Peroxide Princess


Aloha kākou. Every single member of the Unselect January 6th Committee are bitch liars. Especially the RINO’s Cheney and crybaby Adam Shitslinger. The Marxist democrats are by themselves assholes that are conducting a coup d’état against the United States. Their contempt for the American people by staging a phony communist show trial is an insult to the Republic, the Justice System, and the Constitution of the United States. Using hearsay and second hand information, Liz Cheney attempts to create a narrative that President Trump called for an insurrection against the rigged election process.

Liz Cheney went on the Sunday talking head shows to LIE about the January 6th unconstitutional authority to issues subpoena and charges against innocent supporters of President Trump. Faux News never Trumper Bret Baier, Chrissy Wallace replacement bitch, fed RINO Liz Cheney the questions she wanted to hear. She then falsified stories of conspiracies and guilt without due process. With each leading question by Faux News Bitch Baier led to dramatic answers of Cheney’s own self-importance.

Did you catch the lie that Cheney told? Communist Liz Cheney got caught Openly Lying About Trump’s Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6. By actual eye witnesses that were present when President Trump made the request. But Cheney said that Republicans testified that President Trump never made such a requests. This is evidence that Cheney is a Lyin’ Ass Bitch. Cheney doesn’t think others that were in the room with President Trump won’t go on news shows to tell the truth.

Cheney said the mob was armed. No one had a firearm. That’s a lie. This sham show trial is attempting to smear President Trump as conducting an insurrectionist. The J6 show trial is attempting to use the 14th Amendment, section §3, to disqualify President Trump from running for President in 2024. If this sham show trial cannot produce actual criminality, they will use the 14th amendment to prevent President Trump from ever return to office. What the J6 communist show trial is doing is criminal. They don’t get to decide who our President will be. We, The, People, Decide.

Liz Cheney thinks the American people believe these lies. Actual first hand witnesses are prevented from testifying at the show trial. The Capital Building videos are not being released. Nazi Piglosi involvement is not being considered. It was Nazi Piglosi that denied additional security for the Capitol Building. There’s exculpatory evidence being suppressed. All the evidence is manufactured. The Fake News Media knows it. Cheney knows it. The J6 Committee knows it. The American people knows it.

The Fake News Media ate it up as Season 1 of the Communist Show Trial was wrapping up, for now.

I’m surprised they’re promoting Season 2 of the January 6th Unselect Committee Show Trial when Season 1 was a complete flop. Do they really expect people will watch this farcical event? Everyone knows this is a joke. An insult to the intelligence of the American people. No One Cares. (Video Mash Up By Grabien) 

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that members of the House J6 committee investigating the U.S. Capitol insurrection “face a real risk of jail.” And rightly so. When the Marxist democrats acquired power, they have acted like wolves. They take whatever savage actions are needed to win and dominate to stay in power. They turn their opponents and critics into sheep, who learn to be quiet or face vicious attacks and destruction. Careers ruined, bankrupted, families threatened, and jail time. This is what Banana Republics and Communist Dictatorships do to hold onto power.

Joseph Stalin killed his rivals. The Castro brothers tortured, imprisoned and exiled all their political opponents. Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe killed political opponents and imprisoned their families. When Hugo Chavez took over Venezuela. He destroyed or exiled middle-class opponents. We in the United States are heading down this path to tyranny. The attorney general sees at least half the country as the enemy. Parents defending children from pedophile teachers are being threatened and jailed. We have an invasion on our southern border, but our government is spending billions of dollars defending the Ukraine’s border from Russia. What about defending us?

We as a country had better wake up quick because we are losing our country. How may times does President Trump have to be right about these people.



Most cloudy with intermittent showers. 30% chance of rain this afternoon. Tradewinds are from the northeast at 13 mph, gusts 28 mph. Cloud cover is 39%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 3/64 inch of precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the mid 70s. Humidity is at 82%. Barometric pressure is 30.09 inches and dewpoint is 71°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 24. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iulai Iwakālua Kūmālima, 2022
