Blame Game


Aloha kākou. Always remember that Marxist democrats will always accuse others of what they are already doing themselves. Marxist democrats have no moral ground. They hate the Constitution. They hate America and they hate the people. Their sacrament is abortion. Their industry is crime. They’re born liars and grifters. Mob violence is how they settle disputes. They own the fake news media which repeats their propaganda and attacks their political enemies.

Nowhere is this more evident than the January 6th unselect committee that is waging a prosecution against innocent people and President Trump. This kind of behavior is only found in banana republics and communist countries. If they can do this to innocent people in the opposition party, they can do this to you.

Tucker Carlson lists some of the political dissidents who the Branden regime has gone after. Marxists democrats are now conducting themselves like dictators by rounding up their political enemies. Arresting them and destroying their property and lives. Forcing them to spend millions of dollars to defend themselves legally. They have weaponized government agencies that act as shock troops, Stasi-like secret police, that show up at the homes of innocent people to harass them into bending knee and bowing before them. They employ Secret Star Chamber courts that will not allow anyone any self-defense. You are guilty before entering the court. There is no due process.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: “I think you should be asking Democrats, are they going to call for peace here in our city, or are they calling for violence?” Notice how the Fake News Media wants to ask gotcha questions and change the subject. They’re protecting the Marxist democrats by not reporting news that the public can use to decide for ourselves. They want to control narrative with disinformation. They are more than willing to spread a smear campaign at the behest of the Marxist democrats. If they can do this to elected officials they don’t like, then they can do this to you. Destroy your career, your future, your family, drain your finances, and ostracize you from your family and neighbors.

As Branden continues his terrible slide in the polls, Marxist democrats are pulling out all their dirty party tricks to try and steal elections. Mark Levin unearths the Marxist democrats’ latest lie-filled, libelous attempt to eliminate Colorado’s Rep. Lauren Boebert as she runs for reelection. And their accusations are so grotesque, even Fake News CNN is calling them out. This is standard operating procedure for Marxist democrats. Accuse others of being racist and immoral. Everyone is a target by these criminals.


The Supreme Court’s correct decision to send the abortion decision back to the States, applying the 10th amendment, has sent the Fake News Media into a lying frenzy. The left’s thirst for abortion is insanely dangerous. Not only to the justices, but to churches and pregnancy centers.

An MSLSD legal analyst, Glenn Kirschner, a known left-wing lunatic to commented on Jonathan Capehart’s Sunday Show, with New York Times columnist Charles Blow (a nipple high racist) serving as substitute host. If you watch the video, the camera has Charles Blowhard towering over the guest speakers.

You can tell that none of them actually ever read the Supreme Court ruling. So they resort to false accusations and threats of violence. Abortion is the hill they will die upon. You see this on just about every Fake News show where the media deliberately distorting the ruling. They repeat the same lie over and over.

Unfortunately, abortion has not been over turned. But now the abortion ghouls are making this connection that Roe v. Wade was a privacy issue, but it never was about privacy. They’re saying that the Supreme Court will over-turn other civil rights. No civil rights will be reversed, but there’s no cases before the Supreme Court to erase anyone’s rights. This is all propaganda hype by the Fake News to foment emotional reactions and violence. Again, the Marxist democrats call for violence.

Nazi Piglosi (D-Calif.) and Schumck E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) clashed with President Trump over border security, during a meeting in the Oval Office. These two Marxist democrats were all in favor of letting in illegal aliens back then. The reason was clear, they were counting on changing the voting laws to allow illegals to vote in the next local and national elections. To change and gerrymander State districts to get more democrat representation in Congress.


This is what’s happening with Jim Crow Joe Branden. They’re not hiding this fact anymore. They are purposely destroying this country to keep themselves in power. They are deliberating eroding American sovereignty to create a socialist oligarchy.

Remember what they did to us when the locked-down the country in the name of Covid. President Trump was against closing down the country. Because, as we have all painfully found out, when you give the Marxist democrat this power over our lives, they will keep it going as long as they can. It makes them drunk with power. But now, we’re in an election year and suddenly, the Marxist democrats are changing their tune. Here in Hawai’i the mandates the Marxist democrats imposed on us are circling back on them.

Hawai’i Free Speech News produced this video that explains the sudden change of the illegal mandates:

“The fact that none of these candidates have used their platform to denounce HIDOE’s exclusive mask mandate stranglehold over Hawaii’s public school children shows how they must really feel about it. Now that they are in a safe space democrat debate all unanimously not for the HIDOE mask mandate, they can finally make it known to everyone that the mask mandate is no longer necessary despite the fact that HIDOE is being encouraged to keep it going from summer and into the new school year as well. Well I wonder what HIDOE, HSTA, and the BOE think about what these “democrat hopefuls” for the next governor have to say about the Keiki mask mandate which is becoming more and more unpopular even among democrat circles.”

Remember what the Marxist democrats did to us during the lock-downs. Businesses closed for good. Jobs lost forever. People’s lives and savings destroyed. How they continue to forcibly masked children in schools. The illegal mandates. With an election coming up, they’re suddenly singing a different tune. Do we want to vote these people back into office after they destroyed their public trust?

The Marxist democrats now have a campaign to inject children as young as 6 months with an experiential Covid vaccine that could potentially be harmful to children. There are many reports of young people getting deadly heart problems and other neurological problems after receiving the Covid vaccines. People need to do their own research before believing what the CDC and HIDOH are telling us. They’ve been either been wrong or have lied to the public. Don’t be conditioned to believe what we’re being told. Don’t let them get away with blaming others for what they did to us.



Partly cloudy and breezy. 6% chance of rain. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 13 mph, gusts 26 mph. Cloud cover is 53%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/32th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 74%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 8. Air quality Index is at 29. Readings taken at 2:25PM HST.

Iulai ‘Elima, 2022
