Easter Sunday


Aloha Lāpule and Happy Easter (Hau’oli Pakoa). The knowledge of God is a search, constant and clear.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is complete, and the beginning of Ascension Day begins, May 9th, 2024. Ascension Day dates back to the year 68. According to the New Testament in the Bible, Jesus Christ met several times with his disciples during the 40 days after his resurrection to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings. It is believed that on the 40th day he took them to the Mount of Olives, where they watched as he ascended to heaven.

Season Four of the Chosen is coming out this year. I can’t wait to see and collect all the full episodes. I’ve been spending this Holy Week binge watching the first three seasons of the Chosen and all the old MGM Charlton Heston movies. The Ten Commandments and Ben Hur, these are the movies I grew up watching with my family every Easter Season. I never get tired of these movies. They’re timeless masterpieces made during Hollywood’s golden years. Now, not so much anymore. The garbage Hollyweird puts out now is too woke and bastardized to watch.

Last night while prepping for this post, I stumbled across this update on the Shroud of Turin. The burial cloth that Jesus Christ was wrapped in after the crucifixion. There were a lot of questions regarding the authenticity of the shroud. Carbon dating made back in the 1980’s gave erroneous dates based on the samples of the shroud.

They concluded that the probability that the Shroud being a fake is really very, very low. Lecturer Christopher Reibold explained the findings of the samples used for testing the Shroud of Turin. Science is such an inaccurate science. Therefore, it must be questioned and tested as improved methods of testing reveal more truths. Science is the pursuit of truth. I believe the burial cloth of Jesus is real.

I did not want to spend much time on this blasphemous desecration of Easter by Pedo-Hitler Biden, but some things must be said. There are traditions in American culture that relate to the founding of this nation. From the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution, these founding documents are the trinity of our system of government. Founded by men of deep religious conviction that understood the role of government and the role of religion as defined in First Amendment.

Biden’s White House has banned religious designs from the Easter art contest. In the flier announcing the contest and rules, it lumps religious symbols in with “questionable content.” The art contest is part of the White House’s annual Easter tradition. The Biden White House also announced on Good Friday that Easter Sunday this year would be “Transgender Day of Visibility.” As if to further insult people of faith and exalt sin and immorality. I really don’t understand what the purpose was, but I believe it was meant to insult Christians. Biden, who claims to be a ‘devout Catholic,’ will have to answer to a higher authority someday. Pray for his soul and to those that surround themselves with sin. We cannot save them from themselves.

The rock group “YES” song, “Revealing Science of God” is one of my favorite songs from the band. The religious overtones and lyric complexities are thought provoking. This version of the classic song paired with the artwork is mesmerizing. These simple truths emerge examining the magic of the past and the promise of the future. If only just to hear and understand. I am still learning to understand.

It’s the last day of March 2024. We now move on to April and into the Merrie Monarch Festival. The annual event is going to be glorious. Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium is ready to receive dancers and visitors from around the world. The Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo has been named the top cultural festival in the United States. The weeklong Merrie Monarch Festival is held yearly, starting on Easter Sunday. It is dedicated to the memory of King David Kalakaua (1836-1891), who was known as the Merrie Monarch.



Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is a 30% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gust 22 mph. Cloud cover is 29%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 77%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is fair at 41. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Kanakolu Kūmākahi 2024

Easter Vigil


Aloha kākou. It is Holy Saturday (Pōʻaono Hemolele) also known as Easter Vigil. The time in-between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. It’s the seventh and final day of Holy Week. Holy Saturday is also known in other cultures as, Hallelujah Saturday (in Portugal and Brazil), Glorious Saturday (in the Philippines), or Easter Eve, and called “Joyous Saturday” or “the Saturday of Light” among Coptic Christians.

Holy Saturday, or Easter Eve, is the third and final day of the Triduum, or the “Three Days” leading up to Easter during Holy Week. On Good Friday we commemorate Jesus’s passion and crucifixion. The triduum begins on Holy Thursday and ends at the conclusion of Easter Sunday. It encompasses the evening of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and finally, Easter Sunday.

Unfortunately, Christianity has been under assault by the left for centuries since Jesus Christ first established his church upon the rock. Many people in politics, the media, and celebrity status have discriminated against Catholics. Mocked and belittled them for their adherence to their faith, Christians have been refused jobs and opportunities because of their faith.

In some countries, especially in African nations, violence against Christians by Muslims is growing. Islam has murdered and enslaved Christians with little or no world news coverage.

It is said that Christianity is the only religion where anyone can mock and discriminate against without any repercussions. Discrimination against any other religion would be considered Hate Speech. Say anything derogatory against Islam and you’re called “Islamo-Phobic.” Against Judaism and you’re called “Antisemitic.” These are just the religions that are considered protected classes. Now, the introduction of false religions is making its way into mainstream society.

Hate speech against Christians is common in unpolite society and on Unsocial Media platforms. Just as Jesus was persecuted for his faith in the Father, Christians have endured the same discrimination. Even in our own Nation of the United States, a supposedly Catholic leader, has banned all Christian symbols at the White House for Easter Sunday and has as declared Easter a day of “Transgender Visibility.”

I am outraged by this discrimination against Christians on this Holiest day of the year. But I remember the Sermon on the Mount and what it means to be a follower of Christ the Saviour.

As a Catholic, forgiveness is the hardest commandment for me. I can easily get offended and unleash my unique form of biting sarcasm. It’s easy for others to discriminate against Christian Catholics and that’s because Jesus commands us to be humble in in return. To turn the other cheek and go on to live our daily lives. It’s hard to forgive those that discriminate against us. To say a prayer for those that discriminate against us. I say again, forgiveness is the hardest commandment for me to follow.

On this Easter Virgil, I’m going to redirect my disgust and anger from this corrupt government discrimination towards Christians this Easter. President Trump issued a statement:

“It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility’,” the Trump campaign said. “Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration’s years-long assault on the Christian faith.”

Trending Politics posted this in-depth analysis of Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime that is well worth the read. It goes through this regime’s history where the decline of morality begins with past Marxist democrat regimes. The wokeness and public shaming against anyone that would reject accepting the mutilation of children for transgender experimentation. We’re witnessing the decline of our civilization beginning with this nation’s posterity. The most vulnerable being taken advantage of by the least worthy of God’s grace.

The only way to stop this social contagion is to gather in unified prayer and determination. We must vote this debauchery out of government and keep it out, once, and forever. As President Trump is rightfully fond of saying, “They’re really after you, and I’m just in their way.” The persecution against Trump is just a marker for what plans Marxist democrats have for the rest of us. This is why we are being replaced with illegal aliens. It’s why our freedoms are being stripped away. The increased regulations, cost of living, and restrictions on our God given liberties. They’re all part of the front to transform America. It’s the continuation of what started with past presidencies. Now is our final stand against tyranny and restore America’s greatness. VOTE



Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate rain showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is great at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Kanakolu 2024

Pōʻalima Hemolele


Aloha kākou. It’s Good Friday. Some might ask what’s so good about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It’s the day when we Christians remember when Jesus died making the ultimate sacrifice to forgive us our sins. We received divine forgiveness, mercy, and peace because Jesus willingly took our sins.

Good Friday, or the Passion of Christ, is commonly known as Good Friday. It is the only day in the entire Catholic church year in which no Mass is celebrated. It’s a solemn day that calls for fasting and abstinence. In other languages, the word “good” can mean holy or sorrowful. Suffice it to say, Jesus sacrificed himself to cleanse the sins of the world.

The season of Easter might be as confusing to some, as Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It could be thought of when God opened the gates of heaven to allow all to enter. Salvation is part of the ritual of the Christian faith.

The events of Good Friday are recounted in all four Gospels of the New Testament. According to the Gospels, Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane after the Last Supper with His disciples.  He was then put on trial before Pontius Pilate.

He was then taken to trial before the Jewish Sanhedrin, where he was falsely accused of blasphemy. He was then sent to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, who sentenced Him to crucifixion at the demand of the chief Jewish priests.

The Fake News Media has once again started referring to Christians as “Easter Worshippers.” Easter falls on March 31st this year and the media renamed Easter, Transgender Day of Visibility. One Social Media poster said, “Transgender visibility day is designed to mock Christians. That’s why they hold Transgender Visibility Day every year on the same day as Easter.”

A local New Jersey Democrat is facing calls to resign from her post after she shared a Meme on Social Media mocking Easter with references to Drag Queens and abortion. Glen Rock Borough Councilwoman Paula Gilligan posted on Instagrumble last week, “Easter eggs are aborted chicken babies that are painted in drag for small children to worship.” I suppose there’s a lot to be offended by mocking Easter, but not really. Christianity is truly the religion of peace. We’re happy warriors for the Christ.

Good Friday is a day of mourning and reflection. It is also a joyous time to remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for all of humanity. It is also a time to remember the power of God’s love and the promise of eternal life. We are all made in God’s image and therefore children of the one true God.

Good Friday is also a day of hope and new beginnings. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end but rather the beginning of something new. Through his resurrection, Jesus conquered death and opened the way for eternal life for all who believe in him.

As Scott Powell writes in “The Federalist,” “The resurrection was central to God’s providence because it provided “seeing is believing” evidence of God bringing Jesus the Savior back from being dead in a tomb to being alive — resurrected — for 40 days, so people would have irrefutable living proof of who He was.”

For us Christians, Good Friday is an important day of the year because it celebrates what we believe to be the most momentous weekend in the history of the world. Ever since Jesus died and was raised, Christians have proclaimed the cross and resurrection of Jesus to be the decisive turning point for all creation. Happy Easter (Pakoa) Weekend.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with frequent moderate rain showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 10 mph, gust 2 2mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 8 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 92%. Barometric pressure is 30.15 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 3. Air quality Index is great at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāiwa 2024

Pōʻahā Hemolele


Aloha kākou. Today is Holy Thursday (Pōʻahā Hemolele). Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Eucharist as the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and the institution of the sacrament of the priesthood. This was during the Jewish Passover evening celebration, and it was Jesus’ Last Supper on earth. — CNA 

“During the Last Supper, Jesus offers himself as the Passover sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb, and teaches that every ordained priest is to follow the same sacrifice in the exact same way. Christ also bids farewell to his followers and prophesizes that one of them will betray him and hand him over to the Roman soldiers.”

The arrest and persecution of Jesus by the High Priests and the Romans had begun. What was Jesus’ crime? Teaching the word of God. Jesus’ teachings of peace and brotherly love was so offensive to the High Priests that Jesus had to be silenced. The persecution of Christians has continued since the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Arrested for Praying. Tucker Carlson interviewed Paul Vaugn who is facing 11 years in Biden’s gulag for the crime of praying. When you start putting people in jail for praying, it’s pretty clear who you’re actually serve, and it is not the American people, but the prince of darkness.

Praying for the lives of the unborn is now a crime. Praying in public is now a crime. When Covid was present, people couldn’t go to worship. But people could go out to riot. This is what was permissible by the government. Illegal migration teases the most vulnerable to leave their homeland and make a dangerous journey to the United States. Many of these people are brutalized by the journey. Human trafficking is modern day slavery that everyone thought, or believed, was abolished. It wasn’t.

What’s ironic to me is the same people that are allowing illegal aliens to enter the country say the country needs new (replacement) workers because America’s birthrate is declining. These people believe abortion isn’t a factor with America’s declining birthrates. Obviously, it is a factor, but there are also other social and moral issues in effect.

It’s more than just flooding the country with unskilled workers. It’s to create a permanent voting class for the Uniparty Deep State. They will remain in power in perpetuity. In other words, a slave labor nation ruled by select elitists. They believe all laws come from man and not God. What they don’t understand is the difference between God’s natural laws and laws meant to govern a society.

The Great Experiment of the United States of America, a Constitutional Republic, the Bill of Rights, with natural rights given by God will no longer exist. They say our rights come from man, and man will give rights, and man will take rights, as man see fit to do so. That’s what these people believe.

President Trump warns that Christianity is “under siege” in the United States and that religion needed to make a comeback into our lives. In a video promoting Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA Bible,” President Trump introduces a new version of the King James Bible. It includes lyrics to God Bless the USA, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declarations of Independence, and the National Anthem.

I completely agree with President Trump. We’re no longer living in ancient times, but with the same religious prejudices and persecutions. Christians are being persecuted around the world. In Africa, India, and the Middle East, Christians are murdered because of their faith. Communist China persecutes all religions. Communism is the State, and the State is the Religion, and the State is a Jealous Ruler. Now, in the United States, the Biden regime is moving towards forming a totalitarianism regime. That starts by persecuting Christians and anyone else that challenges this corrupt regime.

Here in our own country, our U.S. Constitution that was crafted with divine influence from God. Our rights are being circumvented by evil that has permeated into our government. We are at the precipice of losing our God given freedoms. We must all gather to save our nation. For there is nowhere else to escape.

Here is where we must make our stand. Get involved, become a poll watcher, write letters to your legislators, to the newspapers, and speak at school board meetings. Make your voice heard before your voice is silenced. We have only one last chance of saving our nation and our future. Make America Great Again. Make America Pray Again. Vote MAGA. Vote Trump. Vote for America.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with frequent moderate rain showers. There is an 60% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 13 mph, gust 26 mph. Cloud cover is 61%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 87%. Barometric pressure is 30.18 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is great 25. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāwalu 2024

Spy Wednesday


Aloha kākou. Today is “Pōʻakolu Hemolele” or “Holy Wednesday.” During Easter Holy Week this day is also known as Spy Wednesday, to commemorate the treachery of Judas Iscariot, who made a bargain with the high priests to betray Jesus for thirty silver pieces. An act of betrayal where Jesus said to Judas at the Last Supper, “Satan entered into him.” Jesus then said to Judas, “What you are going to do, do quickly.

Lot’s going on this week around the world and in this nation. Some joyous, some worrisome, and some simply crazy talk. Starting with this freighter that crashed in Baltimore’s “Francis Scott Key” harbor bridge has opened a lot of questions regarding safety and terrorism threats.

Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime was extremely quick to announce that this freighter that brought down the Francis Scott Key bridge was not an act of terrorism. How do they know that quickly? Others have said there’s evidence of cyber-attacks against the vessel. It’s still too early to know what really happened. It’s getting to the truth that seems to be the real catastrophe.

The power went out several times on the vessel just before striking the load bearing pylon supporting the bridge. Why didn’t the ship’s anchors drop before the crash? A Mayday call just moments before the crash probably saved many more lives. There are so many questions, but as usual, the initial reports are always wrong. The Fake News Media will sensationalize the tragedy. The truth may come out soon, or the truth may be hidden. Trusting this regime to tell the truth is highly unlikely.

Meanwhile, pretend to be doctor, Jill Biden, Ed.D., compared prohibiting Sexually Explicit Content In grade schools To Nazi Germany in WWII Book Burning. This is how the left tries to normalize sexual depravity into social norms. By shaming people for not allowing perversions into the classroom. How many parents want their teachers to expose their children to lewd acts? 

Jill Biden claims to be a Doctor of Education. She said preventing children from being exposed to graphic sexual pornographic material will cause the slow demise of civilization. Then, why not put Hustler and Playboy in all grade school libraries? Biden’s reference to Hitler’s Germany as the center of LGBTQ culture in Europe has major historical flaws. Biden supports transgender’s lewd and lascivious behavior at the White House, while accusing Christians as White Nationalists Domestic Terrorists.

Biden claims go be a devout Catholic, but he supports indecent behavior from perverts. Biden’s history of groping women and children is often ignored. Pedo-Hitler Biden’s “War on Christians” gets very little news coverage. While Biden is hosting transgenders at the White House, Biden’s Nazi-like Department of Injustice is arresting Christians for praying. The Fake News Media accept this lecherous depravity as a normal part of society.

In Hawai’i, the pupule (crazy) mayor of Honolulu, Rick Blangiardi, announced March 31st, Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility Day.” Blangiardi said it’s a symbolic gesture of support, acceptance, and celebration of drag queens, women impersonators, gender dysphoric mentally disturbed people. Lately, there’s been a number of mass shootings by transgender around the country. A former transgender was quoted in Newsweek:

“The trans movement is pushing more and more extremism each day,” said Oli London, a media personality who has become critical of the transgender movement since deciding to detransition. “They recruit people, indoctrinate them and pump them full of propaganda until they become filled with hate and rage.”

What was once considered a mental issue for very confused people, is now being accepted as mainstream. Society is now supposed to accept this disturbed behavior and expose it to children. Before Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime, I don’t remember this level of debauchery being normal societal behavior. Now these same people are talking about a “Transgender Vengeance Day.” Jill Biden talks about the slow demise of civilization. Well, here it is.

All this during the season of Easter. The government is spying on people of faith. Persecuting Christians for praying. Exposing children to sexual perversion. I’d say that our faith in Jesus Christ is being challenged like never before. All that we can do now is pray for God’s strength. We’ll have our opportunity to restore our faith in God, Country, and Family values in November. Vote to Make America Great Again. Vote for President Trump. Meanwhile, Pray.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with scattered moderate rain showers. There is a 80% chance of precipitation. We received 9/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gust 21 mph. Cloud cover is 63%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 90%. Barometric pressure is 30.15 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great 29. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2024

Pōʻalua Hemolele


Aloha kākou. Pōʻalua Hemolele (Holy Tuesday). Today is Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole day in Hawai’i. It is a State Holiday. Prince Kūhiō was often called Ke Ali‘i Maka‘āinana (Prince of the People) and is well known for his efforts to preserve and strengthen the Hawaiian people. Prince Kūhiō joined the Republican Party, was nominated as their candidate for Congress. Kūhiō was elected Hawai’i delegate to the U.S. Congress as a Republican. Kūhiō could be considered today as Hawaii’s first MAGA politician.

“Christ is King” is something Catholics and Christians have been saying for since the days when Jesus was alive. However, the Christian saying has become a bit of a controversy when it shouldn’t be. A minor skirmish between two extremely popular conservative talk show hosts at the “Daily Wire,” has one, Ben Shapiro, offended, and the other, Candance Owens, fired. Or freed depending on Candance Owens point of view. Free Speech is at the center of this argument. A damn disappointment.

According to the Jerusalem Post, a tiff between conservative pundits Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over a matter of opinion over Gaza. Specifically, Candance Owens posted on the social media platform “X” that “you cannot serve both God and money” and that “Christ is King,” her first post in two days, hours after video circulated of Shapiro calling her coverage of the war “disgraceful.”

To me, it’s much to do about nothing. I like both Owens and Shapiro. Despite Shapiro’s often Pharisee manner. Both are good conservative debaters and should put aside their squabbling until after the 2024 election. We need a unified front to defeat Marxist democrat communism.

Holy Tuesday is when Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees and Sadducees over subjects such as marriage in heaven, paying taxes to Caesar, and the source of his authority. Holy Tuesday is when the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other religious leaders’ day constantly sought to entrap him.

Holy Tuesday is also known as Fig Tuesday “as it commemorates the day Jesus returned to Jerusalem from Bethany, passing a barren fig tree on the way, which he used as an example to teach his disciples. This is the time for Christians to reflect about Jesus’ teachings. Jesus was accused of violating Jewish Law by the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other religious leaders of those days. They constantly sought to entrap him. They plotted against Jesus. The rest of Holy Week will tell more of the Greatest Story in History.

Some good news on this holy week. President Trump had some legal victories this week. In the following video, Trump unveils his source of hope for America’s return to Greatness. Trump serves God to make America Great Again. The left is sure to have a panic attack over this video

Trump’s enemies are also the enemies of the American people. They are the Marxist democrats, RINO repubics, and the “Deep State,” also known as the “Uniparty.” They are worse than the Pharisees and Sadducees that crucified Jesus. Not saying that Trump is the Christ, but the actions of evil people affect all of us. It’s Trump’s magnetic personality that brings this injustice against him and to the world’s attention.

The meltdown by the left is astonishing. They were so giddy over the probably that Trump would lose his property over false charges, a corrupt judge, and a contemptable prosecutor, who wanted nothing more than to destroy President Trump. If this isn’t as evil as the Pharisees, then I don’t know what is, because this evil will not stop at Trump, they will come after us all. Will all bear this cross.

Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime is already replacing Americans with Illegal Aliens. Manufacturing plants are closing and reopening to hire only illegal aliens. Citizens of faith are targeted as enemies of Biden and the democrat’s regime. Children are being confiscated from parents for gender affirming care. Abortion abattoirs are sacrificing the innocent for biological experiments. The Marxist democrats have reached the level of evil that only the Nazis of WWII reached.


In News of Hawai’i: HELCO has issued warnings of potential power outages this year. Consistent power generation has become so unreliable because of the push by the State and Country to use unreliable green energy only. Windmills, solar panels, and batteries. Eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Allow the maintenance of power plants to decay under environmental idiocy.

Hawaiian Electric customers will see alerts in the coming weeks. HELCO is asking customers to conserve energy in order to avoid roller-outages. We’re going to get power outages, regardless of the warnings. It’s more than a chronic problem now, and it never used to be like this either. Wind, Solar, and Battery has been a failed expensive investment. Maintaining Fossil Fuel Power Generation will lower Electric Rates and have less of an Environmental Impact on Land and Air.

I can’t wait till the Adults are Back in Charge. Bidenomics has hurt our economy, jobs, and our Constitutional Rights. Marxist democrats and RINO’s are destroying the greatest country under God. We have one chance to restore this nation back to greatness. We must vote out Marxist democrats and Make America Great Again. Vote Trump 2024.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous rain showers. There is a 80% chance of precipitation. We received 3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gust 19 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is fair 48. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāono 2024

Passion Sunday


Aloha kākou. Kominika o nā Lālā Lāʻau. Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.

For the remaining week as we prepare for Easter, include a prayer for our nation during this Holy Week.

What Palm Sunday means to Christians all over the world. Jesus’s journey to Jerusalem at the entrance of the temples. Jesus last week on this earthly world before his ascension to Heaven.

Palm Sunday is the first time we hear the Lord’s Passion. The Gospel readings during these days include passages from John and Matthew about Judas betraying Jesus, preparing us for the Thursday liturgy commemorating The Last Supper.

The Rosary is a meditative prayer based on Scripture. When we pray the Rosary, we ask Mary to pray for us as we seek to grow closer to her son Jesus by contemplating His life, death, and Resurrection.

The readings of the Gospel demonstrate the connection between the Old and New Testaments and how Jesus fulfilled Scripture and achieved salvation for all humanity.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous rain showers. There is a 40% chance of precipitation. We received 1/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 9 mph, gust 19 mph. Cloud cover is 76%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.31 inches. Dewpoint is 66° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is fair 44. Readings taken at 11:00AM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmāhā 2024

Mac The Nut


Aloha kākou. Makakema (Macadamia) nut trees are grown all over the Hawaiian Islands. The mac nuts start as long yellow flowers before transforming to green nuts. The nuts are ready for harvest when the husk starts to turn a brownish color or when they start dropping from the trees. Let them sit in a dry sunny location and the husks start to peel away. The nut shells are extremely hard to open and require a special tool to open to get to the fruit.

There are so many products made from Macadamia Nut sold all over Hawai’i. Every island has their brand of Mac nuts. The nuts go well as toppings for ice cream, spreads, cakes, pies, appetizers, and main courses. I sprinkle mac nut crumbs on fish, chicken, and red meats. Mac nuts are great on sea food such as coconut-macadamia shrimp, and macadamia nut crusted grilled Mahi-Mahi. Cocoa is also grown here in Hawai’i and that means chocolate macadamia nut candies.

Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Farm factory is located off Mamalahoa Highway (Rt. 11) on Macadamia Nut Road. On the southern east side of Big Island of Hawai’i, in the Puna District near Kea’au town. Just minutes from where I live. It’s a must-see tourist attraction on the Big Island. With Free Samples.

The Hawai’i state legislature is moving a bill that ensures macadamia nuts grown in Hawai’i are labeled with the “Made In Hawai’i” label. Cheaper Macadamia Nuts are found in other countries in Asia and South America. But nothing beats Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts.

I have several mac nut trees on my property which I harvest and use in foods. The macadamia nuts have a sweet flavor, and they have a very pleasant fragrance. These mac nut trees are everywhere on the Big Island and on the neighbor islands. Macadamia nuts from Hawai’i are sold everywhere in the world.

There’s only one Mac the Nut. Hawaii’s Macadamia Nuts are the most preferred nut around the world. That’s why it is so important that the mac nuts are labeled “Made In Hawai’i.” You know you’re getting the real item and not some fake knockoff. They may be expensive, but the flavor is worth the cost. Made In Hawai’i. Hawai’i Nō Ka ‘Oi. America First.



Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east northeast at 11 mph, gust 22 mph. Cloud cover is 69%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.23 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is fair 44. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmākolu 2024

Weathering Weather


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. What is normal weather? I can say the weather is normal for this time of year in Hawai’i. We’re in the rainy season here on the east side of Big Hawai’i. Easter and the Merrie Monarch Festival approaches at the beginning of April, and the rain will continue. The National Weather Service (NWS) experts say we’re in an “El Niño” according to their Climate Prediction Center. Where they use a bunch of computer models, Ouija boards, and Yahtzee dice to forecast the weather. Me, I just look out the window.

Our local news channels say weather changes may be on the way for the global weather pattern known as El Niño. Forecasters are discussing a shift to La Niña. My rain gauge has recorded a total of 83″ inches of precipitation for the current year. We had a dry spell for the month of January and a gradual change to daily rainfall into March.

I expect mostly cloudy skies with daily scattered rain showers into April. I really don’t see the changes between La Niña and El Niño weather patterns. The weather is mostly consistent year around. That’s the beauty of living in a tropical environment. The weather is always great. There are basically two-yearly weather patterns, the wet season and the dry season.

Uē ka lani, ola ka honua — The heavens weep, the land lives. In Hawaiian poetry, tears symbolize weeping. In this case, water (wai) brings life to the land. Wai, in its various names, represents a rich commodity. Water is wealth. The National Weather Center precipitation outlook for the month of April 2024 predicts below than normal rains for the Hawai’i islands.

The one thing to remember about the NWS and the local weather news reports is they’re almost always O’ahu centric. Meaning they only forecast the weather in Honolulu, O’ahu. Sometimes they report the weather on other islands. It depends on what’s going on with the current island conditions. I suppose it’s boring to report the best weather on the planet over and over every day, but sometimes the local news shakes things up from island to island.

But what about climate change, you ask? Global warming, climate change, sea level rise, and all those cataclysmic events that are always predicted, but are never realized. These doomsday environmentalists always foretelling planetary disasters are primarily on Hawai’i legislator’s minds. After all, they have to earn their taxpayers’ salaries by passing needless laws. Guess what happens when people build their homes too close to the shoreline?

Blame climate change and rising sea levels for homes built too close to the ocean. The Hawaiʻi state legislature has been taking up a number of bills related to sea level rise, as receding shorelines across the state are already causing problems for residents.

It’s called erosion, but don’t tell the environmentalists that. Also, the islands have been sinking under their weight for millions of years. During storms and high surf, Kanaloa is known to throw boulders at homes too close to the ocean. Kanaloa is the Hawaiian God of the ocean. In Hawai’i, we tell malihini (visitors), “never turn your back to the ocean.” 

There are also “King Tides,” which is a lunar tidal condition that floods the lower inland areas of the islands. I’ve seen fish on the roads in Honolulu during high tides. The seas are not rising as the worrywarts would have everyone believe. The levels have been the same for decades. The moon makes the tides change. They call that gravity. 

Did you know that the Waikiki area used to be a swamp? The area was built into a series of manmade islands. One island was named “Makee’s Island” after James Makee, a Scottish whaling ship captain. The island is now known as east Waikiki. The Hawaiian’s wrote songs about this O’ahu location.

The late great Ki Hōʻalu (slack key) guitarist, Sonny Chillingworth recorded this version of “Make’e ‘Ailana” in 1954 with the legendary Vickie I’i Rodrigues. The largest of these man-made islands before all the hotels, condos, and tourist locations. Waikiki is the largest Honolulu tourist attraction in the world.

Weathering the Weather depends on which Island you’re currently located. If it’s raining and chilly, then get in your car and drive thirty minutes in any direction and it’s warm and sunny. Things work like that here. Have a good MAGA Weekend.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 45/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gust 19 mph. Cloud cover is 60%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.21 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is fair 42. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmālua 2024

New York, New York


Aloha kākou. Regarding Laticia James racist persecution against Donald J. Trump, his businesses, reputation, and family. Consider the thousands of people that work for Trump’s businesses. Everyone from the janitor, the line cooks, the servers, the cleaners, hotel staff, operations managers, valet, and room service personnel; they are all going to be out of a job. Who are these people?

Consider the orbiting businesses that the Trump Organization uses to supply the food, building maintenance, and other services to Trump’s properties. These businesses will lose valued business clients and a source of revenue. Think of the New York city services that supply taxis, tourism, and conferences to Trump properties that will lose business. Imagine how much additional stress this will put on a city with a growing unemployment problem. A huge immigration crisis and rising crime rates. Putting more people out of business will only increase New York City’s problems. But racist Laticia James doesn’t care. She’s got her White Whale.

It’s the Marxist democrat’s version of trickle-down economics. By seizing Trump Organization properties at the top, the Trump Hotel Properties will collapse like the Twin Towers did on 9-11, 2001. The loss of Trump businesses will add to New York’s already unemployment problems. New Yorker’s will suffer because of Laticia James racist hatred against Donald Trump. Laticia James actions against Donald Trump and his Organizations won’t hurt Donald Trump so much as it will devastate the working poor struggling to make it a city that never sleeps. New York, New York.

This act of “Judicial Piracy” will weigh heavily on other businesses already considering investing in New York. Already there is a Trucker Boycott against New York City because of this illegal ruling. No business is going to want to invest in a hostile business climate. Existing businesses will flee New York to save themselves from a vicious corrupt prosecutor that could turn on them. Latica James and Judge Arthur Engoron illegal prosecution of Donald Trump’s businesses will have devastating effects on investors decisions to invest in New York. There was no crime committed. These two fascists found Donald Trump guilty before the trial even began.

It’s going to be a domino effect where the risks outweigh the financial gain. Businesses are inherently in the risk business when they put up their assets and invest in a venture. Like banks and other institutions, they will weigh the risk and reward worthiness. See what other entrepreneurs are saying.

Prominent investors have signaled their intent to halt doing business in New York following the half-billion verdict against Donald Trump’s civil fraud case. Real estate mogul Grant Cardone announced his firm Cardone Capital will no longer underwrite New York real estate, one day after Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary vowed to no longer invest in the state because of the verdict. The risk to investors is too great.

The assault against Trump’s Organization by New York’s corrupt injustice system will influence future investments. This corrupt water buffalo Prosecutor Latica James and the creepy gym lizard Judge Arthur Engoron think they’re destroying Donald J. Trump. The damage they’re causing will affect other businesses in New York. It could spread across the world that New York is too unstable to do business with. Who is going to want to do business in either New York, or the United States?

Think about the repercussions the left is causing. They think they’re being clever by taking down Donald Trump and his businesses, but they’re too shortsighted and business illiterate to see the consequences of their actions. Kevin O’Leary explains the consequences and the left scoffs.

This isn’t about Donald Trump anymore. There are larger long-term consequences yet to materialize. In the lefts small minds, they may believe they’re hurting Donald Trump by bankrupting him, but the catastrophic ripples across the markets will have a greater impact for anyone wanting to do business in America. Latica James, along with the Fake News Media, may celebrate this illegal ruling now, but their actions will eventually affect all working Americans.

The United States reputation of being a nation of laws that included property protections will be blemished. When investors see the United States as a failed corrupt nation, they’re not going to invest here. The risks are too high. As in the lyrics of that famous song, “New York, New York,” — “If I Can Make It There, I Can Make It Anywhere. It’s Up To You, New York, New York” — Not anymore.


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/8 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the north at 14 mph, gust 26 mph. Cloud cover is 64%. Visibility is 6 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 90%. Barometric pressure is 30.11 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 7. Air quality Index is fair 45. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Malaki Iwakālua Kūmākahi 2024