The unhinged left is going to murder someone. Since the inauguration of President Trump, the left, liberals, and socialist, have committing acts of violence against Trump supporters, businesses, and conservatives. This pattern of violence is being encouraged by democrats in Congress and in the media. Threats are being made to Republicans by the left. Here are some current examples:

‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After an Anti Abortion Tweet.

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, received death threats, vulgar phone messages, coat hangers, even bribes, to influence her voting decision of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

A Castro Valley California terrorist attempted to knife Republican candidate Rudy Peters.

Police have responded to the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC after an anonymous threat to shoot up a meeting there supporting President Trump.



Terrorism moves at the speed of social media, and the social media groups are allowing this terrorism on their platforms. Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and other unsocial media are openly encouraging violence, and banning conservative posts. Even Hollyweird actors are making violent threats.

Violent groups like antifa are allowed to use social media, Facebook and Twitter, to organize to commit acts of property damage, harassment, and physical attacks on Trump supporters.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who narrowly survived a politically-motivated mass assassination attempt in July 2017, warns that Democrats are “almost encouraging” political violence. They are, and they’re not hiding it. Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters has called for liberal mobs to harass Trump administration officials, and supporters, who show their faces in public. Mad Maxine Waters isn’t the only democrat to incite violence. Woman beating Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, has called the Trump Presidency “illegitimate.”

Hillary Clinton, and other socialist democrats, have challenged the Trump Presidency. Remember how Hillary slammed Trump during the 2016 campaign for refusing to promise to accept the results of the election. Yet, here’s the Hildabeast challenging the results of the election. Many of these socialist democrats refused to attend President Trump’s inauguration. Now imagine if Republicans refused to attend Barry the Bullshitter’s inauguration? There would be howls of RACISM.

Yet, Barry the Bullshitter has publicly rebuked Trump over his travel ban, the economy, the Iran deal, climate deal, and NAFTA. Obama cannot shut his big mouth. The socialist sore losers have promised to undo all the good work that the Trump Administration has done in just under two years. The socialist democrats have promised to raise taxes, add more regulations, destroy jobs, punish Trump supports, destroy the country. That’s not an exaggeration, both Nazi Piglosi and Chucky cheese Schumer have made that campaign promises.

It is imperative that we hold the House and the Senate. More Republicans need to be elected to create a Super Majority. There are so many opportunities to achieve. Affordable healthcare, job opportunities that include higher salaries and job security, the right to work without a union siphoning off your money. The expulsion of RINO’s and Obama holdovers in government. We need to continue the great work that President Trump has started.





Remembering September 11th, 2001

We Will Never Forget

The last sunset, September 10th, 2001. No one expected an attack on America, but the warning signs were there.

September 10, 2001

America was attacked by islamic terrorists. It still seems like America has succumbed to political correctness. Politicians have been afraid to call this attack, islamic terror.  Even today, the spread of islamic terror is still world wide. Millions have died at the hands of islamic terror. The left continues to insist that islam is a peaceful religion, but it is clear that islam is not a religion. It is a cult of horror. A 7th century backward culture that celebrates death, over life.

Muslims celebrate EID. Eid al-Adha, also called the “Festival of Sacrifice”, is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God’s command. Muslims celebrate this with the slaughter of animals.

They do this to live animals to terrorize the animals. They teach their children to hate infidels. They mutilate the genitalia of their females as part of their religious practice. Homosexuals are thrown off rooftops for fun. Women are stoned to death. Honor killing of wives and daughters are common in this backwards culture of death. The belief that martyrdom will allow them a quicker entry into their version of heaven, which I believe is hell.

The left will always be apologists for islam. The left will defend islam as, misunderstood. Anyone that discusses this culture of horror, is accused of being of islamophobic. It’s only islamophobic when they are trying to kill you.

Barry the Bullshitter, opened the immigration doors to import these savages into America. Even creating a lottery to get around immigration rules. When President Trump questioned this practice, and called for a immigration moratorium on people arriving from muslim countries, and the left went nuts! They tried to halt President Trump’s orders to restrict islamic immigrants. President Trump is correct, because no one knows the background of these people. Who are they? They could be importing terrorists into the country. That has happened.

We must continue to prepare. We must be vigilant. The media will not report on islamic atrocities. Eve if they do, they quickly bury the story. It’s not politically correct. The left says it singles out a particular religion. The left believes islam is a religion, but we all know it is not.

A.F. Branco Cartoons

We have a Hole in our Hearts over the innocent lives that were lost on that day. We must never forget them. We must never let down our guard, because these islamic terrorists, only need to win once, and many will die. Islam has a problem, and many within this cult will defend it to the death. Meaning they will be willing to die, to kill you. The left will also attempt to shame anyone that tells the truth about islam. Like Barry the Bullshitter, they are sympathetic to terror, and damn the American people. We cannot forget. We must always prepare, and we must always be ready. Know the history.




Promises Made, Promises Kept

One of the complaints about our political system is the people we elect. Why do we elect them? Because they make promises to do things for us once they get into office. However, often times, promises are made, but are rarely kept. That’s with all political parties, local, State, Congressional, and Presidential. Then comes along the anomaly.

How ironic can it be that a novice politician, that never held any office before, could sweep away 17 professional politicians, defeat a political family dynasty’s, and prove the polls and fake news media wrong. In just less then two years since President Trump’s inauguration, we’ve seen the revival of the economy, the return of corporations from overseas, and a rise in job growth. This success hasn’t been seen since the 1980’s.

Although President Reagan was an experienced politician, having been the governor of California for two terms, he was also an Hollywood actor. Reagan had his faults, like everyone else, nobody is perfect. Except the man that died for our sins, Jesus Christ. That was the promise of salvation. But I digress…..

Either way, results speak for themselves. President Trump’s actions are tangible measured milestones. Talk is always cheap. Actions speak louder.

Now enter this clown, again. Barry WhoIsInsane Obama. The Bullshitter. The Ugly American.

Lord Of The Flies, Barry the Bullshitter

For some reason, this Flim-Flam con-artist has decided to return to spread his message of racism, division, and fear. I watched a speech this piece of excrement gave to an audience of trained monkeys applauding to his every word. Disgusting. Barry hangs with nation of islam Louie “calispo” Farrakhan. Racist Al Sharpton, shakedown artist Jessie Jackson, and his preacher the Reverend “God Damn America” Wright.

Racism Runs Deep In This Family

It’s hard to believe this racist, Obama, was elected twice. Now you saw the fruits of his labor. A divided America across racial lines. Animosity towards law enforcement and first responders.  Class warfare, economic stagnation, and creeping socialism into the heart of Freedom. If they were wearing white hooded sheets, they would be no different than the Klu Klux Klan. No Different.

Obama promised to fundamentally transform America, and he kept that promise. It took eight years for Americans to finally wake up from this nightmare. If our nation had not awaken, and if the Hildabeast had won, this country would have been lost forever.

As I said, Promises Made, and Promises Kept

This is a pivotal in our nations history. We must come to grips with the reality that our country was going in a terrible direction. There’s been a great awakening. A rejection of the political status quo. The establishment wasn’t listening to the voters. So the voters were asked, “What Do You Have To Lose?”  Only our country, and our way of life. Our Republic.  We were so close to losing it all.  Then, something wonderful happened.

I know that video is taking a YUGE stretch, but I couldn’t help myself throwing it into my post. It’s exaggerated, purposely. Sometimes, letting expressions go as thoughts on a page, is better than acting like screaming banshees in our government institutions. It’s a generational problem. It’s not just a bunch of kids that wear black masks and damaging property. It is a lifestyle of socialist indoctrination. It is destructive.

Generational Suicide

The left, calls us, racists. If we want a wall to halt illegal immigration, we’re called xenophobes. If we want traditional marriage, we’re called homophones. Because we believe in Judeo-Christian values, we’re called religious intolerant. If we reject the intolerance of islamic sharia law, we’re called islamophobes. The left always points fingers in accusations. It like out of a horror movie.


I’m Glad America Took The Chance. We’re Doing Alright and the Future Looks Bright. We must continue to vote for Republicans. Only those Republicans that are not in name only (RINO’s), i.e. Jeff ‘frosted’ Flake. We have such a opportunity to restore the country back to the Constitutional values the Founder envisioned. I believe our President understands that. His policies are working. Although the media and the establishment swamp would tell you different. The results are indisputable. The market fundamentals are strong. The corporate outlook looks promising. Job growth looks robust. Unemployment is low. There are so many opportunities, but there are many problems to overcome. However, I believe we have the right Captain at the Bridge of the USS America.








A Rat In The Staff

“Judge Me By My Deeds, Though They Are Few, Rather Than My Words, Though They Are Many” — Arthur C. Clarke

As it should be with anyone, for actions speak louder than words. As with this President, his actions have been great for this nation. Unlike the predictions of his detractors of gloom and doom, more good has happened in just 18 months, than has happened in the last 30 years.

It took a non-politician to do what professional politicians could not do. Record tax cuts, reducing burdensome regulations, job increases, business growth, worker salary increases, consumer confidence all time high, international respect, better trade deals, negotiations with North Korea to denuclearize. No more missiles flying over Japan. ISIS decimated. The list goes on and on.

You won’t hear about these successes from the fake news media. They are too busy manufacturing crises after crises. There is actually more disinformation in the media, than there is truth. That is a Constitutional crisis. The press is granted special constitutional protections, but those protections are being abused by a infestation of leftist ideology within the media. Ninety percent of the news is either fake, distorted, falsified, or bias.

The amount of corruption in the government is equally as dangerous. The legacy of Barry the Bullshitter, aka Obama, has corrupted deep into the justice department, the IRS, the FBI, the State department, and the roots of leftist corruption has spread wide within the government. The usual check and balances are no longer in effect. There is no transparency.

People should be very alarmed by this. Once the government is corrupted, that corruption will spread to the average American’s daily life. It is a level of anti-Americanism that is the leftover from the Obama regime.

The warning signs have been around for years. Obama called the cops stupid. Obama called Trayvon Martin a son. Obama went to the United Nations to claim Ferguson was a systemic American racism problem. The pattern was to put America down, to brush away American exceptionalism. Obama’s goal was reduce the international prominence and leadership of the United States. To weaken our country.

This wasn’t the first time that democRats have tried to destroy the United States. Ted Kennedy committed treason during the Cold War by going to then Soviet Union to convince the Russians to subvert President Reagan’s administration. Even then, the fake news media protected Kennedy by burying the story. This was indeed, Russian collusion by a senator. The media and the democRats made wild claims of Reagan as out of control and senile. Reagan was accused of racism, and criminal activity. None of which was true.

Fast forward to 2016 and the election of Donald J. Trump, and the democRats are repeating history. The same wild claims of racism, unfit for the office, Russian collusion. All accusations by the democRats, and hysterically hyped by the fake news media.

Ronaldus Magnus

Like Ronald Reagan, President Trump is facing hostility from the democRats and some republicans. We now learn from the New York Slimes that there is a traitor in the Trump administration. A coward, remaining anonymous, claims to be sabotaging the efforts of our President to Make America Great Again. Calling themselves part of the “resistance”. The term ‘resistance’ was a term used during World War II against the Nazis. I personally find the use of that term derogatory because it cheapens the people that fought against the Nazis. It also makes the assertion that our government is a brutal regime like the Nazis. That’s an insult to everyone that voted for Trump, including myself.

This saboteur claims that Present Trump is amoral, unprincipled, and is not a conservative. Its a claim that cannot be back by any proof. If the saboteur is a staffer in the White House, they should be exposed. It is a National Security issue allowing someone like this to be in the administration. They should be bribed, and coerced into hurting the country.

Amoral – how so? The President has had religious leaders in his meetings, invited them to the White House, supported faith-based organizations. The President has openly, and publicly, prayed with these religious readers. The President’s wife, Melania, is a Catholic. The President’s daughter, Ivanka, is a devout Jew, as her husband Jarad. It seems Trump’s moral compass is strong and in the right direction. Trump doesn’t drink, smoke, and his demeanor appears to be a kind, thoughtful individual. Like everyone else, he’s not perfect.

Unprincipled – How so? The President set a series of goals to keep his campaign promises. In just 18 months, President Trump turned a sputtering economy into a powerhouse. An economy that was dragging at a GDP of less than 2%, to one reaching 4.1%, doubled. For every regulation, two regulations had to be removed. That gave businesses the confidence to invest and hire. Businesses gave employees salary increases and bonuses. President Trump got the government out of private industry, unshackled the private sector to grow. President Trump is running the government like a business. As a business leader, President Trump amassed a fortune, as a real estate developer, Trump sees what needs to be done, and gives the order to get it done.  Of course, not all of Trump’s businesses were successful, but many were. As a risk taker, Trump worked hard and he played hard. He’s flamboyant, a playboy, and he’s driven.  If he was unprincipled, then how did he become so successful?

Not Conservative – How so? President Trump has demonstrated conservative qualities that make establishment conservatives look like liberals. I actually see a center balance. When President went to Europe and told the NATO nations they weren’t paying their fair share in the alliance. President Trump successfully got these nations to start paying for their defense. When President Trump went to Saudia Arabia, the King personally met with Trump at the airport. The King attended all the events during Trump’s visit. The King of Saudia Arabia neither afforded that honor to Obama, nor Bush.

President Trump has demonstrated a love for our military, law enforcement, first responders, and their families. President Trump’s generals were unleashed to do the job of defeating our enemies, and protecting our country. President Trump knows he must work with our adversaries; Putin of Russia, Kim Jung-un of North Korea, and Xi Jinping of China. Like President Reagan, President Trump knows to keeps his friends close, and keep his enemies closer. As someone that has read, questioned, and learned from Sun Tzu “Art of War”, I have read Trump’s book “Art of the Deal”. I see similarities in President Trump’s thinking. That’s not the predilection of someone admiring despots.

More Was Accomplished In Just 18 Months, Than The Last 30 Years!

What is an astonishing accomplishment is how fast President Trump has moved to keep his promises. Even faced with the enemies within the republican party, i.e. Juan McLame, Jeff frosted Flake, Ben Sasse, Paul Ryan, and others that are openly trying to trip up the Trump agenda. Now we have a coward, hiding in the administration, openly trying to sabotage President Trump’s accomplishments. It is eerily similar to what President Reagan had to deal with.  So, who can President Trump trust? Answer, the American people.

I believe the majority of the American electorate believes in the Trump agenda. They are ones that are benefiting from the Trump policies. The New York Slimes article reads like a disgruntle employee that is failing, and hanging on by a thread. The media will breathlessly circulate this editorial thinking, hoping, and praying this will finally be the end of Donald J. Trump.

I didn’t vote for an a perfect person. I know everyone, including myself, has their failings. The will of the American people is being done. The best interests of the American people are being accomplished. An anonymous editorial hold little weight in my opinion.  Tell all books that contain anonymous sources are equally of no interests. If anything, this leftist nonsense of ‘resistance’ and never-Trumpers has strengthen my resolve to vote for President Trump, and those that support his agenda to Make American Great Again, and keep it great.