
Aloha kākou. Life is never going back to normal. Mandates of fear are here. We always knew these mandates were coming, the Marxist left just can’t help themselves but to rule every aspect of your life. Do as we say, or go to jail. Mask mandates. Vaccine mandates. More mandates to follow. Our freedoms are being taken away all in the name of public safety. In New York City, the Big Apple Maggot Bill de Bozo, has said the Delta Variant is too dangerous for people to fully understand. So you will be forced to get the vaccine or get shut out of stores, theaters, airports, everywhere in the city. People are losing their rights and the lunatics’ forcing this upon us don’t care.

This isn’t limited just to New York, but also New Jersey and other blue states are also going to enforce mandated vaccines. The Fake News Media is supporting this mandate regardless if the person’s doctor warns that the vaccine may be harmful to the patient. If you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant you will be forced to get the vaccine. Regardless that the vaccine has been shown to cause miscarriage’s. Plus we don’t know if the vaccine will cause birth defects. Remember that these vaccines are for emergency use only and haven’t been fully tested and approved.


These mandates are spreading faster than the virus. Restaurants are now demanding people show proof of vaccine before entry into the restaurant. The restaurant industry can’t handle another mandate restriction that will hurt their businesses. It was bad enough that restaurants were forced to unsocial distance customers limiting their business.


Jim Crow Joe is now mandating everyone in the military to get the vaccine or resign. Some might say we can’t have our military getting sick on duty, but the top brass is forcing Critical Race Theory on our soldiers. That’s even more poisonous than the vaccine. Regardless if they have a medical condition their doctor warns about, you will have no choice. Even if you have the antibodies, you still must take the vaccine.

In Hawai’i, the state Department of Education today announced that all student-athletes, athletic staff and volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated against Covid by Sept. 24 to participate in school-sanctioned athletic activities during the current school year. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion is focused on the number of cases and not the number of hospitalizations and deaths. This is causing the Fake News Media to continue to spreading fear and misinformation. I guess that’s part of the mandate to keep people in fear to control us all.


Did you know it’s Barry the Bullshitter’s Birthday today? I didn’t, but I heard Barry was planning a big birthday bash at his mansion in Martha’s Vineyard. Over 500 invitees and 200 servants. Of course, Michael cannot have too many servants.  No doubt that someone from the Hollyweird elitists will mistake Barry the Bullshitter Obama as one of the help and prompt him to fetch them another round of Mint Grasshoppers. “Oh boy, would you be a dear and refresh our drinks?”

The man child whose parents abandoned him and pawned he off to his mothers communist grandparents. But at least he got to go to Punahou, the preparatory exclusive school in Honolulu, Hawai’i. But we still really don’t know Barry Sotoro actually was born in Hawai’i. Quite frankly, I believe Barry was born in Kenya. I don’t care what others think. They can’t disprove it either. We neither know what his grades were nor do we know how he got into other universities of communist indoctrination.

Oops, maybe too many leftists bigwigs got paranoid about getting publicly exposed to the Delta variant. Barry has reportedly canceled plans for a big 60th birthday celebration in Martha’s Vineyard that created a backlash due to concerns around the delta variant of the coronavirus. Aww, that’s too bad. Barry is now limiting the guest list for his 60th birthday party to family and close friends amid COVID-19 concerns. I’m sure George Loony and Oprah Whimpy were greatly disappointed.

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Today started with passing heavy showers, followed by partially cloudy skies with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 18mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1-3/16 inches of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.00 inch and dewpoint is 68 degrees. UV index is 9.

ʻAukake ‘Ehā, 2021


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