Sewn Shut


Aloha kākou. We are living in perilous times where a Marxist democrat junta is persecuting Americans that oppose their totalitarian attempt to seize control of our Republic. Where Americans are being held as political prisoners and denied a fair trials in court. Guilt is predetermined and there’s no hope of any fair trial. Innocent people are being held as scapegoats for the failure of policies that are destroying the Constitution. This is expected in communist countries, but this is happening here in the United States

We have seen these persecutions before in other countries. Communist countries have a  long and repetitive history of violence. History that is buried in silence and secrecy under penalty of imprisonment. It’s to hide the weakened state of the country and incompetency of the government leadership. There, the powerbase within the oligarchy enriches itself on the backs of the people.

They support laws that promote the murder of life and claim it is healthcare. They fund abattoirs where the bodies of the unborn are then for sold for medical experiments. It is an industry of horror that is sold as population control. Where the responsibility of life bearing is absolved so the vessel can continue to abuse themselves in acts sexual depravity.

These vessels have no self morality as they meld their genders with the opposite sex capable of bearing life. The use drugs to change their appearance to take on the characteristics of the opposite sex. This gives them an advantage over the opposite sex which is being accepted as a new societal norms. If anyone disagrees with this new societal norm they will ostracized as bigots, have their careers destroyed, and even jailed for not following the science of leftism. It is how civilizations decay from within.

Silencing all opposition is how this totalitarianism will outlaw all opposition. All common sense will no longer be considered a virtue truth. You will accept that two plus two equals five. This system prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the totalitarian state. The totalitarian state  claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control and regulation over public and private life. This country is fast heading into this abyss. Fear is how they plan to keep the populace in check.

Mask mandates are returning back to California and Washington. Vaccine mandates and the booster jabs every 3 months in order to be employed in the state. Schools have already forced children to wear the mandatory obedience face diaper. This is fear conditioning over a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate for people 70 years old and younger. Once the government knows that you’ll blindly follow their unlawful orders, then they can make you do anything they want. Whenever they want.

The military is falling behind on recruiting numbers because of the Covid mandates. This leaves our nation in a risk of readiness. Soldiers in all branches of the military are given a choice to either get the Fauci Coof Juice or lose their career in the military. Lose their pensions and benefits. It’s bad enough the military is forcing Critical Race Theory and gender studies on the soldiers. Now they cannot defend the country. This isn’t good for an all volunteer military. It’s a national security crisis. Not much is said by the fake news media.

I’m constantly surprised by how there isn’t more outrage over what’s happening. It could be that people are keeping their heads down to avoid being fired upon. The Fake News Media doesn’t report these atrocities, but instead deals with the minutia of irrelevancies. They know the corruption is rampant, but the media deliberately focuses on nonissues.

Criminals are given a pass to commit crimes. That unfunny late night TV stooge, Stephan Colbert, sent nine individuals into the Capitol Building where they were arrested for trespassing. Among those arrested was Robert Smigel, the puppeteer for Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, a character on Colbert’s show, along with writer Josh Comers, associate producer Allison Martinez and senior producer Jake Plunkett. The staffers were reportedly taking videos and photographs outside the offices of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Col.).

The were there to harass them. But unlike the January 6th patriots that are still languishing in D.C. jails, all charges of trespassing were dismissed against Colbert’s clowns. A two tiered justice system allows Marxist liberals to get away with committing crimes. This is corruption at level that is designed to put fear in people’s minds. The average American has no due process in the Liberal World Order.

This regime is a crisis in the making. There is no management in the number of blunders that continue to befall this country. Instead, there are manufactured crises after crisis. All designed not to address the pressing issues such as the economy.

For example, this regime is now focusing on climate change as the crisis de jour. With the regime dictator, Branden, threatening to take unilateral action if congress doesn’t. It’s summer. It gets hot in the summer. In the winter it gets cold. But it’s called climate crisis and the only way to solve the weather is to build more windmills and erect solar panels. Don’t worry about the danger of this country finances in freefall, worry about the weather instead. One you can control, the other you can’t. So that’s why the attention is taken away from more serious problems. You can’t speak about it because your voice is sewn shut.



Mostly cloudy with passing showers. 34% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 13 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 51%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got just over 1/2 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 70s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.04 inches and dewpoint is 67°. UV index 10. Air quality Index is at 20. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmāiwa, 2022
