What The World Needs Now


Aloha kākou. What world needs now is a injection of common sense, aka brains. And not just Abby Normal Brains you can get at Harvard and Yale for $80K a semester, but real Brains you can get from Hillsdale College and Liberty University with much more brain value for the dollar. Although, you can get your brains at either CVS or Walmart, they do have a good return policy.


Even Zombies know better than to get their brains from Pubic Edumacation systems, because they see the Marxism being taught in the classrooms. Critical Race Theory that’s being forced onto children is child abuse. What’s disturbing is that the schools boards believe they know better than the parents on what children should be taught.

I saw a news report that there has been an uptick in the number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases. It’s being confused with Covid cases. RSV is a virus that spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze. It causes symptoms that can range from very mild to quite severe and dangerous. Sounds very much like how people catch Covid. The report stated that cases of RSV is on the rise. I wondered why that’s happening since children are being forced to wear obedience face diapers. But wait? Could the obedience face diapers be causing the rise in RSV? Children are wearing these cloth diapers all day long, breathing in their own carbon dioxide, so what else are they breathing in? How dirty are the obedience face diapers? Why do children need to wear obedience face diapers? Isn’t that harmful to children to be masked for hours?

Coronaviruses are a group of common cold viruses that infects the respiratory tract. The newest coronavirus virus that was manufactured by the Communist Chinese is Covid. Both RVS and Covid exhibit similar symptoms. Although Covid symptoms have been very mild to children, but RSV can get children seriously ill. Each year, RSV sends more than 57,000 children to the hospital. That’s a lot more than Covid when compared to the flu. At least that’s the numbers I’ve collected in my research.

Someone asked, “Are we punishing children to protect teachers?” That struck me as a big “YES”. I did post a video in my previous blog posting where a crazed school board member accused children of being murderers for not wearing obedience face diapers. But the Covid Panic Porn has been getting even more militant.

Get to the chopper and get your vaccine! Ahnald Schwarzenegger has failed his Civics Examination once again. “Screw Your Freedoms” and obey your masters. And this fool was the Governator of Kalifornia. As a class C (crummy) actor, he also failed in government. Why should anyone follow the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion guidelines when the CDC has been wrong at every turn. Fhony Fauci has been criminally wrong. The WHO is a puppet of the Communist Chinese. These organizations are no longer reliable sources for disease prevention. Herr Ahnald, go back to Austria you sauerkraut. You Failed.

Where does Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, get his information? Why are Florida’s Covid death rates so much less than other states? Why does the regime of Jim Crow Joe want Florida’s people to follow Fake CDC Science?  As the governor explained, they were looking at data from around the world. What was working and not working. Sweden’s Covid cases reached 1.11 million, but only 14,650 deaths due to Covid. The Swedes did isolate the most vulnerable early. They did not lockdown the people and halt their economy. They did not require obedience face diapers, but made it a choice. Other countries used science to deal with the facts of Covid.


In early March 2020, when the virus was new, governments relied heavily on computer models to determine the best courses of action. Even with these models, a significant number of unknowns made making any decision with certainty difficult. Many researchers found some success with hydroxychloroquine and other combinations of drugs. In countries where hydroxychloroquine is taken like candy for malaria, they had lower Covid death rate. But because of a media misinformation blitz to discredit hydroxychloroquine, many countries either made the drug unavailable or banned altogether. Thousands of people died because governments put vaccine profits over prophylactic alternatives.

new study published June 9th, 2021, as reported by Katie Pavlich, shows hydroxychloroquine, combined with zinc, increased the survival rate of severely ill Covid patients by 200 percent: “This observational study looked at 255 COVID19 patients who required invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) during the first two months of the US pandemic. Through comprehensive, longitudinal evaluation and new consideration of all the data, we were able to better describe and understand factors affecting outcome after intubation,” the study finding state. “By considering more factors and using new methods, we found that when increased doses of co-administered HCQ and AZM were associated with >100% increase in survival. Comparison of absolute with weight-adjusted cumulative doses proves administration =80 mg/kg of HCQ with > 1 gm AZM increases survival in IMV-requiring Covid patients by over 100%.”

I’ll go back to what I said in 2020: The reason why hydroxychloroquine was vilified was that the patents on the drug had long expired. Hydroxychloroquine costs only pennies on the dollar. But vaccines would bring in Billions of Dollars and make a lot of big pharma companies very rich. In the emails from Fhony Fauci and others showed they knew about the efficacy of the hydroxychloroquine but publicly stated it wasn’t of good use for combatting Covid. We were lied to and thousands died unnecessarily.

The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky just released this statement regarding women who are pregnant. Oh, wait, let me rephrase that, “Pregnant Persons”. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion has rejected biology for woke culture. Walensky tweeted, “The rise in cases, vaccine hesitancy, and the increased risk of severe illness for pregnant people make vaccination against #COVID19 more urgent than ever. Read why @CDCgov recommends that pregnant people should be vaccinated against COVID-19.” Only the female gender can get pregnant, but apparently biology doesn’t count anymore as science with the CDC. Can we trust the CDC?

Misinformation is the new woke culture. Where science is rejected and information is distorted to fit a leftist narrative for big profit. The Tech Giants are the Woke Internet Gestapo monitoring your posts, deleting your posts, and canceling your subscriptions. The following video is by video-blogger Matt Orfalea experience with YouTube’s censorship. *Warning – Brief Naughty Language*

Unsocial media hypocrisy is nothing more than bias control over misinformation. Fascistbook, Instagrumble, Google, Youtube, Twatter, are all in the Game of Censorship. Tech Giants will allow Marxist democrats and Fake News Media to publish misinformation, but republishing the same content will get you either a strike or a suspended account.

I have chosen to use Rumble as my primary video posting site. Additionally, I also cross post to BitChute and Odysee. I no longer post on YouTube and I have lots of videos there. Years of videos. Additionally, there are other social media sites that do not censor content. They may censor language in the text box, CloutHub does that, but they do not censor content. GAB, SafeChat, and MeWE are also open content sites. I like GETTR, and Parler is starting to come back to life. The more open social media sites that I can post to the better.

What I want to see is the breakup of Big Tech. They interfered with the 2020 election. Big Tech are communication points for domestic terror groups BLM and Antifa. Big Tech knows who the terrorists are, but they’re not censoring them. They are in effect, publishers and propagandists. They should be held under the same liability laws that newspapers are held. Open to lawsuits for defamation, censorship, and misinformation spreaders. Then we can be released from Big Tech Tyranny and return to Free Speech without censorship.



Today started with cloudy skies with morning scattered showers. By afternoon the clouds thinned bringing plenty of sunshine. By evening, some sprinkles are starting. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 8mph with gusts at 22mph. Cloud cover is 12%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 29.97 inch and dewpoint is 72 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmālua, 2021


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