Aloha kākou. Nearly 7,000 illegal aliens who tested positive for COVID-19 have passed through a Texas city that has become the epicenter of the illegal immigration surge, including more than 1,500 over the past seven days, officials said Wednesday. Even thousands more have been distributed to small towns across the nation. This is an invasion by treasonous Marxist democrats. Where are the GOP?

If this were the administration of President Trump, the Marxist democrats would be screaming for IMPEACHMENT. Fake News Media would be broadcasting 24/7 calling President Trump a criminal Covid Spreader, and calling for the violent overthrow of the government. Just as they were for during the 4 years President Trump was in office. There would be lawsuits filed daily with activist judges granting injunctions preventing the government from operating. Yet, the GOP is MIA. 


Be Sure To Follow and Ready Julie Kelly’s Posts On American Greatness

But where is the GOP? Where are the ALARMS? Jim Crow Joe knows what he’s doing is illegal. Knows that this is putting Americans at risk of diseases, crime, and worse, but the GOP leadership is asleep at the wheel. House Minority Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, more worried about Communist Cuba oppression and his quaffed hair. But not American lives being destroyed by Marxist democrats and a tyrannical regime. The GOP lackluster leadership is impotent and weak. McConnell and McCarthy haven’t said a word. Meanwhile, J6 Political Prisoners are languishing in prison being abused. Some GOP voices care, but not the leadership. People like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, and Ted Cruz, are the few voices speaking for Nazi Piglosi’s political prisoners. Imagine, American citizens being held as political prisoners, while BLM-Antifa are arrested and set free with no bail. Illegal alien’s are free to spread viruses, crime, and drain the local economies. This is an invasion and a coup d’etat to overthrow our Republic. Where is the GOP?

Yesterday I neglected to include in my blog “Mandates” that what the Marxist democrats are doing is revising their history of discrimination, segregation, and criminality. It’s like a return to the days of Deep South when corrupt democrats owned and ran elections, businesses, and law enforcement. They own your lives and they can do anything against you if you do not follow the Marxist democrat line. Step off the line and you will be punished, severely. More than half of the 330 Million Americans are being punished because they voted the wrong way. They voted for President Trump and not for creepy Jim Crow Joe. Still no reaction from the Missing in Action Republicans.


The eviction moratorium mandated by an unelected bureaucrat at the Centers of Disinformation and Confusion, Rochelle Walensky. Even though the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the CDC, the regime of Jim Crow Joe is going to follow the CDC’s decision and break the law anyway. We’re living in a lawless government. What the Marxist democrats want is to eliminate private property ownership. The government will take over private property and convert it into Section 8 rental property. Landlord’s rental properties would be confiscated by the government. Most of these landlords are small business owners. People that are using second homes as a means of income. Most are still paying a mortgage to the banks. The reason why banks are not putting a mortgage moratorium for the landlords is that the banks donate to Marxist democrats. Banks are protected and the landlords are punished. Once this starts, then we are on our way to government confiscation of all private property. Where are the Republicans?


Once landlords are either forced by the banks to sell their property, or are foreclosed against, then the inventory of rental properties will shrink. Landlords will be forced to raise rents to make up the lost revenue. The rent money used to maintain properties, repairs of appliances, maintaining municipal services like electric and water, plumbing, and other services to maintain properties will stop. What will happen is renters will become squatters. The government will be forced to acquire these properties and turn them into Section 8 housing. Where the government will use the power of eviction to get their money. No Republicans to be found.


Medical Apartheid has begun in America. People are going to be forced to get the Fauci Ouchy whether they want it or not. Want to keep your job, get a jab. Want to travel to visit Grandma, get the jab, want to go shopping, get the jab. In Hawai’i, State and county employees will be required to vaccinate against Covid or get regularly tested for Covid, Gov. David “Stooge” Ige announced during a news conference today.

If a free testing site is not used, Ige said employees must pay for any testing costs. Those employees may also be subject to travel restrictions moving forward, he said. Soon, it will be mandatory if you want to keep your State and County job. Hawaii’s largest employer is the State and Counties. So put the cost burden on the employee to get tested. Again, what if you already have the antibodies? What if you have a medical or religious reason for not getting the Fauci Ouchy? Ige says the State will honor medical and religious exemptions, but they will still have to be tested weekly.

The Fake News Media is all onboard with mandatory vaccines. Human rights be damned. They’re still counting cases and not hospitalizations and deaths. We don’t know morbidities or any other reasons for hospitalizations. Many people have put off procedures like cancer treatments, dialysis, are these people are vaccinated? Covid Panic Porn has accelerated with the introduction of the “Delta Variant”. Which I don’t believe there is a test for and I don’t believe in the accuracy of the Covid tests. Just like the vaccine, there’s no certainty any of this is following science. It’s become too politicized.



Today started with partially cloudy skies with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 19mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 9 miles. We got 5/32 inches of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 30.10 inch and dewpoint is 69 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake ‘Elima, 2021


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