

Aloha kākou. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Luke 1:42


As we honor Mother’s Day (and hopefully every day), we’re honoring the most famous mom in history.


Mother Mary washes Jesus’s hair. A sneak peek at the Chosen Season Four. I know if my mom were alive today, we would all be watching this series as a family.



Happy Mother’s Day


— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with numerous showers and possible thunderstorms. There is a 100% chance of precipitation. We received 2-25/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the southeast at 8 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 8 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 95%. Barometric pressure is 30.02 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is good at 19. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ʻUmi kūmālua 2024



Aloha kākou. I’m sitting on the couch 5,000 miles away from Wildwood, New Jersey watching Right Side Broadcast News (RSBN) televise President Trump’s Rally. The crowds have exceeded 80,000 people. NJ officials are bracing for over 100,000 people attending Trump’s rally. That’s a record for a seaside resort on the south Jersey peninsula. The rally is happening right on the Boardwalk. This is truly historic and in a blue state that constantly votes for higher taxes and corrupt government. Never Trumper Bruce Strainspring can eat his heart out. I don’t miss it.

Some short video clips from the Atlantic City Press.

I used to live in New Jersey in the 1980’s. South Jesey to be exact. Franklinville, just north of Vineland, on Delsea Drive, Rt. 47. Exit 2 for those familiar with the Jersey Turnpike. Unsocial Media is abuzz with excitement. The Real President has landed in Atlantic City and is on his way to the rally. It’s a sunny day at “down da shore,” some people wearing warm clothing with lots of MAGA HATS in the crowd. Yesterday, all of Wildwood was preparing for Trump’s arrival.

Speaking of the weather. It’s a nice sunny day here in Hawai’i. Last night’s storms moved northward away. There is a wraparound weather effect that’s hitting the northern chain of the islands. Kaua’i is clearing out and the wet stuff is moving to O’ahu. Hawai’i island will probably see some rain by this evening.

Back at the rally, pollsters are registering Gen-Z’er like crazy on the boardwalk. I’m seeing lots of young people in the crowd as the RSBN cameras pan over the crowds. I think they are outnumbering Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials. I’m hoping and praying they’re waking up to the woke nonsense. Now’s the time to seize the opportunity to have what their parents had growing up. That American dream of wealth, health, and prosperity.

Gen-Z needs to earn wisdom through experience. Their futures might be interrupted if the Marxist democrats enact the Draft to force young people to fight in Pedo-Joe Biden’s foreign wars. If anything, they should remember what it was like eight years ago and how the Trump economy worked to keep money in their pockets. No wars and a bright future. Vote wisely. Save America.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with moderate showers and possible evening thunderstorms. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 13/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 6 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 66%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 80%. Barometric pressure is 29.98 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is poor at 73. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Umi Kūmākahi 2024

Weekend Meltdown


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. It’s the start of the weekend. I intend to spend my weekend watching movies, doing yardwork — if possible, and praying that the storm moving over the islands passes quickly with minimal damage. I’m prepared for any eventuality; generators, food, water, filled gas tanks, and a bugout bag in case of the worst-case scenario. It’s always good to be prepared.

The Fake News Media is feverishly putting together their weekend panels of legal experts. Stupid people pretending to be legal experts. It’s going to be wall-to-wall Trump Trial. Judging the judges. Which judge the fake news media likes better than the other. It’s a version of American Idol which a panel of self-appointed rubes get to form their useless public opinions. I’m going to be watching free movies this weekend. I rely on the media analysts to break down the weekend blood fest of disinformation for later comment. I cheat, so, sue me.

I’ll start with DroneTek with a breakdown of Fake News ABC’s Johan Karl, the Nazi Youth Camp counselor.  When confronted with the truth, the fake news anchor Johan Karl winces with that constipated look of disgust over Senator Tom Cotton usage of the term “Little Gaza’s.” Secretly, ABC News supports the Paleistian IslamoNazis on college campuses. Most of these media types, especially the Jews in the news business, are antisemitic. Everyone knows it is true but are too afraid to admit it. Watch.

Look forward to more of this anal-ist coverage over the weekend. I expect the fake news media to sympathize with the Palestinian IslamoNazis and Pedo-Joe Biden’s decision not to support Israel defending themselves. Let me reiterate, many of the bigwigs in the Big Three Newsrooms, New York Times, and other publications, are deeply antisemitic and many of them are jews. Don’t believe me, google it. I’ve never been able to understand that paradox.

I have nothing against the Jews per se, but many of them in positions of power are their own worst enemy. Even in Israel they have kooks that want to destroy their own homeland. The sooner they admit this the better. Even my own Roman Catholic religion has a Pope who is a communist. Catholic charities often do more harm than help. Which is why I stopped donating money. How does a cradle catholic like me reconcile this idiocy in my own faith? Join the Russian Orthodox Catholic church? But this post isn’t about religion, but about media manipulation. It’s my frustration with society as a whole. So, I’m venting.

Now let’s see Sivaady’s brilliant compilation of media judging the judges in the Trump bullshit trials. The Media Talking Heads are better at self fellatio than reporting the news. Million-dollar racists black news anchors wearing Trump toupees (Joyless Reid) that spout racist rhetoric daily. They don’t report the news, they spout their own racist prejudice opinions. Borish, unenlightened, and always angry.

The Fake News Media has only one topic to talk about and that is Donald J. Trump. It’s an obsession because Trump is leading in all the polls. I distrust the polls for obvious reasons, but if these polls are even somewhat accurate and not manipulated, then the leftists panic mode is real. There’s this narrative that must be pushed by the media to demoralize the voters. The promotion of media lies is astoundingly prolific. They believe this is what people want to hear. That’s Trump will destroy America. When we already had four years of President Trump and they were the best years of America. At least in my lifetime. The fake news media want us to believe them when they praise Pedo-Joe Biden as America’s redeemer. Believe our lies and not your lying eye and ears.

And finally, let’s go back to DroneTak for more media hypocrisy. In the case of, “It’s Okay When We Do It” the media defends Pedo-Joe Biden’s corruption. Supporting endless wars and blaming Russia for election interference. Then prosecuting President Trump for trying to investigate corruption. When confronted with the truth, the left goes positively batshit bonkers.

There’s an unholy alliance with the Intelligence Community, CIA, NSA, et. al. and their parasite patsies, the Marxist democrat party and RINO’s that make up the Uniparty in this country. Publicly, the Fake News Media and the Uniparty both claim Russia is manipulating the elections. That’s not true. The Intelligence Community has been rigging elections ever since the Kennedy assassination.

Russia’s influence is minimal over what the CIA, NSA, and other agencies that make up the Deep State Swamp has done to spoil our elections. Communist infiltration has been from within, and it never fired a shot. It’s been a quiet insurrection. A slow-moving Coup D’état They infiltrated the media, universities, and most public forums to spread mis-dis-information. It’s why they want the Ministry of Information to control the media narrative.

Weekend Meltdown for political novices like me keeps me somewhat informed about current local and world events. Sometimes I have the stomach for it, other times I don’t. Sometimes I punish myself with this circus as penance for the sins of being ignorant. I’m impatient with perfection and yet I cannot define what perfection is. But like kneeling in the confessional booth, this is my way to beg for absolution. My act of contrition will be working to Save America. Plus improve my grammar.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with heavy showers and thunderstorms. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 61/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east southeast at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 79%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 27. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Umi 2024

Great Replacement


Aloha kākou. Did the Founding Fathers mean to include invading armies in the U.S. Census count? Every ten years a census count is done in the United States. The next Census is 2030 where residents of the United States and five U.S. territories and will mark the 25th population count in the United States; the first census count was in 1790.

This population count determines Congressional Reapportionment based on changes in population. It determines the number of seats each State will hold in the U.S. House of Representatives. Electoral votes are allocated among the States based on the Census. Every State is allocated a number of votes equal to the number of Senators and Representatives in its U.S. Congressional delegation.

You see where this is going, right? Illegal aliens are being counted to increase the number of electoral votes. Illegal immigrants are being used to determine Presidential election outcomes. Marxist democrats using illegal aliens to rig elections, Congressional delegations, and federal funding. In effect, Marxist democrats are stealing taxpayer’s monies, retirement benefits, and federal tax allocation. This is a bastardization of the Congressional Apportionment process. It’s cheating.

The apportionment calculation is based upon the total resident population, both citizens and noncitizens, of the fifty states. Only the District of Columbia is not included in the apportionment population. Back to my original question: Did the Founding Fathers mean to include invading armies in the U.S. Census count? — Did the Founding Fathers mean to include illegal aliens in the census count? Are word semantics being used to manipulate the number of “persons?” Millions of people visit and live temporally in the United States every year. Are they also included in the Census and counted as a “person?”

According to Communist misrepresentative Jamie Ratskins, “The Fourteenth Amendment makes the census and reapportionment apply to “all persons.” Constitutional originalists, textualists and followers of precedent must reject unlawful GOP attempts to confine the census and Congressional apportionment to citizens.” — Raskins deliberately uses word semantics to manipulate the meaning of “persons.”

This is a gross misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment: The Fourteenth Amendment makes no exception to illegal aliens. Neither defines a person as foreign. It does define all persons born or naturalized in the United States. Not marauding armies of illegal migrants entering the borders illegally. What Ratskins is doing is erasing the borders to include illegal aliens in the census. That’s not what the 14th Amendment defines.

This is how the Marxist democrats are planning to cheat elections and congressional representation. Mass Deportation of Illegal Aliens must happen to keep Congressional reapportionment only legal to American citizens and legal non-citizens. An invading army of illegal aliens should neither be included, nor considered, as “all persons.” They are subject to deportation and have no legal standing being in the United States. What the Marxist democrats ultimately want is voting status for illegal aliens.

The House of Repersentatives is crafting legislation to amend federal law by requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register and vote in federal elections. The measure is a response to growing concerns over non-citizens and illegal immigrants casting ballots. — Trending Politics

Already, Pedo-Joe Biden’s regime has spent billions in new spending to provide taxpayer-funded benefits to illegal aliens. They’re redefining illegal aliens as “lawfully present.” — The Federalist

Denver, Colorado has a program that will provide six months of free housing, food assistance, workforce training and more to thousands of illegal immigrants currently in the city’s shelter system. Ignoring Denver’s already huge homeless problem of Americans. — New York Post

The “Great Replacement” is not a theory anymore. It’s real and the democrats have figured out a way to replace United States Citizens with Illegal Aliens to remain in power in perpetuity. They’re using the courts and state legislation to rewrite the election laws. Marxist democrats are moving fast to put these laws into place ahead of the GOP which is still fumbling to get their pants on. This is a carbon copy of the same corrupt election laws used during the Covid pandemic that stole the 2020 election. If the Marxist democrats are successful, then we will have a perpetual mobocracy. Future elections will not matter.

The only way to preserve our nation, secure our borders, and protect our elections, is to Save America from the Marxist democrat’s evil plans to “Fundamentally Transform America.” Vote MAGA in November.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with scattered showers. There is a 10% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 57%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 74%. Barometric pressure is 29.96 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 33. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ewalu 2024

Temples of Delirium 


Aloha kākou. Climate hysteria continues to infect the minds of the Global Warming faithful. The world will cease to exist if people don’t surrender their freedoms over to the Green Zealots. The religion of Gaia proselytizes this belief that human activity is destroying the planet. All will be lost if we don’t confess our climate sins and submit to the green gods. Pass the climate collection plate around and give, give till it hurts. The planet depends on your donations.

It never changes with the Green Zealots until they start to interfere with our lives. When they steal our money to create green monstrosities as monuments to the environment. Carbon Capture schemes to extract CO2 from the air and store it underground. The costs are in the trillions and still, the climate zealots can’t put a number on the total costs.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) grilled Deputy Energy Secretary David Turk about the cost of green energy reforms during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing. This climate crisis scare is fueled by the United Nations which has no idea if there is a climate crisis. They just know that we have to spend trillions of dollars to make it happen. Worry about the results sometime down the road after we go broke.

These are the green energy temples of delirium that will save the planet. Temples of Delirium to satisfy climate fatalists. Confess and convert. Or thou shall perish in another hottest summer on record. Followed by the coldest winter on record, and then another summer of record heat, and so on and on and on … ad nauseum.

How urgent is this climate casuistry? At a Senate Budget Committee hearing, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Rep. Jamie Ratskin (D-MD) sparred over climate change mitigation solutions. Let the climate comedy commence.

Who knew that Jamie Ratskins was a climate zealot? It’s not hard to imagine beyond the realm of leftist dogma. Blame the oil companies. Blame the tobacco companies. Blame the maternity wards bringing in new carbon-based lifeforms. Climate change is a sacrament that isn’t voluntary. It must be legislated into law. Your liberties are a mere illusion living in a free republic.

Marxist democrats will pass a law respecting the establishment of a climate change religion. Jamie Ratskins fancies himself as one of the high priestesses of the global temple of climate change delirium. Ready to give climate absolution to the masses of environmental sinners. Your penance will be to reduce your carbon footprint and learn to live minimally.

Sen. Ron Johnson mentioned the “World Climate Declaration” as a source of information by real climate scientists that have said, “There Is No Climate Emergency.” Over 1900 scientists and professionals have stated that climate policies are too political and should be more scientific. Of course, the high priestess of climate change, Jamie Ratskins, had never heard of them. Ratskins level of scientific information is watching Bill Nye the Fascist Guy. Nye the TV cartoon guy that once said climate deniers should be imprisoned for denying global warming.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. If better approaches emerge, and they certainly will, we have ample time to reflect and re-adapt. The aim of global policy should be ‘prosperity for all’ by providing reliable and affordable energy at all times. In a prosperous society men and women are well educated, birthrates are low and people care about their environment.” — Global Climate Intelligence Group — I have a problem with that last sentence.

Climate is not dependent on low birthrates. As a matter of species preservation, birth rates must go up to advance humankind. We need more people to expand the population and procreate into and beyond the stars. This planet isn’t going to be around forever. Eventually, our sun will consume our planet. We were made by our creator to make the journey into the heavens. It is our destiny to populate the ever-expanding universe.

All those windmills, solar panels, and batteries are unnecessary. It’s a waste of time and money. We are blessed with an endless bounty of natural energy provided by the Creator. It is man’s arrogance and ignorance that tries to play God and reshape the planet into a “Unobtanium Utopia.” Unobtanium is the common name of a rare-earth mineral found exclusively in the exomoon Pandora. The Global Paradise that’s only found in the movies. The Church of Climate Change will build Unobtanium Utopia here on planet earth. By any means necessary, and if there’s an environmental disaster that happens trying to reach the unattainable, then, Oops! Shit happens.

Temples of Delirium have never existed but are constantly being built in the minds of the Climate Kooks. In their dreams they have the perfect climate society planned for us. Locked in concrete skyscrapers. No more single-family homes. No more motorized vehicles. Fifteen-minute cities will be our habitats. Limited water, food, and energy to preserve nature. Anyone that disagrees then will be accused of being a climate heretic, a “Climate Denier.” So, call me a heretic. If Pedo-Joe Biden plunges us into a nuclear world war, then we won’t have to worry about climate change or anything else for at least the next thousand years. So, we have that going for us. Let’s change that by Saving America.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 40% chance of precipitation. We received 19/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 4 mph, gusts 11 mph. Cloud cover is 69%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 87%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ehiku 2024



Aloha kākou. Today is Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. The genocide of Six Million Jews between 1941 and 1945 during World War II by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. Is there another genocide against the Jews coming again? Are genocides happening around the world that is getting little to no attention. The signs are there, but very little is being done.

I’ve read all the history of the Holocaust, seen the war videos, and explored the timeline of the biblical events. I’m not willing to believe this is the human condition since the great flood when the creator cleansed the earth from evil. That evil must have been far worse then, than what is today’s recorded history. From the Roman Empire’s brutal conquests to the rise of Communism which involved various forms of genocide. It’s hard for me to imagine how history repeats itself and lessons are never learned.

Which leads me to ask, why are so many Jews democrats? Democrats don’t appear to be very friendly to jews. Given the events of today, the rise of antisemitism around the world. Why is this being tolerated and not been eradicated? As a cradle Catholic and conservative, I’ve never been able to understand those on both sides of the political aisle. Those that hate the Jews and Jews that tolerate the hate.

What I find disturbing is some Jews in Congress are against Israel. As of 2023, there are nine Jewish Senators and twenty-six Jewish members of the House of Misrepresentatives serving in the United States Congress. Bernard “Commie” Sanders hates the Israelis. Dick “Danang” Blumenthal, Geritol Nadler, and Chuckles Schumer, to name a few. They hate the United States as much as they hate Israel. I really don’t understand it. Perhaps, I’m just ignorant and if so, I’ll embrace ignorance because I know the difference between right and wrong.

Arizona U.S. Senate Candidate and American Sheriff, Mark Lamb, says paid professionals have brainwashed students to join the anti-Israel campus protests. The students were “trained” for nine months prior to these demonstrations. The Arms Locking, Tents, Signs, and slogans were all tactics preplanned months in advance. Students were indoctrinated and trained by Marxists.

Where was the FBI? Where was the Department of Injustice? Where was campus security? Where was the Fake News Media? How does a radical IslamoNazi organization take root, and no one knows anything about this? I find it hard to believe these were spontaneous demonstrations. These demonstrations have been planned since the Nova Festival genocidal massacre on October 7th.

Sivaady — Here we have Jamie Ratskin speaking to Jen Pissaki about the upcoming 2024 presidential election. When he’s asked about a Time magazine article featuring Donald Trump and his response is beyond hypocritical coming from someone like himself.

Why does Jamie Ratskins hate Donald Trump so much? Trump has done so much for Israel and the Jewish people. President Trump moved the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. As President, Donald Trump has been no better friend to Israel. Ratskins vitriol hatred is psychotic and toxic. As with many democrats, and some Uniparty republicans have against this man. What did Trump ever do to them to garner this level of animosity?

I’ve likened Ratskins to Dathan in time of Moses who hated own people and sold them to the Egyptians. If Ratskins were alive during the Holocaust he would have sold his own family to the Nazis for six pieces of silver and even forced them into the gas chambers. Ratskins has never spoken out against the Palestinian IslamoNazis rioting on college campuses. Ratskins seems to revel in the hatred for the Jews. Why hasn’t the US AG Meritless Garland also investigated these IslamoNazis? Where is the money coming from?

At Columbia University, IslamoNazi protesters are pressing for the sale of holdings tied to companies allegedly profiting from Israel’s actions like Google, Amazon and Airbnb. At Yale and Cornell, students have called for their schools to divest themselves of weapons manufacturers involved in Israel’s efforts to defend themselves from a second genocidal holocaust. But how does divestment work at universities? What does Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) really mean? Wall Street Journal explores the history of divestment movements at schools and the challenges involved in modern divestment initiatives.

WSJ wording that Israel is profiting from war is misleading and disinformation. Israel doesn’t profit from war. Weapon manufactures will sell destruction to anyone that can pay. No questions asked. Comparisions to South Africa apartheid is also disinformation. Israel does not oppress Palestinians, they’re oppressed by their own people, Hamas.

Israel is at war against genocidal monsters that wish to kill Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other Muslims. These IslamoNazi fascists want to kill everyone on earth. We must not allow IslamoNazi Palestinians to fake genocide. Pallywood creates the illusion and Hamas sets the stage for the world to see. Hamas uses the Fake News Media to broadcast fake injuries and deaths to create world sympathy. Videos of fake blood, rubber babies, and staged ambulances are used to create the visual effect. When Israel is extremely careful not to target civilians. People die during war, but Hamas started it. Hamas does use their own people as human shields. That’s a documented fact.

Jewish alumni fund many Universities endowments. Many of the antisemite protestors are paid for by Pedo-Joe Biden donators. George Soros, whom I’m told is also Jewish, funds these IslamoNazis. If this is so, and it looks as if it is, then why isn’t anyone stopping Soros and his companies that are funding this terrorism? In effect, these IslamoNazis are being funded by wealthy democrats that hate America and Israel. Many of these protesters are not even students but paid professional protesters. Leftist University Presidents are standing with the IslamoNazi Terrorists. It’s a total collapse of the university system.

President Trump was in court today and spoke about the illegal election interference trial. About the discovery of third parties funding the university demonstrations. It’s what we all suspected before but now know it’s a fact. We now know the ‘who,’ but no one is asking the ‘why.’ It’s as if the IslamoNazi terrorist’s feelings will get hurt if asked why. The Fake News Media will not confront these questions. Law enforcement won’t protect the victims from IslamoNazi mobs. Leftist universities refuse to acknowledge there’s an antisemitic problem. Showing such weakness invites greater attacks.

Genocide is being call forth against the Jews once again. The last time this happened in our lifetime was during World War II. Genocide was exposed only after the war ended. By then it was already too late for the millions of victims. Antisemitism and religious bigotry are again on the rise. Will the horrors of genocide happen again? If so, then won’t be isolated to just the Jews. This IslamoNazism will spread to other religions and cultures. Our enemies are building it, and this regime is funding it. These are the paradoxical horrors we are facing. Acts of genocide have increased under weak world leadership and that must change quickly before it is too late. Vote to Save America in November. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 1/2 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 18 mph. Cloud cover is 83%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Humidity is 90%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is .5 Air quality Index is good at 34. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Eono 2024

Trump Tacos


Aloha Lāpule. Happy Cinco de Mayo. Today is the yearly American celebration held on May Fifth to celebrate Mexico’s victory over the Napoleon’s French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Today. It’s more of an Americanized holiday and it’s all about the food and drink. So, let’s Fiesta!

Over seven years, Donald Trump Tweeted this picture showing a Trump Tower Taco Bowl and it caused the medios de comunicación (news media) to have a queso fundir (cheese meltdown).

One of my favorite ways of preparing for a fiesta feast is using American made Hispanic products. La Cocine Goya (the Goya kitchen) is an authentic start to creating a fiesta de Cinco de Mayo. There are many Mexican restaurants in Hawai’i. Each with their own creations based on cultural ethnicity, regional origins, and family influences. Then there is my attempt at cocina hispana. Which is subjective to polite discussion.

Back in 2020 when Goya Foods President Bob Unanue visited the White House where he praised President Trump for his support of American Hispanics and businesses. This caused the leftist loonies to have a queso meltdown and called for a Goya boycott. The boycott turned into a BuyCott which millions of Americans bought Goya products in support.

President Donald Trump and his daughter and adviser Ivanka rallied in support for Goya Foods on Twitter, amid continued calls on unsocial media to boycott the food company over its CEO’s effusive praise for Trump. I keep Goya products in my pantry all the time. They’re el mejor (the best).

But what do Hispanics really think of Donald Trump? We know what Marxist democrats want Hispanics to think about Trump. Democrats have always looked down upon Hispanics as easy votes because they’re poor and uneducated. Trump speaks his mind and says what everyone is thinking out loud. That offends the left, but for the average American, especially immigrants, Hispanic and others that legally came to this country, they agree with Trump. Listen for yourself.

Celebrities that hate Trump view Hispanics as “The Help.” The cooks, the leaf blowers, gardeners, and toilet bowl cleaners. The servants of America. Democrats has always had an exceptionally low opinion of Hispanics. Republicans never bothered to visit Hispanics to listen to them and offer help. Thats always been the way American Uniparty political parties have worked. Until Donald Trump came along, nothing really changed for average Americans. Listen to what American Hispanics are saying about Trump. This was eight years ago, and it reflects what Hispanics are saying today.

Remember when Nazi Piglosi shoved the daughter of Texas GOP Congresswoman Mayra Flores for a photo op? It’s on video and Nazi Piglosi was seen shoving Flores daughter so she could mug for the cameras. Celebrities like D-Listed actor John Leguizamo who abandoned his Hispanic heritage long ago to suck up to Hollyweird pedophiles. Leguizamo like many celebrities, has separated themselves from their culture and the working people. He has his money, and he could really care less for anyone outside of his little circle-jerk party of self-admiring celebrities. “¡Ay, caramba!”

What do Hispanics think about Trump around the country? Hispanics around the nation remember how good we all had it when Trump was President. We all had extra money in our pockets. We had more job opportunities. We had world peace and a better standard of living than today under Marxist democrat Pedo-Joe Biden.

Trump’s Tacos is a slap back in the face of Marxist democrats, and fake news media, which do little for the people of American. The working people are invisible to the wealthy elitists. Irregardless if people are either legal immigrants or generational Americans. We’re all Americans and that’s what both parties and many celebrities don’t understand. As for Donald Trump, he seems genuinely at home with the working-class people. A guy you could have an honest conversation with.

Trump is not a politician. He has a strong connection with the working people. He knows how to navigate around the aristocracy of celebrity and political class influencers. Those that have a bubble buffer between the elitists and working class. Those that take average Americans for granted. The police, emergency responders, construction workers, bakers, and product makers. The people that get dirt under their fingernails. The farmers and ranchers that grow the food we consume. The people that keep this nation running. The forgotten American. These are the people that Trump has a real and visceral connection with. We can get all that back. We need to get involved to Save America and Make America Great Again.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 1/4 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 4 mph, gusts 12 mph. Cloud cover is 86%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 68° and UV index is 3. Air quality Index is good at 37. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Elima 2024

Far, Far, Away…


Aloha kākou. In a Galaxy Far, Far, Away … May the Farce Be with You. Or is it the Swartz? Whatevahs!

Attention Transgendered dudes and dudetts, the gendered confused, and library drag queens. For one night only. Presenting the comedy stylings of Mark Hambone, “Lukey In The Sky With Diamonds” — White House Press Doors Open at 7PM — There’s A Two Drink or Coke Snort Minimum. No Questions, Please. Be sure to tip Karinge Jean-Luc Picard on your way out. Try the couscous.

Mark Hamill pays a visit to The White House while he’s showing off his aviator sunglasses that were given to him by Pedo-Joe Biden. Mark loves the merch. Hammil, who is obviously highly inebriated, attempts to tell jokes that land completely flat. Karinge Jean-Luc Picard gushes over Hammil like a schoolgirl meeting Ruby Rhod for the first time. That uncomfortable meeting where you’re supposed to respect the clown.

In a galaxy, far, far, away… extraterrestrials are having a good laugh at our expense also. Is it any wonder that not one alien has bothered to visit the earth? There’s no intelligent life to be found here. If there is interstellar gambling, then big bets are the over-under when we earthlings will all blow up the planet. May the Farce Be With You.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 3/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 6 mph, gusts 14 mph. Cloud cover is 84%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 6. Air quality Index is fair at 45. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ehā 2024

Reverse Course


Aloha kākou and Happy Aloha Friday. Kīlauea volcano has been active as the number of earthquakes have increased over the last few weeks. While Kīlauea volcano is not erupting, there has been an increase in seismicity in the summit area of Halema’uma’u over the last few weeks. Increased activity is expected in the coming weeks. Big Island Video News 4/27/2024

Crime is on the rise in Hawai’i. A meeting was held in Waiʻanae, O’ahu where residents expressed their concerns. Some residents pointed to the Wai’anae Police Station, which was built nearly eight years ago but never fully completed. There’s a building but no cops. Vigilantes will soon follow. Law of the jungle.

Mayor Rick ” Baloneynose” Blangiardi’s told residents to “deal with it.” Quote: “I’ve been out here now, multiple times on neighborhood watch walks. Why isn’t the community doing more?” said Baloneynose Blangiardi. “The police can’t do everything. So why don’t you guys deal with?” The guy that was elected to serve the people of O’ahu tells the residents who are paying his salary to go pound sand. Gubermint.

Where are people’s taxes going if the country can’t do the job they were hired to do? Years ago, when crime on these islands got really bad, Republican governors introduced a crime reduction program called “Weed and Seed.” It was to weed out the criminals and seed in new residents. That program worked to reduce crime. But like all things, crime is cyclical. Here we go again.

Across the country, crime is on the rise and the government is the source of the problem. Prosecutors won’t jail criminals but prosecute victims. When victims defend themselves against criminals, the victim is prosecuted and sent to jail. Marxist democrat policies have created this situation and they’re not planning to enforce the law.

Michael Pfleger, the defrocked Catholic priest, and radical racist activist in Chicago is back at stirring up trouble. Biden’s “Blunders Built Back Better” is the root cause, and it is creating food and pharmacy deserts. All over the country, police cannot stop criminals without getting prosecuted by corrupt district attorneys. But you wouldn’t know it listening to Pedo-Joe Biden. He says crime is down across the country. The president that caters to IslamoNazi terrorist lies to the American people that crime is down.

Reverse Course as quickly as possible this November. Unfortunately, we must wait till election day to make change happen. This will be our one and only last chance to get involved if we really want a secure, safe, and strong America. It’s up to us to make this happen. Vote out the bums and replace them with proven leadership. You know, like it was with President Trump. Four years, No Wars, Peace on Earth, money in our pockets, and a better standard of living. Don’t we want that back? We can no longer live with this status quo. Don’t let the disinformation villains frighten you. The Fake News Media and the Marxist democrats that like to hold onto power. Things will only get worse if we allow the shrill voices of hate to prevail. The time is ours for real change. Vote to Save America. Vote MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 90% chance of precipitation. We received 1 13/32 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 4 mph, gusts 1 0mph. Cloud cover is 83%. Visibility is 8 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 91%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 8. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Ekolu 2024

Uncle Sam


Aloha kākou. Nothing speaks Americana than the traditions and customs that make this nation unique in the world. The iconic symbols of America that identifies who we are. Our many world cultures, religions, customs, beliefs, that all blend in unique harmony. The Latin “E pluribus unum” out of many, one; describes who are Americans. Our patriotism and love of country.

Savaady – “EPIC Moment Trump SMOOTHLY Disses Pedo-Joe Biden.” Undoubtedly the worst president in American history. Biden will become the brunt of jokes long into history as a bumbling representation of a corrupt political party. A reminder of how power corrupts absolutely. A reason for term limits and accountability.

Pedo-Joe Biden lamely attempted to speak to the nation about the IslamoNazi Antisemite riots on university campuses. Biden failed to call out specifically the IslamoNazi communists. In a short rambling speech that failed to directly address the violence spreading across universities, Biden rolled all of America as the source of the problem. Biden offered no solutions, as calling for the National Guard to remove the illegal camps. Biden didn’t call out the Marxist professors that are leading the student riots. Biden is too cowardly to upset his base that hates America.

These riots are not peaceful protests. They are BLM-Antifa Marxist style riots that Burn, Loot, and Murder people and property. Biden never addresses the who but cites the law and offers no solutions. No consequences to the actions of domestic terrorism. Instead, Pedo-Joe Biden treads lightly over the seriousness of the matter as to not offend his IslamoNazi base.

In a scene as iconic as the U.S. Marines raising Old Glory over Iwo Jima, these valiant gentlemen kept our country’s colors from touching the ground amidst an onslaught of abuse and debris hurled lip-wristedly by liberal freaks protesting the existence of Israel. – Washington Free Beacon

These frat boys represent the best in America and the promise that our future political and business leaders will justly represent America and our values. Just as immigrants that come here because they want to be part of what America is about. They’re not here to change America, they’re here to enhance America. To add their distinctive uniqueness to America.

The greatest experiment in world history continues to remain strong and true to its Constitutional values. This makes America unique above all other forms of government. It is found in the Bill of Rights and in the supreme law of the land, the United States Constitution. The guarantee of freedom and liberty.

As imperfect as our system of government is, it is still better than other systems of governments. Despite the failings of men that succumb to the temptations of power, there’s still justice I believe will prevail. America offers something no other government offers and that is a chance for opportunity. To try and try again to reach success. If we fail, we can get up, dust ourselves off, and try again.

Uncle Sam is just a man. A national personification of the United States. He represents America’s can-do spirit. The United States got its nickname, Uncle Sam from Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York, who supplied barrels of beef to the United States Army during wartime. The image of a thin white bearded man in a stars-and-stripes suit is still associated with the character today. Iconic as MAGA.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with isolated showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 1/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 20 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is good at 28. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Mei ‘Elua 2024