2013 – A New Year



Welcome to 2013. We fell off the Fiscal Cliff thanks to Obama and his merry band of Communists Democrats!  But even if we didn’t fall off the fiscal cliff, Obamacare adds $1 Trillion in new taxes starting on January 1, 2013!   So we have that to look “Forward” to!  Welcome to Obamaville!  No one is talking about that!




Time magazine made Obama their person of the year, again!  The “Butcher of Benghazi” who watched and did nothing while the United States Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorist savages.  Then there are the mysterious deaths of members of Seal Team Six that killed Osama bin Laden.  Did Obama sacrifice the lives of brave Americans to appease Islamic terrorist?  Why then is the trial of Nidal Malik Hasan taking so long?  Remember when Obama said “let’s not just to conclusions” when clearly this was a terrorist attack on a military base.

November 6, 2009: President Obama responded to Thursday’s shooting at Fort Hood praising the work of U.S. troops in defending the country and cautioning against “jumping to conclusions” until the investigation is complete.

These questions are more than just troubling; it shows a deceptive pattern that is being hidden with an agenda to distract Americans with free gubmint stuff.  Meanwhile, the government is being infiltrated with communists and Islamic sympathizers and the so called watchdog media is asleep in their kennel.

Obama is changing the Constitution principles from Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness to Dependence, Envy, and the Pursuit of Mediocracy.

The Chicago community agitator’s home town is number one in murders and gang violence, and Obama has vowed to replicate that across the United States by attempting to nullify the Second Amendment.  That’s another point, we’re no longer a United States; we are more divided than ever before and that has been Obama’s policy from the beginning.  Obama’s policy of class warfare and class envy has been successful in both economically and racially.  Mulatto boy with his wife, the angry black woman, and those raisinets they call children, are just a facade of hatred of all things American.  What?!  Too Harsh?! I guess if Sarah Palin’s children can be targets of leftist hatred vitriol and insults, then Mulatto boyz children are fair targets now!  What goes around comes around!  Let’s share the hate!

You don’t get to be a part of the elite politburo without the help of a corrupt news media that deliberately hides and obfuscates Obama’s record.  The debates proved that.

So now, here we are: an economy in the dump, taxation without representation, an oppressive corrupt government, the destruction of private industry and the overbearing reach of socialism.  Over the next four years we will expose those that set into motion the destruction of this once greatest nation in the world.  There is nowhere else to go in the world, and we must fight this creeping communism before it’s too late. Exposing those in the media, in the Congress, their friends and family; people need to be reminded how and why we got here, and the consequences that will unfold if it is not stopped.  It’s still not too late to restore the Constitution. Prepare for War!


 What’s For Dinner?



Roast Leg Of Lamb and Potato’s with Candied Carrots