Hello Hooray


Aloha kākou. In the Leftist World Order, the Marxist democrats say: Oppose Us and You’re Committing Violence. Do Violence In Our Name, and You’re With Us. It’s OKAY when WE do it.

In this presentation. I want to quickly emphasize fundamentals of American sovereignty and how it applies to cultures around the world. It’s a fundamental principal of America First. It’s a rejection of Globalism. I define Globalism as progressive leftism, in short, communism. Centralized government of any kind is communism, socialism, whatever you want to call it, it is antithetical to freedom and liberty. I compare globalism to a mob of criminals that operate as protection racket. You have to pay your share of mob protection or the socialist oligarchy will try and hurt you.

Alex Stein, is a comedian and someone who might identify with some people as the offensive “New Right.” I find him hilarious and on target trolling the left. Stein was giving America’s favorite commie bitch a taste of her own medicine. Remember, this is the same Congresswoman person who is constantly touting the New Green Deal. The communist revolution and validating violence against the Supreme Court Justices. Annoying Sandy Cortez is learning, what goes around comes around. Act like a bully and expect to be bullied back. What’s good for the goose.

What’s interesting is her pasty white supremacist boyfriend was walking her dog and said nothing. The emasculated boyfriend doesn’t even defend Annoying Sandy Cortez. Then Annoying Sandy Cortez immediately jumps onto unsocial media to complain about Alex Stein. As Annoying Sandy Cortez exaggerates the mocking her got from Alex Stein, he waves at Sandy while laughing at the demented Congresswoman person. Can’t use the term woman anymore in the Liberal World Order. It’s too descripted and gender specific.

Now lets talk about the occupier in chief. The basement campaigner that the Fake News Media says won the 2020 election by 81 Million votes. More votes than even Barry the Bullshitter Obummer ever received. If you believe that, then I have oceanfront property for sale in Arizona.

This leaves us with the disturbing question of who is really running the White House. It’s neither Jim Crow Joe Branden nor is it Kamal breath Harris. Speculation is that the country is being run by either Susan Rice, Ron Klain, Jill Biden, or Barry the Bullshitter Obummer.  It could be all four for all we know. But what we do know is that they were not elected. This has all been part of the coup d’état against America by the Marxist democrats and RINO repubics. They knew that Branden could never win the 2020 election. They had to rig the election using Covid as the smoke screen for thousands of fake ballots.

The current occupier in the White House. Went to Saudia Arabia with a tin cup in hand hoping that the Saudis would produce a little more oil. Branden was greeted by the Saudis with a fist bump. And left the Saudi Kingdom with nothing. The Saudis know that America is sitting on the largest oil fields in the world. The Saudis also know that Branden’s regime is working with Iran to help them build a nuclear weapon. A weapon that the Iranians have said they will use against Saudia Arabia and Israel. Why would the Saudis want to do business with the Jim Crow Joe Branden and his Marxist democrats?

Compare that to when President Trump, accompanied by Melania, were greeted at the Saudi Royal Palace. Respect is given when earned. King Salman even met President Trump as he arrived at the airport. The King would never do this for any other head of state. But for President Trump, this was an exception. This Saudi greeting was amazing and had to be a first for any American President.

President Donald Trump received a lavish welcome joined Saudi King Salman in a traditional male-only sword dance before a state dinner at Saudi Arabia’s Murabba Palace. When has any American President been received by an Arab State in this fashion before? Let alone the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia. Accompanied by Melania, and other members of the Trump family, including Jews, they were all welcomed into a country with dubious human rights issues.


President Trump’s strategy to win over the Islamic nations was a simple straight forward approach. Don’t center American Middle Eastern foreign policy around the Palestinians. The Palestinians are neither interested in peace with Israel nor with anyone else. The Palestinians are nothing more than criminal thugs. Bedouin’s in bedsheets that torture their own people. A corrupt government of terrorist thugs that keep their people in poverty and heavy handed control. Even the other Arab nations don’t want anything to do with the Palestinians. They are an unstable group in the Middle East.

This is how the Abraham’s Accord came to be. Work with the other Arab nations that wanted to work, trade, and have peace with Israel and the United States. The stakes are high because of Iran that is racing to build a nuclear weapon to use against Israel and the other Arab nations. Economically the plan was a success for lasting peace between Israel and the Arab nations. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Watch how President Trump delivers his proposal to the Arab Nations.

The America First came across clear to the Arab nations. You take care of your own people and your own country, and we’ll take care of ours. Together we can do business and keep the peace. I know that the Fake News Media and Marxist democrats wanted to focus around some dissident Saudi reporter that was alleged been killed at the hands of Saudi secret police. As far as the larger goals of Middle East peace is concerned, what happened to Jamal Khashoggi should never be a gating factor. It’s their people, their culture, we’re not going change that. Be concerned with our own human rights issues first.

The America First strategy is appealing to nations around the world. Nobody wants another country mutting around in their business. The world has larger concerns with communist influence around the world. Marxist goals is global world domination. Nations that value their independence and freedoms will never accept communism. People value their cultural differences. I’m a big believer in keeping cultures, within cultures. It’s not that I don’t believe in intercultural relationships and marriages. Sharing in the other people’s cultures is good. I just believe in keeping cultures within their own preserves a culture. Free from the influences and adulterations of other cultures. Family, Religion, and Culture is always first.

When Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe invited President Trump to a traditional Sumo tournament. The Japanese people poured their hearts out for President Trump. That’s unheard of in the Japanese culture to honor an outsider. This is what made America First so special around the world. Japan First is appealing to the Japanese people. Their pride, language, ceremonies, religion, and dress expresses the uniqueness of the Japanese culture. Other countries took notice and said, YES, our country, our culture, FIRST.

This praise went around the world. In Europe and other countries. Although, the corrupt leftists leaders were in fear of President Trump. We were bringing peace and prosperity. Keeping the forces of communism from spreading into the world. Why wasn’t this given to previous Presidents: Obummer, Bushy, Clinton? Because the world saw bullshit from the American political establishment. The Globalist Agenda that is a threat to individual country’s sovereignty. People are not stupid as the Marxists believe. We’re not peasants to be toyed with.

When America First idealism is applied to every other country. It brings pride to the people of that nation. The Liberal World Order calls America First the enemy. Marxists reject the idea of individualism. They embrace the idea of Globalism. There is no room for individuality in the communist state. You’re just cogs in the wheel of Marxism. You’re no different than the gear that keeps totalitarianism moving.

So raise your voice and shout, “Hello Hooray.” Make your country first and unique in the world. God Will Make You Strong.



Mostly cloudy with passing lite showers. 60% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 14 mph, gusts 29 mph. Cloud cover is 46%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/16 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 80%. Barometric pressure is 30.06 inches and dewpoint is 72°. UV index 11. Air quality Index is at 21. Readings taken at 12:02PM HST.

Iulai ʻUmi Kūmāwalu, 2022
