Covid Bait


Happy Aloha Friday, and Welcome July. Nice to get rid of that ridiculous liberal Pride Crap and Juneteenth rubbish. Now we’re into Patriotism and Barbeques, all American Values. OK, now, have you ever wondered why people that have taken the Fauci Ouchy, the Coof Juice, the fake Covid vaccine, and still get the virus, repetitively? Three and four shots and boosters and people still get the Communist Chinese Wuhan Kung Fu Flu Coronavirus. Why is that?

It turns out that the Pfizer’s VP Kena Swanson admits their vaccines have “no established correlate of protection” against Covid. They’re only measuring antibody response. Which translate into increased rates of Covid reinfections. The vaccine doesn’t prevent infections, but it does turns people into Covid incubators. A never ending cycle of Covid variants and dependence on vaccines to prevent the body from producing natural immunities. The Covid vaccines actually turn antibodies into virus bait. Like a magnet that attracts iron filings, the Covid vaccines attracts the virus where it mutates in the body and spreads to others.

LEVY: “I mean, obviously you have a lot of data now. What is your [established correlate of] protection is? Everybody’s measuring antibodies, they’re probably irrelevant, but as we know –”
MOS: “That’s a long question, we need a quick answer.”
LEVY: “Yeah.”
SWANSON: “I would say there is no established correlate of protection.”

Watch Video HERE.



This tweet by the Hawai’i State Department of Health seems to contradict the what the local newspapers are reporting. It’s a disservice to the people of Hawai’i by spreading misinformation. According to the Hawai’i Tribune-Herald Covid cases are down. Covid cases incrementally declined for the fourth consecutive week throughout both the state and Hawaii County. So why is the Hawai’i Health department posting disinformation from the CDC? It’s to keep the fear mongering going.

According to Hawai’i Department of Health, data released today shows there were 5,362 new Covid cases reported statewide over the past seven days, 120 less than the week prior. This is a much smaller decline than the drop of more than 1,000 cases from the week before. But how much are fatal cases?

New deaths declined by just one person as well, from 16 over the last seven-day period down to 15 this week. No new deaths were reported for Hawaii County this week. The new statewide active case count for the past 14-day period also dropped again, from 11,536 down to 10,021. The death toll for the state is now listed at 1,465 individuals. Hawaii County’s death toll remains 194. There are currently 34 COVID hospitalizations throughout Hawaii County, down 11 from the week before, and two individuals remain in the ICU.

Let’s focus on where the majority of Covid related deaths have occurred in Hawai’i. Sadly, most deaths have been in elderly care centers and people with severe medical problems. Elderly people with four or more comorbidities were victims of the Covid virus. Not the healthy and the young, unless they also had comorbidities. People with congestive lung and heart disease. Diabetes and cancers were also at fatally affected. But look at the ratio of infections verses deaths. There’s no correlation. Plus they’re still labeling people with existing terminal illnesses as Covid related deaths. That Is False. Old age is now considered Covid related. That’s how ridiculous this has gotten.

Now let’s examine the mixed messages from the Centers for Disinformation and the Hawai’i Department of Health. PRESS THE PANIC BUTTON!!!!


The campaign by the so-called experts are all recommending the three round clot shots and a fourth booster to boot. Yet, Pfizer has said that the shots prevent nothing but more profit for them. Actual therapies that are working like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc in combination with vitamin D, and other off patent medications have proven to work more effectively and cheaply. Why then is the government spending billions of dollars on a vaccine that replicates more Covid cases than preventing them? I’m not a doctor, but I do know when shit is not working.

Now they, the CDC and HIDOH, are committed to injecting children as young a 18 months with Fauci’s Coof Juice. Oh wait, didn’t Fhony Fauci get infected with Covid for the second time after getting four clot shots? Yet, the diminutive garden gnome still promotes getting the Coof Juice for your child. Why then are healthy you people dropping dead after getting Fauci’s wonder elixir? The snake oil salesman still promises the clot shot is safe and effective. Pfizer still advises the CDC to push the vaccines. The CDC wages a commercial campaign for people the vaccinate their children with an experimental drug that hasn’t been fully tested. Plus the side-effects are growing with frightening consequences.

Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President and General Counsel, called additional EUAs “quite possibly the worst idea in the history of public health.” In this video, Holland asks viewers to send a message to FDA and CDC officials, VRBPAC members and elected representatives demanding they reject the EUAs for children and ensure government agencies follow the science.

But to reiterate, the very young and healthily that get the Covid virus have a higher survival rate is astonishingly better than getting the vaccine. But the Marxist democrats and the corrupt CDC, FDA, and Big Pharma are making billions of dollars at the expense of people’s lives.

Meanwhile, video evidence proves that President Trump commandeered the Beast and headed to the Capital building on January 6th, 2020. Trump Is The Beast.



Mostly cloudy with scattered showers. 37% chance of rain. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 8 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 68%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 1/8th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 20. Readings taken at 12:10PM HST.

Iulai ‘Ekahi, 2022
