Tuesday’s Tickles


Aloha kākou! It is day 44 of the extended Stay at Home Lock-down here in the State of Aloha. After Governor Ige decided for no scientific reasons to extend the already burdensome lock-down, our County Mayor, Harry Kim, had to follow suit and continue the lock-down till the end of May. Again, where’s the science behind locking down the State when the science says quarantines are not working. Especially when our virus numbers are so low.

On today’s report of COVID-19, or the Communist Chinese Wuhan Virus. The total number of people who tested positive for Hawaii Island remains at 69.  From this, 49 have been cleared as recovered with the remaining 20 quarantined at home.  At this date, no one is hospitalized. There have been 607 cases of COVID-19 identified in the entire State of Hawaii. Only 68 requiring hospitalization and 16 deaths. Statewide, the majority of people requiring hospitalization are 60 years and older with underlining conditions.

This is why I say a lock-down is unnecessary because many of the confirmed cases are asymptomatic. Social distancing does seem to work along with good hygiene practice. Special care for our Kupuna (elderly) to prevent the spread of the virus is also a good practice. I don’t believe there is any scientific proof that locking down the entire state is going to accomplish a thing.

Interesting that Fhony Fauci keeps showing up in the company of people that don’t think highly of the United States

Fhony Fauci and the miscreants at the CDC, NIH and WHO, that continue to insist on population lock-downs. However, other Epidemiologists are seeing different results at the front line. Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, both doctors from California, recently did a virtual press conference about their take on the current coronavirus lockdown orders. Erickson criticized the lockdown orders, because “we’ve never seen the healthy, where you take those without disease and without symptoms and lock them in your home,” as the sick are usually the ones being quarantined. The press conference was posted on YouTube and was taken down shortly afterwards. However, the video is still available on Bitchute and Vimeo. YouTube, and parent company Google, are now in the publishing business and are censoring information.

So, the left is going to dictate what is and what is not science through censorship. Two emergency room Epidemiologists are being censored because they disagree with the establishment medical community’s narrative about the coronavirus. In science, we observe, we question, we hypothesize, we test predictions, we Iterate, but we never have a consensus in science because conclusions could either be in error or incomplete. There is known cure for the coronairus. There’s no vaccine and like the flu vaccine, it may or may not work. The yearly flu vaccine only has a 55% reliability rate. China has not shared information about the virus so the chances of a vaccine is a long way away.

The morbidity rate of the coronavirus when compared to other causes of death is low. Abortions kill millions. Cancer and other medical conditions kill at higher rates. Heart attacks, smoking, automobile accidents, poverty, and suicides out number coronavirus deaths.

YouTube removed the doctors video citing a violation of “violating community guidelines.” What community guidelines? Unsocial Media Has No Community For Guidelines. The removal of the video from YouTube follows a previous announcement that they would crack down on “misinformation” relating to the coronavirus, which, in my opinion, is simply a mask to take down videos like these that violate the established opinion on the coronavirus. The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) had previously issued a joint statement condemning the opinions of Erickson and Massihi. Where are these institute experts (ACEP & AAEM) get their information? From the WHO. Which has a huge credibility problem. Like the fake news media.


There was no task force press conference today. I suspect it’s because the fake news media continues to be more confrontational with the President, rather than reporting any useful news. In the latest example of journalism malpractice, Yahoo News reporter Hunter Walker, accused the administration of not testing enough.

“South Korea has done five times more tests than the U.S. per capita,” Walker asked Trump during an Oval Office meeting, “Why is that?”

President Trump responded, “I don’t think that’s true,” Trump replied. “That is true,” Walker insisted. Deborah Birx, a doctor who serves as the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, jumped in to share correct statistics.

Walker later took to Twitter to apologize to the president, saying he had misread a testing chart.
“In the Oval Office, I asked about test rates and infection rates compared to South Korea. President Trump and Dr. Birx said I was wrong that they’ve done more tests per capita. Trump said I should apologize. They did not address multiple questions about our higher infection rate,” said Walker in a tweet to his more than 43,000 followers.  A non-apology, apology. At least there was an effort made to apologize. I’ll give the reporter that much. However, these reporters are suppose to be professionals. They’re supposed to have done their homework.

Now for some comedy satire. Starting with the Babylon Bee’s “Fake News Media Headlines”.

Babylon Bee has some exceptionally funny posts. I thought this was very appropriate given the fake news media’s proclivity for irrelevancy.



Solmemes is undoubtedly one of the best Meme Masters out there. I love all these guys, they are the best in political comedy. The vignettes skills create entertaining and on target political satire. Their video manipulation skills are unmatched in any parody sites.


No Speak Joe


The Meme Warriors are Patriots in the truest sense. William of Ockham offers Birthday Greetings to First Lady, Melania Trump, in this clip of Kill Bill dance scene. Love the Ed Sullivan impersonator.


Melania’s Birthday



Our weather today was sunny and breezy. A beautiful day! Tradewinds kept everything cool and dry in the bright sunshine. Temperatures in the mid-70’s with humidity at 71%. The weather is expected to remain this way over the remaining week. There might be a passing shower since we are on the windward side of the island.


Kēia Ka Lā Iwakālua Kūmāwalu, ʻApelila