Doves and Ostriches



In America, the great divide is between leftist and everyone else.  Understanding the damage leftism has done to this country can be easily documented.  The best way to understand how a leftist operates, it to watch and listen to their examples.  A leftist can be found in all walks of life, and what they all have in common is a level of intolerance for others that don’t follow their way of thinking.  One of the favorite means the leftist uses is to demonize good people with lies, fear and innuendo.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is the Democratic National Chairperson (DNC), and a committed leftist.  She accused Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker of domestic violence against women.  She said of Gov. Walker has, “given women the back of his hand” and is “grabbing us by the hair.”  She made those remarks that at the Milwaukee Athletic club.  She is perpetuating the leftist lie that conservatives have a war on women.  What she is really doing is making a false claim of violence against women a popular governor.  There are some leftist women that make false claims against men as a means to destroy their reputation and credibility.  Putting a thought of doubt to try and avoid the real issues.   Schultz has made similar accusations against others for political gain.  It is the most despicable form of political warfare.  This is the leftist Rape Culture!

One of Schultz favorite claims is to say that Obama has turned the economy, but even leftist NBC News, Meet the Press, David Gregory called her out on it.  To be fair, in politics, it’s not an uncommon practice to make your side look like they know what they are doing.  However, so called “Affordable Care Act”, also known as Obamacare, is proving to be unaffordable.  So to deflect from the problems of this terrible health care law, Schultz accuses Republicans of trying to eliminate Medicare, which is a flat out lie.  Again, she uses fear, uncertainty and doubt to accuse others, Conservatives, of trying to hurt people.  See for example this interview with Fox News Journalist Martha MaCallum:

This same rhetoric rings similar to progressive leftist democrat Alan Grayson who once presented to Congress that Republicans plan is to “Die Quickly”.  Indeed, many in the  Democrat party are progressive leftists socialists.  I mention them as progressives and socialists because they all call themselves either democrats or repackaged as progressives, but the political ideology is the same leftist values.

Leftist values are defined as class struggles;  Class warfare, class envy, and class inequality.  It’s never about individuality, it’s about  a collective struggle.  Many despots and infamous people have repeated the same leftist mantra of the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the individual.  It takes a village to raise a child.  Not parents.  Meaning the state owns your children.



You’re seeing that with the implementation of “Common Core”, the federalization of education to basically remove the parents, the family, the values and the responsibility, all surrendered to the state.  It is an effort to breed cooperative leftist slaves that will obey the state and not question authority.  It does away with free thinking and replaces knowledge with a prepared future.  That might work in the world of insects, like bees and ants, but that doesn’t work in human nature where individuality and healthy development means survival.

From Each According To His Ability, To Each According To His Needs

Leftism has permeated into the American government, and it’s spreading and getting worse.  Leftism has reached the highest office in the land.  Leftism promises a wonderful future, but delivers nothing but empty promises.  Leftism is deception through demonization of those that can follow through with the gift of American Exceptionalism.  Leftism despises American Exceptionalism.  Leftism believes everyone is equal and therefore not exceptional.  Leftism believes the lives in North Korea are equal to the lives in South Korea.  Leftism pushes a philosophy of equal suffering for all.  Leftism isn’t just limited to the United States of America, it is a worldwide problem, and leftist in American government are using traditional American values to manipulate foreign policy.

John Kerry, the Secretary of State, made a speech claiming the Bible tells us to protect Muslim majority countries from global warming.  This is profound because the leftist usually mocks people of faith, in particular, Christians.   Kerry said Scripture, in particular the Book of Genesis, make clear it is our “duty” to protect the planet and we should look at Muslim countries “with a sense of stewardship of earth,” adding, “That responsibility comes from God.”

I don’t know where in the Book of Genesis does it say anything like what Kerry said.  Climate change is not mentioned in the first book of the Old Testament, and neither is Islam nor is Christianity.  So where is Kerry getting his information?  He’s making it up.  This is another leftist value, lying!  Leftist have been using the Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Climate meme of the day, as a fear tactic to manipulate a climate of fear to pass legislation.  Legislation to restrict economic growth and force a centralized world government.  Leftist don’t believe in the United States Constitution.  Leftist believe in subverting the Constitution for power and control.

This capitulation to savages has been the leftist fascination with death.  Life, Liberty and Happiness, is an alien concept to the leftist.  Leftist support abortion, the systematic genocide of children.  Leftist call it a right to kill their children.  Adoption isn’t an option because it goes against the leftist values.  Life isn’t a value.  Unless, of course, you are a serial killer facing the death penalty, then the leftist will defend you to your death!  Lynn Stewart was a leftist lawyer that defended muslim terrorists that tried to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993, and she even went to jail for cheating the justice system.  Leftist will defend the indefensible, the murders, the creeps, savages and throat slitters.

In England, the problem with leftism is so pronounced, you can be arrested and charged with racism for either quoting Winston Churchill or referring to muslims as anything but asians.  Which is a disparity to Asians because muslims are not Asians.

This is apart of leftist rape culture of society.  Destroying free speech, and liberty; the leftist will try and outlaw free-thinking.

In England, leftism is so rampant, that muslim rape gangs were allowed to kidnap and gang-rape girls as young as 11 years old.  The police turned a blind eye for fear of being charged with racism and religious intolerance.   A case worker that exposed these crimes was punished and forced to take diversity reeducation.  Punishing the victim and the hero is how leftist advance their veil of fear over decency.

The beheading of a UK soldier in broad daylight, in the middle of the street, was virtually ignored by the world press.  The world press, which is predominantly leftist and bound by political correctness, barely reported this brutal savagery.  Crimes like this go ignored by the leftist media and the victim is punished by the media’s insinuation the attack was somehow all the victim’s fault.

Today a woman was beheaded by a muslim madman in north London.  The media again fails to mention the criminal and the police say it’s not terror related.  England is in a state of denial.

This leftist control over good defenseless people, while protecting savages for political correctness, will destroy western culture.  That fits hand in hand with Islamic terror.  Islamic terror wants a world caliphate, as leftist want world domination.  It seems evil has found a willing partner.  England is not the only country with this problem, it is worse throughout Europe, and it is spreading wherever leftism exists.  Leftist have imported this vile evil relationship to the shores of America, both south and north America.  You see leftist cruelty in combination with islamic savagery all the American countries.

Here in the United States, we have a cowardly president that is a flaming leftist.  After two Americans are beheaded by ISIS terrorists, Obama sheepishly admits he has no strategy to deal with ISIS.  That’s because the strategy is to expand and grow ISIS, and just play dumb.  Then if you listen to Obama at a leftist union rally, he quickly accuses conservatives as being American terrorists.

Yes, evil has a ally.



What’s For Dinner?

