Vaxxed And Masked


Aloha kākou. Mass hysteria has infected a portion of American and people around the world regarding getting vaccinated and wearing obedience face diapers. Fueled by Covid Panic Porn and horrible misinformation, governments are mandating people remain locked in their homes wearing masks. The Covid police go door to door to check that you are in compliance, or you will be hauled off to jail. Makes no sense, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the government starts to burn people at the stake like they did during the Dark Ages if they don’t get vaccinated.

A deranged Oklahoma School Board Member Says Maskless Children Commit Murder. This is psychotic and this school board member should have dismissed on the spot. Unfortunately, the other school board members agree with this idiot. Indeed school boards across the county are making dictatorial decisions that excludes the parent from the process. The attitude is that your kids don’t belong to you, they belong to the State.

One brave teacher quit her job in front of the school board. Notice how they cut off her mic near the end of her speech. I hope more teachers with conscience do quit these tyrannical school boards. I hope more parents pull their kids out of these factories of Critical Race Theory racism. Communities can start their own schools. Most school districts get their funding from property taxes and if their children are no longer going to public schools, then they should get a property tax refund.

You know the Marxist democrats will do everything they can to stop charter and private schools. Which is ironic because most school board members send their kids to private schools. But the NEA donates massive amounts of money to the Marxist democrat party to prevent school choice.

Fascist Fhony Fauci: I Know People Love Their Individual Freedoms – But we must give up our freedoms for the greater good. Where have I heard this reasoning before? Ah yes, 1940’s Nazi Germany. Fhony Fauci is just fueling the Covid Panic Porn. There’s no science behind what this pint size Lilliputian is saying.  Even the Centers for Destruction and Confusion are acting partisan with their numbers. They admitted that it overcounted Florida’s total COVID-19 cases for last weekend, claiming that all of the cases from the entire weekend – 28,000 – occurred on one day, and thus creating the appearance that the highly survivable disease was spiking under Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ watch. Strange how Florida was singled out.

The Centers for Destruction and Confusion offered no reason why they double counted Florida’s Covid cases, but they did update their database to reflect the actual numbers. Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis has followed the science and not the Coid Panic Porn. When you compare Florida’s cases against other blue States, my State of Hawai’i for example, our stooge governor is issuing vaccine and obedience face diaper mandates. All because of a small rise in the number of cases across the islands. Lockdown’s are not far away.

Now let’s look at my favorite prison Island, Australia. They are literally turning into a prison island. With lockdowns and mask mandates, the Covid Cops are going door to door making sure you’re in compliance or risk going to jail. Australia has had massive demonstrations in protest to the lockdowns. You see, the government will still get a paycheck, but people’s businesses will close and people will lose their jobs and their homes. I never thought I’d see this happen to the Aussies.

As the world descends into total madness over Covid cases, the larger picture is being ignored. Death rate are down. The reason is there are better treatments. What I still find horrific is that Fhony Fauci and the CDC knew that drugs like hydroxychloroquine worked, but we were denied it’s use because the Fake News Media ran with Fhony Fauci’s false claim that the drug was anecdotal. Fhony Fauci is a criminal. He’s no different than Killer Cuomo that killed thousands of nursing home patients. People need to stop watching the mind rot that is the Fake News Media and do the research. Because we’re being lied to.



Today started with cloudy skies with scattered heavy showers. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 18mph. Cloud cover is 88%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 1-1/6th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 89%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inch and dewpoint is 72 degrees. UV index is 6. Kaua’i is under a flash flood watch. We might also this evening.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmākahi, 2021
