war than ever before.

Notice how President Trump is the Alpha Male in the room as he pulls Putin over during the handshake. Notice how submissive Putin is towards President Trump. Body language shows Trump is a man that has control and dominance over Putin and Trump flatters him with praise. Putin’s ego is stroked because he’s feels that President Trump really likes him. That is how the art of the deal is done. You make your opponent feel special and welcomed. You don’t use hostility to try and intimidate your enemy. You make them feel special to the world. When you’re selling freedom and liberty, you convince your opponent into believing in altruism.

You Win Them Over To You. As Sun Tzu said – If you know your enemy and know yourself, you’d need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself and not your enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a greater defeat. If you neither know yourself nor your enemy you will succumb in every battle. Alas, we are losing every battle because of the senility of the genius Jim Crow Joe Brandon and his crew of incompetent neolibs. Both Marxist democrats and RINO republicans are at fault. Look at how these idiots glom onto the Blunders Built Better mantra. The same mistakes repeated over and over.

Build Back Better, how’s that working out? I like Blunders Built Better, it’s more accurate. The left are like squawking parrots that repeat the same garbage over and over. For some reason, the lefts idea of building back better is tearing down what “Make America Great” was already achieving. Jim Crow Joe Brandon didn’t have to do nothing but let the country continue on cruise control. But the Marxist democrats had to be like those people on the highway weaving in and out of traffic trying to get ahead of everyone, only to be stopped by the next traffic light. What have they gained? Other than pissing off others on the world highway. Notice how the Fake News Media does the same thing.

This Supercut video of Jim Crow Joe Brandon’s promises to hold Putin accountable. It aged like week old gas station sushi. Here are all the times President Joe Biden said he was the one who could handle Putin. In the last part of the video, Brandon stares off into space and then sucks and picks at his dentures.

Brandon has no clue what he just said, but the audience did and they laughed their asses off. I’m sure world leaders were rolling on the floor laughing also. This is the problem with the Fake News Media. They see this clown Brandon and excuse all his gaffes. The problem is that it’s not funny anymore. This clown has the key to the nuclear weapons. The fake news media helped get this clown elected. The Marist democrats stole the 2020 elections and worked to cover it up. Yet, the fake news media continues to accuse President Trump is a traitor to the county. What’s Brandon going to do now that Putin has put Hunter’s Burisma money laundering out of business? What does China have on the Biden family?

Puffery, Fluffery, and Hickory Dickory. If there was anything that President Trump taught us was that picking a fight with your enemy doesn’t work. But when push comes to shove, President Trump makes his threats known only after threats have been made. Remember when Kim Jung-un threatened to shoot nukes at the United States? President Trump responded by saying that Kim Jung-um best not make threats unless he wants to see his country turned into a nuclear wasteland. Afterwards was the historic meeting at the DMZ.


This is how you work with despots and tyrants. You sell them on peace while preparing for war. From the book “Epitoma Rei Militaris,” “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” If you want peace, prepare for war. What is rarely reported is that President Trump tried to sell Kim Jung-un to open his country to tourism and capitalism. North Korea has some spectacular scenery. Mountains and beaches where tourism dollars could help North Korea’s economy. Unfortunately, the deal couldn’t be closed. There are many reasons for that, but the steps made into the demilitarize zone were just baby steps into creating trust. Carrot and Stick Diplomacy.


In Hawai’i, our tyrannical governor, Ige, will not drop the mask mandates. In schools with mask mandates, grade school children were given an assignment to draw the faces of other students in their classes.

The children only drew faces with eyes. No noses, No Mouths, Only Eyes.

Gov. David Ige said he is not ready to say when he will drop the state’s mask mandate. Hawai’i will be the last state in the nation to have a mask mandate in place. Ige says he’s protecting the children. Isn’t that special that Ige is hiding behind keiki (children)to keep holding onto his power. “We are looking at what makes the most sense. We still know that young children don’t have the option of being vaccinated. So how do we protect our young children and the communities?” said Ige.

When we know that Covid doesn’t effect children, except those with compromised immune systems. But don’t let science get in the way of granting our freedoms back and a return to normality. Punishing keiki education is no excuse to ignore facts. Masks Don’t Work. Ige knows this. Hilahila.



Mostly sunny and breezy. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 21%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid to mid 70s. Humidity is at 74%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches and dewpoint is 65°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is good at 35.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmālima, 2022


First World Human


Aloha kākou. It seems to me that those calling for more abortions are those who are already alive. They tell us that the “First World Humans” produces more carbon than any other creatures on the planet. We’re told by those that look with scorn at newborn lives as threat to their continuing existence. The more I learn about the World Economic Forum, the more they frighten me. Everyone should be frightened by this shadowy group of rich elitists and the psychopaths’ that make up the WEF.

What happens when Canadian MP asks question about the WEF in the Canadian Parliament? Who are they and what’s their involvement in the WEF. The question gets quickly dismissed and is called disinformation. You’re not even allowed to ask a question about who Klaus Schwab’s WEF has in their organization. Do they have the people’s business at interest, or is there another agenda? How many people in our government are members of the WEF.

This video of a conversation between two people in a train station is chilling. The stranger asks the mother why she brought a child into the world. Calling the birth of her son a selfish act. He insists the mother to kill her child for the good of the planet, and for the environment. It might be a fictional encounter, but if you listen to the most extreme speakers in the WEF this is exactly what their saying about overpopulation. The WEF believes in the idea of mass sterilizations of growing populations. Especially in third world countries. Bill Gates has openly supported the idea of creating a vaccine that causes the sterilization of women.

Getting a Covid implant is another goal of the WEF. Where all your personal identification, medical and financial information can be centrally located. The WEF says the information will be your vaccination passport. Chip implants will act like passkeys to allow access to buildings such as your employer. It will act like international passports to freely travel between countries. It will allow the authorities to track your movement. It part of the WEF’s Digital Identity. You will have no personal freedoms and you will be happy. Big Government is here to care for your every need and want. Just sign here to relinquish all your liberties to the state.


Digital Identity: The 2018 vision of the World Economic Forum

In Australia, Victoria’s first purpose built quarantine facility in Melbourne’s north houses unvaccinated people. Including whole families before they are allowed to enter the public places. It is an internment camp where people will be held in a prison like compound guarded by a police force and video surveillance. It’s to prepare for any future Covid variants and outbreaks that may occur. You’re a prisoner in your own country.

Digital Dictatorships. Professor Harari’s Speech To The World Economic Forum In 2018 On The 4th Industrial Revolution. He Said We Are Likely One of The Last Generations of Homo-Sapian Because We Can Now Hack and Engineer Humans.

The merging of digital technology to humans was the stuff of science fiction. But now it’s human reality. In some medical cases the digital implant helps the human to get over a loss of some senses. For example cochlear implants help someone with hearing loss. Rush Limbaugh had one after losing he hearing. Optical implants help with vison and the disabled to communicate with a voice computer. Steven Hawking had such a device to help him communicate using a computer interface. Implants are good to help the disabled, but installing digital implants to control humans is another thing.

Digital ID’s is the new Checkpoint Charlie. You get the feeling that the WEF hates the idea of independence of the individual. That the collective is the only way to control the people. Marxist democrats have been complaining about people having too much autonomy. It was Marxist democrat John Dingle that once said that it takes time to produce the necessary legislation to control the people. Now we can do that with digital implants. I guess the government feels safer when they can control our lives. It like they fear the people watching them.

Climate Control, Population Control, Digital Identities, Medical Implants, Internment Camps, It’s all part of the Great Reset. It’s more that a One World Government and Economy. It’s about creating two classes of people. The class of the very rich elites and a slave class of worker drones. The WEF describes this future as world without needs and wants. You have no need for independence. You will become the new First World Human. A conditioned human where resources are distributed by climate control and population control as we travel the road to serfdom.



Mostly sunny and breezy. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 23 mph. Cloud cover is 40%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 70s. Humidity is at 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches and dewpoint is 62°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is okay at 41.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmāhā, 2022


Puʻu ʻulaʻula


Aloha kākou. Red Hill was constructed as a top secret fuel storage site on the island of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor all of the Navy’s fuel was stored in unprotected above ground fuel tanks at Pearl Harbor. Red Hill is a hidden facility that was unclassified in the 1990’s. There were 20 underground fuel tanks encased in concrete and steel. The tanks were constructed to protect the fuel from future aerial attacks. The storage tanks design were unique in that the design had never been tried before. They excavating large vertical tank chambers instead of horizontal tunnels. The construction started in 1940 with 20 underground fuel storage tanks were built more that 100-feet below the surface of Red Hill. The facility was designed as an impenetrable, bombproof reserve of fuel for the military. At this time in history, the world at war, America attacked by the Japanese Imperial Navy. Hawaii’s strategic location in the middle of the Pacific was vulnerable to enemy attack. Fuel for the Navy and Air Force needed to be protected from any future aerial attacks. Red Hill was the chosen site to store the fuel needed for the war effort. It still needs to be maintained as the strategic refueling station for the military.

Each of the 20 vertical tanks are 100 feet in diameter and 250 feet high, about the size of a 20-story building, and lined with quarter-inch steel plates. It has an overall design capacity of 6-million barrels of fuel oil. They steel-lined the walls of the tank chambers. Reinforced concrete was placed against the rock and smooth continuously welded steel plates formed the inner liner of each tank. In 1995, the American Society of Civil Engineers placed the Red Hill facility alongside engineering marvels as the Hoover Dam, the Eiffel Tower, Panama Canal, and Statue of Liberty as a historic landmark. It was truly an engineering marvel.

As with everything, age and infrastructure wear catches up. In 2014, evidence of fuel leakage was noted. Maintenance wasn’t kept up. Decisions that could have avoided a contamination disaster wasn’t seriously being addressed. The Navy and City and County, State and Federal agencies came together to evaluate the impact on the environment and community, and to look for solutions in dealing with the leaks and strategies to mitigate the impacts. The problems with Red Hill are not new. These problems have been around for years. As with everything else in Hawai’i politics, our single party majority of Marxist democrats waited till a serious problem developed. Our federal Senators and Misrepresentatives kept putting off the obvious solutions. Drain the underground tanks to above ground storage. Then replace and redesign the 80 year old tanks.

Enter misandrist Mazie “Tojo” Hirono who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the lone holdout among Hawaii’s congressional delegation when it comes to the Red Hill Watershed and Aquifer Initiative Act. According to Civil Beat, Hirono wants Hawaii’s Department of Health to take action. Which doesn’t make any sense to me since the facility is owned by the Navy. I still believe in the strategic value of Pu’u ‘ula’ula (Red Hill). It just needs to be rebuilt using modern materials and design techniques. However, this bickering between the State and Federal government isn’t getting the job done. Don’t let the environmentalist like the communist Sierra Club dictate our nation’s military security. Just fund the Red Hill infrastructure to keep it operational for future needs. In 1940 they built the Red Hill facility in three years, we should be able to rebuild it again, but better. Not in the manner of how the State is building that ridiculous “Rail To Nowhere” which is mismanaged by the State. Leave Red Hill to the State and nothing will ever get done. If you’re going to protect the environment and national security then something has to be done to achieve both goals. But Nothing Is Being Done!

Ever notice how gas stations occasionally have their underground tanks dug up and replaced? It’s to prevent leaking and ground water contamination. Off load the existing tanks, store the fuel in a temporary location, and replace the tanks. Redesign the facility with future preventative measures for the next 80+ years. The 2014 leak should have started the process, but it’s now 2022, eight years later and nothing is being done. Instead, Red Hill is a political football being assaulted by a bunch of leftist democrat monkeys.

If there ever was a time for national security importance to be fortified in the Pacific, then Hawaii’s Pu’u ‘ula’ula needs to be refurbished. If necessary, Red Hill needs to be taken out of the hands of both the Navy and State and assigned to a contractor that can get the job done. I can think of only one builder that could get the job done quickly, correctly and under budget. The last thing we need is to have these islands defenseless because of the lack of fuel for our military forces. We don’t need another Pearl Harbor attack on Hawai’i because we were unprepared and without fuel.



Mostly sunny with lite breezes. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 42%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 76%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches and dewpoint is 58°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is okay at 41.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmākolu, 2022


Digital Triggers


Aloha kākou. I have to admit that I’m extremely uninformed about digital currencies. What is known as Cryptocurrencies. When cryptocurrency was first described to me, I dismissed it as some scheme to steal your money. The idea of a currency that has no backing under the full faith and credit of the US government cannot be considered of a safe and real value. I believe it had to be vaporware. For the longest time I ignored it as an investor. I spoken to my broker about cryptocurrencies to try and understand how it’s valued. My banking institution does not offer any cryptocurrency investments. That’s good because I wouldn’t know how it works in my portfolio. Cryptocurrencies are after all becoming more visible in the markets and a bunch of people are getting into this digital currency. I just I don’t fully understand just what it is and how it retains actual monetary value.

I understand tangible assets such as gold to toilet paper. Commodities are things you can see and touch. They have a fungibility value in the fair exchange for products, services, and anything worthy of trade. Then something caught my attention with cryptocurrencies. After the Ottawa authoritarians started confiscating charitable donations to the truckers, a cryptocurrency investor made the case why crypto-wallets bypass banks and governments ability to seize assets. I decided then to educate myself into the world of cryptocurrencies. I have to admit I still don’t fully understand how it all works and how it gets transferred into actual money. Maybe that’s the whole purpose. It gets the banks and government out of the free exchange of trade. Now that governments are illegally seizing private property and bank accounts, where does anyone go to protect their personal assets? The answer seems to be in cryptocurrencies.

My understand of cryptocurrencies is that it’s defined as a virtual or digital money that takes the form of tokens or “coins.” Though some cryptocurrencies have ventured into the physical world with credit cards or other projects, the large majority remain entirely intangible. That’s the part that I find hard to fathom. How does something virtual retain monetary value? I’m realizing that cryptocurrencies features a common commitment to decentralization. Cryptocurrencies are designed to be free from government manipulation and control. Cryptocurrencies function like currencies that are intended to make payments as digital money across a decentralized network of users. But it gets even more deeper with blockchain-based tokens that are meant to serve a different purpose from that of money. This is where a lot of my confusion of how cryptocurrencies operate like money.

What makes cryptocurrencies attractive is its decentralized platforms, blockchain-based cryptocurrencies allow individuals to engage in financial transactions and into contracts. In either case, there is no need for some trusted third-party intermediary such as a bank, monetary authority, court, or judge. But that’s a duel edged sword because the possibility of disrupting the existing financial order. What legal recourse do you have to get someone to pay their bills? The number of the cryptocurrencies has grown exponentially in the past decade with a collective market capitalization of more than $1.75 trillion. Being a moderate risk adverse investor, I’m hesitant in getting involved in cryptocurrencies. Is the risk worth investing in cryptocurrencies? Then again, is the current monitory system going to remain viable? Will the government seize my assets because of my political views?

The Federal Reserve Bank is enthusiastically moving to a digital dollar. I see potential privacy problems with such a move. While digital currencies seem convenient with everything on a phone or credit/debit card, it doesn’t stop the IRS from monitoring your spending habits. The FED has proposed a scheme to report all transactions of $600.00 or more to the IRS. Currently, the IRS get a report when you make transactions of $10,000 dollars or more. The government assumes you’re making some illegal transaction with that amount of money. Now that threshold be lowered to $600.00. This is the information about your spending that will be reported to the IRS. Buying a refrigerator can cost $600.00. Why does the IRS need to know every transaction of $600.00 or more? It’s because the government doesn’t trust the people.

The assumption by this regime is that all America citizens are all crooks and hide their money to avoid paying taxes. That’s doesn’t stop the government from misspending your taxes paid to the government. The proposal is to hire 80,000 IRS employees to handle the load of transactions by consumers. So more of your tax dollars will go to pay new IRS agents salaries. This is how much this regime of Jim Crow Joe Brandon distrusts the American people. Talk about tyrannical paranoia. So the government wants to move to a digital currency to further centralize the monetary system to spy into your spending habits. This isn’t about avoiding paying taxes, this is about Big Government taking our liberties away.

Here’s the Achilles Heel to all digital currencies. What happens when there is a catastrophe that takes down the internet? What if digital pirates use ransomware to lock people’s digital accounts? What if there is a Electromagnetic Pulse that takes down the electrical grid. No electricity means no internet. I still have faith in cold hard cash. I keep cash in a safebox with my bugout kit incase of emergencies. I always fill my vehicle gas tank when it’s half empty. After living through various disaster where the electrical grid was down for weeks, it’s good to have a reserve of cash available when needed. Digital triggers are actually a war on cash. Which makes me want to horde cash and if necessary hide it in my mattress. I wouldn’t bury cash it because if I ever have lava end up on my Livingroom, a jackhammer will not dig through 100 feet of lava rock. A safebox is mobile and secure which does make me feel much safer.



Mostly cloudy with scattered showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 93%. Visibility is 8 miles. We got 9/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70s. Humidity is at 87%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 6. Air quality Index is good at 32.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmālua, 2022


Presidents Day 2022


Aloha kākou. There have been only two Presidents in my lifetime that played a major impact in the direction of this great country, and that was the great Ronaldis Magnus (Ronald Reagan) and President Donald J. Trump. Of course, the greatest President was George Washington, the first President, and founding member of the Republic of the United States of America. He will always be known as the greatest President. He lead and defeated the British armies during the Revolutionary War. Gained our independence and formation of our country. The greatest representative government we now enjoy.

Equally as important was Abraham Lincoln that held the Republic together during the Civil War, also known as the war between the States. The Great Emancipator, Lincoln formed the Republican party. Abolished slavery and amended the Constitution to fulfill the promise of all men are equal and free. It was the democrats that fought to keep slavery in place and which lead to the Civil War. It was the Republicans that enforced the supreme law of the Constitution. Even today, the democrats are trying to reimagine slavery by creating a class of government dependency through welfare.

This country has endured great presidents and bad presidents. Examples of bad presidents in my lifetime are: Jimmah Carter, Bill Clinton, Barry the Bullshitter Obummer, and now Jim Crow Joe Brandon. The latter two are mostly evil. To the same level of evil as Woodrow Wilson, James Buchanan, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. There has been other worse presidents to a degree lesser or more during history, but for many people, history is what you experience in your own lifetime. To the greater degree there has been more good president that bad. That’s why it’s so important for people to get involved in the political process. Be a poll watcher. Attend school boards. Correspond with your local, state, and federal elected officials. Ask questions. What are your kitchen table issues in your location? Make a list of those issues that are important to you and speak with your representative.


In Hawai’i, we do have some elected officials that are proactive. Hawai’i District Senator, Joy A. Buenaventura, who represents District 2, Puna – East Ka’ū. San Buenaventura is the chair of the committee for human resources. She sent out a questionnaire by mail to the residents of our district asking what are the most important issues facing our community. In four questions with check boxes: Food insecurity, Education, Childcare, Work opportunities, Traffic, Internet access, Crime, and Alternate Roads. Even asking a question on what would improve your quality of life.


None of our other politicians are asking these questions. We rarely hear from our State Senators and Misrepresentatives, except if they’re running for reelection or the governorship. When we do hear from Crazy Mazie Tojo Hirono, she usually says something really stupid. We have one candidate running for Governor as a republican. He outlines a bunch of lofty goals except for one, lowering taxes. It’s that crazy time in the election cycle where the little dictators promise you, dis dat and the other ting.

On this President’s Day where we originally celebrated George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, is the launch of President Trump’s “Truth Social” media site. I watched it start downloading across the internet after midnight eastern time. On various social media sites people were posting that they managed to get either into the site, or that they were still trying. The Internet Exploded with traffic. It flooded the bandwidth of the site with so much traffic it brought the site to a stop. The Truth Social servers were overloaded with requests. Local bandwidth internet services couldn’t keep up. Too many phones trying to log into the site.

Truth Social is currently only available on the Apple ios phones and you have to install the app from the Apple store. For now, there’s no Android app to download. Which is a bummer because I wanted to get onto the site as quick as possible. People have been reporting that the site is experiencing a waiting list once they successfully are able to log into the site. It’s to be expected when hundreds of millions of people are trying to enter the site all at once. Eventually we’ll get there. Just have to have patience.


It’s President’s Day 2022 and this country is lacking a real president. The figure head than currently occupies the White House is nothing more than a sock puppet for the deep state. Everyone knows that the Barry the Bullshitter Obama and members of his corrupt cabal of Marxists are actually running this government. The erratic decisions that Jim Crow Joe Brandon is making is directed and choreographed by Susan Rice, Ron Klain, Samatha Powers, Jake Sullivan, Alejandro Mayorkas, and William Burns.

We’re watching Canada slide into a totalitarianism dictatorship, and we’re just one step away from our own government becoming an authoritarian state. We’re living in very dangerous times. This is all part of the Great Reset to impose a communist one world government. It took an illegal Covid mandate to trigger massive protests and the government to invoke emergency powers. The government now will justify seizing property, banking accounts, and even children from protesters. I can predict what will happen next. By shutting down the truckers and seizing their trucks, Fidel Jr. Trudeau has cut Canada off food, gas, and products to maintain Canada’s economy. In the middle of the winter no less. Here in America, shear incompetence has slowed the supply chain by a male Transportation secretary that thinks he’s delivered a baby.


Don’t think for a minute that these two refugees from “The Shining” won’t try to copycat Fidel 2.0 Trudeau’s emergency mandate. They will if given the chance. These Marxist democrats, Schmucky Schumer and Nazi Piglosi hate America and the people. Just look at their districts. The homeless, drug addicted, and out of control crime. This is not by happenstance, this is deliberate destruction of America.



Mostly sunny with the possibility of late afternoon showers. Tradewinds are from the east at 7 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 55%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is very good at 26.

Pepeluali Iwakālua Kūmākahi, 2022


Sunday Funnies


Aloha Lāpule. It’s Sunday and it’s time for some funnies. As we head into the last week of the Valentines month, it’s nice to have a break from the politics. Giving thanks to God.

Isn’t atheism actually a religion. Yes, I think it so. I love the Babylon Bee. The satirical humor is the best. Some people actually take them serious.


When I was growing up. Every Sunday morning we’d get the local newspaper and look for the insert with the comic strips.


This is pretty smart. I might use this if car pool lanes come to Hawai’i.



Let’s pray for the Trucker here in the United States and a special prayer for the Canadian Truckers. For that matter, a special prayer for all of Canada’s people and businesses. Especially those being persecuted by Fidel Jr. Trudeau’s fascism. I have family living in Canada, from British Columbia to Newfoundland island.

Paying it back to our Canadian neighbors. The Canadians were there for us during September 11th, 2001. They were always there for us. It’s time to us Yankees to pay it forward to our neighbors in the Great White North. Canadian journalist Gordon Sinclair and his view on Americans. This speech was published on June 5, 1973. Give it a listen.



Mostly sunny with the possibility of late afternoon showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 31%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 9/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 70°. UV index 9. Air quality Index is very good at 27.

Pepeluali Iwakālua, 2022


Useless Eaters


Aloha kākou. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing the concept of a “Great Reset”. It’s described as a One World Government where all your needs and wants are provided for by the state. You need not want because you will own nothing and you will be happy. Or else, and by or else you will be a target of woke culture. Obey, or they will make your life a living hell.

In the book by John Coleman, The Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of Committee of 300, has the following chilling passage:

“At least 4 billion “useless eaters” shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world’s population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.” (p. 105)

This was written in 1991, and it has been adopted by the WEF as the opportunity to usher in the “Great Reset.”


The Great Reset as Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive director of the Forum, and a white guy, described, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” One of the components of the Great Reset is the concept of Environmental Justice. What this means is abandoning all hydrocarbons and replacing energy with solar and wind. No more fossil fuel vehicles, gas fired turbines to produce electricity, and all current methods of producing cheap affordable energy. Instead energy will be produced by rare earth materials. What is described as “Green Energy.” Because it produces no emissions. What this means it increased mining for energy producing minerals. The batteries, solar panel materials, and non-biodegradable plastics used in producing the production of the windmill propellers.


In the United States we have the rare earth materials available to us to mine, but opening new mines in this country is not easy. Often subject to the political winds will close down mines as soon as one opens. Very similar to what Jim Crow Joe Brandon did the the oil and gas leases canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and natural gas fracking on federal lands. Jim Crow Joe Brandon is cancelling mining leases that would have led to increased domestic production of the “copper, nickel, cobalt and platinum group metals” required for wind turbines, EV batteries and all of the other Unicorns they believe can replace fossil fuels. Many of these materials are also found in cellphones, besides solar panels and windmills.


Because these mines are out of sight-out-of-mind, the actually impact to the environment is not seen by the elites. That’s because the elites at Davos and the World Economic Forum don’t live in those countries where the mines are being dug by exploited children. These are third world nations with economies being prevented from developing by the WEF. These poor workers are inconsequential to the elites.

The world bank noted in its Climate Change report, the world is rapidly changing to low carbon technologies to combat climate change, but this will require large quantiles of minerals to succeed. Here are some stats: A single three-megawatt windmill requires 4.7 tons of copper. Lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles, to cellphones, and electric power grids, rely heavily on cobalt. These rare earth heavy metals are highly toxic. These materials are not easily disposable or recycled. It’s creating a larger environmental disaster. This is what the Great Reset considers Environmental Justice. A dirty injustice.


Another component of the Great Reset is Woke Capitalism verses Profit. This also introduces us to a cashless society, otherwise known as social credit system. Woke capitalism is a term coined by a columnist at The New York Slimes. The term is used by many large corporations in their public policy decisions. It has been used with cancel culture to cudgel corporations into accepting wokeness into their product lines. Woke capitalism isn’t about companies fulfilling their product mission or maximizing shareholder value. It’s about promoting a particular social agenda. Not everyone shares that agenda, and customers never benefits from social justice wokeness.

Remember when Gillette razors produced a transgender ad featuring a father teaching his transitioning son on how to shave? After watching this commercial rubbish, I stopped buying Gillette razors. I now buy Harry’s Razors. Harry’s is better and last longer than Gillette. Plus Harry’s doesn’t push this LGBTQ woke capitalist agenda. I will not patronize any woke products. Just as I don’t use feminine products. I will not tolerate gender dysphoria mental diseases in commercial products. Gillette’s wokeness bought the company 8 billion dollars in lost sales. So much for Woke Capitalism.

Many corporations have bowed to the woke cancel culture thinking they will be spared from the wrath of the intolerant LGBTQ crowd. Corporations forget that choosing political sides over their customer base will cause them losses in product sales. The LGBTQ crowd may be loud and vocal, but they are still a minority in American society. The WEF considers this minority group key in convincing the general public into accepting a collective society. In short, accepting the tenants of Marxism.

‘The Great Reset’ is an idea put forward by the World Economic Forum to fundamentally restructure the global economy in the wake of the Covid pandemic. David Ansara of the Centre For Risk Analysis (CRA) speaks with author, Douglas Kruger, about the ideological underpinnings of the ‘Davos agenda’ and the risk it poses to property rights.

A cashless society is equally as destructive to capitalism norms. It introduces us to a social credit system. It makes government your literal care keeper and banker. Your credit score is monitored by the government which regulates permission to travel, getting a decent hotel room, eating at restaurants, going to the movies, entertainment, and a host of other activities. Say something on unsocial media the government doesn’t like and they ding your credit score. Play too many video games and you’ll get dinged. The government turns into Judge Dread.

Remember that the Great Reset is using Covid to push their One World Government Society. Under the guise of climate crisis they make the promise of a clean world with clean technologies where everyone lives as equals. Over population and Climate Crisis will be replace with Net Zero Emissions. Only the very rich elites will actually own things. The rest of us will not own anything and will be happy. Like it or not. This is Marxism. The one thing that is not mentioned in the Great Reset scheme is where religion falls into place. But we have a good idea what the role of religion will be in the Great Reset.


In Finland, the trial of two Finnish Christians for publicly stating sex is only for heterosexual marriage is heading towards a court judgment. The outcome could affect the rights of religious believers across the world. It began when a Member of the Finnish Parliament, Paivi Rasanen, and Lutheran Bishop, Juhana Pohjola, tweeted a picture of Bible verses. The Finnish government investigated and discovered a pamphlet which says classic Christian teachings about sex is reserved only for marriage, and defining marriage as comprising only one man and one woman for life. This pamphlet has been around for years and has circulated in many countries. It’s not a big secret. These teaching are directly from the Bible and have been spoken for over 3,000 years. When the government goes woke, then your religious freedoms are taken away. While the Great Reset doesn’t specifically mention religion, it a safe bet that religious authority will be to the state and not to God. The state can be a jealous God.

“Being criminally charged for voicing my deeply held beliefs in a country that has such deep roots in freedom of speech and religion feels unreal,” Rasanen told The Federalist. Once religion is criminalized then this opens up the door to persecutions of people of all faiths. The message is clear. You will only worship the state and you will not put other Gods before the state.

In Europe where political and religious speech has been increasingly restricted, because it’s seen by the courts as unfashionably conservative. Christian countries such as Hungary and Poland are increasingly under attack for their religious beliefs. How much longer before religion becomes a crime in the United States? In Communist China where there are no religious freedoms, the government routinely arrests and tortures people of faith. Crimes of religious genocide in Africa by islamic terrorists against Christians are rarely reported in the Fake News.

When LGBTQ militants tried to force a Christian baker to bake a gay cake and he refused, he was prosecuted for committing a hate crime. A florist was prosecuted and fined for refusing to design an arrangement for a gay wedding. You’d think these people would go to another shop, but the purpose here was to intimidate and punish the business owners for not bending to the intolerance LGBTQ. If you’re pro-life then you can be persecuted for speaking out against abortions. You can lose your job if you refuse to call a transgender dysphoric by a certain pronoun or some name they gave to themselves.

By now you should have a pretty good idea of who are the “Useless Eaters.” This description has been around for decades. It goes further back than Hitler’s final solution. It’s what Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Butcherhood, described, “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class, and if morality is to mean anything at all to us, we must regard all the changes which tend toward the uplift and survival of the human race as moral.” We are the useless eaters.

These are the actual goals of the Great Reset. It’s really not about climate change, zero emissions, a unified one government world, and all those flowery ideals of a clean personal habitat. It’s actually about population control and grabbing up land resources. It’s about two classes of people, the very wealthy elitists’ and the slave labor used to service the very rich. It’s about eliminating the very old, the sick, the mentally impaired, children born with birth defects, all through euthanasia. All of them, gone for the common good of the wealthy elitists’. If you ever wondered why these wealthily closed minded hypocrites gather once a year in Davos Switzerland. Flying in on their emissions spewing Gulfstream aircraft from around the world to discuss [plot] how to control the world. While dining on the most expensive foods and drinks. Far away from the working class ears of the bourgeoisie. The elitists plot their schemes.

Communist China has been quietly buying up prime agricultural real estate. Are we handing over our nation’s food supply to the Communists? Communist Chinese owners controlled about 192,000 agricultural acres in the U.S., worth $1.9 billion, including land used for farming, ranching and forestry, according to the Agriculture Department. This is all being done under the nose of Jim Crow Joe Brandon, or is it? I wonder if this is some deal to undermine America’s farmlands. The Chinese have a poor record of quality control. What risks to the food supply is this regime getting us into?

But it’s not just the Communist Chinese buying up farmland. Bill Gates has acquired 269,000 acres of farmland! What special interest does Bill Gates have in farmland? Land is power, land is wealth, and land is a good investment. So I can’t see Bill Gates as a farmer. He’s not the Green Acres billionaire and neither does Gates have a green thumb. Perhaps the answer is in Bill Gates’ new book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.” Gates positions himself as a pioneer leader in how to stop putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Gates calls it a “global green revolution” to help poor farmers mitigate climate change. What expertise in climate science or agriculture Gates possesses beyond being filthy rich is anyone’s guess.

But it you wanted to control the population, you do that by taking possession of the food supply. Gates has said eating less meat and maintain a plant based diet is the best way to reduce emissions. I’m guessing emissions means flatulence. Will the land remain as farmland? Who will work the land? Gates, like many of his rich cronies, have adopted alternative methods of providing a protein diet, such as insects. They get the steak, and we get the roaches. Think about that when understanding the Great Reset.



Mostly sunny with the possibility of afternoon showers. Tradewinds are from the east at 6 mph, gusts 17 mph. Cloud cover is 50%. Visibility is 9 miles. We got 13/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches and dewpoint is 64°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is good at 32.

Pepeluali ‘Umi Kūmāiwa, 2022
