Obama Passes Card Check, By Fiat




NLRB to Issue Final Rule Requiring All Employers (Even Nonunion Employers) to Post
Notice of Employee Rights Under the NLRA
August 25, 2011

On August 25, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) announced that it would issue a Final Rule, to be effective on November 14, 2011, that would require all employers subject to the Board’s jurisdiction—i.e., the vast majority of employers doing business in the United States—to post a notice in the workplace informing employees of their right, among other things, to “[o]rganize a union,” “take action . . . to improve your working conditions by, among other means, raising work-related complaints directly with your employer or with a government, and seeking help from a union,” and to “strike and picket.”


Obama is illegally ordering “Card Check” legislation into law without it first being passed through the Congress.  Another job killing move by the Keynesian socialist that wants to change the United States into a Socialist European utopia. Obama is determined to shutdown American businesses.

Using the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) as the enforcement arm of the Executive branch of government, Obama is giving the Unions a token to remember him in November 2012.


Card check is popular with the union bosses looking for increased political power and increased dues money because it’s an open process that lets organizers know who’s on board and who’s not. It’s a fertile ground for the intimidation of workers and worse—which is exactly why we have elections in this country by the sacred institution of the secret ballot. And it’s this institution that the Arizona, South Dakota, and other state constitutional amendments recently enacted seek to protect. For the unions and their allies in the Democratic Party, though, these amendments are roadblocks that must be cleared away before their overall plans can come to fruition.

The NLRB has announced lawsuits against the states of Arizona and South Dakota because they passed, by citizen initiative, constitutional amendments that require secret ballot elections to form unions.  The Obama Regime is trying to intimidate states, businesses and workers by forcing them to be a part of the Labor Unions.  You do not get a choice.  The Unions will take your money, your pay, and use it to get Obama reelected.  They’ll use it to reelect more socialist democrats.


Where the current administration has failed to persuade Congress to adopt its legislative agenda, time and again, it has waived its regulatory wand and enacted the failed “legislation” as “regulation.”

Magically, it becomes the law of the land.

Since the rejection of the Employee Free Choice Act, the administration, largely through the National Labor Relations Board, has brought the legislation the Congress killed back to life.  

Consider these recent regulatory initiatives of the NLRB:

Expanded use of mail and Internet balloting in union elections.

Why? Because these ballots are not cast in secret.

Union officials could monitor the voting, accomplishing the primary objective of EFCA —  a vote outside the secret ballot booth and under the watchful eye of the candidate;

This is hardly constitutional.  It is Illegal.  What the Regime is doing is removing the secret ballot so Union Bosses can see how you vote.  If you don’t vote the way the Unions want you to vote, you will be targeted for intimidation, you may lose your job, you may be demoted, you may not get a pay increase, you will be punished if you do not vote the Union Label.  Disgusting!!!


It will cost jobs:

The agency’s action is seismic. If successful, it would undermine economic competition among states, which helps drive the American economy. Even worse, it would induce companies to export jobs not to other states that have lower labor costs, but to other countries that do.

This action by the Obama Regime is un-American.  It is what dictatorships and communists do around the world.  It will force jobs overseas to countries with lower wages.  It will force small businesses to close.  It will put millions of workers out of jobs.  This is a deliberate effort by Obama to destroy the free-market capitalist society and turn us into Venezuela!

Every single day there is some new information on what they are doing. The media is not covering it, in fact they are covering it up. I am hoping that everyone who sees what they are doing, is willing to spend the time to pass the information on. We have a very short about of time to stop what they are doing or we will lose our country. The loss of jobs alone will lower our standard of living. The loss of  freedom will ruin our country.

Indeed, there hasn’t been any reports in the media; not ABC, NBC, CBS, not the printed media either.  The blogs are reporting it.  Fox News reported it.  None of the other Lame Stream Media outlets are reporting this atrocity of the abuse of Executive power by the Obama regime.



What’s For Dinner?


Chinese Egg Rolls

(Where the Jobs are going)