Listen Hard

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Aloha Lāpule. Mornings start with a brief period of sunrise. As the sun peers over the ocean horizon, it creates this purplish hue off the clouds. As the sky brightens and the vision clears the darkness falls away revealing more daylight colors. Morning comes into focus as the day begins. The room becomes brighter as a million bright emissaries of morning enter through my window. Me, I bury my head in my stack of “My Pillows” and drag the bed sheets over to block the light from invading my eyes. I’m not a morning person.

My mind starts up like a noisy leaf blower and forces me to rise up out of bed. A hot mug of black tea accompanies me to the lanai to watch the sun come up over the horizon. Passing through the shadows of the clouds warning me of impeding morning showers approaching. The air is calm and motionless. It’s those few minutes before the birds awaken and begin their morning songs. The chattering birds increase in volume until it sounds like a crescendo of crowded room echoing and ever getting louder.

I spread out yesterday’s leftover breadcrumbs from the night before on the table for the feathered visitors to feast upon as I collect myself to prepare for today’s activities. I have a meeting scheduled with the boss upstairs this morning, so I must be mindful of the time not to be late to church again. I used to use post-it notes to remind me of things I needed to get done, but I’ve since stopped writing notes to myself. Maybe I should start again.

I busy myself with the news of the day. The election has all the oxygen in the room. So many pundits and predictions to sort through. However, it condenses down to the values that I care about. I like to use my device to tap down at least ten items that I need to do today. From those ten items, I’ll rank them in terms of importance: groceries, gas, mail, and other provisions. Get the household things out of the way first before playing with politics. Then onto politics.

From the economy to taxes, to crime and national security, and all things in-between. I scratch out the meaningless social issues such as gender equality and climate nonsense to focus on the more important issues. Like the threat of terrorism and losing economic prosperity. I’ll jot down issues for myself in the present tense. To remind me where I am and where I want to be in the future. Transfer those priorities to which candidate is going to meet those concerns and values I care about. Questions and answers.

In this political environment, the Marxist democrats’ priorities range from abortion, which they colorfully label reproductive healthcare, to climate and environment issues. Things that generally make life and the cost of living more expensive. Things like the climate, also known as the weather, are not in anyone’s control and therefore become non-issues. I like to spend my calories on things the government can control. No government can control the sun and the moon, nor the weather generated by the spinning of the earth. So, I like my taxes spent on goals that can be controlled. Like death and taxes.

Which brings me to the goals of life. What I wanted to be. Where I wanted to go. What I wanted to become. It makes me wonder why life goals were not an earlier part of my checklist in life. The play on words where the left equates healthcare to ending a life is confusing to me. Ending a life before that life has the chance to list their life goals is rather abrupt and final. Certainly not very fair. I’ve never believed this to be an easy way out to end responsibilities and to avoid achieving goals.

The saying: I could have, would have, should have, is always an excuse to avoid goals in life. I then stumbled across this song by Rachel Holt and Chris Wallin called “I was Gonna Be.” A pro-life song that’s told from the perspective of an aborted baby. The song has become a pro-life anthem as told through the point of view of an aborted baby. It makes quite a powerful and moving piece of music.

I sometimes listen hard but still could not hear. I forgot how I used to remind myself using post-it notes. I used to use a to-do list to remind myself of things I need to do daily, weekly, and yearly. But I found myself pushing off my daily list, to the weekly list, to the yearly list, and eventually to the would have, should have, could have list of things that never got done. I need to reevaluate those priorities. Sometimes, it takes a song to shake off the morning laziness of slumber and become awake. This is the way we save our population through natural growth. Not by replacing people from other lands, but by producing people from the womb as God always planned. God said, “Be fruitful and multiply.” There’s a lot of power in those words.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 7/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 6 mph, gusts 17 mph. Cloud cover is 77%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 95%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 72° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is great at 22. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune Iwakālua Kūmākolu 2024

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