No Trial Like A Show Trial


Aloha Lāpule. Welcome back, my friends to the show trial that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside. There behind the glass the show trial is all aghast. It lasts before our eyes. Continues on! Continues on. Be careful what you see, and be careful what you say. The FBI could listen in. Be careful what you say. Come and see the show. You gatta see the show. (My parody on ELP Karn Evil 9 lyrics)

Come inside the January 6th Unselect Committee show. The show trial is about to start. Guaranteed to blow your mind apart. Rest assured you’ll get your taxpayer’s money’s worth. It’s the greatest show on Capitol Hill. The Fake News Media salivates like Pavlov’s dog over hearsay evidence presented by witnesses that heard it from other witnesses, who heard it from other witnesses.

Let’s meet the carnival barker and the star of the show of the century. Mark Levin’s video isn’t letting Shifty Schiff’s get away with his deceitfulness, and the January 6th’s one-sided Star Chamber show trial. Adam “Shifty” Schiff has earned his nickname, amongst other names (keeping it clean). “When it comes to a corrupt congressman with an illegitimate agenda, Schiff is the King of Chicanery.” Now, after four years of fake “Russia Collusion”, Schiff is elevating his deception and lies to new levels on the J6 committee.

The Peroxide Princess, Liz Cheney, debased herself at the Reagan Library saying, “it is impossible to be loyal to both Trump and the American constitution.” Who died and made this bitch the arbiter of truth? Cheney’s legacy rose from the Bush dynasty. They were squashed when Jeb (please clap) Bush was humiliated by then candidate Donald Trump. Low energy Jeb, as Trump called him. If the 2016 election were between Bush and the Hildabeast, then Clinton would have won and this country would be in worse shape than it is today. Princess Peroxide is part of the cabal to seize control of the government.

Sources say there are more J6 Show Trial broadcasts planned in the coming days and weeks. Apparently, the J6 Show Trial has failed to interest the eyeballs and ears of the public. Despite the Fake News frenzy of repeating false and perjurious testimony by witnesses that never witness anything but hearsay. As the J6 Unselect Committee unsuccessfully tries to convince the public that President Trump called for an insurrection. Or as Chucky Schmucky Schumer calls the “erection” against the United States.

The Marxist democrats and RINO repubics have a real hard-on for President Trump. It’s really more of a deflection from the coup d’état that’s going on behind the scenes. Shakespeare called it “Bread and Circuses.” It’s to keep the people distracted while the Republic is being dismantled. But I believe the majority of Americans have rejected this nonsense. We seen the truth.

President Trump held a rally in Alaska for Sarah Palin and Kelly Tshibaka. Where a standing room only crowd filled an stadium that included over thousands of people standing outside the stadium to hear President Trump. As usual, Donald Trump did not disappoint. A fiery and often salty speech. If the American people really believed the J6 garbage Show Trial, then nobody would attend a Trump Rally. But these people think the American people are stupid.

“There’s just no trial like a show trial.” What greatly offends me is how the Republicans, except for a few, have not spoken up about the J6 political prisoners still being held in jails. Even Jim Jorden, who is on the Judiciary committee, has waffled about this whole trial. Jorden will not commit to prosecuting Meritless Garland, the Capital Hill police, the FBI director, and others that were clearly involved in the planned setup of the J6 melee.

The two dunces that call themselves leaders in the RINO party, Senate leader Mitch “cocaine” McConnell and House leader Kevin McCarthy, have said little in anyone’s defense. McCarthy has to run all decisions by his boyfriend, Frank Luntz, before making a decision. They may claim that they can’t do anything because they’re not in power, but they could say something. Anything. But they won’t because they lack the testicular fortitude to lead.

Lt’s just be honest. President Trump brought us government that kept its promise to make America Great. Government that served the people and not the politicians futures. That pissed off the establishment elites. They got their asses handed to them. President Trump set a new bar for political excellence. By that I mean, government that works for the people. Government that doesn’t restrict liberties by over-regulations and higher taxes. These Misrepresentatives and Senators can’t have a reduction in their retirement pensions. Given that they leave government richer than when they were when first voted into government. How does that happen if not for rampant corruption?

Only a handful of real Republican patriots have been actively trying to free these people from illegal confinement. There’s a reason why the GOP leadership won’t say anything. It’s because they are part of the Deep State. They know these political prisoners are innocent. But their hatred for President and the American people blinds them from challenging this show trial. It is pathetic and cowardly. These morons need to be voted out. They’re useless.

It’s not just about President Trump, exclusively. The Marxists are going after Supreme Court justices. Have you heard the GOP leadership condemn the acts of violence against members of the court? Very little and always lukewarm and weak. This is State Sponsored Terrorism and the GOP knows it. People need to remember how these people failed us in office. They are a strong reason for term limits.

Anyway, I’m off to enjoy my Sunday, despite the rain. Meanwhile, Kalifornia’s greaseball Gruesome Newsom tried to shame Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis as a tyrannical monster in a failed presidential campaign video. So the Meme Warriors made some corrections to set the record straight. Enjoy.



Mostly cloudy, breezy with passing showers. 50% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 12 mph, gusts 25 mph. Cloud cover is 70%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 19/32th inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 89%. Barometric pressure is 30.12 inches and dewpoint is 69°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 23. Readings taken at 12:05AM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi, 2022
