Golden Hammer and Sickle


Aloha kākou. There’s an attack on all three branches of government. The most visible attack is with the Judicial Branch by Jim Crow Joe Branden. The Supreme Court and sitting Justices are being targeted by the Marxist rage mob because they are Constitutional Originalists. Abortion, is murder, but Jim Crow Joe Branden wants to codify abortion murder across the entire country. What better way to attack Justices than to chase after them and their families in pubic? The authorities do nothing. Have a listen to Karine Jean-Luc Picard explain that violent attacks against Justices and their families, at their homes and in restaurants, is actually, peaceful protests.

In effect, this regime is dismissing the Supreme Court ruling to over-turn Roe v. Wade and Casey. Branden claims that abortion is a Constitutional right and is women’s medical treatment. They now know that defines a woman, huh?!? Death is medical treatment. Woo-Boy! Never mind that the 10th Amendment specifically says: “Powers not granted to the Federal government belong to the States, or to the people.” Abortion is nowhere found in the Constitution and I doubt very much the Founding Fathers would have ever considered such a heinous act against life.

The next attack is against upon the Senate. The Marxist democrats want to eliminate the Filibuster, and eliminate the Electoral College. The Filibuster has been around in political debates since the days of the Romans. It has been used by the Senate for centuries. It has been part of the saucer that cools the hot teacup that protects the minority, or majority, from imposing mob rule. The Founding Fathers knew through the eons of history how mob democracy destroys civilizations. The filibuster provides debate to allow cooler heads to think through before making rash decisions based on high emotions.

Marxist democrats want mob rule. They don’t want either this Republic or a democracy. They want single party rule by an elitist oligarchy. A Liberal World Order. Only the Electoral College is standing in their way. Of course, the genius of the Electoral College was to elect a President through delegates decided by the States. It used to be Senators were elected in the same way, but that was changed, unfortunately. Get rid of the Electoral College and Filibuster and you don’t need a Senate anymore.

Once you get rid of two branches of government, the Judicial and Senate branches of government, what’s leftover? Who needs the Executive Branch anymore? The Marxist democrats can then dissolve the Republic. We can become an empire. Where life imitates art.

We’ll have communism to replace the Republic. A centralized state. Make no mistake. This is the path the Marxist democrats are taking us down. Why do you suppose Jim Crow Joe Branden, Chucky Schmucky Schumer, Nazi Piglosi, and the crew of pro-communist democrats and RINO’s are inciting violence in the streets? Why do you suppose they allow drug addictions so prevalent in democrat run cities? Zombies that roam the streets in drug induced haze. A drugged society is a compliant society.

This is Kensington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I used to live in Philadelphia, many years ago in the 1980’s when I was in school. I used to lived in the Spring Garden area near the Philadelphia Museum. I have never seen Philadelphia look like this. The transformation is astonishing. As with Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland Or. I had watched those cities decay since 2000. Each time I visited these cities over the years, it was only getting worse. It’s all the policies of the Liberal World Order.

Why do you suppose violent groups like BLM-Antifa are given open immunity to prosecutions? Why is there a move to defund the police and sissify the Military? Teaching children to hate their country and grooming them into sexual pedophilia. Why are the FBI and Justice departments weaponized to go after parents and not pedophilia criminals? It used to be exposing children to this grotesque debauchery was against the law. When did that change? It happened quickly.

It’s all by design to over-throw the Republic. Why do you think the Marxist democrat allies in the Fake News Media constantly demonize President Trump as the enemy? It’s all part of the slow-rolling coup d’état happening before our eyes. We have political prisoners languishing in jails with no charges brought against them. Due process is being denied. Cruel and unusual punishment upon citizens. All while criminals are considered the victims.

The Marxist democrats are worried about the midterm elections and losing their grip on power. Expect more election fraud and corruption come November. Expect more violence. Meanwhile, the attacks on innocent people will continue. Lawlessness will be overlooked by a incurious Fake News Media. Selective reporting will exclude the race if the criminals are Black, but White criminals will be blasted across the nightly headlines. Until they find out the White criminal is a Trump hating far-left loony and then the story goes down the media memory hole. Funny how the media racism follows the Marxist democrats narrative.

It’s open season on American’s by the Marxist democrats. Not a day goes by without Jim Crow Joe Branden and the Fake News Media claims the biggest threat to America is White People. We’re all White Supremacist’s because of our skin color. This after learning that Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians are moving more to conservative values, rather than the Liberal World Order and Replacement Theory. Where the Marxist democrats claim will replace Caucasian people. That’s backfiring on the Marxist democrats.

What are the Marxist democrats resorting to now? Birthing Persons? Abortion as Life Saving Health Care. When that fails to materialize, what do you think the Marxist democrat next boogieman will be?



Mostly cloudy and breezy. 60% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 11 mph, gusts 24 mph. Cloud cover is 56%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 81%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 16. Readings taken at 12:15AM HST.

Iulai ‘Eiwa, 2022
