Getting Your Money’s Worth

Democratic Rep. John Mizuno of Oahu introduced what amounts to an asinine bill requiring Internet Service Providers (ISP) to save for two years the Domain addresses and Internet Protocol addresses of “everyone” in the State of Hawai’i.  Creating a virtual dossier on every resident in the State that uses the internet.  In other words, the government tracking everywhere you go on the Internet.

Under the guise of “privacy protection”, H.B. 2288, this unnecessary regulation could lead to gross violations of the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable search and seizures.  The bill does not contain any privacy protections to restrict what ISP providers can do with the information they gather.  They can sell the information to advertisers and the legislation doesn’t prevent law enforcement from getting a warrant before obtaining the data.  This is a clear violation of Fourth Amendment protections and privacy protections.

This isn’t the only attempt by law makers to place restrictions on the Internet.  Recent legislation in Congress to restrict freedom of speech was stopped after a huge public outcry.  The Legislation known as SOPA (Stop Online Pirating Act) was pulled after it was learned that the bill would amount to nothing more than internet censorship.  The bill was intended to stop copyright infringements and to protect Intellectual Property (IP) from being stolen, but the broadness of the legislation went beyond just protecting copyrighted material on the internet.  It went further to requiring ISP providers to monitor customer internet traffic.   Effectively spying on where ever you went on the internet.

The implications into heavy-handed government restrictions meant certain websites could be shutdown by just the suspicion, or accusation by anyone claiming internet piracy.  Just the suspicion of copyright infringement would require the ISP provider to use deep packet inspection to block web sites using IP (Internet Protocol) Blocking.  It would force the ISP providers to intercept and analyze customers’ Web traffic.  The question is, do we want the Web providers policing the internet?

That’s not to say there isn’t piracy on the internet.  Off Shore piracy by countries like China are openly stealing Intellectual Property such as Hollywood movies and Software programs.  I was in Malaysia recently and saw this first hand.  There are stores that sell copied software and movies onto CDROM’s and sold outright in large Malls and shopping centers.  When the police arrive at these stores, the pirate vendors, simply move the racks of pirated items out of view until the police leave.  Then it’s business as usual.  Most software vendors encrypt their products with an encoded key to prevent illegal pirating.

But from a larger point of view, why should broadly worded laws be enacted that restricts those that wish to keep their Intellectual Property open and free to the public domain?  Why do we want to add a layer of bureaucracy onto the cost of already expensive internet services?  Why do we allow legislators to write lousy laws that result in restrictions in Free Speech and Free Access to the World Wide Web?

Speaking of poorly written laws, Obama signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) which is an international treaty agreement that permits foreign countries and companies to demand Web providers to remove Web content in the United States without legal review.  The Treaty has not been ratified by the Congress.  However, that hasn’t stopped the Marxist in Chief from stepping around Congress.  In what was a blatantly illegal move, Obama declared the Treaty an “executive agreement” and thereby bypassing Congressional approval.  This law is worse than SOPA and its partner law PIPA.  The scope and broadness would effectively stifle free speech on the web.  For example, suppose a website reported on the intolerance of certain a nations’ political or religious discrimination, it could be blocked from publishing that content.  That’s exactly what happened to “Bare Naked Islam” on blog hosting website WordPress, the host of this blog.  When the organization known as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), an organization with ties to Islamic Terrorist groups, accused the website of spreading hate speech, WordPress then shut them down citing a violation of terms of service.  Granted this decision by WordPress to silence “Bare Naked Islam” wasn’t related to any existing legislation, but it represents a pattern of political correctness that internet providers, hosting sites and users are facing in the wake of attacks on Freedom of Speech.  The ISP providers see this coming and are preparing for the worse.

That is the real problem with rotton legislation like the one being proposed in the Hawai’I legislature. As in Hawai’i, there seems to be a lack of “Checks and Balances” with legislation written by all government entities.   This seems to be a systemic problem with all levels of government, from Congress, to State and local entities.  It’s not just either a Democrat or Republican problem.  SOPA’s data retention proposal was written and sponsored by U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas).  Rep. John Mizuno’s legislation takes data retention to a whole new level of privacy intrusion.  Besides not being well thought-out, the consequences of how such legislation would not only hurt free speech, but it would severely damage commerce on the Internet.  This is not what the Founders had in mind when they designed the Republic.

Voter apathy must end if we are ever to see an end to this creeping socialism!  The voting public needs to be more involved in the legislative process at all levels; from the PTA to Presidential elections, to electing the Dog catcher.  The public should demand greater accountability from those in our employ.  We are taxpayers, and they are elected by “us’, the taxpayers!  They are paid by “us”, the taxpayers.

We should get our money’s worth, don’tcha think?  When voters do get involved, this is what happens.  Read Here!



What’s For Dinner?


Grilled Ono Filets with Saute’ Vegetables over Rice and Home made Cheese Bread



Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?





Judge for yourself


What’s For Breakfast?

Egga-McKini with Toaster Fries and Fresh Fruit





When All Else Fails, Pull The Race Card


Newt Gingrich received a standing ovation to Juan Williams racially bias question on allowing children to work in school jobs.  Juan asked Gingrich:

“Speaker Gingrich, you recently said black Americans should demand jobs, not food stamps.  You also said that poor kids lack a strong work ethic and proposed having them work as janitors in their schools.  Can’t you see that this is viewed at a minimum as insulting to all Americans, but particularly to black Americans?”

Indeed, only elites and civil rights panderers are the only ones with issues with Speaker Gingrich’s spot on answer to Juan’s question.  It didn’t take long before the purveyors of race baiting made their outrage known.  Armed with the obvious and foul racial smears, they emerge from the woodwork.

Jesse Jackson, a known deadbeat father, overt racist, and second banana to Al Sharpton as the Justice Brothers said this about Newt Gingrich:

Food stamps is their lifeline for many Americans – they help farmers, they help the grocery industry, and mostly, they help people who are malnourished,” Jackson told POLITICO in reaction to Monday night’s GOP debate. “So for him to disparage the food stamps is to not understand the 50 million in the country living in poverty. He is showing disdain for the poor.”


Jackson, who sires babies out of wedlock, continues promoting the thug life as a skirt chasing crack head.  This is Jackson’s America, keeping his peeps in perpetual poverty, and promoting Deadbeat Dads!

In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.

But the selective outrage isn’t just for Jackson to own, no!  Jimmy Carter, the second worse president evah, explains he knows this kind of racism, and who else but Jimmy would know.  He is a Marxist Democrat, and a Southern Marxist Democrat to boot!  Getting people off of food stamps and welfare isn’t in Carter’s interest.  All those charitable organizations Carter runs are to bolsterer his ego and sooth his white guilt, or lust in his heart.

Carter would rather give a fish, rather than teach someone how to fish.  That’s the point behind Gingrich’s answer to Juan Williams.  It makes perfect sense!  Teaching a good work ethic and learning how to be independent, industrious and prosperous!  How is that demeaning?  How is that racist?

Racism is in the eyes of the beholder and liberal idiots like Jackson and Carter are the poster child’s of racism.  Between these two pillars of moral standing, poverty and unemployment would reign rampant.

Then there is the obtuse brilliance of Reprehensive James E. Clyburn.  What can be said about a true useful idiot?  Listen to this racist moron for yourself!

What he is talking about stratifying people. He is saying that the poor children in their schools ought to be the janitors in their schools. So that other people in the schools who are not so poor can see them as their servants. That is what we get from what he is saying. And to talk about what his daughter may have done. His daughter was never a janitor in the school she attended. That to me is a double standard. I understand what he is saying and most African Americans understand what he is saying. And we are not going to stand for it.”   

This is the typical rhetoric that these plantation owners push.  Anyone trying to better their lives is immediately looked upon as “servants”!   Hey Clyburn, you are a PUBLIC SERVANT!  Your job is to represent your constituents, not to suck up to Nazi Pelosi.

Keeping people in perpetual poverty is the Marxist way.  Nazi Piglosi incoherent reasoning on unemployment insurance and how it generates economic prosperity makes me wonder if members of congress need to take a drug and alcohol test.

Boob Tube


This will be the Obama Regime’s campaign message.  Pulling the Race Card, even if the card is well beyond its spending limits.   When did earning a living in this country become divisive?



What’s For Dinner?


Rotisserie  Cornish Game Hen with Baked Stuffed Potato and Steamed Baby Carrots




Obama’s Security Force

Remember when Obama said we need a Civilian Security Force in additions to the military?

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

I wondered what Obama was saying at that time.  Orwellian thoughts ran through my head as I pondered that statement. What could he mean by that?

Now we know what the purpose of the OWS.  The Occupy WallStreet Street movement and Obama’s veiled threat against the American people.  With the blessing of Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Marxist Democrats, the Unions and thousands of ignorant people became Obama’s Civilian Security Force.

“God bless them,” Pelosi said, “for their spontaneity. It’s independent … it’s young, it’s spontaneous, and it’s focused. And it’s going to be effective.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.”

Today, Nazi Piglosi is walking that statement back by claiming they don’t have much of a connection.  I thought Nazi, Obama and the rest of the Marxist Democrat party loved these people?   This is, after all, the underlining philosophy of Marxist Democrats.  Obama openly supports them by saying he understands their frustration.  The SEIU and other Unions have openly organized with them.

The tent rapes, murders, thefts, riots and violent confrontation with the police.  Businesses had to close and lay people off, because the protestors prevented them from getting to their jobs.  The mounds of stinking trash in the parks. The demonstrators were using the parks as toilets, and defecating in the streets, and the rats and diseases that infested these OWS camps.  Those are all Marxist Democrat ideologies.  This is who Obama was speaking to.  This is the “Class Warfare” Obama was hoping for.  This is the crisis that couldn’t go to waste.

They call themselves the 99%, and they identify with the Obama regime policies.  Obama’s “Class Warfare” message has sparked the OWS people to gather like vermin to answer Obama’s call for wealth redistribution from the evil 1%’ers!  These 1%’ers are the people who create jobs and prosperity.  This is class envy encouraged by the Marxist Democrats and Obama.

The great unwashed masses of Sheeple that continue to protest what they don’t understand are falling into the trap of socialism.  Their screeching “Mic Check” demands of wealth inequality is exactly what Karl Marx wrote about.  It is the first step to economic servitude, property confiscation and a centralized government bureaucracy.  Everything Obama promised.  This is Hope and Change.



What’s For Dinner?

Grilled Pork l’Orange with Garlic Smashed Potato’s and Saute’ Carrots and Snow Peas




Democrat Racist History

History can be easily forgotten over time.  History is often rewritten by those that wish to distort their past.  Namely the Marxist Democrat party has been engaged in a propaganda war to convince minorities that they champion them.  Marxist Democrat’s who disguise themselves as Progressives seek to create a class of dependency.  They do that by creating government programs that keep minorities dependent on the government with the perception of “Free Stuff”.

Valerie Jarrett is a Marxist propagandist in the Obama Regime.  She propagates the fear factor by accusing Republicans of trying to take jobs and your freedoms:

Teachers, and firefighters, and policemen, whose jobs are now in jeopardy because Congress–well let me be specific–because the Republicans in Congress,” Jarrett told the crowd. According to the CBS affiliate in Atlanta, at this point, “Before she could finish her sentence, people in the congregation were laughing, and applauding.”

This, in a church, on Martin Luther King Jr. day.  If this were said by a Republican in a church, there would be howls by the Marxist Democrats on Church verses State, and calls to remove tax exemption status of the church.  Evidently, some minorities have either bought into this propaganda, or prefer to see their people bonded to government slavery.

But since when were teachers, firemen and police paid by the federal government?  What about the 80 thousand troops being laid off by the Obama regime?  The hypocrisy is so palpable, so why don’t minorities see it?  Minorities are locked in a cycle of dependency, by a government that claims to want to help them.  They believe minorities cannot help themselves, and they won’t think for themselves.  That is the definition of Marxist Democrat slavery.

This was not the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned.  So was Martin Luther King Jr. a Democrat?

It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.

Racism by democrats takes place every day, and right under the noses of the very people they say they are fighting for.  Minorities have been taken advantage of by Democrats and they will continue to suffer under their Progressive policies.  Be sure to click on the link above and read the full article written by Frances Rice.  Ms. Rice is chairman of the National Black Republican Association (NBRA).

Democrats have been running our inner-cities for the past 30 to 40 years, and blacks are still complaining about the same problems. More than $7 trillion dollars have been spent on poverty programs since Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty with little, if any, impact on poverty. Diabolically, every election cycle, Democrats blame Republicans for the deplorable conditions in the inner-cities, then incite blacks to cast a protest vote against Republicans.

In order to break the Democrats’ stranglehold on the black vote and free black Americans from the Democrat Party’s economic plantation, we must shed the light of truth on the Democrats. We must demonstrate that the Democrat Party policies of socialism and dependency on government handouts offer the pathway to poverty, while Republican Party principles of hard work, personal responsibility, getting a good education and ownership of homes and small businesses offer the pathway to prosperity.

Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.  This is the case with minorities today.  The Liberal Media has been working with the Marxist Progressive Democrats to keep repeating this message, this lie, this evil propaganda that the Republicans want to take your rights away.  When the opposite is true.  For black clergy to invite openly racist people into their church to listen to them spew disparaging remarks against Republicans, then the question needs to be asked: Do Blacks enjoy living in Slavery?   It is slavery, it is economic slavery.

Republican Thaddeus McCotter explains the language of Marxist Democrats:

Now Marxist Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz assumes that minorities gravitate to their party of Slavery because there are more minorities in their party.

Wasserman Schultz says minorities feel “comfortable” because the Democratic Party stands up for “the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them.”

“Just look at the chamber at the State of the Union. Look at the side of the chamber that the Democrats sit on and the side of the chamber that Republicans sit on. And you can notice a dramatic difference in who chooses to affiliate as Democrats and who chooses to affiliate as Republicans. The diversity in the Democratic Party is remarkable. We truly are the big tent party.”

“There is a reason that the Democratic Party is far more diverse than the Republican Party, because the natural home, politically on major issues to Hispanics, to women, to Jews, to Asian-Americans, the diverse spectrum, to African Americans.”

If you believe that, then you do deserve to be as kept slaves by the Marxist Democrats.  Ask any black conservatives what they go through by other blacks.  Ask Angela McGlowan, David Webb, Star Parker and other black conservatives who are under attack for being members of the Tea Party.

From Andrew Breitbart:

They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea partymovement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.

“I’ve been told I hate myself. I’ve been called an Uncle Tom. I’ve been told I’m a spook at the door,” said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.

“Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks,” he said.

Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black—or that most tea partyers are white—should have nothing to do with it, they say.

Conservatives do not see a difference between Black and White.  We only see success, prosperity and freedom for all.  Marxist democrats have a history of discrimination.  When democrats couldn’t stop blacks by forceful means, they resorted to alternative means to discriminate against minorities.  Today, that discrimination is dependency and no opportunity.  Courtesy of the Democrat Party.

Margret Sanger, the creator of Planned ParentMurderHood, was on a genocide mission to kill as many blacks in America as possible.  Today, there are more black children murdered by Planned Parenthood.  There are more blacks on government assistance, food stamps, poverty, homeless and jobless than any other demographic in this country.  Why?  Because Marxist Democrats like keep slaves.  Think about it, your slave masters are the very people that don’t want to succeed, and you vote into power every election cycle.



What’s For Dinner?


Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna with Wok Charred Vegetables over Saffron Rice




Obama the Venture Capitalist

Obama the Failed Venture (Vulture) Capitalist!  Why is ‘clean energy’ so dirty and corrupt?

Would you buy stock from this man?  Obama the Venture Capitalist?  I haven’t heard of any success stories about Obama’s Green Energy programs.  Believe me, I’ve looked and I’ve only found several successful green companies, but they are in Korea and not here.

This morning on the CBS Early Show, they reported on the loss of billions of taxpayer dollars in Department of Energy loans to failed ‘green energy’ companies across the United States.


CBS News – January 13, 2012


So let’s take a look at where the Obama regime has spent your money on failed ‘green energy’ programs.  Solyndra, General Motors Chevy Volt, Beacon Power Corporation and these are just a few of your forced investments that have failed.  There many more you can read about in the CBS story.

The Energy department’s director, Dr. Steven Chu, is supposed to be a scientist and a Nobel Prize winner for physics.  I’m beginning to think that anyone with a Nobel Prize is actually an idiot.  See Paul Kurgman and his Keynesian economic theories of tax and spend your way to prosperity.


(Hat Tip Darwin)

Remember when Obama said that Capitalism never worked?  Even though this country was founded in Capitalism and free-market enterprises, Obama believes in a central planning bureaucracy controlled by government agencies.  The Soviet Union was modeled after that, look where it got them.  Even the Communist Chinese are more Capitalistic than us!!!  Thanks to Obama.

“It’s a simple theory, and we have to admit it’s one that speaks for to rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government – that’s in America’s DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. But here’s the problem. It doesn’t work. It has never worked.”

History is a problem for Obama.  He either doesn’t know it, or he thinks you don’t know it.  Obama creates a Straw Man argument for ‘clean energy’ by vilifying cheap energy sources like coal and oil.   Creating and running business is a alien concept to Obama.  Energy is needed to run any business.  Gas is needed for transportation, and oil and coal for electricity to power a business.

Running the Office of the Presidency has been outsourced to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.  It was only after the midterm election in 2010 when the Tea Party helped elect fiscally responsible candidates to slow down the out of control spending and needless regulations.  These Tea Party people elected into office have been fighting an uphill battle with both Socialist Democrats and Establishment Republicans.  They need our help to restore the Republic.


Failed Wind Farm


There are a number of ‘green energy’ projects in Hawai’i; there is biomass, wind and solar.  Except for the existing power generation using oil, none of these ‘green energies’ have ever worked.  It is either too expensive, or it is not reliable as a alternative to oil.  Yet the government is pouring money into these projects with little results except to bankrupt the treasury.  Along the way, somebody is making a lot of money at taxpayers’ expense.

The online news site Honolulu Civil Beat published an article today making the claim that Hawai’i’s high cost of oil is because of Japanese Tsunami.  The Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) started a public relations campaign to explain the high electrical rates.  Full story here!

“HECO buys a lot of low sulfur fuel oil and primarily buys low sulfur oil from local refineries that have prices that are indeed tied into the Far East prices,” he said. “So the Asian low sulfur fuel oil prices have been really affected by what has happened with the Japanese tsunami and the closing down of nuclear power plants. The Japanese have had to switch to running fuel oil.”

While this is partially true, it is not entirely true.  As Andrew Walden from Hawai’i Free Press points out:

Two problems with this fact check: 1) Hawaii is closer to Latin American LSFO oil sources so we are not hostage to the Asian market. 2) Tesoro has the capacity to process high-sulfur oil
This Civil Beat “fact check” is just the latest Omidyar effort to jack up everybody’s oil and electricity prices in Hawaii. We are not lab rats in his failed green energy experiment.

When Fact Checking a claim by Hawai’i’s monopolistic public utility (HECO) that natural disasters and Middle East unrest, are the reasons why a spike in oil prices has caused Hawai’i electric rates to rise, then it is necessary to look back at the real reasons behind the scenes.

From Hawai’i Free Press:

There is no need for Hawaii to pay Asia’s higher prices–unless of course it was convenient to create political pressure in order to force Big Wind and Big Cable on Lanai and Molokai. Jacking up oil prices has long been a staple of green energy scammers’ strategy. For instance Pierre Omidyar’s Kanu Hawaii group in 2009 pushed for a Barrel Tax which would have raised the price of oil to $100 a barrel entering Hawaii. (Isn’t there something perverse about the richest guy in Hawaii working to jack up everybody’s gasoline prices and electric bills? Is he trying to push us all out?) In a report issued December 30, 2009, the Hawaii Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Task Force created by Act 234 of 2007 outlined its support for a Carbon Tax in Hawaii. Robbie Alm, representing HECO, was a member of the Task Force and supported the Carbon Tax

Indeed, part of Obama plan for Hope and Change was to raise electric rates.  Skyrocketing! To quote Obama’s own words.  Along with EPA regulations and Dept. of Interior restrictions on coal harvesting and oil drilling; the Obama regime’s policies are not only the source of expensive energy costs, but the economic slowdown which relies on abundant cheap energy.

Ironically, the very environmentalist groups that are demanding ‘clean green energy’ have come out against it.  In Hawai’i, on the Big Island where I live, there is a old power plant in Pēpē’ekeo that was  used when sugar was the major industry here.  When sugar left the islands for cheaper locations, the coal-fired power plant continued on.  Recently, the plant has been refurbished to use biomass to generate electricity.   Not only has there been local opposition to the plant, but the environmentalists have come out against the plant also.

Hu Honua will use only biomass. The goal is for the plant to be operational by late 2012. It will produce 24 megawatts of power, about 10 percent of the island’s electrical needs and about enough for 14,000 homes. It expects to employ about 100 construction workers for up to a year for plant refurbishment and then about 30 fulltime workers at the facility.

It should be noted that biomass is plant material, namely the huge Eucalyptus trees that line the Hāmākua coast along the east side of the Big Island.  It will produce emissions like coal does; however, it will require large trucks to haul the trees that grow on the slopes of Mauna Kea.  The roads in Pēpē’ekeo are not built to handle the traffic, nor the weight of large trucks hauling trees.  The community is small with many Mahi ‘ai (farms) in the area.  The only benefit that I can see by this plant is that it will create some full time jobs; but that’s already the case using coal, and it’s cheaper and more environmentally safer for the ‘Aina.


What’s For Dinner?

Grilled Chicken Breast over Spicy Southwestern Corn and Black Bean Hash





Debbie Downer

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is pure evil.  She is a despicable trashy smear queen, which used a tragic event to blame innocent people.  She’s obviously subhuman like the Taliban and needs a golden shower to water that haystack on her head.

To use the Tucson tragedy to blame the Tea Party for the actions of a madman demonstrates what a low life twit she is.  The madman says he has no political affiliation, but that’s what socialist democrats do, they lie out their ass.

DNC Chair BLAMES Tea Party For Tucson Tragedy

This oral cavity and gloryhole deposit, claims to be the virtue of civility, is nothing more than a used feminine napkin that keeps recycling its own filth.  She is below the standard of civil life as we know it.  She deserves nothing more than a rebuke against her vile actions of profiting from a tragic event.

I’m not gonna be silent about this form of Political Terrorism.  Debbie Wassamatterwitherhair Schultz is a foul mouth malicious moron.  Spreading lies and hate propaganda is what she does.  She wants civility?  Okay then, here’s your brand of civility right back at you Arschloch!

In addition to blaming innocent people, which had nothing to do with, no linkage, no evidence, in the Tuscon tragedy, she openly promotes Class Warfare.  More Political Terrorism.  Listen to her parrot the Obama regime’s policy of wealth redistribution through Class Warfare.

“There is nothing wrong with doing well. It’s a goal we all aspire to. And we want everybody in America to do well. But we shouldn’t have our tax policy exclusively focused on helping people already doing well do better. In America we should target our tax policy towards people who want to be lifted up.”

Debbie sound like very much like the moonbat thoughts of Jared Lee Loughner, the Tuscon shooter.


What’s For Dinner?






Coffee Talk with Crazy Mazie Hirono

Chock Full Of Nuts Party

My Congressional misrepresentive Crazy Mazie Hirono(D-HI) graced her presence yesterday in Hilo.  She was here speaking at the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) hall, located at 100 West Lanikaula street.  Billed as a Coffee Talk, the purpose was to meet with constituents and discuss issues important to those in her congressional district.  I find the term “Coffee Talk” interesting; was that a slam against the Tea Party?  You know, those rambunctious Constitutional protestors that swept their way into the Congressional House of Representatives during the 2010 midterm elections, threatening to take back their country.  Anyway, here’s how the meeting went down:

We arrived at the Union hall at 4:40PM; the meeting is scheduled to begin at 5PM.  There’s a pretty good crowd gathered already here, and there’s more people filing in to the Union hall.  As we find our seats that are arranged in a circular style, the Ohana (family) style, as we later learned.  Coffee and doughnuts are available, and Hirono’s staff quickly tries to break the ice to make everyone feel welcome.  By the way, this union supports the Occupy Wall Street people.

5PM comes, and goes, and so far, Hirono’s a no show. More people are arriving, and I believe we have about 50+ people in attendance now.  Someone hands out a publication called “Aloha ‘Āina Ea Ea“.  It is a newspaper/pamphlet that covers island stories about social injustice.

Someone else hands out a single page letter entitled “The Slippery Slope of Indefinite Detention“.  It is an opinion piece on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), H.R. 1540, which Hirono, and 283 House Representatives voted for, including Representative Hanabusa(D-HI).  Along with 93 Senators, including Senators Inouye(D-HI), Akaka(D-HI), that also voted for this bill.  Only 7 Senators voted against it.  It is ironic that a bill which allows the government to arrest, and detains anyone the government deems a terrorist, was voted for by three Japanese Americans.  Obama signed the bill, with reservations, on New Year’s Eve December 31, 2011.  Ambiguity remains about the bills language but that’s for another post.  So back to Mazie Hirono and Coffee Talk!

At 5:15PM, one of Mazie’s staff members, Marvin, arrives to explain that our Representative is still meeting with island agricultural business people.  While Marvin is explaining the format of the meeting, and asking that people remain civil in their questions.  Mazie finally arrives and the meeting begins.  And what a meeting it was!

Almost immediately, there is open hostility.  One woman wants to know how the order of questions will be asked.  That gets quickly diffused as Hirono takes to the floor and begins the meeting.  Hirono outlines her priorities: Jobs, Education and Infrastructure.  Investments in the future, but little on specifics on how to pay for such investments.  There’s talk about Kupuna and Keiki care in Hirono’s opening statements, with emphasis on how Paul Ryan’s(R-WI) budget would hurt entitlements.  Again, addressing problems, but offering no solution and slamming GOP solutions.  The cheap shot at Paul Ryan’s was uncalled for since Marxist democrats haven’t produced a budget for almost 4 years.

The first question, er, statement for Hirono:  A LGBT person, that identifies themselves as being from Germany?  With a thick German accent, this person launches into a tirade on being appalled by Hirono’s NDAA vote.  Then into ghey rights, Occupy Wall Street, aqua farming; this seems to go on and on, for better than 5 minutes, as a list of grievances doesn’t seem to include an aluminum pole to celebrate Festivus!

It is a sign!  A sign of how this meeting is going to turn out!  BADLY!  Hirono answers the non-question with a non-answer, of course.  A rambling incoherent reply that references Dennis Kucinich(?), another progressive communist, and some Party of Peace, or something.  Then Hirono describes her personal life of growing up with an alcoholic father, a single mother and how life just wasn’t fair.  How she’s against the marriage bill.  It just goes on and on!!!

The second question, or statement; is from a rather angry woman that rants about losing her partner to Hepatitis C.  Then continues ranting about Rat Lung disease, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), pesticides and Geothermal energy.  Was there a question in there?  Nope, it was just another rambling rant.

Not only does Hirono filibusterer a non-answer, but her response is as lengthy as the constituents rants.  It’s using up valuable time, and it’s obvious I won’t be able to ask any questions.  It’s clear the meeting is turning into a bitch-fest, and is fast deteriorating in purpose.

The Geothermal question, statement comes up again, with even more directed hostility.  A woman accuses Hirono of trying to gas the residents of Puna where the island’s only geothermal plant exists.  The claim that Geothermal is not clean and they should be encouraging more solar alternative energy.  Hirono has a chance here to talk about tax credits on solar, but she doesn’t discuss it.

After that long rant, Marvin from Hirono staff asks the woman, what the question was:  The woman replies, “What are you doing to do about it?”  Marvin reminds the audience for the second time to be civil in their questions.  Hirono explains that she’s all for alternate energy and anything that wasn’t oil based energy.  Much of our electricity is generated by oil.  Alternatives such as solar are expensive and priced out of reach of most people.

Hirono does address the need for better medical services, but she doesn’t outline any plan to address the real need for doctors on these islands.  We have a shortage of doctors here on the Big Island.  Most doctors are not taking on new patients and most are general practitioners.  We have some specialist, but if you need to see a cardiologist, you have to go off island.  Hirono had a real opportunity to discuss the real need for more medical services, but never discussed it.

The GMO’s subject gets a comment from the audience about labeling foods to identify which are GMO free.  Hirono agrees that labeling would be a good idea.  This pacifies the audience to a degree.

The next question, or accusation from OWS supporter claims all members of congress are bought and paid for by Wall Street.  Hirono takes umbrage with that and defends herself as independent of Wall Street influences.  Another questioner states that health care should be paid for by Wall Street since “they provide no social value“, and then asks Hirono if she supports capitalism.

Hirono finds herself on the defensive again.  She explains she supports Dodd-Frank legislation and that jobs are not created by the private sector.  Really!!??  Jobs are not created by the private sector?  Another person asks about corporations like Monsanto that were bailed out.  I wasn’t aware that Monsanto was ever bailed out, but an obvious frustrated Hirono explains it this way:

“The bailouts were necessary to prevent a world-wide depression, Hirono said.  “Wall Street had no accountability and something needed to be done to keep teachers working“, she said.  Then Hirono went on to say that the House Republicans favors an unregulated Wall Street.  She claimed that the Republicans support shipping jobs overseas.  Slams the GOP!!!  Typical Marxist propaganda by Crazy Mazie Hirono.

It’s now 5:49PM, and the audience is becoming increasingly hostile.  Again Marvin from Hirono’s staff reminds people to be civil in their questions.  Now comes the conspiracy question.

A gentleman asks about 911, and bombing Iraq, planned preemptive invasions of Iran.  I’m thinking we have a Wrong Paul supporter asking questions.  Hirono replies that was the policies of Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz and asked where the questioner heard that?  “It’s on the radio every day”, the questioner replies.  I was curious about that claim since we only have one news and sports radio station in Hilo.  I guessing this person is referring to George Noory’s Coast to Coast Am program.  Conspiracy theories like that of Alex Jones Prison Planet.

When asked about drone strikes and killing American citizens; Hirono replies that she favors diplomacy over military actions.  That did placate many of the people in the audience.

The subject of Veterans came up and everyone agreed more needs to be done to support Veteran causes.  I wondered about all the returning Veterans and where they will get jobs.

Another question brings up Individual Liberties.  Specifically, the case of Roger Christie who is currently in a Federal prison on O’ahu for the sale, distribution and growing of Marijuana.  Christie created the THC Ministry in Hilo and was busted for selling pot.  The questioner wondered why murders, rapists and robbers get released, but Christie has been in jail for so long.  Hirono claimed she didn’t know anything about it.

The last question statement of the evening was an obvious labor union person asking Hirono to repeal the Taft-Hartley Act.  This person also said something interesting; he told Hirono that she shouldn’t use the GOP as strawman argument on anti-union laws.

Hirono replied that Unions empower people, and that there is a frontal assault on unions and the NLRB.  She said more education needs to be done.

Hirono started wrapped up the meeting by summarizing the meeting points.  She outlined the problems, but offered no solutions.  She blamed the GOP as the root of all the problems.  She explained that infrastructure jobs will help repair “our crumbling roads and bridges“.  That prompted someone in the audience to ask why she voted against the Keystone Pipeline.  She explained that we need to work for more alternative energy sources, and that more oil is not the solution.

In the following video clip, a university person asks a question makes a rambling statement about Social Security and the ending the Bush Era Tax cuts.  Which Hirono quickly says the Bush tax cuts are only for the rich!  Keeping with the Marxist rhetoric that only the rich benefit from tax cuts and that tax cuts robs the treasury from much needed taxpayer money. Hirono uses the classic Class Warfare argument that other democraps use to try and convince people that Republicans only care for the wealthy, and not the poor and middle class.

Sorry for the pitchiness

@4:15 in the video, Hirono says we should be creating jobs.  Citing special treatment for the returning Veterans, Hirono states that congress hasn’t passed one single jobs bill.  But that’s not true at all.  There was the stimulus that was supposed to create shovel ready jobs.  Obama said those jobs weren’t so shovel ready.  Hirono Lied!!  An audience member quips that jobs should be for everyone and that Veterans should wait for jobs like everyone else.  A little heat in the kitchen??

@4:40 a sympathetic constituent makes a rather odd statement about change and how it will effect us.

@7:00 Hirono thanks everyone and then complains that some people did not treat her with Pono (respect) she thinks she deserves.

@8:00 Hirono speaks about Ohana and Aloha, and then starts ranting about yelling and screaming, and coffins being left on peoples lawns!?!  Then strangely brings up guns and the Gabby Giffords tragedy?!?  What was she implying?

The meeting ends with a traditional Lei gift.  Overall, I’m not sure what was accomplished by this meeting, or rather bitch session.  An opportunity to present ideas was lost.  Hirono was obviously ill-prepared and did not bring anything of substance to her own meeting.  She played the blame game and never once spoke about her own accomplishments, or lack thereof.   All Shibai!


What’s for Dinner?







The Green Toilet

Ever since Obama took office, spending by the Regime and the Socialist Democrats has gone into overdrive.  There is no sign the communist democrats in congress are willing to stop bankrupting this country.  Now, the regime has launched its minions to create a “distraction” and blame republicans in the House.  Using the same mantra of accusing republicans of doing nothing.   How can this be when the socialist democrats own the senate and the presidency?  It’s a lie!

Notice how Nazi Piglosi continues to blame George Bush!  After almost 4 years of socialist mismanagement by the democrats, they are going to pass off their failures onto republicans.  Are you buying this crap?  The republicans own one third, of one half of congress.  The democrats own the Senate and are sitting on Republican Jobs Bills that Prince Harry Reid will not bring to the floor.

The democrats trot out their caucus to spread lies and deception to the American people.  Republicans have several jobs bills already submitted, why haven’t we heard about them?  This is what really bugs me about the GOP; they won’t defend themselves against these attacks.  However, this morning on Fox News with Chris Wallace questioned Debbie Wassamatterwitherhair Schultz and the squirming to the burning question of policy mismanagement went on blame overload.

Solyndra was but one of many Green companies that the Regime pumped billions of tax payers monies into.  They have either failed, or have left the country for China.  Obama, along with GE’s Jeff Immelt joked about it.  They though it was funny that “shovel ready” wasn’t “shovel ready” as they expected.

But the fun doesn’t end here, there’s more!  The Obama regime’s track record of picking winners and losers is wasting taxpayer’s monies.  Is this responsible government and are the republicans at fault?

The ugly politics continues at General Motors. The Chevy Volt continues to costs taxpayers huge amounts of money while offering little in return. Cronies that are politically connected at companies like Fisker, Tesla and GE benefit as well as wealthy purchasers of the vehicles who receive $7,500 supplied by taxpayers who are average Americans that can not afford the car, much less the subsidies. All the while supporters of the vehicle imply that the Volt is benefiting society in some great way (with no substantiation) and is worth the billions of dollars purloined from taxpayers. And if you don’t like it, prepare to be attacked.

Billions of taxpayer dollars were recklessly spent in green projects that have benefited unions and Obama’s rich fat-cat campaign donor friends.  The bond holders and the American taxpayers are losing money over these bad investments.  The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers.  The Soviet communists tried and failed to build an industrial complex equal to the United States.  Obama is following in the same failed steps as the former Soviet Union.

The failed Range Fuels wood-to-ethanol factory in southeastern Georgia that sucked up $65 million in federal and state tax dollars was sold Tuesday for pennies on the dollar to another bio-fuel maker with equally grand plans to transform the alternative energy world.

Not only is the Obama Regime wasting money in failed green technologies at taxpayer expense, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has put heavy handed regulations on businesses.

The EPA, along with major environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, and others, have engaged for decades in a massive propaganda effort to convince Americans they are imperiled by the nation’s air and water. It is a lie. As the author of “Regulators Gone Wild”, Rich Trzupeck notes, “Though our world is actually cleaner than ever, most Americans are convinced it is dirtier.”

It is this propaganda that the Socialist Democrats have been pushing on the American people.  The lies and deceptions are what the socialist are planning for Obama’s reelection campaign.  Because Obama cannot run on his record of accomplishments, they will resort to blaming Bush, blaming republicans and the American people.  Remember Obama said Americans were lazy.

Corruption by the Shovel Full

Remember when Joe “BiteMe” Biden touted John Corzine as the advice counselor on the economy?

Everyone has heard about Corzine’s company MF Global going bankrupt, and they illegally mingled customer’s cash in with their bad European investments.  They lost billions!  Yet, there’s O’l Joe Biden telling the American public to “trust me”!  But that wasn’t the first time O’l Joe called on Corzine, and this time, John Corzine crafted the plan for the economy.  Listen to this!

Rewards for such patriotism doesn’t go unnoticed, at least you can get a mansion in France with all that money Corzine….um, misplaced?!?!

Vanity Fair reports on Corzine’s personal life as well, saying that on October 15, two weeks before MF Global filed for bankruptcy, Corzine and his wife, Sharon Elghanayan, were at a birthday party in Paris talking about a château they were about to buy in the South of France.

Usually, the “tip of the iceberg” is what follows with such ironic hypocrisy.   How much more corruption is floating around the Obama regime that we just haven’t heard yet?  Ladies and Gentlemen this is your Socialist Democrat party.  A vote for them is a dollar removed from your wallet!  Or maybe more!



What’s For Dinner


Chicken Vegetable Stir Fry over Chow Fun Noodles







Our Time Has Come – Barack Obama

If you’ve ever wondered how pervasive the OWS, Communism and the Democrat party are, then look no further.  The Obama Regime sympathizes with them.  They love Ron Paul.  The democrat party chairperson supports them also.  They are the darlings of the liberal media.  And now, you can include Woodbrook Elementary School in Virginia grade school children.

Public tax dollars are going to indoctrinate children into learning how the welfare state works.  Communists have infiltrated the grade schools and are teaching children class warfare, and not American Civics.   Teaching Class Warfare and not Self Reliance!

“They don’t censor what the kids write. They don’t shape what the kids write. It all comes out of the kids own mouths and the kids own words,” claims Albemarle County School Board Chair, Steve Koleszar.

“The kids choose the topic, this class chose the topic and those are their words” asserts Koleszar.

That’s an interesting statement by the school board chair; they don’t censor nor shape what kids write.  Isn’t the purpose of schools to teach children the skills needed to be successful in life?

I find it incredibly incredulous that 8 year old’s thought this up all by themselves.  It seems to  Koleszar is obviously either lying, or he’s in collusion with the communists, public unions and the Obama regime to indoctrinate young minds of mush.  The latter is probably true.

Here are the lyrics to this song:

Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent

I used to be one of the 1 percent
I worked all the time
Never saw my family
Couldn’t make life rhyme
Then the bubble burst
It really, really hurt
I lost my money
Lost my pride
Lost my home
Now I’m part of the 99

Some people have it all
But they still don’t think they have enough
They want more money
A faster ride
They’re not content
Never satisfied
Yes — they’re the 1 percent

I used to be sad, now I’m satisfied
’Cause I really have enough
Though I lost my yacht and plane
Didn’t need that extra stuff
Could have been much worse
You don’t need to be first
’Cause I’ve got my friends
Here by my side
Don’t need it all
I’m so happy to be part of the 99

This is a political message in line with the Occupy Wall Street crowd.  Again, what 8 year old’s do you know that are composing songs about losing jobs, homes and now being apart of the 99.

A better question is, why aren’t these children being taught about the United States Constitution, American Civics, American History and American Exceptionalism?  Why they are teaching the “Pursuit of Happiness” is not their Right.  That they do not have any future. That being successful isn’t possible.  What kind of message are they telling children?

Dumbing Down American Kids

As I alluded to before, the Obama Regime is supporting this, along with the Socialist Democrats.  Obama’s message of Class Warfare is resonating well with teachers unions, communists and the OWS people.  This is quickly turning into a campaign theme with Obama.  There is proof of collusion.

Debbie Wassamatterwitherhair Schultz

Click on Debbie’s picture to watch!

When Debbie Downer is not trolling through graveyards feeding off of corpses, she’s routinely accusing the Republicans as the cause of the economic problems.  As if the democrat socialist didn’t equally contribute to our economic woes.  This disingenuous piece of camel dung was on the Obama reelection campaign network, MSNBC, to praise the OWS deadbeats and in the fashion of Joseph Goebbels, spread more socialist democrat lies.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told Breitbart News that Ron Paul supporters are the most extreme supporters and that support of the Tea Party movement is reflective of a candidate’s “extreme” views. Then the DNC chair expressed her support for the “Occupy” movement and acknowledged the fact that many in the “Occupy” movement are, in fact, the previously classified “extreme supporters” of Ron Paul. Apparently, only Democrats are allowed to throw support behind political movements without being labeled “extreme.”

This does tie all back into education and life decisions.  As I have stated before, the communists are starting to infiltrate into the public elementary school system.  They have already been in the University system for decades, and the results are producing a crop of graduates that cannot find decent jobs, but why?

I’ve recently made the acquaintance of a young man who has a problem. He is 28 years old; smart, of good moral character, and willing to work hard at part-time jobs. He does not expect anyone else, including the government, to support him.  Yet he is puzzled and increasingly bitter that he cannot make a good living.

What’s his difficulty? It’s not the economy (in this specific case) but the fact that he has a degree in linguistics and is now studying Oriental philosophy at a fine university. His case is not altogether typical, but is immensely revealing.

Here’s the secret: He cannot make a living because the market for people with degrees in linguistics and in Oriental philosophy is limited. He should have known that. Someone should have told him that. The calculation of practicality should have been made. It wasn’t.

This is an reoccurring theme with the OWS people.  “I spent $100,000 in student loans to get a degree and cannot get a good paying job”.  Well DUH!!!   Who plans for a future in linguistics and Oriental philosophy?  What happened to the Jobs that Americans just won’t do?  They can’t do those jobs because they are neither qualified nor have they thought out their future potential for such.  The expectations are set in unrealistic goals and useless marketable skills.

Corner Office

You don’t get the corner office after graduation.  That is, if you ever graduate from school.  Apparently, the perpetuating effort by the Obama Regime to spread the wealth around will also include those individuals that never completed their High School degree.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission warned employers that requiring a High School diploma may violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Employers are facing more uncertainty in the wake of a letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission warning them that requiring a high school diploma from a job applicant might violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.

As if employers don’t have enough to worry about hiring, the Obama Regime just put restrictions on who employers can hire.  Here are some words of wisdom to ponder.

You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.


Hows that hope and change working for yah?

Indeed this has been Obama’s reelection campaign message.  Class Warfare.  We don’t know anything about Obama’s academic achievements, if any.  We don’t know what Obama’s grades were.  Obama, we are told, is a professor of Constitutional law, but there are no writing, no opinions, nothing to shed light on his academic career.  Why?



What’s For Dinner?

Grilled Ono Sandwich with Grilled Freedom Fries!



