War Crimes


Aloha kākou. The price of incompetence in government always leads to loss of life, liberty, and destroys nations. Marxist democrats make excuses for War Crimes. They always take the side of the War Pigs. They make excuses for terrorists. They condemn the those that would defend themselves from the horrors of Islamic terrorism. Democrats simply won’t condemn murder, rape, and torture of lives.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) one of the leaders of the #MeToo movement that suppositively defends women, made excuses for Hamas use of rape against women. In an interview with CNN’s anchor Dana Bash, not the brightest bulb, questioned Jayapal regarding the silence from fellow Marxist democrats on Hamas’s use of rape as a weapon of war against Israeli women. 

Jayapal started answered by blaming the rapes on Israel. Jayapal noted that Israel it is a democracy and must be held to a higher standard “if they do not comply with international law.” Rape is a war crime and Jayapal is shifting the blame on Israel. Jayapal is part of the chorus of Marxist democrat that are calling for Israel forgive and forget the atrocities committed against over 1,200 civilians including Americans. This is where the Marxist loyalties lay. With the Hamas terrorists. Note that many Congressional democrat Jews have not spoken out either.

Instead, Marxist democrats are proposing adding illegal aliens into the Military Forces to fill the dwindling recruitment numbers. Senator Dickhead Durbin (D-IL) made such a proposal. “Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force?” asked Durbin. “They can’t reach their quotas each month. They can’t find enough people to join.” That’s because Pedo-Hitler Biden’s regime has made joining the Military Forces a nightmare. So, the Marxist democrats are proposing filling the Military ranks with people that have no loyalty to the United States. Give illegals an M4, a Uniform, in exchange for Citizenship. What could possibly go wrong?

What about the hostages that Hamas is still holding? Many are women and children, including men, people of various ages. Where are they? Why hasn’t Hamas released all the hostages yet? This is another War Crime. Using the hostages as human shields. Are the hostages still alive? Have they been brutalized by Hamas? Why isn’t this regime supporting Israel’s attempt to rescue the hostages? Instead, this regime is calling for Israel to be respectful of Palestinian civilians. The Palestinians are not civilians, they are Hamas. They are terrorists. They are vermin.

Meanwhile in America, supporters of Palestine are endangering both Jews and Christians. Demonstrating in the streets wearing Palestinian terror scarfs, breaking windows, attacking people in the streets. Many of these demonstrators are foreign students that should have their visas revoked and shipped back to where they came. Others are antisemites that hate America. They’re radical Marxist democrats, they call themselves ‘progressives.’ I call them domestic terrorists. This injustice department favors persecuting average Americans not actual terrorists. This government is ass backwards.

This would have never happened if the 2020 election wasn’t stolen by the democrats. These wars in Ukraine and Gaza would never have happened if President Trump were still in office. The world is on the precipice of World War Three and under the threat of terrorism strikes. This regime is promoting an attack on the United States. You would think the fake news media would make this a top story, but no.

War Crimes by War Pigs are virtually ignored by the fake news media. As Mollie Hemingway writes in the “The Federalist,” a great publication, Republicans must stop settling with losing and start being smarter when debating with the fake news media. If Republicans want to win elections, then they must be more like President Trump. They must be prepared before taking on a deceptive media that is going to lie and spread disinformation. Ignore irrelevant questions asked in an accusative manner. Too often, Republicans get off message and start squirming before camera. The fake news media are not our friends, they’re not in the interest of America and the people. They’re not in the business of delivering news, but Marxist propaganda. They should read and be familiar with Sun Tzu and the Art of War.

“Spirit of 2024,” by Jon McNaughton is a bold and thought-provoking interpretation of Archibald Willard’s famous painting “Spirit of ‘76,” painted in 1876.


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with isolated showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 7/16-inch precipitation overnight. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 54%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 7. Air quality Index is fair at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Kēkēmapa ‘Ehā 2023