The Gathering

Aloha! Today is day 6 of the stay at home directive. I ventured out today to gather some provisions. Traffic was like any other normal day. The shopping markets were open. Although some stores were low on stock. Especially the grocery stores. However, no one is going for the vegan stuff.

The great mobilization of industry, science, religion, and markets, have been called to be the generals on the frontlines in the fight against the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus. The 4 elements of prosperity that drives the economy and our way of life. Perhaps that has been our vulnerability over the years. The comforts of our lives over time has caused us to forget the 5th element of our strengths, defense.

The gathering of the CEO’s during these White House Task Force press conferences are impressive. That hasn’t happened since World War II where private industry mobilized to assist the Wartime President. The left may not agree with President Trump being a Wartime President, but there’s no denying the reality of this serious time in our history.

The worse part is the warnings were there, but no one heeded the warnings. Congress knew of the reports of shortages and lack of preparations for another pandemic. The fake news media also has shamed anyone blaming China for the virus. In particular, the New York Slimes that hates America so much that they are blaming the Chinese virus on Christians. They claim that Christians don’t believe in science. It’s very much like how the Communist Chinese persecute Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs.

Watch My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell speaking at the White House, today, Monday, explaining to the American people what his company was doing to help during the coronavirus crisis. Lindell also had some words of spiritual advice for the country. Afterwards, the fake news media mocked Lindell for his religious convictions.

As the exposure of religious hatred becomes more apparent, there is a fight to sway the public into believing the propaganda that the communists are spreading. They want you to believe that Communist China is not responsible for the virus. The fake news media is all in on spreading this propaganda. They want you to believe that people of faith don’t believe in science.

Religious charities, Salvation Army and Samaritans Purse, are leading the way to provide the healthcare needs to anyone. They don’t care if you’re religious or not. They are there to save lives. For that, they are mocked, spat upon, and demonized as anti-science bigots.

Nazi Piglosi, that shrew that pretends to be a practicing Catholic, lies about being “prayerful”. She wants more taxpayer funding for Planned Butcherhood to murder children. She says it’s women’s healthcare. Here we have a war against a deadly virus, and she wants to kill babies. Remember the CARES Bill that was passed? Piglosi wanted millions of dollars for the ritzy Kennedy Center. A arts and entertainment center for the rich and famous.

So much misinformation by the fake news media. They are so “prey-full” that America is hurt badly by this virus, they are willing to depress their viewers. Take Rachael Madkow and her predictions about the Naval Hospital Ship, Comfort, arriving in New York.

Abracadabra Bitch

The forces of good are gathering to fight this war. Regardless of the lefts hatred of America. We have real heroes fighting for America. Never count out the ingenuity of the United States Military to get the job done.


Our weather today was a mix of rain and sunshine. Mostly rain and cloud cover. Temperatures in the low 70’s with humidity at 93%.


Kēia Ka Lā Kanakolu, Malaki