President Joementia

The communists democrats suddenly want to shut down the primaries. Not because of the Kung Fu Flu (aka Wuhan Virus), but because they desperately want to prevent Breadline Bernie Sanders any chance of defeating Joe Biden in the primaries. As the delegate count shows Biden in the lead, Sanders is only 150 delegates behind. So the race is not over yet. I question why voters would vote for Joementia when he has a history of insulting voters. Joementia has a problem stringing a sentence together during the debates and at his stump rallies. The more he talks, the more people are asking, Really?

All the others, Lieawatha Warren, Pete Bootykiss, Mini Mike Doomberg, Nurse Ratchet Klobuchar, and UBI Yang, all have dropped out and endorsed Joementia Biden. The only one left is Tulsi Gabbard and like Breadline Bernie Sanders, the socialist democrat national committee has shut her out of the race by changing the rules several times. The democrats socialist machine is cheating to prop-up a candidate they want. The voters be damned. The democrat socialist machine is just a arrogant as their preferred candidate.

The socialist democrat machine wants to end the primaries. The democrat party name is a misnomer, there’s nothing democratic about it.

“I think when the night is over, Joe Biden will be the prohibitive favorite to win the Democratic nomination, and quite frankly, if the night ends the way it has begun, I think it is time for us to shut this primary down, it is time for us to cancel the rest of these debates,” Racist James Clyburn (D-SC) said, “because you don’t do anything but get yourself in trouble if you continue in this contest when it’s obvious that the numbers will not shake out for you.” That’s code for our guy is a loony but he’s better than the commie.

Democratic strategist James Carville said on Tuesday, “Let’s shut this puppy down and let’s move on and worry about November. This thing is decided. There’s no reason to keep it going, not even a day longer,” he said.

Again, another call by the socialist democrat machine to disenfranchise voters State’s primaries. It seems the people’s vote doesn’t matter to the socialist democrat establishment. It’s becoming transparent just who the democrats have been for decades. They decide who wins and loses. Much like how Putin just voted himself for life. The socialist democrats tried this same strategy in 2016 with the Hildabeast.

My question to the hard core democrats, how do you like having your vote taken away? Are you Okay with that?

Remember that the Fake News Media says calling the Wuhan Virus is racist, especially Fake News CNN. So if you call the coronavirus the Wuhan Virus then you’re a RACIST! To start, there’s a bill going through Congress that is suppose to provide relief for hourly workers seeking paid leave should they or their children get the Wuhan Virus. What did Nazi Piglosi do? Load up the bill with abortion spending. Think about this, a bill to protect people from the Wuhan virus, that includes money to kill babies. They say the democrats are compassionate and caring people. RIIIIIGHT!

There’s something new now called “Social Distancing”. Just what exactly is that supposed to be is confusing, because it combines two words, of one being “social” and the other being “distant”. It means that you can be social, but just very far away. Like having a conversation with someone a mile away and still being social. Or in a loud crowded room standing six feet away and still trying to have a private conversation. It’s not going to work well. It seems this is more hype than caution.

Especially for people that work hourly at restaurants, department stores, grocery stores, and anywhere the public needs to interact with. Including hospitals and emergency care centers. This just makes it worse for them. It increases the anxiety level.

The Stock Market is taking a hit over the global business climate. After 9-11, 2001, the stock market closed for six days. Just to ease the fears of another terrorist attack. I think the markets should take a week off because the panic selling is overblown. I wonder if the socialist democrats still want to take credit for the Trump economy? I still believe our economy is strong and will recover quickly.

Now that the fake news media has declared “Wuhan Virus” a racist pejorative, what did they use to call the coronavirus before?

Over hyping the virus by labeling it racist, and hyping it up for political purposes to create an atmosphere of fear. It is how the media is hoping to get ratings and hurt the President. It’s irresponsible. The fake news media was calling it the Wuhan virus, until they realized they can turn up the panic level to eleven by pulling the race card. And CNN wonders why we call them the Enemy of the People.

Joementia claims he would have done thing differently than President Trump. I suppose Joementia would have waited until millions were infected like he did as VP in the regime of Barry the Bullshitter. Incompetence is well documented with Joementia. His administration would be the “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve”. I wonder if people would want to return to the incompetency of the Obozo regime? No Me!

Calling the President a xenophobe for his actions of closing off the borders is called protecting the American people. The actions of the socialist democrats and fascist fake news media is treasonous.

A departing video from the Queen of Memes “Solmemes” – Trump Napoleon 2020 Dynamite. With guest appearances by Liberal Larry and Screaming Inauguration Girl. Democrats and the media are so easy to make fun of. They’re too sensitive.


Our weather today has been mostly overcast with clouds and some Sun. Some drizzle in places, but a pretty nice day. Temperatures in the 70’s with humidity at 90%. It got pretty warm in the afternoon due to a trough of warm moist air from the south. A low pressure system from the north is combining with the warm air from the south. The forecast is for more rain and thunderstorms over the next days into next week.

The two cases of the Kung Fu Flu are under quarantine for now, but no new cases have been reported.

Bad News! The Merrie Monarch Festival has been canceled for this year due to Wuhan Virus fears. Awuē!

Kēia Ka Lā ʻUmi Kūmālua Malaki