McNaughton Fine Art

Jon McNaughton is an American artist that paints stunning and emotional moving works of art. Sometimes political, religious, and always brilliant. I’ve been following his work for years and always admired his amazing works of art. This is a timeline of artwork that has grabbed my attention and, at times, lifted my spirit. Please visit his website and social media site to learn more. The link is at the top of this paragraph.

I want to share two paintings that I found deeply extraordinary in contrast between two United States Presidents. I agree with the context and message in these works of art. There are many more works that I would love to share, but I would like visitors to go to the artist site where they can be enveloped in this unique and fascinating chryselephantine mastery.  These are YouTube videos by the artist himself. I believe it will tease your senses to see and learn more about these masterpieces of ingenuity.

The Forgotten Man

This pointedly shows the displeasure of the Founding Fathers as the first black President steps on the Constitution. It shows the despair of every American man, woman and child, rights being violated by a uncaring President that is more enamored with ruling the world, over protecting the citizens. It also shows the evil satisfaction of former Presidents that approve of the designed socialism into the fabric of America. The forced dependence on government, over the individual’s pursuit of happiness.

Obama, or b. hussein, as I like to call him, cared little for Americans. He was a Rock Star for world socialists that stroked his ego, while laughing behind his back. Obama created an second entitlement of no borders and big government. Obama used class and economic warfare to further divide Americans into the ‘haves and have nots’.  The animosity and envy created a level of dependency that entitled the leftist to protest the successfulness of the individuals.

Obama said, “You didn’t build that! Someone else did.” Obama said success is not a result of someone either working hard, or being smart, and that if you started your own business, you didn’t build it yourself.

Obama was setting up the rage of fascism growth in America. Obama was setting up the rage of racism in America. Obama was setting up the hatred of Americans against America. This is the legacy of a fascist President, the failure of a leftist President, and a racist angry President.

There can be no doubt that the riots and unrest in America today is a result of the Obama regime. The left feels entitled to lash out and destroy, while liberal democrats approve as in the painting. Passively allowing the rioters room to destroy.

You Are Not Forgotten 

When Donald J. Trump decided to run for President of the United States of America, people laughed. The late night comics mocked, the leftists politicians scoffed, the fake news media giggled, and Hollyweird leftists snubbed the idea that Trump would ever have a fortuitous win for the highest office in the world. Indeed, the polling groups predicted that Hillary Clinton was a landslide winner.  The embolden leftist believed the election was already won!  Boy, were they ever wrong!

What the political establishment forgot was that Donald J. Trump is not an ideologue. He’s not the consummate politician. The GOP establishment presented 16 of their finest warriors to compete for the office. I jest at my suggestion of GOP warriors. They are cowards. Especially the two make-believe GOP leaders, Foghorn Leghorn and Eddie Munster.  They have failed at their job.

The legacy of Obama is the snake under Trump’s heel. President Trump is learning how the Swamp Works. People should know how the corruption is Top-Down and where the money is spent. There is a pay-to-play embedded corruption in our government where accountability is only one-sided. Let’s remind ourselves how President Trump won.

Law and Order. Constitutional Rights. Love for Country. There is a trinity of values that are in alignment with the values of our Constitution. It’s why, when given the opportunity, this country thrives when government gets out of the way. No one ever wanted a President of the world, but a President of this country. Focused and deliberate, for the people.

When President Trump’s own party, the GOP, fails to work with him to pass Healthcare and Tax reform, because of a cowardliness of being a party of obstructionists, and not governance, then getting a kick in the ass is what the GOP needs to begin to work for the people.  Else, they will go the way of the Whig party.

With All Respects To Jon McNaughton and His Fine Artwork.

These Are My Own Thoughts.

Please Visit His Site To Learn About His.








A National Day Of Prayer

President Donald J. Trump declares September third, twenty thousand and seventeen, a National Day of Prayer.  He’s the first President in my lifetime that invites religious leaders into the Oval Office to offer prayers of support and guidance.  He’s humble enough to bow his head in prayer for the people of this country. That is truly unique and refreshing. With Trump, it’s not about him, it’s about the people.

We haven’t had a day of prayer in a long time in this country, and it’s about time. Too often politicians are too politically correct to appease the terminally offended. These are the same people that mock people of faith, and the politicians pander to these people. One former President labeled people of faith as “Bitter Clingers“, those that cling to their guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.  However, this leftist President didn’t stop there, he also made a racist remark that these people of faith are white working class Americans, non-college educated, frightened, struggling, politically misguided, and anesthetized into believing that more guns and more God would solve their problems.  Pretty insulting to the voting middle America. This was a speech given to wealthy coastal liberals that look down on middle, or fly-over, America.

President Donald Trump reminds me of President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln wasn’t church going and deeply religious President, but he read the Bible from cover to cover, and he could recite passages as if he was an Evangelist preacher. President Trump isn’t a church going President either, but he has repetitively said he gets his inspiration from the Bible.  Unlike a former President that sat in a church of hate for over 20 years, and was married by, and had his children baptized by, the very same preacher that damned America.

President Trump is hardly a Bible thumper, but his reverence and respect for Judaeo-Christian values is reflected in the values the Founders designed into the Constitution. Yet, the left calls President Trump antisemitic even though his daughter is married to a Jew, and she converted to an orthodox Jew. How does a antisemite then put his own daughter as one of his closes advisers in the White House? Actions often speak louder than words, and with some former Presidents that did attended churches, they seem rather phony in retrospect.

Both President Trump and Vice-President Pence are men of humble reverence, and I cannot be more proud to call them both leaders of the United States of America and the Free World. This is what I would expect in true leadership for this country. There a commonsense approach to governance by these men that the country has been lacking for a long, long, time.  I definitely feel safer and more confident about the future of this country.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Melania Trump watch the solar eclipse from the White House in Washington

Despite a swamp of treachery from both parties in congress, President Trump’s energy level is amazing. I was also impressed by the First Lady Melania Trump, as religious as she is, especially when she recited the Lord Prayer. A Catholic in the White House since JFK. There seems to be no end to the surprises with this family. Preconceived notions by media appearances painted a different picture in the public’s perception. Along with a hostile press and a corrupt political system, these Trump outsiders to the swamp, the Sodom and Gomorrah of American politics, they seem unfazed by all the criticism. A strength to their character.

So I will pray for them and our great country. I shudder to think what would have been the alternative. Our prayers were granted for President Trump’s election.  We will continue to pray for his success in guiding this country. We will continue to pray for our country and for all the citizens of the United States of America. Amene!