Preserving Culture


Aloha kākou. I do support preserving cultures. It’s important to help preserve and protect all cultures in the world. Americans think of ourselves as a melting pot of world cultures and indeed we are that. Protecting and preserving cultural heritages includes structures, artwork, and other significant objects in society. It also entails intangible elements such as folklore, language, knowledge, customs, and beliefs. The history and wisdom of cultures is valuable knowledge. Much can be learned from different cultures.

Native cultures knew how to protect and grow their environment. Native American Indians knew how to preserve and protect the forest. They knew of controlled burning to thin the forests so their food source could thrive. They knew to preserve the oceans from over fishing and to build aquatic farming. The roots of agriculture developed from the needs to feed families. It included religious rituals, medical applications, and celebrations of the yearly harvest and the planting.

A strong cultural identity among residents of different generations helps preserve cultures. In Hawai’i our communities were developed into camp communities. In the early years of Hawaii’s immigration, people from various cultures would develop neighborhoods, or camps: there was the Portuguese camp, the Japanese camp, Korean camp, Chinese camp, and the Philippine camps. These camps made up the early plantation workers and these camps still exist today. Back then, the immigrants spoke their native language. These enclaves of cultural richness eventually intertwined with other cultures. An exchange of ideas, stories, language, music, and knowledge that blended into the cultural language we call Pidgin, or the Hawaiian Creole. This is not to be confused with the native Hawaiian language known as the “ʻŌlelo o ka Kanaka Maoli”, which is still preserved and spoken today. The native Hawaiian language is taught in schools. It is the official Hawaiian State language next to English. The only State in the nation with two official languages.

Preserving language, culture, religion, music, and borders is necessary to protect a nation’s heritage. Nowhere is this more true than in the European countries. In particular, the former East European countries that were once the satellites of the former Soviet Union. These countries guard culture and their borders to prevent a melding of other cultures from integrating into their culture. This is not discrimination, it is protecting their own cultural heritage.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán sat down to discuss how western Europe is changing and how his country is moving further away. His reasoning for isolation I found compelling and logical. Of course, the Marxist democrat nations condemn Hungary for wanting to preserve their culture.

It’s important to understand that Hungary doesn’t restrict movement within their country, just residency. It’s to preserve the Hungarian history, their language, their religion, and their communities. They cannot be faulted for restricting who can enter and live in their county. Europe has an immigration problem and it is serious. The European Union has demanded that countries take in North African immigrants. Mostly muslims and with no cultural appreciation for the adopting nation, the rise of crime in these countries is frightening. These immigrants brought their cultural prejudices with them, and they don’t want to integrate into the host nation.

They refuse to integrate into the host culture. Instead they segregate themselves into a copy of why they left their homelands in the first place. Who needs that cultural shock brought into the host nation? The native people of the host country are forced to care for these immigrants. In return, the immigrants demand more from the host country and if they don’t get what they want, then they riot and destroy property and businesses. The host government doesn’t punish these immigrants, instead they blame the their own native people.

In Germany, Sweden, France, and other north European countries, there is a rape epidemic that the host governments ignores. The government blames the white native women for being provocative in their outfits. People that have lived their lives in their own native culture for generations, are now being faulted for enticing the immigrants lack of self control. The culture of these immigrants claim ownership over females, both women and children. They believe their culture gives them the right to sexually abuse females. The Uber Socialist Liberal governments turn a blind eye to the damage they are doing to their own culture.

Last century the U.S. defeated fascism, Nazism and stopped the threat of communism. But Sebastian Gorka shares striking footage which poetically predicted America’s modern battle against a new kind of totalitarianism. – via The Gorka Reality Check. Remember when the Hongkongers waved the American flag before Communist China violated the autonomous independence deal 50 years too early. It was President Trump that exposed how deep the communism has infiltrated into our government.


On our own borders, the wave of immigrants from South America is no different than those immigrants in Europe. Like Europe, the illegal immigration at our borders is nothing more than a invasion. There’s too many people pouring across the border that we know nothing about. How is these fair to those legal immigrants that followed the rules, stood in line, and integrated into the American culture? It’s a slap in the face to all Americans.

As a result of this illegal immigration, crime is up, the spread of diseases is up, and the cost on the nation is up. The Fake News Media says blaming the illegal immigrants for spreading diseases is wrong and racist. But look at the number of outbreaks occurring at the border. That’s not being caused by Americans living on the border.

It’s unsustainable to our economy, but the Marxist democrats believe it will keep them in power in perpetuity. What’s strange is Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is saying South American illegals are allowed to enter the country, but Cuban refugees escaping from communism and oppression will not be allowed to enter the country. Note that Mayorkas was born in Cuba and he immigrated here with his parents when he was one year old. I wouldn’t mind sending this creep back to Cuba. He does not belong in this great nation.

It’s because the Marxist democrats know that the South American illegal immigrants will bring their political culture with them. The Marxist democrats know these illegals from South America will vote democrat and the Cubans will vote Republican. The Marxist democrats know South American illegals will bring with them what they are fleeing from. Listen to Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explain illegal immigrants fleeing nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same corruption they fled from.

Preserving one culture is not a bad thing, it is good and healthy. Integration into the host culture doesn’t mean you must give up your own culture. It simply means you must obey the laws and respect the other cultures that share the same country that you adopted. If you want to be accepted, then you must learn the language, the laws, and the culture of the host country.

No other nation has the right to impose their Marxist ideology on other nations. What the regime of Jim Crow Joe and other Marxist democrat European nations are trying is to bully countries like Hungary. That is immoral and wrong. Nations like Hungary just got their freedoms back after generations of communist oppression. They are recovering their history and their culture. They should be free to govern themselves as they see fit. Hungary is not a intolerant nation, unlike the other western Euro counties that are intolerant to their own people. Those nations should look to their own culture and clean their own doorstep before criticizing their neighbors.


Pray for the political prisoners that have been held in solidary confinement since January 6, 2021. They are being held without charges and not been allowed due process. Some are being abused by guards and even tortured. We cannot forget these people that only wanted to express their First Amendment Right to express their voices and redress their grievances about an election that was fraudulent and stolen. These people are Patriots that sing the National Anthem nightly from their prison cells. Do Not Forget The Injustice Brought Against Them By This Corrupt Deep State Regime.



Today started with mostly cloudy skies with passing morning sprinkles. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 7mph with gusts at 21mph. Cloud cover is 44%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 1/64th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is at 78%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inch and dewpoint is 72 degrees. UV index is 13. Evening clouds are building up, possible precipitation by late this evening.

ʻAukake ‘Eiwa, 2021


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