Welcome To Serfdom

NewRoadAloha kākou. Welcome to the Road to Serfdom. We are truly on the Road to Nowhere and there’s no ending in sight. The Senate passed the $1.2 trillion “Infrastructure” bill in the senate chamber in a 69-30 vote on today. Except the bill has very little in actual infrastructure funding. The majority of the bill pays for the New Green Deal fantasy. Hidden within the bill’s 2702 pages are plans to implement a pilot program to track and tax your vehicle miles for a new highway funds. The proposed plan will also enable the government to spy where you’ve been and track your favorite locations. Here’s a snippet of what’s in the infrastructure bill. I ask you, how is this infrastructure? 


In order to track your vehicle and count the miles you travel, you have to have a GPS device planted in your vehicle. This also means the government can measure yours speed. Then the government can send you a speeding violation ticket. We’re moving toward social credits. Where you will be punished for violating government rules. 19 Republicans decided to drive us down the Road to Serfdom. They voted to mortgage your children’s future and to put this country in jeopardy of defaulting on our debt. That will harm our economy permanently. It will allow the Communist Chinese to call in their loans to us. If that happens, the CCP will own us.


That is, if the Communist Chinese don’t already own us. It seems the CCP has something on Jim Crow Joe and, of course, his Son, Hunter. Not to mention Eric Fartswell and his Honeypot Fang Fang, and DiFi Feinstein with her Communist chauffeur spy. Who knows how many others in Congress are compromised by the Communist Chinese? There’s Cocaine Mitch McConnell wife’s family’s Communist Chinese shipping company which has made the McConnell’s very wealthy.

Still, the infrastructure bill contains $550 billion in entirely new investments, including money for electric car charging stations and zero-emission school buses. They say spending is mostly paid for without raising taxes. Does anyone believe there won’t be any tax increases? I don’t. At the same time, Marxist democrats are working on a larger $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” that includes things like universal pre-K education, Medicare improvements and two years free community college. The RINO’s are going to allow that monstrosity to pass under the “reconciliation” agreement that requires all 50 Democratic votes in the Senate, with Kackling Kamala breaking the tie vote. That’s money we don’t have. But what is “human infrastructure”?

If only $567 billion of the 1.2 trillion in new federal monies are going for roads, bridges, rail lines, transit projects, water systems and other physical infrastructure programs, then where the other $633 billion going? No one knows. It’s buried in the bill’s 2702 pages. Over the next few days and weeks, we’ll learn why Congress had to pass the bill so that  we can find out what is in the bill. No one has read the bill. Hawaii is expected to get at least $2.8 billion cut, but exactly where that money will be spent is unknown.

In an act of flagrant racism, Governor Kate Brown dropped the requirement that students demonstrate they have achieved those essential skills to graduate. By signing Oregon’s Senate Bill 744 into law she made it easier for kids to graduate high school without any math, reading, writing skills. She declined again Friday to comment on why she supported suspending the proficiency requirements, reported OregonLive.

If you’re a person of color (I really hate that term POC), Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color, then you’ll be allowed to graduate without the skills needed to be successful in society. Isn’t that blatantly racist? The governor of Oregon has given up on minority students and written them off as noneducational. Notice that list of people did not include Whites? Is this implying that only Whites are capable of being educated? It seems to imply that only White kids are capable of learning the basic skills necessary to graduate. Of course this is openly racist and wrong, but the Oregon schools will continue to teach Critical Race Theory.


In Hawai’i, the State is still counting Covid cases, but not deaths. The State is leaning towards another lockdown. First comes the unsocial distancing and mask orders. It won’t matter if you’ve been vaccinated or not. Ige said there is currently no definite end date for the new restrictions, but added that it will likely take at least 4 to 6 weeks before the restrictions cause a decrease in Covid cases. We’re told that statewide 219 people are currently hospitalized with COVID. We don’t know what these people’s ages are, what comorbidities, vaxxed or unvaxxed. But counting cases does not mean certain death. To date the total number of cases since the pandemic is 45,600, but only 540 deaths. The majority of those deaths were nursing home patients.

Ige has mandated that all State and County workers get vaccinated, or be tested weekly. As I see it will soon be a requirement for employment. No choice. Schools will require children to wear masks and be unsocially distanced from each other. I predict a return to zoom classes, at least for those that have access to broadband and can afford internet access. Instead of opening the State like Texas and Florida and protecting the vulnerable, allowing the young to achieve natural immunity, and allowing life to return to normal. I know the Fake News Media has been claiming that the cases in Florida are increasing and hospitals are overwhelmed, but that’s not true. I see the numbers out of Florida from Governor DeSantis himself. The Centers for Destruction and Confusion miscounted the Florida cases and had to retract their statement. What is true is cases are up and so are hospitalizations, but deaths are not going up. Many of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated, but the recovery rate is much quicker from better treatment. Don’t trust the Covid Panic Porn.


Today started with increasing cloudy skies. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 6mph with gusts at 15mph. Cloud cover is 75%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 7/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70’s. Humidity is at 86%. Barometric pressure is 29.94 inch and dewpoint is 73 degrees. UV index is 4. Evening clouds are building up, possible precipitation by late this evening.

ʻAukake ‘Umi, 2021


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