Silent Screams


Aloha Lāpule. The universities are now centers for Pro-Hamas and Anti-Israel hate protests. These student protests are spreading and becoming increasingly more violent. These are paid propagandists that support Hamas terrorists and condemns Israel for defending themselves. Students holding PSL signs at universities are littered with this pro-communist, pro-Hamas terror, propaganda. These groups are funded by George Soros and far-left radical Marxist democrats that hate America and hate capitalism. Why the media and other news outlets haven’t made this a priority is frightening. Political correctness run amuck.

Marxist indoctrination of students at dozens of universities across the United States have demanded an end to the Israel-Palestine War. Students are pressuring universities to sever ties with firms and institutions that do commerce with Israel. This campus activism comes amid growing violent pro-Palestine demonstrations across the country.

On October 7th, 2023, the world witnessed the horror of the Hamas attacks on Israel. The concert in the dessert and civilian homes where terrorist animals slaughtered women, children, and whole families. Attacks that were well coordinated and planned. The unspeakable atrocities that Hamas committed were inhuman.

To date, there are several Americans citizens and from other countries still being held hostage by Hamas. Hidden in tunnels under Gaza, in hospitals, schools, and other countries. Hostages are being used as human shields by Hamas. Pedo-Joe Biden has again abandoned the American hostages as he did in Afghanistan. The Fake News Media doesn’t even speak of the hostages.

Hamas released a video showing an Israeli American dual citizen who has been held hostage since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel. Other American hostages are still being held including women and children. Hamas is using these hostages as human shields. Muslims in Congress, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, and even Jewish members in Congress have ignored and abandoned Americans being held hostage. Pedo-Joe Biden hasn’t spoken a word about the hostages.

A Must-Watch documentary, “Screams Before Silence” sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7, 2023. As heartbreaking as these stories in the documentary are, we cannot afford to look away. 

The entire movie can be seen at this link here: Screams Before Silence is a must-see movie for everyone to fully grasp the horrors that happened on October 7th, 2023. The movie can only be watched on YouTube because of the violent content. Out of respect for the families, the victims are blurred out. The survivors and witnesses tell their stories of Hamas brutality.

The reaction at American universities and students is completely opposite from what would be expected from a sane and rational society. University professors, Administrators, have poisoned the minds of students with this woke ideology that Israel is at fault. Israel was attacked and people were brutally murdered. These students with minds of mush believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. They refuse to see the truth behind the IslamoNazi horror. The students are being manipulated by these anti-American communist groups to believe Israel is the aggressor. Nothing is further from the truth.

Silent Screams will never be heard unless people speak out and do something to stop this terrorism against western civilization. It is a war against western civilization. Islams purpose is to conquer, kill, and destroy western culture and transform it into a caliphate. Weak leaders bring hard times and strong leaders bring good times. It is in our own survival that we stop this Islamic Terrorism before it becomes an intractable monster.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate showers. There is a 70% chance of precipitation. We received 35/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 10 mph, gusts 22 mph. Cloud cover is 58%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 86%. Barometric pressure is 30.03 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 11. Air quality Index is fair at 38. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāwalu 2024

The Fundamental Destruction Of America


When anyone says that Obama is deliberately trying to destroy America, they often forget that he did say he was going to fundamentally change America.  Has Obama ever said anything nice about America?

When Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that Obama didn’t love America, people forget that you don’t try to change what you love.  Obama promised to transform America, why would you want to transform something that you loved?  Obama went around the world apologizing for America.  You don’t go around criticizing the country that you love, do you?  What if my wife apologized for me?  But, I digress…

Love of country, as said by George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and in some cases Bill Clinton, was always about American Exceptionalism.  American pride and the uniqueness of the attraction of America.  Why is it that America is the only country in the world with a line out the door, and down the street, with immigrants wanting to be apart of this great country?

Actions speak louder than words, and critics that scoff at the idea that Obama doesn’t love America attracts a fire storm of negative reactions.  Yet, Obama’s actions seem to refute those that come to Obama’s defense.



Bloggers, myself and others, have been reporting this since 2008.  One of my blogging friends is Shelly at “Nebraska Attitude” published a video on YouTube and Facebook called “Dismantling Obama (Part One)“.

Please take some time to watch this powerful video.  It shows Obama’s love for America, or lack thereof.   It is a powerful video, it is funny, scary, frightening, snarky, and it shows who America’s enemy really is.  It’s just under 15 minutes and well worth your time watching.


Flies are attracted to bullshit, and this maggot is the most destructive bullshit artist in American history.  This clown doesn’t love America.  Obama hates America.  Actions Speak Louder Than Words America.  Stop Defending This Traitor.

This traitor, Obama, gave away five Muslim Islamic Terrorists for a soldier that deserted his country.   Sgt Bowe Bergdahl abandoned his post in Afghanistan and Obama traded five known terrorists shitbags for this traitor to his country.  These Muslim Shitbags should have been killed and used a shark bait a long time ago.

Liberal democrats will claim, “We don’t leave anyone behind!“, but they left a Marine to languish in the Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the border.  That’s BullShit!  Obama used this traitor to parade him before the lazy lame-stream media as some kind of negotiator of peace.  BullShit!

Now, Obama is shipping in more Islamic Muslim Terrorist into America, where they turn around and they are returning back to the Syrian Iraq battlefield to establish an Evil Islamic Caliphate.   Then they will return to America and commit acts of terrorism on our shores.

Is Obama a Muslim?  You tell me, he certainly isn’t a Christian.  Obama sat in the Church of Racism led by his racist preacher, Reverend Wright.  For 20 years, Obama sat there in the pews and listened to the hatred spewed from the filthy mouth of a pure hate racist.

Obama was raise and abandoned by his parents.  A mother that was a whore, a father that was a pimp, and Obama was raised by communist grandparents that hated America.  That’s Obama’s “Brady Bunch” upbringing.  His “Happy Days” of drinking, smoking dope, snorting cocaine, and who knows what else this mulatto prick did.

But does Obama love America?  If you still believe that bullshit, you’ll believe Islamic Muslim Terrorists are just jobless angry Jihads with no opportunities.

This is a War that Obama created by abandoning Iraq and Egypt, by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, and allowing the murder of an Ambassador and many more Americans.  Obama’s actions shows he Hates America.

