
The purple lipped bastard child, also known as comrade Barry Sotoro Hussein Obama, has surrendered to Castro’s Communist Cuba.  The United States will now abandon the Constitution and embrace Marxist oligarchy rule.  Of course, the doting media will call it a victory for progressivism, and some ignorant Republicans will agree with the surrender of our system of government.  It’s the establishment’s way of holding on to power and ignoring the will of the people.  The People, obviously are not smart enough to know what’s good for them, [sic] Gruberization.

Sony and movie theaters surrender to the short little fat man from North Korea.  Apparently, if you are a communist dictator, you can restrict free speech from miles away.  Remember when movie makers used to make fun of our enemies during World War II?


The hypocrisy and cowardness of political correctness.  The progressive touchy feely of self censorship when it’s convenient to them.   Remember when a movie came out about the assassination of President George W. Bush?  The movie was called, “Death of a President“.  It was a crappy movie that was shown all over the world, including in the USA.  Were there death threats against the movie producers?  Nope!

Yet, Sony corporation wussies pull the movie “The Interview“, because the dictator of North Korea had a hissy fit over the idea that he gets wacked by two raunchy comedians.  Who knew rich one percenters could be intimidated so easily?

The reasons Obama gave for normalizing relationship with Cuba are all lies.  The top 10 lies in Obama’s Cuba speech can be found here.

Raul Castro’s daughter, Mariela Castro is Cuban President Raul Castro’s daughter and is also a member of their Parliament. She is responding defiantly in the face of the outreach from the always exploitative Obama and his bankster henchmen.  She says in the interview, “If the U.S. thinks these changes will bring Cuba back to capitalism and return to being a servile country to the interests of the most powerful financial groups in the U.S., they must be dreaming.”

If you reward bad behaviour, then you encourage bad behaviour.  Obama has done just that by legitimizing a brutal dictatorship regime.  Then again, Obama isn’t into leadership, he’d rather follow by example.   It’s no wonder why our allies no longer trust us, and our enemies are laughing at us.



What’s For Dinner?



Castro’s Cuba