Hysteria and Hesitancy

DHS Terror Alert

The latest DHS terror alert report is a Declaration of War against 74 million Americans. – Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Aloha kākou. The Covid controversy has exploded into two camps: Vaxxed and Non-Vaxxed. Masked and Non-Masked. Individual Civil Rights and Collective Authoritarian Tyranny. No matter how you define it, the Vaxxed side wants to take away your liberties out of fear for the common good, and Non-Vaxxed side wants to make their own individual decisions on how they govern their lives. The argument could be said that Covid mandates are for the common good to protect lives. The opposite would argue gambling with my life to appease the Vaxxers isn’t worth loosing my freedoms.


This brings me to several questions that are not satisfactorily answered regarding the Covid debate. First, it’s no longer a debate. It’s a mandate from those that believe they are protecting themselves and the masses from your desire to keep liberties secure. This is the argument you hear from the Vaxxers; they claim those unvaccinated people are spreading Covid to others who are vaccinated. Where did that science come from? That’s not how coronaviruses are transmitted. The Centers for Disinformation and Confusion and Fhony Fauci, have so thoroughly discredited themselves that thinking people no longer believe them. Others that blindly rely on the CDC and Fhony Fauci as their sole reliable source will never be deterred. The Vaxxers forget that this virus was manufactured in a Communist Chinese laboratory, and the vaccines are actually immunosuppressants and not true vaccines. The Polio and Smallpox vaccines are real vaccines that were fully tested and approved. Covid vaccines are still experimental for emergency use only and are not fully approved. So why is there such a hard push to get the entire population fully vaccinated with an experimental vaccine? Is there neither caution nor guidelines to protect the most vulnerable first before forcing the unknown on the healthy? 


An interesting article from “UnHerd” showed a remarkable difference between vaccine hesitancy and levels of education.  

There has been much debate over how to get the unvaccinated to get their jabs — shame thembribe them persuade them, or treat them as victims of mis- and disinformation campaigns — but who, exactly, are these people? Most of the coverage would have you believe that the surge in cases is primarily down to less educated, ‘brainwashed’ Trump supporters who don’t want to take the vaccine. This may be partially true: the areas in which the delta variant is surging coincide with the sections of red America in which vaccination rates are lowest. 

What’s more, the paper found that in the first five months of 2021, the largest decrease in hesitancy was among the least educated — those with a high school education or less. Meanwhile, hesitancy held constant in the most educated group; by May, those with Ph.Ds were the most hesitant group. 

So not only are the most educated people most sceptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely the change their minds about it… 

This article was tweeted by Dr. Carol Swain, whom I highly respect and admire. As she quoted on Twitter: “That’s because many of us understand science and the lack of sound rigorous studies. We also understand manipulation, totalitarianism, and the road to serfdom”. – Dr. Carol Swain

My question to Dr. Swain was, “Does that include the developers of the vaccine?”. Dr. Swain’s response reply to me, “Private corporations pay millions of dollars to universities for research to their pre-planned agendas. Follow the money!” 

During a Mt. Vernon school board meeting, Dr. Dan Stock spoke about why he disagreed with measures to combat COVID-19, including mask mandates and vaccinations. Dr. Stock claimed that everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health were “contrary to all the rules of science.” He said the virus is “spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask,” which he said was supported by three studies sponsored by the NIH. So far, fact check true. Here’s some other facts to know

What’s interesting is how quickly the Indiana State Department of Health dismissed Dr. Stock’s statements. Citing the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion as the standard for all Covid information. There’s the politicization once again of Covid. You’re not allowed to question the efficacy of vaccines and masks, nor are you allowed to question the CDC and Fhony Fauci. Doing so is heresy and you will be dismissed as an anti-vaxxer and a kook. Why the hard push to trample on people’s liberties and force them to get vaccines. The Vaxxers don’t care if you have natural immunity. The Vaxxers don’t care about the long term effects of an experimental on children and pregnant women. When we do know there are harmful effect to some people. Why are alternative treatments dismissed when they can provide a legitimate medical alternative to experimental vaccines?  

Indeed, that has been my hesitancy in taking the vaccine simply because it’s still experimental, released under emergency use only, and we still don’t know the long term effects of the vaccines. Plus I know from experience that the government will pay researchers to produce the results they want to hear. Global warming is just such an example of government waste spending that produces predetermined climate change results.  


With the right amount of government research funding you can make anything settled science. This is where I feel the push for total Covid population vaccinations is unattainable and unnecessary. We were told in the beginning that once we get the most vulnerable vaccinated, those with natural antibodies will develop herd immunities. Except now, the Covid Variants are new Covid Panic Porn. The so called dreaded Delta Variant which on one side tells us that it’s more contagious and deadlier than Covid. On the other side, we’re told is Delta is more contagious, but has milder effects. So which is it? Whom do we believe? 


As I mentioned before, the Centers for Disinformation and Confusion and Fhony Fauci, have so thoroughly discredited themselves that they cannot be trusted anymore. However, like a Svengali, Fhony Fauci has convinced Marxist democrat politicians that he is the science Alpha and Omega. Thus the call for vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and indoor/outdoor obedience face diapers, are to be decreed until the Covid virus is magically defeated. But wait, there’s another variant on the way called the Lambda Variant. So the lockdowns and mandates must continue until we slip into another Dark Age. As Fhony Fauci said, we must give up our freedoms for the greater good.

The Vaxxers are now resorting to bullying and shaming to force people to get vaccinated. If you refuse to comply with Vaxxers orders, then they will threaten to take your rights away. How far away are we from branding non-Vaxxers with a Scarlet Letter, a Tattoo, some distinguishing identifier in public? Vaxxers are threatening to restrict travel, access to stores, and other public places. The regime of Jim Crow Joe is mulling restricting nonvaccinated Americans from interstate travel. All the while allowing 2 million illegal aliens from the southern border to enter the United States, unvaccinated and untested. We know why the regime of Jim Crow Joe wants to plant these illegals into the country. It’s to change the voting demographics to keep the Marxist democrats in permanent power. It was never about vaccinations. It was always about power. 


Today started with partially cloudy skies with morning scattered sprinkles. By afternoon the clouds thinned bringing plenty of sunshine. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 9mph with gusts at 25mph. Cloud cover is 36%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 1/4th (19/64) inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 72%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inch and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index is 12.

ʻAukake ‘Umi Kūmāhā, 2021



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