Stop Being Poor


Aloha kākou. Stop Being Poor. That’s what the Marxist democrats are telling Americans. Why are you poor, peasants? Haven’t we, your betters, given you enough government cheese to own an electric vehicle? Put solar panels on your roof? As they send our tax dollars to fight a foreign war in the Ukraine. As they send our strategic oil reserves to Communist China. Why are you still poor, America?

This regime’s answer to being poor is to buy an electric car. So if you make $50K a year and an electric car costs $55K, how do you make that financing? What bank is going to give you a loan for an electric car when your income is barely keeping up with inflation? Let alone that banks are going to tighten up loans and raise interest rates.

The latest news from Big Banks shows massive losses. How does this help people living in rural areas where charging stations don’t yet exist? Where farmers need diesel fuel to run farm equipment. You think John Deere is selling electric tractors and harvesters? These people are so out of touch with America. They live in the D.C. bubble and know not what exist outside the I-495 beltway.

These clowns Buttkisser and Granholm are the reason why we have empty store shelves and supply chain shortages. While Buttkisser was out for months on maternity leave trying to figure out how to breast feed his two adopted infants, the shipping ports were clogged with shipping containers. While Buttkisser’s boyfriend was running around at boys camps trying to turn them into pedophile markets.

These regime clowns are totally oblivious to what’s going on around them. But if your criticize these clowns, they get all offended and accuse you of fomenting violence. That’s the fallback by the left now. Accuse your critics of trying to start violence. Call you a extremist. A White Supremacist. Call you anything to shut you up.

They ask you, haven’t we flooded the job market with enough cheap foreign labor? People to clean your toilets, cook your food, and mow your lawns? Why are you undesirables trying to squeeze blood from a stone? You peasants should be on your knees praising our liberal world order. You should kiss our ring, kiss our ass. The Marxist democrat hold Americans in such contempt.

Look toward the future for more of these delays and failures. We have a power grid being transformed into unreliable green energy windmills and solar panels. When everybody plugs in their electric vehicles and when a fuse pops, be prepare to stand in line for a few hours. Meanwhile, people filling up their cars with gas don’t mind paying over $5 bucks. It’s better than waiting for hours to get to a charging station and then waiting another hour to charge your car. It’s poison no matter how it’s delivered.

This is a looming problem that this regime isn’t planning to address. This country cannot run off of fake green technology. The electric grid need a major upgrade before any transition can reliably be achieved. I’m happy to use my little solar panel as a gate opener, which keeps a battery charged to open and close the gate. But to power a whole electric house, you’ll need over a hundred batteries. Big Expensive Marine Batteries with life cycles of 4-6 years before they have to be replaced. About the same length of time for a Tesla, if you’re lucky. I know people on this island that live off grid and use solar and battery exclusively. If you got the money and means, then go for it. I’d rather stick with the power company, even though the electric rates are going up every month.

Energy is part of the trinity of wealth and prosperity. Food and water complete the trinity of sustainability. That’s the key to any society. A sustainable flow of energy, food and water. That is the foundation of a society that builds a comfortable standard of living. Not just for the wealthy, but for all the people. The leftists in this regime will still get paid by our tax dollars. But that doesn’t help us struggling to make ends meet. When the foundation is not solid, the whole society will collapse. It’s your fault for being poor America. Stop Being Poor.



Mostly rainy and windy. 100% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 4 mph, gusts 11 mph. Cloud cover is 96%. Visibility is 7 miles. We got 1-9/32 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 95%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 75°. UV index 5. Air quality Index is at 18. Readings taken at 12:05PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmāono, 2022
