More Fake Than Fake


Aloha kākou. The Fake News Media has only gotten worse over the years. The legacy media is like a pack of vicious dogs, or cats, depending on what are their preferred pronouns. They’re more interested in attracting eyeballs than providing information. Fake reporters ask the same questions in the form of accusations over and over. Questions become statements and then they wonder why they’re losing viewership to smaller new outlets. People are not interested in what the reporters think anymore.

It’s one thing for a Constitutional Free Press to keep checks on government, it’s another when they’re out to sabotage an administration just because the President is a conservative Republican. The Fake News Media simply ignores media accuracy and spins stories to satisfy a political narrative. That’s propaganda. The leftist media’s hostility towards Conservatives is well documented.

In response to John Stossel’s video on where to find unbiased journalism, Rumble is a good source for video news, and Rumble doesn’t censor content like YouTube/Google does. Then there’s Telegram where a variety of independent news sources can be found. There are many other independent news outlets to choose from, but it’s up to the user to decide what’s the truth is and what lies are. Unfortunately, these are the realities of today’s media. It’s easy to demonstrate media bias.

A montage of the worse of the worse in Fake News Media. Bias in the media is always one sided to the left. Notice how passive these pseudo-journalists are when they gaggle during White House press conferences. They never ask Biden’s Press Secretary, Karinge Jean-Luc Picard any tough questions as they did with Kayleigh McEnany during President Trump’s Administration. They’re too afraid they’ll upset the racist gender confused diversity hire that looks and talks like a cabbage patch doll. Plus, it must be embarrassing for Karinge Jean-Luc Picard to fumble through that thick binder of tabbed answers and bullshit her way through answers. The media rarely ever follows up with a clarifying questions.

Has anyone ever questioned Pedo-Hitler Biden in this manner? How about Barry the Bullshitter Obummer? The media’s unprofessionalism, brutish, and clownish behavior made Trump a sympathetic target. The public wasn’t consuming this ritual of disinformation. The legacy media has lost their audience, but they continue to double-down on their antics. For decades, the printed press was the only source of information. Then came television and we had three channels of shit on the tube to choose from. ABC, NBC, CBS, were the only choices. Back then, they at least tried to keep some journalistic integrity. Not anymore.

Then cable news followed, and journalism slowly decayed into mediocrity. Media became the “Copy-n-Paste media. They never do the work of journalism. It’s easier to just repeat the work of someone else. The media mediocracy minutia never reports on issues Americans need to know. They go out of their way to hide the atrocities of this current regime. For example:

  • The Border Invasion
  • Retirement Benefits to Illegals
  • The Rising Crime across America
  • Terrorism in America
  • The Failing Economy
  • Corruption in Government
  • Endless Wars
  • Failing Education System
  • Forcing Americans to Pay for Tuition Freeloaders
  • Poisoning the minds of children into Transgender Mutilation

On and On. The media doesn’t care about factual issues effecting Americans. They want sensationalism to gain eyeballs and sell advertisements. So, it’s an audience competition on how many will tune into the nightly news. News that fits a Marxist democrat political narrative. A regurgitation of the same nightly bile.

If by the grace of God that President Trump is elected President this November, will the same media nonsense continue? Of course it will. It’s the same with Unsocial Media sites. There are only two “Free Speech” platforms on the internet; Twitter-X and Trump’s “Truth Social.” There’s an international push to silence “Free Speech” around the world. The United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum are actively suppressing information from reaching the public. So are government as Brazil is doing against Twitter-X. Europe also censors information the government doesn’t want people to know. What’s the difference between state run media and communism? Nothing.

More Fake Than Fake is what we have now for disseminating information. Somebody else decides what information will be shared and what will be suppressed. Fortunately, there are those that still value the art of journalism as a fight worth pursuing. The more informed we are about the truth the better decisions we can make. The government is the greatest source of dis-mis-information. The government manipulates information and distracts from issues of foremost importance. There are no safeguards for the public. But the old rule of thumb still counts; “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Cloudy skies with scattered moderate rain showers. There is a 50% chance of precipitation. We received 7/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east northeast at 9 mph, gust 20 mph. Cloud cover is 64%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the lower 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.05 inches. Dewpoint is 67° and UV index is 9. Air quality Index is good at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Eiwa 2024