

Aloha kākou. There’s that awkward silence waiting for a reasonable answer to a question, or to some bizarre action. Jim Crow Joe is one bizarre weirdo. From sexually assaulting women, to molesting little children, Jim Crow Joe is not only  a pedophile, but a rapist. However, the MeToo shills have allowed Jim Crow Joe to get a pass. The leftists say we should believe women, but not when Marxist democrats do it. Unless, it’s for political gain like the NY AG is using to go after Killer Cuomo, and Letitia James wants to become governor of New York. The bizarre part there is even though AG James believes Killer Cuomo did sexually assault women, no charges will be filed. What’s the purpose behind that? If a crime has been committed, then why won’t charges be filed? Oh, It’s OK When Marxist Democrats Do It.

Now back to Jim Crow Joe. Did this see this bizarre exchange between Kentucky’s Governor son and Jim Crow Joe?

Not only highly inappropriate, but why is Jim Crow Joe giving his used germy mask to this child? Notice how Jim Crow Joe grabs the boy’s arm and then puts his diseased mask into the boy’s hand. The boy looks at the mask, and looks like he’s wondering, “what do I do with this?”, and then shoves the mask into his pocket. It’s reminds me of that scene in Airplane where the pilot asks little Billy is he like Gladiator movies.

This leads me to the bizarre decisions from the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion. This unelected body of  government bureaucrats have made themselves the deciders of public policy. They made the the early decision to put a moratorium on landlords from evicting renters during the Covid lockdowns. As people lost their jobs, unemployment insurance kicked in to allow people to be able to support themselves and their families.

OK, that’s all well and fine. We were supposed to spend 2 weeks to flatten the curve during the lockdown. Not to overwhelm the hospitals and medical system. But two weeks turned into 18 months, and there’s no end in sight. People are living in rentals and not paying rent. Even though they’re getting more money sitting at home than getting a job, they still didn’t keep up with their rent. That has put rental property owners at risk of losing their property to the mortgage company, the bank for short.

In Hawai’i, the moratorium is due to expire on August 6th. Gov. David Ige imposed the rental moratorium on April 2020 as the Covid pandemic began strangling Hawaii’s tourism-based economy. The moratorium will expire and be lifted on Aug. 6, 2021. This will pave the way for renters and landlords to tap into federal rental assistance and free mediation serv­ices on all islands intended to make landlords whole and keep families in their homes. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion said today that it would extend a targeted moratorium on evictions for the next two months, till October 3rd. How does an unelected body make such a decision without going through the legislature? Who is going to pay for the extended rent and mortgages? Crickets.

But wait. This sounds all rosy and good, but read between the lines. “So the message of the day is the White House needs to get its act together and extend the eviction moratorium. We do not want to hear the excuses about what will the court do, etc.,” the self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” told a crowd camped out on the Capitol steps.

The Supreme Court decided in June ruled that the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion overstepped its authority but did not lift the ban because the ban was expiring at the end of July and that deadline would allow federal rental assistance funds to be distributed to those who need it. But that’s not what Annoyingly Obtuse-Cretin is exactly saying. The Socialist Squad member wants the government to take over rental properties and assume the mortgages and rents of the people living in these units. Where else does the government own housing units?

That’s in communist countries, where property ownership is not allowed, except by proletariat. You own rental properties, the government will take your source of income away. If you’re a renter, the government will assign you a single room apartment in the suburban high-rise. But what if you have 9 kids? It doesn’t matter, the government will assign your family living quarters based on your social credits. Just like Communist China does to either reward or punish you based on your social action scores.

Who cares what the Supreme Court decides, says Annoyingly Obtuse-Cretin. In a socialist government the courts are just window dressing to give the appearance of a Judiciary system. Just ask either Cuba, or Venezuela. What’s scary is that people are enticed by this idea of free government housing. What follows next is free government education, free government food, and government cradle to grave care. This is the socialist paradise waiting for you.


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Today started with passing sprinkles, followed by partially cloudy skies with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the north at 7mph with gusts at 18mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got  just under 1/4th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inch and dewpoint is 70 degrees. UV index is 4.

ʻAukake ‘Ekolu, 2021
