

Aloha kākou. Call it either intuition, clairvoyance, or just blind chance. I wrote in my previous blog post about a businesses trip to Honolulu on O’ahu and my apprehension to travel interisland. You just never know when the State was going to implement a mandatory lockdown to prevent travel. Well, it’s coming. The first steps are being put in place to lockdown the State once again.

Large gatherings on Oahu will be suspended for four weeks beginning this Wednesday, Mayor Rick Blangiardi said today. Events that will be prohibited include weddings, funerals, sporting events and other attractions. People will still be able to gather in groups of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors. Apparently, Covid has a limitation to the number of people present at any given event. What if there’s 11 people inside and 26 people outside? The Covid can infect these people. The reason for this order is because of the increasing number of Covid cases.

Gov. David Ige today asked visitors and residents alike to avoid travel to the Aloha State. “I think it’s important. I’ve stressed with the airlines and the visitor industry that now is not a good time to visit Hawaii,” Ige said during a livestream. “We have limited capacity in the restaurants. We see continuing case counts here. … I’m asking even residents to restrict travel to essential business purposes only.” And there it begins. Soon, all travel will be prohibited and people will be told to shelter in place till the cases counts start to fall. Ige is now considering health passes, or Covid Passports, before anyone can enter public places.

It should be stressed that they are ‘counting’ cases. While hospitalizations are up, there’s no increases in deaths due to Covid. However, we still don’t know the percentage of Covid related hospitalizations and other factors such as cancer, heart attacks, and any other non-covid related illnesses. Plus the news media pushing Covid Panic Porn hard to frighten people into getting vaccines.

Here’s the kicker: The U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, on Sunday told Americans to expect more private businesses to implement vaccine mandates following the FDA’s full approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Approvals or not, it’s talk like this that will drive people away from getting any covid vaccine.

Around the country, in Houston, Texas, the Methodist Hospital said, “We have beds for this huge influx of COVID patients, but we’re desperately short of nurses!” After the hospital fired hundreds of nurses last month for refusing the vaccine! That’s some insight into the future. Poor planning for the future hospital needs by an incompetent bureaucracy firing their nurses over their refusal to get the Fauci Ouchy Jab. After all, it’s the nurses are most exposed to Covid patients, not the bureaucrats. That little detail didn’t make the Fake News Media headlines.

Meanwhile, in Florida, the Associated Press (AP) published a false clickbait story. The AP reporter Brendan Farrington, who published a story claiming the Republican Governor, Ron DeSantis, was pushing a Covid antibody treatment that a top donor had investments in. A Quid Pro Quo. The AP Headline was to frame the story as a smear against Governor DeSantis by insinuating that Florida’s push to expand awareness of and access to monoclonal antibody treatments was done to boost Regeneron’s profit, rather than to simply help Floridians in need. The AP couldn’t produce any evidence that Florida’s efforts are being undertaken for any reason other than to help Floridians recover from Covid. This will have real consequences for people’s health, especially given that the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment has a proven track record. Alternative treatments to Covid are keeping deaths down, but these therapudicts are not available here in Hawai’i. Why is that  Lt. Gov Josh Green?

Another story out of Florida was about 75 doctors that supposedly walked out of a south Florida hospital rather than treat the unvaccinated. Why only this hospital and not other hospitals? Just think about the logic behind this violation of the Hippocratic Oath. What if doctors refused to treat “sex workers” with STDs? Is that totally fine in these healthcare workers book? Remember how AIDS patients were treated? They had a contagious illnesses brought on by their lifestyle choices. Guess who was the lead infectious disease researcher at the NIH back then? That’s right, Fhony Fauci and even back then the pint size mad scientist botched that effort.

The circular argument on vaccines provides neither any rational prevention from getting Covd, not does it prevent the spread of Covid. It’s going to happen and no amount of lockdowns will prevent that. Just like the yearly flu, Covid will mutate and appear year after year.

Example of two people having an argument about Covid vaccinations: Person1 – I choose not the get the vaccine. Person2 – But I got the vaccine and you might give me Covid. Person1 – But you got the vaccine, doesn’t the vaccine protect you? Person2 – Yes, but you might spread the virus to me. Person1 – But if you get the virus you could spread it to me. Person2 – But I’m vaccinated against Covid. Person1 – Then how can I spread the virus to you if you’re vaccinated? Person2 – Because I’m vaccinated and you’re not. — and on and on it goes.

See how this argument spins round and round? If you can still get the virus after two shots and even after a third booster, then what’s the difference if the vaccine helps prevent you from get really ill? That’s what the vaccine was design to do. It’s painfully obvious that the vaccines do not prevent you from getting the virus. Sadly, this where the public is woefully misinformed about the Covid vaccine. As people learn that you can still get the virus after being totally vaccinated, then that puts doubts in people’s minds that the vaccine doesn’t work. Then by mandating the vaccine for everyone it just puts more doubt in people’s minds.

But the focus is off of Communist China’s development and release of a biowarfare pathogen. No one in the Fake News Media is talking about that. No one in government is talking about that. They’re so consumed by getting everyone a double-shot of an immunosuppressive vaccination that doesn’t prevent contracting Covid. Getting the vaccine is a personal choice, and neither the government, nor any business has the authority to restrict people’s freedoms for choosing not the get the vaccine. The only true preventative is herd immunity because the vaccine doesn’t like a dead host.

Just because the FDA officially approved the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t mean we know what the long term effects will be over a 5-10 year period. The crazed rush to get children vaccinated is dangerous in my opinion because children are the least vulnerable. We have no idea what effects the vaccine will cause as they grow into adults. Do we really want to risk our children’s health before we know the long term effects? The vaccine development was to protect the most vulnerable, not the least vulnerable. That’s when you allow natural immunity to protect the body.

Let’s not forget that America has opened it’s doors to illegal alien immigrants that are unvaccinated, untested, and who knows what viruses they’re carrying. Plus, Jim Crow Joe’s debacle in Afghanistan is opening the door to more 7th century filth into the country. You cannot rip people from their homeland and transplant them into a country that never shared their culture. The cure will be worse than the virus.



Today started with clear sunny skies with few clouds. By mid morning steady rain moved and by afternoon the rain shifted to the southwest part of the island. Tradewinds are from the southeast at 8mph with gusts at 20mph. Cloud cover is 82%. Visibility is 9 miles. We got just over 1/16th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the low 80’s. Humidity is at 81%. Barometric pressure is 29.92 inches and dewpoint is 73 degrees. UV index is 10.

ʻAukake Iwakālua Kūmākolu, 2021


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