The End Of The Petrodollar


Aloha kākou. The end of the Petrodollar should be extremely concerning to all Americans. Not only will it damage our economy, but it could also trigger a worldwide depression should the petrodollar collapse. America would shrink from a world economic superpower to a second world nation if nothing is done. Under this current regime, nothing is being done to stop a potential economic catastrophe.

The anti-fossil fuel movement in the United States and worldwide has been successful in convincing a majority of world leaders that climate change is happening and it’s manmade. The militancy of the anti-fossil fuel has been pushing for green renewable energy for decades. As an alternative to fossil fuels, green energy has been proven to be costly, unreliable, and extremely toxic. The only reason why western nations are not aware of this is because the manufacturing of solar panels and windmills is not made here. So, the pollution effects are out of sight and out of mind.

Here’s why the fall of the petrodollar should concern all Americans. On June 9th, 2024, Saudi Arabia announced it would not renew the Petrodollar agreement. This decision reflects a broader trend of de-dollarization, where countries are increasingly seeking to reduce their dependence on the US Dollar for international trade. This shift is part of Saudi Arabia’s strategic move to diversify its economic partnerships and align more closely with emerging economic powers like China and the BRICS nations. The following video discusses how the end of the petrodollar could impact the US economy and dollar valuation.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was initially created as BRIC (without South Africa) by Goldman Sachs. Many of these BRICS nations’ economies and political leadership are unstable as are their currencies. Communist China has revalued the Yuan’s value many times to manipulate world markets. In most economic circles, that’s called cheating. It creates instability in world markets.

When Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud of Saudi Arabia decided not to renew its 80-year petrodollar deal with the U.S., it marked a significant shift with the world oil markets. The petrodollar deal, which expired on June 9, 2024, had long been a cornerstone of U.S. global economic dominance. Much of the blame for the Saudi decision was because of Pedo-Joe Biden’s foreign policies. Biden’s support for Iran has increased tensions in the Middle East. The continuation of the Obummer-Biden Iran policy has driven tensions in the Middle East. The world knows that Iran is the source world Islamic terrorism.


The United States is now back to begging oil nations for energy when we have our own oil reserves to rely on. We’re now getting oil from enemies of the United States; Russia, Venezuela, Iran and other nations that don’t like the United States. That’s keeping the world price of oil above $70 dollars a barrel. That’s making terrorist states lots of money. Making our enemies stronger and the United States weaker. Causing world instability and war. We’re being taken advantage of by a democrat party that doesn’t have our nation best interest.

I contacted some financial advisors to discuss the ramification of the end of the petrodollar will have on investments. What is equally stunning is the lack of media reporting. Where are the alarms? Is the Fake News Media hiding this to help Pedo-Joe Biden’s reelection chances? Very few conservative networks are talking about this also. Why is the media silent?

America has the capability to be energy [oil] independent. We were once there during President Trump’s term in office. Pedo-Hitler Biden reversed all those energy achievements. The Keystone XL Pipeline, LNG production, and long-term Federal land leasing for oil and gas production. It’s why the price of gas and electricity is so expensive. Why transportation affects food costs. Why jobs are fewer because of overhead costs. We can have all these things again including world peace. Elect Donald Trump.

When the cost per barrel of oil is below $50 dollars, rogue countries like Iran, Venezuela, Russia and other cannot make money to sponsor terrorism. When fossil fuel prices are low, developing nations can prosper and grow. Everybody wins but the bad guys. Except the bad guys are in power and they’re using climate change hoax as leverage to create fear that fossil fuels are destroying the planet. If anyone knew how much energy it takes and pollution is created to create one solar panel, then oil would look like much cleaner energy. And fossil fuels are cleaner than renewable energy. Most people don’t know it because they don’t know what it takes to make solar panels.

We cannot allow the end of the petrodollar to happen. Not for the economic health of our nation, but for the vitalization of world stability. We have a choice; do we want to put bread on the kitchen table? Or do we want to save the planet that will be here long after the human race has expired? Humans have only existed on this planet for a few million years, and the planet is billions of years old. But in this world of bizzarro science where boys can be girls and girls can be boys, science no longer exists.

If the petrodollar ends, things will get very expensive, very quickly. Not just for the United States, but for the world. It will increase tensions and the threat of a world war will become more inevitable. For decades, the US dollar has maintained economic stability and peace, but the spending policies of this and past regimes are putting this all in jeopardy. We’re spending a trillion dollars almost every day and that’s unsustainable.

We need a return to fiscal responsibility. We need to cut the government down to sustainable levels. The larger the government, the smaller the people. The founders would be rolling in their grave if they could see what we have done to their creation. We have a duty and a moral responsibility to live within our means. Let’s Save America by reelecting President Trump.

— MAGA —

Current Conditions: Partly cloudy skies with moderate showers. There is a 60% chance of precipitation. We received 3/16 inch of precipitation overnight. Tradewinds from the northeast at 9 mph, gusts 21 mph. Cloud cover is 48%. Visibility is 10 miles. Temperatures are in the mid 70’s. Humidity is 85%. Barometric pressure is 30.07 inches. Dewpoint is 70° and UV index is 12. Air quality Index is good at 36. Readings taken at 12:00PM HST.

Iune ʻUmi Kūmālima 2024