Sunday Sanity

Aloha Lāpule! It is day 26 of the Stay at Home directive. On today’s report of Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu, the total number of people who tested positive for Hawaii Island is 61.  From this, 31 have been cleared as recovered and the remaining 30 are quarantined at home and monitored by the Department of Health.  At this date, no one tested positive for Hawaii Island had to be hospitalized, and there are no reported deaths on Moku o Keawe.

The newer cases of COVID-19 took place at a McDonald’s in Kona-Kailua on west Hawai’i. The worker and their family members had contracted the virus, and some customers. The fact that the county health officials found and quarantined the cases is remarkable. This McDonald’s was serving takeout only. It is unknown at this time if the infected worker was sick and working, or was asymptomatic.

The Sunday Sanity news talk shows are featuring a blubbering Nazi Piglosi selling ice cream. After appearing on a television show displaying the contents of her refrigerator and expensive ice cream collections, Nazi Piglosi published a political advert begging people for $10.00 for her campaign of misinformation. I’m wondering if that’s her ice cream campaign fund. Piglosi then appears on Fox News Sunday, with fake news Chrissy Wallace, for some in-depth softball questions with some Trump bashing included. So much for fair and balanced Fox News.


The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll. Nazi Piglosi is refusing to continue funding this part of the CARES Act because she wants to add unrelated items to the bill. One of those items is amnesty for DACA illegal aliens, another is money for phony programs that benefit her wealthy friends and family. Just like when the first phase of the CARES Act was passed with funding for the Kennedy Center, the democrats want more funding for their pet projects. It’s to help their wealthy donators in exchange for campaign funds. It’s a slush fund of corruption the democrats want. Nazi Piglosi is willing to make small businesses employees and their families suffer for her selfishness.

At today’s Task Force News Conference, the President outlined the current status with distributing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and medical equipment. The numbers a looking better everyday. The President said the States need to step up their testing. In Hawai’i, this is being done. My county’s Mayor and Civil Defense are communicating effectively where testing stations are located and the time hours. People are concerned, even worried, but also calm. Although, there are incidents of cabin fever.

The fake news media continues to add to the misinformation and fear. The only reliable information is from the President’s Task Force Press Conferences. Plus the President and members of his cabinet tweets have been very valuable in providing accurate information. Very few media outlets are publishing information you can trust. The fake news media and the democrats are relying on people’s short memories to spread misinformation. The timeline shows that the President was on top of the Communist Chinese Wuhan virus from the beginning.

Using fear, uncertainty, and doubt is a common tool in the democrat arsenal to keep people corralled. Democrats use the propaganda methods used by Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Nazi Piglosi is the Joseph Goebbels of the socialist democrat party. What’s even more insane is how people blindly believe Nazi Piglosi’s and the socialist democrat’s lies. That’s mostly because the democrat’s allies are the Fake News Media. They want to see Americans live in fear.

A life lived in fear is a life half lived. Keeping a level of sanity is learning to shutout the fake news media and the socialist democrats message of fear and loathing.


The weather today is gorgeous! A return to the typical Hawaiian weather of sun and cool breezes. The radar shows a huge high pressure system passing over the islands. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s with humidity at 70%. It’s expected to be like this throughout the week.


Kēia Ka Lā ʻUmi kūmāiwa, ʻApelila