Covid19 Hoax


The CDC is counting people that died from unrelated COVID19 virus. If people are tested positive for the coronavirus and die from causes unrelated from the virus, it’s counted as a death by the virus. If you get hit by a bus and die, and they test you for coronavirus, they count it as a COVID19 related death. That’s entirely false. What the CDC and fake news media isn’t counting is the number of people that are being hospitalized for preexisting conditions. These people had to delay surgeries and other procedures because everybody was expecting hospitals to be overwhelmed with COID19 cases. Covid cases that never appeared. These people that were forced to hold off necessary medical attention are now really sick.

The CDC’s method of reporting the number of active cases is totally flawed. It is totally fraudulent. The CDC counts all individuals who show that they had the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. In their counts of individuals who are identified currently with the virus determines the National Policy. This data is then used by states to determine whether to open or continue to shut down their economies. It’s one of the reasons why Hawai’i is still closed down. Despite the fact that Hawai’i’s morbidity is very low and the recovery rate is extremely high.

The fake news media and politicians need to stop making COVID19 cases as an automatic death sentence. When the morbidity rate is low. So far, the death rate from COVID19 is less than the seasonal flu. The areas in the country where COVID19 death rates were high were in democrat run states that put COVID19 infected people with the most vulnerable. Democrat governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan put COVID19 patients in elderly nursing homes. That resulted in catastrophic numbers of deaths. These idiot democrat governors refused to allow COVID19 patients access to Hydroxychloroquine which has shown to reduce the virus from replicating in the body. All because President Trump said the drug was promising. They allowed people to die because they hated the President. Will they ever be held accountable for murder?

We have all seen the riots in the streets. Where was the social distancing? Masks are only worn to hide identities when committing crimes. As PSA’s continue to parrot the “Stop The Spread and Wear A Mask”, we know that masks don’t stop any virus. It is preventing the economic recovery by spreading panic porn. It’s given to take people’s liberties and freedoms, by punishing people severely for not wearing masks. Yet the rioters are free to threaten and destroy. This is democrat lawlessness. We have a little over 120 days before the next election and democrats are trying to rewrite history and keep people frightened. Why else do you suppose not one democrat has condemned the riots?

While democrat governors and mayors forbid people from attending church services, rioters are free to roam the streets looting and killing. The media still continues to label the rioters as “peaceful demonstrators” while reporting live on TV, with fires in the background, that the riots are mostly peaceful. Don’t believe your lying eyes.

Hydroxychloroquine when used as a prophylactic is effective in preventing the virus from replicating in the body. It is neither a cure, nor vaccine, and it is not effective with people that are severely ill from the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu. However, it does prevent the virus from replicating in the body. People that have contracted the virus early have a better survival rate than those not receiving the drug.

Seeing the fake news media lose their minds of mush was criminal.

After President Trump said that the drug showed great promise, the Fake News Media went on a propaganda blitz to denounce the drug as harmful and dangerous. They claimed the President is putting American lives at risk by giving them false hope. Democrat governors and mayors banned the use of the drug. The fake news media claimed the President said people should be injecting themselves with disinfectants, swallow bleach with Lysol chasers.

The fake news media and democrats are responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans by denying them a life saving drug. The democrats and the fake news media are murderers with blood on their hands. Will they ever be held accountable? Now that Hydroxychloroquine has been proven by numerous case studies to be safe and effective, the fake news media is changing their story. Where’s the apology? Fhony Fauci who has been consistency wrong is still the fake news media’s go-to guy for misinformation. Why people are still listening to this moron is perplexing.

COVID19 is a hoax. The morbidity rate is getting lower and the fake news media isn’t reporting that. Herd immunity is reducing the virus spread. As new cases are found, the media starts the panic porn again to continue to hurt the economy. The fake news media refuses to report the recovery rate. More cases are being found because more testing is being done. We now know that the virus effects people differently. The majority of people just have slight flu like symptoms, some experience no symptoms at all. People most at risk are those with underlining problems.

The CDC continues to fudge the numbers to make the viral rate worse than it really is. The fake news media continues to hype the number of cases as a catastrophe the President isn’t taking seriously. Both continue to spread fear which is hurting the economy.

We cannot allow the cure to be worse than the virus. Continued economic shutdown is going to be worse than the virus. Long term poverty will kill more people over generations than the virus will ever do during a average yearly flu season cycle.



Our weather started with lots of sunshine. We got another 1/8th inch of rain in the gauge over night. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s with humidity at 82%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iulai ʻEono