Saturday August


Aloha kākou. It a beautiful Saturday here in Hawai’i today. The weather is perfect with tropical breezes. and plenty of sunshine. There are Trump sign waving today around the islands. On O’ahu there’s a large Pro-Trump gathering in Honolulu between Kakakilo and Farrington.


My friends on O’ahu are posting pictures of people by the hundreds demonstrating for President Trump. According to Mayor Caldwell, they are in violation of his lock-down order. I don’t think Honolulu police are going to be arresting and citing this many people without major pushback. Plus this is our First Amendment right to free assembly. This is a peaceful protest. A stark difference between the black lies maggots and antifa fascists. Yesterday there was a Trump sign waving in Hilo.

Kū Ha’aheo E Ku’u Hawai’i – Stand Proud Free Hawai’i

Drivers on Farrington highway waving banners and honking horns. The enthusiasm is amazing. Four years ago, anyone wearing Trump gear would have been given stink-eye. My how times have changed.

These rallies are happening all around the country. In Clackamas town today a massive Trump rally just south of Portland city, on Oregon.

Black lies maggots and antifa tried and failed to stop the Trump rally. They were chased out of the area. People have had enough of these fascists invading their neighborhoods.

Even in Europe the people have had enough of the socialist driven lock-downs. This is London England.

It’s amazing to see this mass civil disobedience. People are waking up and demanding their freedoms. The socialists thought they could impose these draconian lock-downs and people would just comply out of fear of contracting COVID19. After watching fascist antifa roaming the streets like Hitlers Brown Shirts beating people, burning businesses and homes. People have had enough of this lawlessness.

Last night the corrupt mayor of Honolulu attempted to explain his illegal and poorly thought out “Surge Testing” scheme. Clearly the Governor Ige, Lt. Gov Green and Caldwell are in trouble. The idea of closing down the H-3 is not going over well with the people on O’ahu.

AlohaGate apparently saw Caldwell’s tweet storm and quickly put together this video. I haven’t see this level of civil disobedience since the Tea Party demonstrated Obamacare.  Like the illegal lock-down’s, Obamacare was forced upon Americans. You had no choice. It was compulsory.

Caldwell has to back-peddle his testing surge in this clip I captured last night on twitter. If you have to explain the reasons why you’re going to shut down a major highway in Hawai’i for COVID19 testing and backtrack, then you’re caught in a lie.

There are testing sites all around the State and they’re free and available for all to use. By shutting down the highway and saying it isn’t a check-point is a flat out lie.

In the middle of the lock-downs a reporter asked Gov. Ige during a news conference if this continues to violate people’s rights does he fear an insurrection. Gov. Ige looked surprised by the question and brushed it off saying he didn’t believe it would ever come down that that. He’s wrong. People have had enough of this fascism.

Punishing healthy people by fining, arresting and jailing people for walking on the beach, hiking in the trails, crossing a park. That’s harassment. Businesses are failing. People’s investments and livelihoods are being destroyed so the State can inflate the COVID19 numbers for more Federal dollars and line their pockets.


Today’s weather started with few scattered clouds and of lots of sunshine. Tradewinds are breezy with gusts up to 10 mph. We got just a 1/8 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s with humidity dropping down to 70%.

Kēia Ka Lā ʻAukake ʻEiwa Iwakālua Kūmāiwa


The Principal Element

Was there ever a need for the worldwide lockdown? Was it a social experiment to see how government could instill fear and be used to control the population into trusting their government to protect them? Is the populus willing to give up some freedoms for security? Is the Constitution obsolete?

It seems the be the case in States with leftist liberal governors and mayors. Even in my State of Hawai’i, our wishy washy Governor Ige is moving the COVID19 goalpost once again. Now the 14 day quarantine for mainland travelers is extended to July 31st. It was suppose to be till June 30th. This will continue to cause hardships for the hospitality industry. The governor still gets his salary, meanwhile, people in the hotel and tourism industry will continue to get unemployment benefits. Providing they can get benefits.

It really ironic that people are told to stay at home under either a penalty of a fine or even jail for disobeying the illegal social distancing rules. But people were allowed to march in the streets and demonstrate for a dead criminal. No one said a thing about social distancing. People whose relatives died during the pandemic were forbidden to hold funerals, but a criminal gets a public funeral with hundreds all in close quarters. People that want to go to church are forbidden, but  the funeral for a dead criminal gets all the race rioters hooping and hollering about fake racial injustice. Social distancing need not apply in this social experiment exemption for a career criminal.

States governed by Republicans and didn’t lockdown their people had no deadly outbreaks. Not like that of the democrat run states. Why then all the panic for the Communist Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus? I wonder why? Could it be that the lockdown was never necessary?

Remember the jammed pack pool parties? Remember how the fake news media shunned and demonized those people for having fun in the sun. “How Dare They”, the fake news media cried, “They’re going to be responsible for millions of deaths” the fake news pointed accusingly.

Remember how Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was accused of putting a death sentence on Florida’s large elderly population for opening up the beaches? Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp was accused of putting his State in harms way by opening up too early. Nothing happened. No outbreaks, no mass deaths. Unlike New York and New Jersey, all run by democrats, which had the largest death rates mostly because of poor decision by their democrat governors. New York’s governor Cuomo ordered COVID19 infected patients in Elderly Nursing Homes. Andrew Cuomo is a MASS MURDERER, and the fake news media buried the story. Meanwhile, the families of those elderly people that died by Gov. Cuomo’s decision were denied seeing their relatives. Denied funerals and church services.

But A CRIMINAL gets a gold coffin and a cathedral packed to the rim with race baiting fake reverends like Al Sharption. You explain the reasoning behind this. I’d love to hear a reason.

Because now we’re being told by the radical left that we can no longer have flags, statues, movies and anything that makes up our shared culture. The media and the socialist left are rewriting our culture out of existence. It’s a culture war which conservatives are being silenced from speaking out. Communist China did that in their Cultural Revolution. It did end well for the Chinese people. If we don’t stop this madness we will lose our liberties and freedoms. It will be the Cultural New Normal. Does anyone want to live like this?

After the riots which destroyed large swaths of businesses and property in leftist liberal States and Cities, I have to ask: was the social distancing experiment worth the results? It doesn’t seem there’s going to be another pandemic wave as Fhony Fauci, The WHO, CDC, and other so called experts are predicting. Fhony Fauci and others have been consistency wrong throughout this whole pandemic ordeal.

What defines essential to our government misrepresentatives? Big box stores are allowed to open over local small businesses, because Big Box stores are considered essential. Can anyone explain the science behind that?  You can buy this, but you can’t buy that, again where’s the science behind this? These social distancing rules are arbitrary and capricious. We’ve been lied to by socialists narcissistic leaders that are using us as a power grab for their own enrichment.


Our weather today was mostly tradewind showers. The rain comes in waves on the hour. Temperatures in the low 70’s with humidity at 88%.

Kēia Ka Lā Iune ‘Umi