We Are The One


Aloha Lāpule. Communist China has had it eyes on controlling access to the Pacific islands for years. From the Solomons in the south Pacific, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau in the north. That includes Kiribati which is near my home in Hawai’i. If Communist China succeeds in controlling these ports in the Pacific then they will have the ability to deny access to vital shipping lanes. This is going to play a major role in determining the commercial future of the wider Pacific. And that’s what the Communist Chinese really want. They want to be a global power.

President Trump knew this and used the United State’s influence in the Asian Pacific to slow Communist China’s expansion into the the smaller independent nations. President Trump struck deals with Japan to increase its military. North Korea slowed its aggression firing missiles and nuclear development and testing. Increasing trade and business with Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Creating a stronger coalition of Pacific nations that kept a worried eye over Mainland China’s military expansion. This kept the Communist Chinese in check. Both economically and militarily. That’s all changed now under the Branden’s regime.

In this presentation, reporter Tiffany Meier for NTD-Epoch Times, sat down with Alex Gray, senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council and former director for Oceania and Indo-Pacific security at the U.S. National Security Council during President Trump’s administration; and Grant Newsham, retired Marine colonel and director of the One Korea Network. They discuss the importance of the Pacific islands, what it would mean if the United States loses its standing as the preeminent Pacific power, and the consequences if the Communist Chinese regime gains the upper hand.

Newsham said if the Communist Chinese regime were to get the upper hand in the Pacific, it would impact “the simple physical ability to operate in the region. We would find ourselves actually defending America, from Hawaii. And if you play that out a little more, you’re actually defending America, from a lot closer to the U.S. West Coast. As hard as that is to believe, particularly for somebody who’s sort of growing up after World War II—where we’ve had the upper hand, where really Asia, the Pacific has been ours—we would finally face an enemy, face a situation where we would be on the defensive, and from much closer to American territory.”

We have a Manchurian puppet in the White House that is compromised to the Communist Chinese party. The whole Branden Klan is involved and owned by the Communist Chinese. That includes many in the Marxist democrat party and many in the RINO republicans. We have corporations locked into the Communist Chinese slave labor force to assemble cheap clothing, shoes, and electronic devices. These corporations are chasing profits and ignoring human rights. Communist slave labor is out of sight and out of mind. Apple can sell cheap iPhones, and Nike can make sneakers and NBA gear at pennies on the dollar. Then sell their gear at inflated prices in the United States. It all about the profit margin over lives.

Communist Chinese solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles, along with Taiwanese semiconductor chips could be shut off at a moments notice. The United States is not prepared to replace these items. Although, I could make an exception on solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles. Those are junk items anyway. Semiconductor chips are a national security issue. Everything practically runs using semiconductor chips. Including toasters.

These material products that can be shut off at a moment’s notice would hurt our economy. When we rely on a single source of products from one country, then we’re at their mercy. The one understood that. Knew that. The others didn’t care. They could not see. They only saw the profit they could make. Selfish, inconsiderate, and narrow minded, they could care less about the rest of us. It sounds like an episode of a science fiction novel, but art often imitates life.

We are a Trinity of nations, cultures, and beliefs. We have a past to learn from, a present to act upon, and a future to build. We are all the one in our sovereignty and our individualism. We all want the same things: Peace, Prosperity, and Longevity. But it seems we haven’t learned from endless wars from both sides. We’re not going to achieve that goal if Communist China attempts to control shipping is successful.

There is a saying that history repeats itself. Men of ambition that desire conquest over people. Men in despair that lash out for freedom from oppression. There are those that promote war and sell conflict for profit. This is the future they want for themselves. It is not in the interests of the people that want peace. The war machine is a profit machine. An ideology of hatred is a suicide pact to death. The potential for a better life and equality is the desire of all people of all cultures that desire security and commerce. Part of the 10 simple commandments.

The expansion of communist authoritarianism into the Pacific will be a pact with death. Totalitarianism restricts individualism, innovation, and freedom. Stagnation consumes people. You only have to look at those countries that suppress liberty. Only self-determination and self-governance chosen by the people will provide stability for a sustainable future. If we desire a better life, then now is the time to defeat tyranny. If we ignore what’s happening, then we will subjugate ourselves to endless war.



Mostly cloudy with possible isolated afternoon showers. 50% chance of precipitation today. Tradewinds are from the north northeast at 14 mph, gusts 30 mph. Cloud cover is 37%. Visibility is 10 miles. We got 5/64th precipitation in the rain gauge overnight. Temperatures are in the upper 70s. Humidity is at 73%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches and dewpoint is 68°. UV index 12. Air quality Index is at 27. Readings taken at 12:30PM HST.

Iulai Kanakolu Kūmākahi, 2022
