End Of Democracy


Aloha kākou. It’s the End of the World if President Donald J. Trump wins back the Presidency. According to the Fake News Flying Monkeys, this will be the end of democracy as we know it. They whine and cry that Trump will be a dictator. That Trump will destroy democracy and become a dictator autocrat. It’s been foretold. So it is written by the fake news media newspapers. So shall it be done in the eyes of Marxist democrats. The problem with this illogical and irrational thinking is that we already live in a tyrannical autocratic oligarchy democracy. If the Marxist democrat lose to President Trump, it will be the end of the world.

Every Marxist democrat, IslamoNazi, Socialist fascist, Antisemite, and Christianophobic all hate the United States. They see this election as their last stand to engulf the nation under autocratic rule. Their strategy is simple; accuse President Trump and his followers as racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic [and] Islamophobic. Sounds like the Hildabeast Clinton, doesn’t it?

The Fake News Media echos that lie. Pedo-Joe Biden calls half of Americans as dangerous White Christian Nationals. Pedo-Hitler Biden cites nonexistent government statistics claiming that Americans are a danger to Democracy. Notice how they wash, rinse, and repeat the same mantra over and over? The Nazi strategy of manipulating neighbor against neighbor in the same way Pedo-Joe Biden is singling out Christians and Jews. That’s crossed over into Poison Ivy Universities. Yet, the Marxist democrats and the Fake News Media will say over and over that President Trump is a “Threat To Democracy.”

DroneTek makes a hilarious and accurate comparison to the fear, uncertainty, and doubt the Marxist democrats are pushing on America. MSDNC interviews slip-n-fall lawyer, Andrew Weissmann, warns that using the same legal political tricks the Marxist democrats use is illegal for Trump to use. What?!?! Weissmann is a litigator rodent. He’s the clownish equivalent to Inspector Javert that continues to pursue President Trump for winning the 2016 election. Thus, denying Barry the Bullshitter’s Hussein Obummer’s third term.

Even though the Hildabeast was thoroughly rejected by the American people, other vexatious litigators like Marx Elias were able to change the state election laws to rig the 2020 election. That brought the disastrous Pedo-Hitler Biden and Obummers staff back to the White House. The hell this regime has put this country through is hardest on working Americans. They see their jobs going away. Losing their homes to runaway economic turmoil, high taxes, and shrinking liberties.

Trump is in the way of evil coming after us. This persecution is just a prelude to the dystopian future Marxist democrats have planned for America. The replacement of citizens by illegal aliens. Transforming America into a third world country. Still, President Trump hasn’t given up. Hasn’t surrendered to the mob. Anyone else would have taken their wealth and moved on. That shows true love for this nation.

The End of Democracy makes me wonder whose democracy is ending? The tyrannical control the democrats have over our nation has been disastrous. Marxism is incompatible with our Constitutional structure. Is there a Great Awakening happening? I really hope so, because once communism takes control over our lives, it is damned hard to get rid of it. We’re seeing the poisonous fruit of the Marxist democrat’s policies. We must save America and democracy. Save our Constitutional Republic and restore American Greatness. Only we can do this. Get involved.

— MAGA —


Current Conditions: Mostly cloudy skies with numerous moderate showers. There is an 80% chance of precipitation. We received 5/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the east at 8 mph, gusts 19 mph. Cloud cover is 71%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 84%. Barometric pressure is 30.08 inches. Dewpoint is 71° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is good at 32. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

ʻApelila Iwakālua Kūmāhiku 2024