
Aloha kākou. The FBI will not prevent a terrorist attack by Foreign Nationals. It’s not that the FBI cannot stop acts of terrorism. The FBI Will Not Prevent Terrorist Attacks from Happening. The FBI is too busy chasing after people that attended Save America rally on January 6, 2021. The FBI is too busy doing warrantless spying on Americans that attend Catholic Masses in Latin, Parents at School Board Meetings, and people supporting Pro-Life causes. FBI’s Director Christofer Wray says FBI resources are just stretched too thin and they’re too busy to get a warrant. The FBI feels it’s more important to violate American citizens Constitutional Rights and allow Foreign National Terrorists to Setup Terror Attacks on the American Homeland. The FBI keeps shuffling the deck of cards until they stumble upon the same suit.

The FBI uses the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to spy on foreign nationals and Americans. Watch as FBI Director Christopher Wray threatens the safety of Americans if Congress doesn’t renew the FISA 702 provision. The FBI cannot violate Americans 4th Amendment protections to randomly spy on Americans. So, they use FISA FEARS for warrantless spying on Americans. The lazy way to avoid getting a warrant.

Director Wray says, give us Carte Blanche to spy on whomever we want, and we’ll just beg for forgiveness later. This is how a rogue DOJ organization entraps innocent Americans while allowing foreign terrorist to set up camps in the United States. Ask Dir. FBI Wray how many terrorists have they captured crossing the border verses how many got away. Wray answers with gobbledygook doubletalk.

The FBI has become the deepest of the Deep State criminal organizations that uses fear and intimidation to get weak politicians to extend FISA warrantless spying on Americans. Politicians are human and can be easily fooled, frightened, and convinced sadistically enough to torture Americans caught in a wide spy net. Once captured in the spy net, the FBI can then search through your phones, emails, text messages, and all communications with friends, family, work, and random contacts. All without your knowledge.

The FBI stores information in a “Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility” (SCIF). A U.S. Department of Defense term for a secure room. They show politicians potential threats to convince them to sign off on warrantless searches. If these threats are so dire, then why not let the American people know. These excuses the FBI uses to abuse our Constitutional rights is, “If You Only Knew What I Know,” is garbage. Are the American People so fragile that we cannot know what the government knows? Where’s the transparency? Why are FBI Agents showing up at people’s homes conducting “knock and talks?”

When the FBI shows up at your door because of an Unsocial Media post or anything else, be aware that it’s against the law to lie to an agent, but they can lie to you. The FBI’s reputation is not what it used to be as crime fighting G-Men. They’ve become power trip agents with political biases and an agenda that could entrap people unwittingly. Remember what the FBI did to Richard Jewel, the Olympic hero that prevented a terror attack. The FBI relentlessly destroyed his life by doing the right thing. Do not engage them in conversation except to say, “Talk To My Lawyer.”

Agencies that lie are never held accountable for lying to the American people. When Director of National Intelligence (DNI), James Clapper lied about spying on Americans during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing, he exposed that the agency does spy on Americans. This is when the Deep State started making mistakes exposing their criminality. The scope of spying on Americans is much larger than anyone really knows. Agencies use spying to bribe politicians into doing their bidding.

Under FISA Section 702, the FBI can conduct warrantless searches from average citizens, U.S. businesses, and politicians from both parties. Their communications are collected with anyone who has been targeted for intelligence and counterterrorism purposes. The reason for targeting is often vague and always political in nature. As of today, it is unknown if the FBI has identified any real terrorist threats. Instead, the FBI’s attitude is to sit on their asses until a terror attack happens. Then blame Congress for not giving them the money and authorization to spy on Americans.

House Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) questioned the FBI Dir. Christopher Wray about border issues. Notice how Dir. Wray deliberately answers questions with non-answers.

Notice how FBI Director Wray carefully avoids answering any questions regarding FISA abuses. Director Wray obfuscates and then plays dumb. As if Wray has no idea what’s going on at his bureau. He’s the director of the FBI and he doesn’t seem to have any idea what his agency is doing. The reforms Wray is being questioned about are past abuses that the FBI got caught doing. We got caught committing crimes, and we promise never to do it again.

FISA is FBI fentanyl and they’re addicted to committing abuses. Just as a drug addict continues to pump drugs into their body. Because it’s too easy and the FBI is too lazy to go to a judge to get a warrant. They’re using illegal courts to spy on American people. It’s like a spider’s web where someone talks with someone that the FBI is watching. Then the FBI opens a file on that person and their contacts. Then it spreads to ensnare more people into the FBI’s net of scrutiny. Meanwhile, real terrorists are plotting and planning actual attacks on the homeland. Remember that AG Meritless Garland said White Christian Nationalists are the greatest threat to America.

House Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA) questioned FBI Dir. Christopher Wray about border issues. Basically, it doesn’t matter if the targets are foreign or domestic, everyone is suspect. The terror example Wray gives is a lucky stumble. But what about all the other people caught up on the list of suspects? How does the FBI sort out the innocent and the guilty? How does the FBI prevent safeguards from being violated? Does the innocent eventually get purged off the FBI’s list?

FISA FEARS are abuses against our Constitutional rights. We’re told this is for National Security purposes. So, if losing some of our freedoms and liberties for a little extra security, then that’s a fair tradeoff. Is it really worth the price to live in a police state? Because that’s where we’re heading fast.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” — Ben Franklin

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with isolated moderate showers. There is a 20% chance of precipitation. We received 9/64 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 8 mph, gusts 16 mph. Cloud cover is 55%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 75%. Barometric pressure is 30.01 inches. Dewpoint is 69° and UV index is 10. Air quality Index is good at 31. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila ‘Umi Kūmāhiku 2024