We Were Warned


Aloha Lāpule. President Trump tried to warn us what would happen if Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats stole the 2020 election. They did, and again, President Trump was right.

In October 2020, President Trump predicted: The suburbs wouldn’t be the suburbs anymore, the economy would sink into its worst depression ever and police departments would cease to exist. Even America’s older adults would be left to figure out how to get by without heat, air conditioning or electricity. “He’ll bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs,” President Trump said. You didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know this. This is how Marxist democrats operate.

The Fake News Media scoffed and called President Trump’s predictions, “Over the Top”. There was nothing hyperbolic about what Jim Crow Joe was going to do, he said it himself. The Marxist democrats knew that Jim Crow Joe was going to lose in a landslide. So they rigged the elections. They used Covid as the method to stuff the ballot boxes and broke into the electronic voting machines to alter the vote counts. The proof was always there.


With no sense of urgency being displayed by Jim Crow Joe during a Zoom Call with National Security advisors and cabinet members. As predicted before, Jim Crow Joe was going to repeat what Barry the Bullshitter Obama did when he withdrawed from Iraq. That set up the rise of ISIS. What’s disturbing about this picture is that it ‘outs’ people with top secret clearances. Their faces and names are not to be exposed, because our enemies will know who they are. I have no idea why this picture was posted on twatter, but here it is, history repeating again.

Meanwhile, reports of the Taliban beheading anyone suspected of supporting the Americans in Kabul are being reported. Jim Crow Joe is doing his best to downplay that a bunch of goat herders have defeat the American armies, but it has happened. Almost 50 years ago when Vietnam fell to the Khmer Rouge, Jim Crow Joe predicted then that the Khmer Rouge takeover would never happen under American watch, but it did. Here’s Jim Crow Joe still denying his foreign policies are not working.

If I were Taiwan, I would be very worried. Don’t think that Xi Jinping isn’t looking at what’s going on in Afghanistan and thinking the time is ripe to strike Taiwan. The Communist Chinese now know that America is unprepared to defend Taiwan. In just eight short months, Jim Crow Joe has managed to destroy military readiness and now the military has gone Woke and Broke. Then again, we were warned.

We really shouldn’t be that surprised because the Marxist democrats has been telling Americans for years that they favor socialism over capitalism. They disguised the word socialism as, “progressive” and “democratic socialism”. Like that is suppose to ease our fears of what socialism really is about. It’s as if socialism hasn’t been tried elsewhere before and has failed miserably. Resulting in leaving behind a trail of misery, starvation, and death. The next time someone says that Socialism is great, just show them this video.

The only reason why the Marxist democrats haven’t forced socialism upon us is because we have a Second Amendment and they haven’t confiscated our guns, yet.


What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. It will go down as one of the greatest defeats in American history! – President Donald J. Trump


The regime of Jim Crow Joe is already trying to blame President Trump for this blunder that could have prevented. This disaster is placed squarely on Jim Crow Joe and the Marxist democrats. Over 20 years of both democrats and republicans trying to change the military from a fighting force to win wars, into a nation building babysitters. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. That  was never the military’s purpose, but the leaders thought like socialists: “If we just try harder, we can rebuild Afghanistan back into the nation it was before the Russians invaded and turned Afghanistan into the Taliban hellhole it is today”.

I want to say that the Boots on the Ground did their job, and they did it well as they were trained to do. It was the Pentagon Brass that failed. This was not the fault of enlisted men and women, and the mid level commanders on the battle field. This was the fault of both Marxist democrats and RINO’s like Liz Cheney that lobbied to keep the war machine humming along. This was the fault of Joint Chiefs that lied to keep the war machine funded. This was the fault of Barcalounger Generals at the Pentagon directing a war around the world via video chat sessions. These Generals didn’t care about the troops and winning wars. Because once these Generals retired they would go work for the Defense Contractors as a reward for keeping them flush with government war cash. Where do you think the Woke CRT Secretary of Defense General Ursus came from?

President Trump recognized the folly of this 20 year old failure. President Trump put together a plan to withdrawal our troops. Safeguards was already being executed to prevent what has happened with lightening speed. President Trump warned the Taliban that if any of our troops are harmed, then he would unleash the full force of our military upon them. The Taliban understood that message. Jim Crow Joe only had to sit back and let the Trump plan come to flourishing. But like the Taliban, Jim Crow Joe and the Deep State, could not bear another successful Trump policy. It had to be destroyed because the Marxist democrats, RINO’s and the corrupt government put themselves ahead of the good of the nation and the American people.

Afghanistan will return to public executions, women will be beaten in public, forced child marriages, and a return to horrible depravity. I sometimes wonder if this is the American dream the Marxist democrats have for this country.



Today started with partially cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 38%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got a little over 3/16 (13/64) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 83%. Barometric pressure is 29.99 inches and dewpoint is 74 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmālima, 2021


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