
Aloha kākou. The DNC’s KGB, aka the lying FBI, quietly released a news briefing on Friday hoping that no one would notice. After almost 8 months of persecuting, harassing, and detaining Americans for minor crimes the DNC KGB could find no coordinated effort to accomplish an insurrection on January 6th, 2021. They lied and made all it up.


WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants (political prisoners), the DNC KGB at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.

With the help of Nazi Piglosi, the Marxist democrats and cowardly RINO republicans, they pushed a false narrative that President Trump coordinated an armed insurrection. Except no one was armed. The DNC KGB coordinated with BLM and Antifa to infiltrate into President Trump’s “Save America” rally and then attack the Capitol Building. Nazi Piglosi, the Marxist democrats and RINO republicans knew what was coming. They planned and approved for the FBI with BLM-Antifa to smash windows, break doors, and damage the interior of the Capitol building. The FBI coordinated the Riot.

Listen to how frantic the far left Fake News MSDNC idiots are breathlessly observing the protestors. Protestors with their cellphone out taking pictures and selfies. The protestors are staying within the roped walkway. The protestors are not pulling down statues, like BLM-Antifa did in around the county. The protestors did start fires, like BLM-Antifa did in major cities. Protestors are not damaging anything in the Capitol building. However, listening to the Fake News MSDNC idiots, you’d think the end of the Republic was at hand. All those Mee-Maws wandering around with cellphones. Oh the Horror. The Horror.


Public Enemy Number One: Mee Maw has a cellphone and a American Flag. Should be considered armed and dangerous. Do Not Approach. Contact the DNC KGB. The FBI will storm her house in the early hours of the morning, bust everything up, push a dozen guns in her face, chain her hands and ankles, throw her in the back of a paddy wagon and hold her in solidary confinement for months without any charges. That’s our Injustice Department.

Contact the DNC KGB and they will falsely charge you with a crime. They Hate Americans. They Love BLM-Antifa. They are controlled by the Marxist democrats. They pledge their allegiance to Communist China. The FBI is a Criminal Mob of Fascists.

This is why the FBI dropped this news on a Friday when the senile Jim Crow Joe was attempting to blame President Trump for his blunder in Afghanistan. The DNC KGB was hoping you wouldn’t notice that they have no evidence that the political prisoners they’re holding are innocent of all charges. There Was No Insurrection.

Remember how these unelected assholes claimed this was the greatest attack on the Capitol since the Civil War. They Lied. Remember how AOC and other Marxists claimed their lives were in danger, but AOC and others were not in the Capitol building that day. They Lied. Remember how the Fake News Media for weeks tried to claim that more attacks were being coordinated by President Trump and others. THEY LIED.


On the evening of June 1, 2020, BLM and Antifa has been rioting for days over the criminal drug addict that killed himself in a drug overdose. That dirty smelling scumbag George “Kirby” Floyd. This animal should have been put down long ago. But Nazi Piglosi deified this toilet trout POS as some kind of God. This is when all the Marxist democrats were defunding the police.

St. John’s Episcopal Church on H Street, which has stood in D.C. since 1816, was set ablaze by BLM-Antifa. Every President has attended this church since the founding of the nation. The church is within walking distance of the White House. The church has been a National Historic Landmark since 1960.

Were any of these BLM-Antifa rioters charged with any crime? NOPE. Were they hunted down by the DNC’s KGB like the J6 protestors. NOPE. Are any of the BLM-Antifa scumbags rotting in prison? NOPE. Instead, when BLM-Antifa get arrested, they are released immediately. No Bail, No Fines, No Court Dates, No Nothing. That’s how our legal system has been corrupted by the Marxist democrats.

President Trump walks from the White House to St. John’s Parish after it was burned the night before. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti narrates Trump’s fearless walk on the open streets where rioters had just demonstrated to make a symbolic gesture at St John’s Church (which had been burned) to hold up the Bible. On this Book we stand and will succeed against all enemies foreign & domestic!

General Milley Vanillie has said it was a mistake to have been present with President Donald Trump in front of St. John’s church in Washington D.C. “I should not have been there,” the cowardly General said in a pre-recorded video. Milley Vanillie and the defense secretary, Mark Esper, were widely criticized for participating during George “Kirby” Floyd protests in Washington D.C., with many former defense officials saying the two were helping Trump’s efforts to politicize the military. This Is How Cowards Like Milley Vanillie Lose Wars.

President Trump was right about Milley Vanillie, he’s a LOSER. “President Donald Trump said Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “Greg Kelly Reports” that he knew he had hired a “loser” in General Mark Milley, who served as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

Now that the DNC KGB has admitted there’s no evidence against the J6 political prisoners, they should be released and compensated for false arrest. Chrissy Wray, the inept FBI director should be fired and imprisoned. Others in the FBI should be investigated and fired if they helped to manufactured evidence and failed to release exculpatory evidence. Why else do you think Nazi Piglosi will not release the Capitol surveillance video. It shows just how corrupt this government is and how evil these people in congress are.




Today started with clear skies and few clouds and very blustery. Tradewinds are from the north at 10mph with gusts at 27mph. Cloud cover is 30%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/16 inch  precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 78’s. Humidity is at 77%. Barometric pressure is 29.89 inches and dewpoint is 71 degrees. UV index is 13.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmākahi, 2021


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