Fhony Fauci

“We are scientists”. Said the gravely throated physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues.

How then did he and others get the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus so wrong? Because Fhony Fauci has a history of being wrong. Fauci like other scientists relied on computer modeling data that had never been peered reviewed and verified.

Fhony Fauci, like so many other so called “top scientists” relied on bad data from the Imperial College of London. The lead scientist, Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist whose frightening projections of coronavirus deaths precipitated the worldwide unnecessary lockdown. The models Dr.Ferguson used were fabricated and no one bothered to verify his data. Dr. Ferguson violated his own quarantine rules and allowed a woman with whom he had a relationship with to visit him at home. He later resigned. Hypocrite, quarantine for thee, but not for me.

The WHO and CDC along with other health agencies relied heavily on these faulty models used by the Imperial College of London. Models are only as good as the data that goes into them. The modeling proved to be more than extremely faulty, they were fabricated. I know a little something about simulator models. GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out. Models must be tested for both best case and worse case scenarios. Otherwise, your analysis is garbage.

Ferguson led the Imperial College team that designed the computer model that, among others, had been used to justify the recent stay-at-home orders in England as well as in the United States. We now know the model was so highly flawed it never should have been relied upon for policy decisions to begin with. Why didn’t the Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and all the other world health agencies do the work of verifying the data? Isn’t that what scientists are supposed to do? The reason why is these are government agencies workers and they are lazy. If they were true scientists, they would have questioned the data. But since they’re getting a government paycheck, they didn’t even bother.

The modeling also predicted the United States could incur up to 1 million deaths even with “enhanced social distancing” guidelines, including “shielding the elderly.”

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation is a research institute (IHME) is an independent global health research center at the University of Washington. IHME was founded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The IHME also uses models for infectious diseases predictions and accepted the data from the Imperial College. Are you making the connections yet? Follow the money. 

It is important to verify the models used in deciding public policy. The model assumptions clearly tested and verified to make reasonable and accurate predictions. Models also need to be updated and retested as time goes to be inline with the best available collected data. The Imperial College model didn’t meet any of these criteria. And sadly, its model was one of the inputs relied on as the basis for locking down two countries.

America’s top Infectious Disease Doctor Fhony Fauci has been wrong on the coronavirus pandemic almost every step of the way!

Here is a list of several errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Tony Fauci:

In January Fhony Fauci told the fake news media that the United States “did not have to worry about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”

Fhony Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic weeks later as he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu. Fauci based all of his predictions on the garbage Imperial College models that were off by millions, and then later told reporters,“You can’t really rely on models.”

In March, during a press briefing where President Trump said hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus showed great promise.  Fhony Fauci jumped in and corrected” the president saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial and the data was anecdotal”.

Two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was found to be a very reliable treatment for the coronavirus. More than 6,000 doctors that were using hydroxychloroquine for their patients said the therapy was successful in preventing the virus from replicating in the body. The fake new media buried that story calling the President’s claims as deadly.

Fhony Fauci continued to push the phony models claiming 1 million to 2 million Americans would die from coronavirus. Then Fhony Fauci dropped the numbers down to 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. That’s a 10 to 1 reduction in predictions. Why so wrong? Modeling.

It was Fhony Fauci that convinced President Trump that the economy should be shutdown to prevent the spread of the virus. Later Fauci said said cruise ships were OK, that turned out to be a disaster. Then Fauci said we should never shake hands again.

Fhony Fauci used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the entire US economy. The Imperial model has since been proven to be completely fraudulent.

Fhony Fauci said that opening the schools would not be a good idea. Yet, European schools reopened after finding children are neither at risk from coronavirus nor are they carriers of the virus. Fhony Fauci also said Georgia was reopening too soon and the fake news media made dire prediction of mass coronvairus causalities.

How does Fhony Fauci continue to have a government job? Notice that you don’t see very much of Fhony  Fauci at any of the White House Coronavirus Task Force anymore. Maybe the White House has wised up to Fhony Fauci incompetence.

Anyone remember when the last global pandemic in which killed over 1 million people? It was during Woodstock in 1969 during the “Summer of Love”. America was mired in the Vietnam war, there were riots in Chicago.

H3N2 (or the “Hong Kong flu,” as it was more popularly known) was an influenza strain that the New York Times described as “one of the worst in the nation’s history.” The first case of H3N2, which evolved from the H2N2 influenza strain that caused the 1957 pandemic, was reported in mid-July 1968 in Hong Kong. By September, it had infected Marines returning to the States from the Vietnam War. By mid-December, the Hong Kong flu had arrived in all 50 states.


Schools were not shut down nationwide, face masks were not required, there was no wide-spread panic. Life continued as normal. But as with now, no one knew for certain how deadly [the pandemic] would turn out to be. Regardless, people went on with their lives. As we should all be doing now, but the media and government are pushing hard to redesign a “New Normal” where we will all be required to give up some freedoms for the false sense of security. Beware, this is not going to end well for our future if we allow this to continue.

While it’s way too soon to compare the COVID numbers to H3N2, the Hong Kong Flu was far deadlier than COVID to date. Between 1968 and 1970, the Hong Kong flu killed between an estimated 1 and 4 million worldwide, according to the CDC and Encyclopedia Britannica, with US deaths exceeding 1,000,000. Is seems the fake news media ignores this information to take racist pot-shots at President Trump.

Notice they called it the Hong Kong Flu back then? It wasn’t considered racists back then, was it? Today, the Communist Chinese controlled White House Press Fake News Correspondence doesn’t like it when the President calls out the virus country of origin, and that is “CHY-NAH”!

So when you hear the fake news media squabbling about racism, COVID, masks, the sky falling, and creating a panic, know that diseases are as common as the lies from the fake news media. Remember This:

  • We were told the virus would kill millions in the US alone, and that was false.
  • We were told lockdowns would make it go away, and that was also false.
  • We were told we would only be confined until the rate of new cases leveled off, and that was false. We still are forced to wear masks and social distancing for no reason at all. We now all have to wear masks.
  • We were told that while the outbreak lasted government would not tolerate any sort of public gathering for any reason, and that was false. Look at all the riots and the purging of historical statues by leftist mobs.
  • We were told that anyone who questioned the draconian restrictions foisted on us by our government overlords want to see people die, and that was false.
  • Most egregious of all, we were told, over and over, that our mortality was entirely dependent on the knowledge of these scientists. That was a lie of breathtaking proportions.

Not only did the lockdowns violate the US Constitution, they deprive millions of Americans of their basic liberties and freedoms. The economic cost of millions of lost jobs has thrust the country into its worst economic straits since the 1930’s. Untold misery around the world experiencing food shortages and interruptions of vital medical supplies.

All this upheaval has created a Marxist insurgency attempting to overthrow our Republic. What’s disgusting is the democrats praising the demonstrators RIOTERS and the Republicans standing around with their thumbs up their asses afraid to speak out against this lawlessness.

Only our President is taking action, but he’s encountering resistance from the courts to the leftist democrat governors and mayors. If this virus and insurrection isn’t put down now, we could see our Republic torn apart and more citizens taking their Second Amendment into action.


Our weather started this morning with lighter tradewinds. The day was mostly cloudy with brief passing showers. We got only a trace of rain in the gauge over night. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s with humidity at 71%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iune Iwakālua Kūmālua