
Aloha kākou. Marxist democrat overreach has come to a boil around the world. The Marxists are making a huge power grab to silence information and to lockdown the people’s freedoms. It’s all about government control over the people. Big Tech is working with Big Government to limit the free flow of information and they are using Covid as the focal point to create a continuous information blackout. This means all information must be approved by the ministry of information and all unapproved sources will be censored. The Fake News Media is happily doing the government’s bidding.

They’re not even hiding it anymore. Let’s just discriminate against anyone unvaccinated. It doesn’t matter if you have natural immunity, or you have a medical reason for not taking the vaccine, you will be ostracized from society. A Blackout on your freedoms. Fake News CNN highly untalented mouthpieces suggest that unvaccinated people should be discriminated against. Don Lemon says unvaccinated should not be able to go to grocery stores, entertainment, or work. Unvaccinated people should be allowed to make their own choices to get the vaccine or not. The rational that somehow unvaccinated people are spreading the virus comes directly from the Centers for Disinformation and Corruption, and Fhony Fauci.

Tens of thousands across the globe protested this weekend against COVID measures being implemented, including mandatory vaccinations and masks, and France’s newly-approved health pass. These demonstrations are happening in several European countries and in Australia. But notice how Fake News CBS plays down the demonstrations as mostly peaceful and compliance is becoming the norm. That’s all part of the Marxist campaign of misinformation. The Gateway Pundit has compiled a collection of tweets from around Europe with what the demonstrations really look like.

The latest Google/YouTube banning is Sky News in Australia from posting to their 1.85M followers for allegedly breaching the platforms Covid misinformation policy. No one knows what Google’s misinformation policy is because they make it up as they go. I subscribe to Sky News Australia because they are one of the worlds best news source. This is Big Tech silencing voices of freedom. It’s Big Tech censorship. The Blackout is spreading worldwide.

Tucker Carson condenses the Blackout succinctly by hilariously pointing out the insanity of the fear factory the government is using to exert more control over our lives. The scary part is this insanity has spread into the highest levels of government and the institutions that are suppose to defend the country. I can tell you that the Communist Chinese and Russians are not cowering to Covid.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) took to the House floor on Wednesday to address the Marxist democrat hypocrisy in the room. Democrats have not said a word about illegal immigrants pouring across the border who have tested positive for the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. These Covid infected illegals are not being treated for Covid, instead they’re being packed on busses and commercial airlines and shipped around the country. They have no formal ID’s, and they have no allegiance to our country and our laws. They are a new class of protected people that are not citizens. No one knows where Jim Crow Joe is sending these illegals. The communities where they will end up are not prepared to deal with them. They don’t have the local infrastructure to support the needs of the unskilled, unemployed, hospitalization, housing and feeding. While members of Congress have are pretty much forced to adhere to strict, yet arbitrary Covid policies as dictated by Nazi Piglosi. Use the Blackout to hide the overwhelming of the system by using Covid restrictions.

Rebel News is a conservative news organization that reports real unfiltered news from Canada and Australia. Ezra Levant reports out of Canada and Avi Yemini from Australia, specifically Malborne. The crew from Rebel News are all great reporters. Avi Yemini compiled this video of the Freedom Day Rally in Sydney that took place yesterday. Over 100,000 people demonstrated against the government lockdown and mask mandates. Around the world, people yearning for freedom are letting their voices be heard. They’re saying the same thing that people are saying here, and that I’ve been blogging about. They all say the Fake News Media contributes to the government’s Blackout of information.

They all say the same things about Unsocial Media’s censoring of information. They point out the hypocrisy where domestic terror groups like BLM-Antifa are allowed to riot, burn, loot, and murder with indiscretion. Yet, peaceful demonstrations are violently put down by the police. This is how Marxist government’s shutdown free speech. The government instills fear, insecurity, and uncertainty. They impose an information Blackout to control people through government propaganda.

Covid is being used as a catalyst to change our political landscape. By attacking the First Amendment and restricting free speech. Big Government, Big Tech, and the Fake News Media are the triad of Marxist propaganda. The Government approves the message. Big Tech regulates the dispersal of information by monopolizing search engine power, social networking, and the advertising industry. The Fake News Media repeats misinformation and suppresses any competition. These are the modern day book burners in the town square. With this much power, they can, and have, controlled elections by restricting free speech.

Examples of restricting free speech is the definition of hate speech. Academia has embraced hate speech by allowing BLM and Critical Race Theory into the classrooms. People are being discriminated by the color of their skin, they’re  being called White supremacists by Black supremacists. Classical literature is being banned because the Marxists say it’s too white. Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Melville, and even the Classic Greek writings of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, are all considered White Supremacist Hate Speech. But Critical Race Theory is considered history. It used to be that the fluency in the classical languages, Latin and Greek, were required before you could enter Universities like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, but those languages have been replaced by political correct gender neutral gibberish. These are the institutions that are going to produce the next generation of politicians, physicians, philosophers of tomorrow. The next corporate leaders and intellectuals that will define to what I don’t know. But it’s not promising for the survival of  western culture and society. Open debate and democracy is at risk. That is the Blackout.



Today was cloudy with occasional passing sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 20mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just under 5/16th of an inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inch and dewpoint is 86 degrees. UV index is 11.

Iulai Iwakālua Kanakolu Kūmākahi, 2021


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